Jesus WILL be voting Conservative This Election

I am submitting a FOIA request for all the personal prayers Ted Cruz has sent to Jesus. Saint Peter is processing it as we speak. Let us pray God does not delete his hard drive.
Let's see....
murder has a victim
pedo has a victim
homo has a ...oh wait. No victim.


It doesn't take away the fact you cherry picked. Fail on your part and lousy attempt at deflection

Sorry to disappoint you but the cherry-picking of abomonations and sins seems to be coming from your side :)

Sin is sin ,homosexuality being one of them

Well you conservatives sure have a funny way of prioritizing your sins and abominations now don't you?

Somehow, with Christ's embracing of the poor and disenfranchised - I can't see him as a conservative who's primary goal seems to be criminalizing poverty :lol:

Christ did not criminalize poverty.....He criminalized Corruption. Think about that the next time a crony (D) skims off the top in the name of "the children."

Or the next time a crony (R)...

Christ did not criminalize poverty. He did not imply poverty was a sin and the poor were of some lower "moral" value. In fact - he raised them and accorded them the same dignity and respect as the wealthy.
Or does Left-think teach them that their existence entitles them to the property of others and that they bear no responsibility for their actions,

Nope. Everyone is responsible for their actions but they aren't responsible for the actions of others. However, their existence entitles them to the same respect and dignity as a human being that is accorded the rich.

that sexual intercourse outside of marriage brings no risk,

Where did you come up with that buffoonery? We believe in sex education and that includes both the risks and pitfalls of pregnancy, proper use of and availability of contraception. Sex education means you might choose to abstain or you might choose to have sex responsibly - but you should not be ignorant. Of course that's part of the difference between Right-think and Left-think: you believe ignorance is better than education and that women should "just hold an asprin between your knees honey".

because they're rightfully entitled to murder the life they conceive or if they choose not to murder their pre-born child that they're entitled to demand the property of others, through state and federal subsidies.

Wow. Do you really hate women that much?

We're entitled to the same right you are - the right to control our own bodies and make our own reproductive decisions. If it is such an issue to you, I would be happy to find someone willing to donate her embryo to you for implantation. Otherwise, you and I are part of the safety net that ensures our nations most vulnerable are protected. Who knows - someday that might even include you in their numbers :)

And that if they do not work, that their entitled to the property of others through similar state and federal subsidies, robbing them of their inherent ambition.... stealing any hope of their being anything but poor and disenfranchised.

Oh? Many get out of poverty with a little help - something you would deny them.

Now, what do you suppose Christ's position is on the deceitful who foment such fraudulences upon the hapless innocent whose trust is wasted upon such evil?

My guess is that you're not going to truly appreciate the unenviable position that you're in, until the appreciation has passed from blessing, to curse.

My guess is, Christ's response to your distortions would be a face palm :) He was not crazy about the rich and the inequalities of his time.
The people who think they know if Jesus is a Republican or Democrat are modern day Pharisees.

No, really.
Or does Left-think teach them that their existence entitles them to the property of others and that they bear no responsibility for their actions,

Nope. Everyone is responsible for their actions but they aren't responsible for the actions of others. However, their existence entitles them to the same respect and dignity as a human being that is accorded the rich.

that sexual intercourse outside of marriage brings no risk,

Where did you come up with that buffoonery? We believe in sex education and that includes both the risks and pitfalls of pregnancy, proper use of and availability of contraception. Sex education means you might choose to abstain or you might choose to have sex responsibly - but you should not be ignorant. Of course that's part of the difference between Right-think and Left-think: you believe ignorance is better than education and that women should "just hold an asprin between your knees honey".

because they're rightfully entitled to murder the life they conceive or if they choose not to murder their pre-born child that they're entitled to demand the property of others, through state and federal subsidies.

Wow. Do you really hate women that much?

We're entitled to the same right you are - the right to control our own bodies and make our own reproductive decisions. If it is such an issue to you, I would be happy to find someone willing to donate her embryo to you for implantation. Otherwise, you and I are part of the safety net that ensures our nations most vulnerable are protected. Who knows - someday that might even include you in their numbers :)

And that if they do not work, that their entitled to the property of others through similar state and federal subsidies, robbing them of their inherent ambition.... stealing any hope of their being anything but poor and disenfranchised.

Oh? Many get out of poverty with a little help - something you would deny them.

