Jewish Journal Discerns The Real Obama!


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Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
OMG!!! Its’s a sign of the apocalypse!!!!
Jewish folks are a block the Democrats can reliably count on!

Jews vote overwhelmingly for Democrats…..or….at least they did up until Hussein.

1.One has the sense that this journal, The Tablet, not a Trump fan, didn’t become infuriated until the facts of the Flynn mugging by Obama and his Deep State FBI were revealed.
Get this:
The question of why Obama was so focused on deep-sixing "Flynn is especially revealing now. The Department of Justice recently filed to withdraw charges against the retired three-star general for making false statements to the FBI in a Jan. 24, 2017, interview regarding a phone call with a Russian diplomat. The circumstances surrounding the call and subsequent FBI interview have given rise to a vast conspiracy theory that was weaponized to imprison a decorated war hero and a strategic thinker whose battlefield innovations saved countless American lives. There is no evidence that Flynn “colluded” with Russia, and the evidence that Flynn did not make false statements to the FBI has been buried by the bureau, including current Director Christopher Wray."

And they got the real reason for the enmity of Hussein toward Flynn:

2. "…Obama saw Flynn as a signal threat to his legacy, … his July 2015 nuclear agreement with Iran—….Flynn had said long before he signed on with the Trump campaign that it was a catastrophe to realign American interests with those of a terror state…. Flynn was in a position to help undo the deal. To stop Flynn, the outgoing White House ran the same offense it used to sell the Iran deal—they smeared Flynn…"

And they figured out exactly where it began:

3. “Russia collusion” was the narrative that Hillary Clinton operatives seeded in the media and fed to the FBI to obtain a warrant to spy on the Trump campaign. After the election, the Obama team took it over and used it to hobble the incoming administration.
....for Obama the purpose of Russiagate was simple and direct: to protect the Iran deal, and secure his legacy.” How Russiagate Began With Obama’s Iran Deal Domestic Spying Campaign

4. The Tablet is correct…Hillary began the hoax; she had her apparatchik, Alexander Downer, have a conversation with the neophyte, Papadopoulos, a volunteer to Trump, “remember” that Papadopoulos had mentioned connections to Russia. He ‘told’ her State Department, who told Hillary’s pals in the FBI.

That was the start.

It worked perfectly with Hussein’s agenda: guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism.

5. “The United States Intelligence Community (USIC) as a whole was against [Flynn] the former spy chief, who was promising to conduct a Beltway-wide audit that would force each of the agencies to justify their missions. Flynn told friends and colleagues he was going to make the entire senior intelligence service hand in their resignations and then detail why their work was vital to national security. Flynn knew the USIC well enough to know that thousands of higher-level bureaucrats wouldn’t make the cut.”
The Tablet

It's easy to see why Brennan, Clapper, McCabe, Comey, et. al., were happy to jump on board the mugging of Flynn.
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6. Obama worked tirelessly to advance all sorts of Islamofascist movements….and not just in Iran. There was ISIS, for whom he cleared the field by removing American troops from their advance.
Hussein Obama ran his administration in full favor of Islamoterrorists....
a. ...sending terror leaders captured on the battlefield, back to the war...
b. ...clearing the field for the creation of ISIS by refusing to leave any troops as a counterweight in Iraq
c.....lying to the public about Islam

"Obama: 'Islam Has Been Woven Into the Fabric of Our Country Since Its Founding'" Obama: 'Islam Has Been Woven Into the Fabric of Our Country Since Its Founding'

"Obama says the Islamic State ‘is not Islamic.’"
Obama says the Islamic State ‘is not Islamic.’ Americans disagree.

Unlike Obama, Flynn is pro-America….and this cannot be forgiven.

“In 2014, he’d been fired as DIA head [Flynn]. Under oath in February of that year, [Flynn] told the truth to a Senate committee—ISIS was not, as the president had said, a “JV team.” They were a serious threat to American citizens and interests and were getting stronger. Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence Michael Vickers then summoned Flynn to the Pentagon and told him he was done.

