Jesus WILL be voting Conservative This Election


Matthew 26:52
Bible, you can't be cherry picking. This is not NBC News.
Cherry pick this
James 2:2-4
For if a man comes into your assembly with a gold ring and dressed in fine clothes, and there also comes in a poor man in dirty clothes, and you pay special attention to the one who is wearing the fine clothes, and say, "You sit here in a good place," and you say to the poor man, "You stand over there, or sit down by my footstool," have you not made distinctions among yourselves, and become judges with evil motives? -

and cherry pick this
Psalms 82:3-4

Vindicate the weak and fatherless; Do justice to the afflicted and destitute. Rescue the weak and needy; Deliver them out of the hand of the wicked.

- See more at: 68 Bible verses about Poverty Attitudes Towards

Vindicate the Weak..... Don't use their plight to take from thy neighbor and live large on the lamb. How corrupt are the wicked who scream for more money for the poor in the name of The State while using Jesus only to take money off the top and live large while paying off cronies and bureaucrats? That is corrupt and wicked.
You need citations, Buddy. Chapter and verse.
Vindicate the Weak..... Don't use their plight to take from thy neighbor and live large on the lamb. How corrupt are the wicked who scream for more money for the poor in the name of The State while using Jesus only to take money off the top and live large while paying off cronies and bureaucrats? That is corrupt and wicked.
You and the rest of the conservative numb nuts like to use the tax money to kill third world have zero problem at all with "taking the neighbors money" to start a just hate it if some poor kid gets a meal though call it is "socialism" lol what a gang of morons
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Vindicate the Weak..... Don't use their plight to take from thy neighbor and live large on the lamb. How corrupt are the wicked who scream for more money for the poor in the name of The State while using Jesus only to take money off the top and live large while paying off cronies and bureaucrats? That is corrupt and wicked.
You and the rest of the conservative numb nuts like to use the tax money to kill third world have zero problem at all with "taking the neighbors money" to start a war...yopu just hate it if some poor kid gets a meal though is "socialism" lol what a gang of morons

Keep shifting the goal posts. If US needs to take a war to 3rd worlders as a deterrent to keep them from strapping bombs to themselves here or flying more planes into cities, that's a form of protection. You now going to tell us that Jesus did not want people and Nations to defend themselves?
The far-righties are great at quoting scripture out of any meaningful context--revealing how little they really understand about the bible.

Take for example:

Swimexpert, should stick to swimming because if he thinks the Price of Peace was talking about a literal sword, he is too stupid for words. A sword is a weapon that cuts or divides flesh -- thus families, kin. Jesus was saying (and I can't believe I have to explain this) that those who choose to follow Him may be divided from their families, their own flesh an blood.

Keep shifting the goal posts. If US needs to take a war to 3rd worlders as a deterrent to keep them from strapping bombs to themselves here or flying more planes into cities, that's a form of protection. You now going to tell us that Jesus did not want people and Nations to defend themselves?

War is good its big business ...folks make big money from killing...they take other folks money and use to kill people ...what the hell did Iraqis do to us chump essplain Lucy ...essplain what the Iraqis did to us chump..

here is where other people's money ended up due to the Iraq war you support ....
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Yes, I know. Those who live by the sword die by the sword.

Point is, we could go back and forth all day with what we want the bible to say, and which inconsistencies we want to ignore, and how we want to spin interpretations to suit our purposes.
Point is, the "sword" to which Jesus was referring to in 10:34 was a figurative one. He meant that belief and disbelief in him was going to split families. There's no "spin" to it.

The sword to which Jesus was referring in 26:52 was a literal one. And there is no spin to that one, either.
Keep shifting the goal posts. If US needs to take a war to 3rd worlders as a deterrent to keep them from strapping bombs to themselves here or flying more planes into cities, that's a form of protection. You now going to tell us that Jesus did not want people and Nations to defend themselves?
Morons like you have no problem taking our neighbors money to give it to dick Cheney have no problems with lying and conniving to create a do get upset if a 5 year old kid gets food from food stamps ...that is what makes all you conservatives the hateful disgusting lumps of crap that you are...

Keep shifting the goal posts. If US needs to take a war to 3rd worlders as a deterrent to keep them from strapping bombs to themselves here or flying more planes into cities, that's a form of protection. You now going to tell us that Jesus did not want people and Nations to defend themselves?
Morons like you have no problem taking our neighbors money to give it to dick Cheney have no problems with lying and conniving to create a do get upset if a 5 year old kid gets food from food stamps ...that is what makes all you conservatives the hateful disgusting lumps of crap that you are...
Hey, tanks and ships and jets and bullets are free. They don't come out of anyone's pocket.

Food stamps, though, are evil. Defend Merka, let the poor fend for themselves.
How is Jesus going to vote Conservative? He doesn't have photo ID. He doesn't even have a birth certificate so he can get one!

You assholes disenfranchised JESUS!!!
The Democrats believe that because God is a Trinity, He gets to vote three times.

One deity, one vote!
You now going to tell us that Jesus did not want people and Nations to defend themselves?
Yeah except outspending the world combined in armaments is not exactly defense is it moron boy....being involved in over 200 military actions over the last 50 years is not defensive...maintaining a 1000 military bases all over the world is not defense..

"Live by the sword, die by the sword" is a saying of Jesus quoted in the Bible, to the effect that if you use violence, or other harsh means, against other people, you can expect to have those same means used against you; "You can expect to become a victim of whatever means you use to get what you want."[1]

The saying comes from the Gospel of Matthew, verse 26:52, which describes a disciple (identified in the Gospel of John as Simon Peter) who draws a sword to defend against the arrest of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, but is rebuked by Jesus, who tells him to sheath the weapon:

Matthew 5:39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil

Luke 6:29 If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn
Point is, the "sword" to which Jesus was referring to in 10:34 was a figurative one. He meant that belief and disbelief in him was going to split families. There's no "spin" to it.

That's your interpretation. Another interpretation is that Jesus was advocating a military overthrow of the government. Jesus was known to associate with the Zealots, and may have been a Zealot himself. Also, a military re-conquest of the promised land would be in agreement with Judaic messianic prophesy.
Point is, the "sword" to which Jesus was referring to in 10:34 was a figurative one. He meant that belief and disbelief in him was going to split families. There's no "spin" to it.

That's your interpretation. Another interpretation is that Jesus was advocating a military overthrow of the government. Jesus was known to associate with the Zealots, and may have been a Zealot himself. Also, a military re-conquest of the promised land would be in agreement with Judaic messianic prophesy.
You clearly have never read the verse in context. Read all of chapter 10.
There is no one more dangerous than a crazy person who thinks God is on their side.
Let's hope that Jesus does not show up at the polling place wearing a turban, like so many people do from the Middle East. I suspect that problems would develop.....
Point is, the "sword" to which Jesus was referring to in 10:34 was a figurative one. He meant that belief and disbelief in him was going to split families. There's no "spin" to it.

That's your interpretation. Another interpretation is that Jesus was advocating a military overthrow of the government. Jesus was known to associate with the Zealots, and may have been a Zealot himself. Also, a military re-conquest of the promised land would be in agreement with Judaic messianic prophesy.
You clearly have never read the verse in context. Read all of chapter 10.

I have. And you seem to be mistaken to believe that I am advocating one or another interpretation. The point is that there are a whole multitude of ways to interpret the bible. Your personal way is not superior to other people's interpretation. Which tends to make appeals to Jesus about as meaningful as reading tea leaves.

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