Now, what do you suppose Christ's position is on the deceitful who foment such fraudulences upon the hapless innocent whose trust is wasted upon such evil?

My guess is that you're not going to truly appreciate the unenviable position that you're in, until the appreciation has passed from blessing, to curse.

My guess is, Christ's response to your distortions would be a face palm :) He was not crazy about the rich and the inequalities of his time.

It's no longer your body when it has its own separate and recognizable DNA

Not too many years ago, a Man could beat his wife.

Not too many years before then, he could kill her if he was in a bad mood.

The Wife was considered Chattel.

Today, we don't consider Wives to be the property of husbands and we shouldn't consider other sentient beings as chattel either

Too bad your morality is stuck in the 12th Century.

But that's about as far along as I expect dimocraps to get. Better than most
Or does Left-think teach them that their existence entitles them to the property of others and that they bear no responsibility for their actions,

Nope. Everyone is responsible for their actions but they aren't responsible for the actions of others. However, their existence entitles them to the same respect and dignity as a human being that is accorded the rich.

that sexual intercourse outside of marriage brings no risk,

Where did you come up with that buffoonery? We believe in sex education and that includes both the risks and pitfalls of pregnancy, proper use of and availability of contraception. Sex education means you might choose to abstain or you might choose to have sex responsibly - but you should not be ignorant. Of course that's part of the difference between Right-think and Left-think: you believe ignorance is better than education and that women should "just hold an asprin between your knees honey".

because they're rightfully entitled to murder the life they conceive or if they choose not to murder their pre-born child that they're entitled to demand the property of others, through state and federal subsidies.

Wow. Do you really hate women that much?

We're entitled to the same right you are - the right to control our own bodies and make our own reproductive decisions. If it is such an issue to you, I would be happy to find someone willing to donate her embryo to you for implantation. Otherwise, you and I are part of the safety net that ensures our nations most vulnerable are protected. Who knows - someday that might even include you in their numbers :)

And that if they do not work, that their entitled to the property of others through similar state and federal subsidies, robbing them of their inherent ambition.... stealing any hope of their being anything but poor and disenfranchised.

Oh? Many get out of poverty with a little help - something you would deny them.

Now, what do you suppose Christ's position is on the deceitful who foment such fraudulences upon the hapless innocent whose trust is wasted upon such evil?

My guess is that you're not going to truly appreciate the unenviable position that you're in, until the appreciation has passed from blessing, to curse.

My guess is, Christ's response to your distortions would be a face palm :) He was not crazy about the rich and the inequalities of his time.


Now that is just pitiful.

Your concessions are all duly noted and summarily accepted.

(Reader, understand that these are the would-be 'people', who are now advising you that white women can 'identify' as black... and because of that the white woman IS: BLACK.

They're advising you that Men can 'identify' as woman... and because they identify as women, such a man IS: A WOMAN.

And they're coming to advise you that otherwise physically healthy people can 'identify' as quadriplegics and because they believe that their perfectly healthy limbs are preventing them from being 'complete', they want YOU to pay to have those healthy bodies butchered, those healthy limbs removed, so that the deluded can, on some level, 'feel' complete.

What they're coming to tell you, is that you need to accept these DELUSIONS as REALITY, because if you do not then you're a hater and HATE, they claim... IS WRONG.




For now well over 20 years, I've been warning everyone who would listen in message boards and debate forums all over the interwebz... that the Ideological Left was the manifestation of what has otherwise always been known as Evil.

Scan the drivel to which I am responding and see if you can find so much as a scintilla of lucidity... let alone something good, wholesome or even remotely sustainable. Look beyond the petty, subjective rationalizations and try to find something tangibly good; some idea worthy of embracing, something that you feel if lived by will lead you or any adherent to a better life.

If you find something that you feel represents what you would call 'good'.... post it up for discussion. Tell me what it is and why you think it reflects virtue, or something decent, integrity or that which is otherwise honorable.)
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Or does Left-think teach them that their existence entitles them to the property of others and that they bear no responsibility for their actions,

Nope. Everyone is responsible for their actions but they aren't responsible for the actions of others. However, their existence entitles them to the same respect and dignity as a human being that is accorded the rich.

that sexual intercourse outside of marriage brings no risk,

Where did you come up with that buffoonery? We believe in sex education and that includes both the risks and pitfalls of pregnancy, proper use of and availability of contraception. Sex education means you might choose to abstain or you might choose to have sex responsibly - but you should not be ignorant. Of course that's part of the difference between Right-think and Left-think: you believe ignorance is better than education and that women should "just hold an asprin between your knees honey".

because they're rightfully entitled to murder the life they conceive or if they choose not to murder their pre-born child that they're entitled to demand the property of others, through state and federal subsidies.