“Flynn’s warnings that extremists were regrouping and on the rise were inconvenient to an administration that didn’t want to hear any bad news,” says former DIA analyst Oubai Shahbandar. “Flynn’s prophetic warnings would play out exactly as he’d warned shortly after he was fired.”
The Tablet

But it wasn’t merely ‘bad news’ that the Obama administration wouldn’t allow: it was news that revealed the insidious nature of Islam, Obama’s faith.
7. As noted, Democrat voters are unable to defend, or even explain, the policies they support.
None can give reasons to guarantee the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism, nuclear weapons, Obama's signature foreign policy design.

Worse, Iran was allied with al-Qaida.

Flynn was deeply involved in providing evidence that Iran was allied with al-Qaida, and Obama had to stop this being revealed, or he would not have gotten the Iran Deal passed.

“We were looking for ties between al-Qaida and Iran,” says Michael Pregent, a former Army intelligence officer who was working on the bin Laden documents as a contractor…[CIA Director John] Brennan and [National Security Adviser Susan] Rice pulled the plug.”

The [Obama] administration was, it appears, clearing space for Obama to implement his big foreign policy idea—the Iran nuclear deal. Another aide, Ben Rhodes, had said in 2013 that the Iran Deal was the White House’s key second-term initiative. Evidence that Tehran was coordinating with a terror group that had slaughtered thousands in Manhattan and at the Pentagon would make it harder to convince American lawmakers of the wisdom in legitimizing Iran’s nuclear weapons program…. One of those letters showed that “Al-Qaeda was working on chemical and biological weapons in Iran.”
The Tablet

Iran, al-Qaida, and the Democrat Party........peas in a pod.
8.”Obama confronted Iran Deal skeptics in his own party with a hard choice—either support the deal, or you’re out. There would be no room in the Democratic Party for principled disagreement over the keystone of Obama’s foreign policy legacy. Opponents were portrayed in harsh, uncompromising terms: They had been bought off, or were warmongers, or Israel-firsters.

AIPAC’s leadership trusted Obama to do the right thing. They described him as a great friend of Israel and assured themselves he wouldn’t put the Jewish state in danger by giving the bomb to a regime that regularly called for its destruction. [Quite a misunderstanding of the snake.]

…the Obama White House lied to the public and was secretly trying to grant Iran that access. The Obama administration had misled Congress about secret deals it made regarding verification procedures, and then secretly shipped $1.7 billion in cash for Iran to distribute to its terror proxies.” Ibid.

They didn’t pay attention to this from 2008:

“[Jesse] Jackson believes that, although “Zionists who have controlled American policy for decades” remain strong, they’ll lose a great deal of their clout when Barack Obama enters the White House.” THE O JESSE KNOWS

You know who they mean when they say ‘zionists.’

Today, the Democrat Party is running on full blown anti-Semitism.
9. Obama was always planning to use the presidency to insure that his Muslim brothers had nuclear weapons. Lying….taqiyya….was one of the weapons he brought to bear on the simple minded.

There is no shortage of mind-numbed robots who will support every claim and pronouncement of their part, the scion of the Bolsheviks.
“The messaging campaign brought together friendly journalists, newly minted arms-control experts, social media stars, and progressive advocacy groups like the regime-friendly National Iranian American Council (NIAC).

As Obama’s top national security communications lieutenant Ben Rhodes told The New York Times: “They were saying things that validated what we had given them to say.”… echo chamber allies purposefully obscured the core issue. The nature of the agreement was made plain in its “sunset clauses.” The fact that parts of the deal restricting Iran’s activities were due to expire beginning in 2020 until all restrictions were gone and the regime’s nuclear program was legal, showed that it was a phony deal. Obama was simply bribing the Iranians with hundreds of billions of dollars in sanctions relief and hundreds of billions more in investment to refrain from building a bomb until he was safely gone from the White House, when the Iranian bomb would become someone else’s problem.

It’s not hard to see why the previous president went after Flynn: The retired general’s determination to undo the Iran Deal was grounded in his own experience in two Middle Eastern theaters of combat, where he saw how Iran murdered Americans and threatened American interests. But why Obama would choose the Islamic Republic as a partner and encourage tactics typically employed by third-world police states remain a mystery.”
The Tablet

No mystery at all, once one recognizes who Hussein Obama really was.
10. More proof that the Iranian bomb was Hussein's aim is that the ‘deal’ never allowed for any inspections as to what the Iranians were doing…..building.