Wow. Do you really hate women that much?

We're entitled to the same right you are - the right to control our own bodies and make our own reproductive decisions. If it is such an issue to you, I would be happy to find someone willing to donate her embryo to you for implantation. Otherwise, you and I are part of the safety net that ensures our nations most vulnerable are protected. Who knows - someday that might even include you in their numbers :)

And that if they do not work, that their entitled to the property of others through similar state and federal subsidies, robbing them of their inherent ambition.... stealing any hope of their being anything but poor and disenfranchised.

Oh? Many get out of poverty with a little help - something you would deny them.

Now, what do you suppose Christ's position is on the deceitful who foment such fraudulences upon the hapless innocent whose trust is wasted upon such evil?

My guess is that you're not going to truly appreciate the unenviable position that you're in, until the appreciation has passed from blessing, to curse.

My guess is, Christ's response to your distortions would be a face palm :) He was not crazy about the rich and the inequalities of his time.

It's no longer your body when it has its own separate and recognizable DNA

Oh? Do you realize your own body is teeming with seperate and recognizable DNA?

Not too many years ago, a Man could beat his wife.

Not too many years before then, he could kill her if he was in a bad mood.

The Wife was considered Chattel.

Today, we don't consider Wives to be the property of husbands and we shouldn't consider other sentient beings as chattel either

What do you define as "sentient beings"?

Too bad your morality is stuck in the 12th Century.

Not at all.

But that's about as far along as I expect dimocraps to get. Better than most

We're each entitled to our own expectations...but not to each other's bodies.
It's no longer your body when it has its own separate and recognizable DNA

SO his body contains DNA separate and distinct from his DNA?

Oh now that IS Fascinatin'... .

(Again Reader, this is part and parcel of the delusion, wherein one 'identifies' themselves as having DNA distinct from their DNA, thus one's DNA is whatever their subjective needs DEMAND their DNA IS... .

They're quite mad you know ... and sadly, it seems to be spreading.)
If I find out that Jesus voted for Bush II, we are going to have to have a heart to heart talk between us. Some things are intolerable, even if done by Jesus.
Or does Left-think teach them that their existence entitles them to the property of others and that they bear no responsibility for their actions,

Nope. Everyone is responsible for their actions but they aren't responsible for the actions of others. However, their existence entitles them to the same respect and dignity as a human being that is accorded the rich.

that sexual intercourse outside of marriage brings no risk,

Where did you come up with that buffoonery? We believe in sex education and that includes both the risks and pitfalls of pregnancy, proper use of and availability of contraception. Sex education means you might choose to abstain or you might choose to have sex responsibly - but you should not be ignorant. Of course that's part of the difference between Right-think and Left-think: you believe ignorance is better than education and that women should "just hold an asprin between your knees honey".

because they're rightfully entitled to murder the life they conceive or if they choose not to murder their pre-born child that they're entitled to demand the property of others, through state and federal subsidies.

Wow. Do you really hate women that much?

We're entitled to the same right you are - the right to control our own bodies and make our own reproductive decisions. If it is such an issue to you, I would be happy to find someone willing to donate her embryo to you for implantation. Otherwise, you and I are part of the safety net that ensures our nations most vulnerable are protected. Who knows - someday that might even include you in their numbers :)

And that if they do not work, that their entitled to the property of others through similar state and federal subsidies, robbing them of their inherent ambition.... stealing any hope of their being anything but poor and disenfranchised.

Oh? Many get out of poverty with a little help - something you would deny them.

Now, what do you suppose Christ's position is on the deceitful who foment such fraudulences upon the hapless innocent whose trust is wasted upon such evil?

My guess is that you're not going to truly appreciate the unenviable position that you're in, until the appreciation has passed from blessing, to curse.

My guess is, Christ's response to your distortions would be a face palm :) He was not crazy about the rich and the inequalities of his time.


Oh my....into the laughing gas again?

Now that is just pitiful.

What is?

Your concessions are all duly noted and summarily accepted.