"In conclusion, according to the agreement, Iran can continue its uranium enrichment program and continue developing its weapon program at its many military sites, and every time the IAEA suspects anything, the Iranians can have 24 days at a minimum and 45 days maximum to delay the access, sanitize the sites, or transfer the unauthorized nuclear work to another unauthorized military site."

"How Iran Will Wriggle Free of Inspections

First: the JCPOA specifies that if the IAEA has concerns regarding undeclared activities, it should first raise the matter with Iran. If the regime’s response proves unsatisfying, the IAEA could then request access to a facility, triggering the 24-day timeline. But the JCPOA leaves unspecified the time Tehran would have to answer the initial IAEA expression of concern — although such a step would, of course, tip off those attempting to conceal illicit activities."

How Iran Will Wriggle Free of Inspections

"Iran Inspections in 24 Days? Not Even Close
Iran can easily stretch out the inspection of suspect nuclear sites for three months or more."

Iran Inspections in 24 Days? Not Even Close

There were never meant to be inspections......exactly as Obama planned it.
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13. Obama and his media acolytes kept drumming away with this false dichotomy: give them nukes, or go to war!!!
A bald-faced lie.
One of his many.

“…Obama kept hammering away at his chosen messaging. In a speech at American University he argued there are only two choices: The Iran Deal or war. The implication is that if it looks like the Jewish community is responsible for Congress voting down the deal, it will look like the Jewish community is leading us off to another war in the Middle East.”

If the smear campaign targeting Iran Deal opponents as rich, dual-loyalist, right-wing warmongers was the public face of Obama’s push for the deal, there was an even less savory component hidden within the advanced technology of the U.S. Intelligence Community: The administration was spying on its domestic opponents, American legislators, and pro-Israel activists. “
How Russiagate Began With Obama’s Iran Deal Domestic Spying Campaign

Of course, the threat of war was one of his greatest lie. The sanctions were strangling them.

This from the Left-leaning Brookings Institute...

"....the sanctions against Iran — and the context for them internationally and within Iran — have changed dramatically. Since 2010, the sanctions’ impact on Iran has been severe: its oil exports and revenues plummeted; the value of its currency eroded; trade disruptions shuttered businesses and exacerbated inflation. Quietly, a backlash emerged among Iran’s political elites against the country’s creeping isolation, and the June 2013 presidential election ushered in a moderate new president and the beginnings of a diplomatic breakthrough on the nuclear crisis — achievements that most observers attribute to the impact of sanctions."
Why “Iran Style” Sanctions Worked Against Tehran (And Why They Might Not Succeed with Moscow)

There was never any reason to guarantee nuclear weapons to the world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism….unless it was a religious requirement.
14. When the President is a Muslim with ties to anti-American regimes, he cannot allow a position of power a man like General Flynn. Obama had to stop Flynn at all costs.

“A December 3, 2016, New York Times article portrayed Flynn as a martinet who brooked no disagreement, and insisted his subordinates corroborate the intelligence assessments he sought. In his worldview, wrote the Times, “America was in a world war against Islamist militants allied with Russia, Cuba, and North Korea.” [Of course, that is the truth.]

Parts of the Times story were then recycled in a joint statement signed by progressive advocacy groups allied with the Obama White House in the Iran deal fight, like and J Street, demanding Trump withdraw his appointment of Flynn. Among other concerns, the statement cited Flynn’s work on behalf of Turkish interests and, incongruously, his ostensibly negative views on Muslims, as expressed in his book—as well as his position on Iran.

It had only been a year and a half since the Obama team had steamrolled congress to win the JCPOA and now their communications infrastructure had swung into action again to protect the Iran Deal from the Trump White House.

It was in this early December 2016 period when the Iran deal spying and media operation merged into Russiagate. The structure of the two operations was identical—only some of the variables had changed. Opponents were no longer tagged as Israel-firsters, now they were Putin assets. The message, however, was the same. Opponents are not simply wrongheaded, or mistaken, or even dumb—rather, they are disloyal; agents of a foreign power.” The Tablet

Good to see this Jewish publication finally understand what a back-stabbing, lying, snake Obama is.

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