Your pubes are starting to show. What concessions?

(Reader, understand that these are the would-be 'people', who are now advising you that white women can 'identify' as black... and because of that the white woman IS BLACK.

You're wandering a bit far afield here dude - where have I ever advised that white women can "identify" as black? That's a bit weird and unrelated to this discussion.

They're advising you and Men can 'identify' as woman... and because they identify as women, such a man is A WOMAN.

Gender is messy but not pertiant to this discussion - try to stay on track here.

And they're coming to advise you that otherwise physically healthy people can 'identify' as quadriplegics and because they believe that their perfectly healthy limbs are preventing them from being complete', they want YOU to pay to have those healthy bodies butchered.

Now that's pretty weird but, again, not pertinent - how long do you plan on deflecting?

And they're coming to tell you that you need to accept these DELUSIONS as REALITY, because if you do not you're a hater and HATE iS WRONG.

Don't know what you're talking about but I'll assume that, with proper medication and prolonged therapy and community support you will eventually get back to the topic.

For now well over 20 years, I've been warning everyone who would listen in message boards and debate forums all over the interwebz... that the Ideological Left was the manifestation of what has otherwise always been known as Evil.

Don't tell me - you were the guy standing on the corner shouting and screaming at the pedestrians walking by? I left a dollar in your cup.

Scan the drivel to which I am responding and see if you can find so much as a scintilla of lucidity... let alone something good, wholesome or even remotely sustainable.

I haven't yet found any lucidity in your response but I remain hopeful. I'm an optimist! Give it your best shot :)

If you find something that you feel represents what you would call 'good'.... post it up for discussion. Tell me what it is and why you think it reflects something virtuous.

Good lord. This is it? And not a bit of it pertaining to the topic?

Can I steal your line and simply respond with: ROTFLMAO? (I'll pay royalties)
It's no longer your body when it has its own separate and recognizable DNA

SO his body contains DNA separate and distinct from his DNA?

Oh now that IS Fascinatin'... .

(Again Reader, this is part and parcel of the delusion, wherein one 'identifies' themselves as having DNA distinct from their DNA, thus one's DNA is whatever their subjective needs DEMAND their DNA IS... .

They're quite mad you know ... and sadly, it seems to be spreading.)

(Reader ... They're quite mad you know ... and sadly, it seems to be spreading.)


Good for you. Recognizing the problem is the essential first step to solving it.

Now, what are your intentions for step two of finding your way out of that madness and to reverse the spreading of your delusion?

I'd suggest you stop fomenting Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance through posting such on internet message boards.

It would at least be a good first step.
Or does Left-think teach them that their existence entitles them to the property of others and that they bear no responsibility for their actions,

Nope. Everyone is responsible for their actions but they aren't responsible for the actions of others. However, their existence entitles them to the same respect and dignity as a human being that is accorded the rich.

that sexual intercourse outside of marriage brings no risk,

Where did you come up with that buffoonery? We believe in sex education and that includes both the risks and pitfalls of pregnancy, proper use of and availability of contraception. Sex education means you might choose to abstain or you might choose to have sex responsibly - but you should not be ignorant. Of course that's part of the difference between Right-think and Left-think: you believe ignorance is better than education and that women should "just hold an asprin between your knees honey".

because they're rightfully entitled to murder the life they conceive or if they choose not to murder their pre-born child that they're entitled to demand the property of others, through state and federal subsidies.

Wow. Do you really hate women that much?

We're entitled to the same right you are - the right to control our own bodies and make our own reproductive decisions. If it is such an issue to you, I would be happy to find someone willing to donate her embryo to you for implantation. Otherwise, you and I are part of the safety net that ensures our nations most vulnerable are protected. Who knows - someday that might even include you in their numbers :)

And that if they do not work, that their entitled to the property of others through similar state and federal subsidies, robbing them of their inherent ambition.... stealing any hope of their being anything but poor and disenfranchised.

Oh? Many get out of poverty with a little help - something you would deny them.

Now, what do you suppose Christ's position is on the deceitful who foment such fraudulences upon the hapless innocent whose trust is wasted upon such evil?

My guess is that you're not going to truly appreciate the unenviable position that you're in, until the appreciation has passed from blessing, to curse.

My guess is, Christ's response to your distortions would be a face palm :) He was not crazy about the rich and the inequalities of his time.

It's no longer your body when it has its own separate and recognizable DNA

Oh? Do you realize your own body is teeming with seperate and recognizable DNA?

Not too many years ago, a Man could beat his wife.

Not too many years before then, he could kill her if he was in a bad mood.

The Wife was considered Chattel.

Today, we don't consider Wives to be the property of husbands and we shouldn't consider other sentient beings as chattel either

What do you define as "sentient beings"?

Too bad your morality is stuck in the 12th Century.

Not at all.

But that's about as far along as I expect dimocraps to get. Better than most

We're each entitled to our own expectations...but not to each other's bodies.

I bet you'll get an A+ for that in your women's studies group.

But you're just simply dead wrong. All you're doing is quibbling.

If you want the right to terminate a pregnancy, just say so. But for you to mentally masturbate all over your computer screen is a bit much.

A fetus has distinct DNA, separate and recognizable from the Mother's and the Father's.

It is my opinion that once you accept the responsibility of carrying that separate DNA in your body, that the person inside of you has certain rights.

If that fetus was put there against your will, that's another matter entirely and you should be able to dispose of an unwanted fetus at will.

But once you accept that responsibility, either by incompetence, laziness and idiocy (ie, too lazy to go to the Drug Store) or with affirmative forethought, then it should be seen through.

Unless you're a dimocrap. In which case, you should be given an abortion on demand, at any time up to and including birth plus $5 from Crime Stop and an additional $20 from Mensa.

In some cases, you can be awarded up to $100 from the "Keep the Human Gene Pool Viable" fund.

So, in essence, we're on he same page.
(Reader ... They're quite mad you know ... and sadly, it seems to be spreading.)


Good for you. Recognizing the problem is the essential first step to solving it.

Now, what are your intentions for step two of finding your way out of that madness and to reverse the spreading of your delusion?

I'd suggest you stop fomenting Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance through posting such on internet message boards.

It would at least be a good first step.

I suggest you get an education (if not a clue) - take that first step before you advise others on "first step".

Have you any idea how many organisms with seperate and independent DNA infest your body and even help it function?
Or does Left-think teach them that their existence entitles them to the property of others and that they bear no responsibility for their actions,

Nope. Everyone is responsible for their actions but they aren't responsible for the actions of others. However, their existence entitles them to the same respect and dignity as a human being that is accorded the rich.

that sexual intercourse outside of marriage brings no risk,

Where did you come up with that buffoonery? We believe in sex education and that includes both the risks and pitfalls of pregnancy, proper use of and availability of contraception. Sex education means you might choose to abstain or you might choose to have sex responsibly - but you should not be ignorant. Of course that's part of the difference between Right-think and Left-think: you believe ignorance is better than education and that women should "just hold an asprin between your knees honey".

because they're rightfully entitled to murder the life they conceive or if they choose not to murder their pre-born child that they're entitled to demand the property of others, through state and federal subsidies.

Wow. Do you really hate women that much?

We're entitled to the same right you are - the right to control our own bodies and make our own reproductive decisions. If it is such an issue to you, I would be happy to find someone willing to donate her embryo to you for implantation. Otherwise, you and I are part of the safety net that ensures our nations most vulnerable are protected. Who knows - someday that might even include you in their numbers :)

And that if they do not work, that their entitled to the property of others through similar state and federal subsidies, robbing them of their inherent ambition.... stealing any hope of their being anything but poor and disenfranchised.

Oh? Many get out of poverty with a little help - something you would deny them.

Now, what do you suppose Christ's position is on the deceitful who foment such fraudulences upon the hapless innocent whose trust is wasted upon such evil?

My guess is that you're not going to truly appreciate the unenviable position that you're in, until the appreciation has passed from blessing, to curse.

My guess is, Christ's response to your distortions would be a face palm :) He was not crazy about the rich and the inequalities of his time.

It's no longer your body when it has its own separate and recognizable DNA

Oh? Do you realize your own body is teeming with seperate and recognizable DNA?

Not too many years ago, a Man could beat his wife.

Not too many years before then, he could kill her if he was in a bad mood.

The Wife was considered Chattel.

Today, we don't consider Wives to be the property of husbands and we shouldn't consider other sentient beings as chattel either

What do you define as "sentient beings"?

Too bad your morality is stuck in the 12th Century.

Not at all.

But that's about as far along as I expect dimocraps to get. Better than most

We're each entitled to our own expectations...but not to each other's bodies.

I bet you'll get an A+ for that in your women's studies group.

Never took "women's studies".

But you're just simply dead wrong. All you're doing is quibbling.

You are certainly entitled to your opinion.

If you want the right to terminate a pregnancy, just say so. But for you to mentally masturbate all over your computer screen is a bit much.

I've already said so - several times.

A fetus has distinct DNA, separate and recognizable from the Mother's and the Father's.

So does bacteria.

It is my opinion that once you accept the responsibility of carrying that separate DNA in your body, that the person inside of you has certain rights.

If that fetus was put there against your will, that's another matter entirely and you should be able to dispose of an unwanted fetus at will.

But once you accept that responsibility, either by incompetence, laziness and idiocy (ie, too lazy to go to the Drug Store) or with affirmative forethought, then it should be seen through.

Unless you're a dimocrap. In which case, you should be given an abortion on demand, at any time up to and including birth plus $5 from Crime Stop and an additional $20 from Mensa.

In some cases, you can be awarded up to $100 from the "Keep the Human Gene Pool Viable" fund.

So, in essence, we're on he same page.

To some extent, we are on the same page. I support a woman's right to choose. I don't consider it an "unlimited" right. Once a fetus is viable, then it starts to have rights as well but it never has rights that exceed that of the mother's right to live.

It's hard to have a rational discussion when you throw around terms like "dimocrap". While there may be a very small number of people who support abortion on demand at any time - I suspect that, like those who oppose abortion at any time, including if the mother's life is in danger (are those the "Retardicans" perhaps?) - this represents a very minority opinion. I know of no one who supports abortion after viability except under extreme conditions - maternal health or severe fetal deformaty.
Have you any idea how many organisms with seperate and independent DNA infest your body?

With human DNA?

Yes I do happen to know he precise number of organisms in my body have himan DNA distinct from my own... And that precise number is: (you ready) ...




Have you any idea how many organisms with seperate and independent DNA infest your body?

With human DNA?

Yes I do happen to know he precise number of organisms in my body have himan DNA distinct from my own... And that precise number is: (you ready) ...




0​ you're moving the goal posts :lol:

You never specified human DNA.
Have you any idea how many organisms with seperate and independent DNA infest your body?

With human DNA?

Yes I do happen to know he precise number of organisms in my body have himan DNA distinct from my own... And that precise number is: (you ready) ...




0​ you're moving the goal posts :lol:

You never specified human DNA.

ROFL! Adorable...

The discussion is centered upon human beings and the human life conceived through the human physiological behavior central to marriage, which gestates in the womb of the female... And those who claim a right to murder that human life in order to escape the responsibilities inherent in the behavior they willfully engaged in... Rationalizing that because that human life is in the earliest stages of development, that it is something other than human life, formed from their own genes and those of the man she CHOSE TO ALLOW INSIDE HER BODY THUS WITH WHOM TO JOIN...

From that subject... You ran to equate that human life and the distinct DNA Intrinsic to it, with that of bacteria...

Which if you're keeping score, would be you moving the goal post.
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Have you any idea how many organisms with seperate and independent DNA infest your body?

With human DNA?

Yes I do happen to know he precise number of organisms in my body have himan DNA distinct from my own... And that precise number is: (you ready) ...




0​ you're moving the goal posts :lol:

You never specified human DNA.

ROFL! Adorable...

The discussion is centered upon human beings and the human life conceived through the human physiological behavior central to marriage, which gestated in the womb of the female... And those who claim a right to murder that human life in order to escape the responsibilities inherent in the behavior they willfully engaged in.

Front that subject... You ran to equate that human life and the distinct DNA Intrinsic to it, with that of bacteria...

Which if you're keeping score, would be you moving the goal post.

Nope. Not at all. You made a big deal about distinct DNA as if that were all that mattered. It isn't. Even humans can have more than one set of distinct and different DNA (ever heard of chimera?).

It is actually possible to implant an embryo in a male human being - risky, yes (but hell - pregnancy and childbirth is risky to the female too). My solution to this moral indignation and ethical empasse is that those who are mounting the Save-the-Embryo campaign offer themselves up as incubators for unwanted embryos. Kind of like we have foster families for unwanted kids (ya, I know - you guys lose interest in them after they're born). I think it's a good plan. I suspect howeve, your moral indignation would stop short of this very compassionate solution.

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