Jewish Judge Forces NY State to Subsidize Transsexual Surgeries for Minors,

You patriotic Americans, read this article. We are in trouble and need to get ready to realize who our true domestic enemy is. He is an evil entitthat lives right under your nose.

Jewish Judge Forces NY State to Subsidize Transsexual Surgeries for Minors, West Point Pays Homage to Trannies

Go figure Steve_McGarrett

Liberals want to ban the "CHOICE" of reparative therapy for minors,
but FORCE govt to pay for their transsexual operations.
Then yell when conservatives want to STOP sex changes from being imposed on minors,
but want to PROTECT the free choice of reparative therapy.

You'd think if people understand "free choice" in one situation, they'd understand it in the other cases.
Even if they disagree, it's a very similar situation!
Jewish Judge Forces NY State to Subsidize Transsexual Surgeries for Minors,
Whew! That's a relief! I was worried that the judge was a Christian! I tend to take Jewish judges more seriously than Christian ones. It must be something in their DNA, I guess. They are more likely to tell the truth than Christians. They are better drivers too. And I noted they make better cops, robbers, housewives, mechanics, lawyers, doctors, pilots, engineers, cooks, hotel managers, street sweepers, professors, students, waitresses, husbands, wives .... and they are the best in bed too!

God, I wish I were Jewish!
You patriotic Americans, read this article. We are in trouble and need to get ready to realize who our true domestic enemy is. He is an evil entitthat lives right under your nose.

Jewish Judge Forces NY State to Subsidize Transsexual Surgeries for Minors, West Point Pays Homage to Trannies

Go figure Steve_McGarrett

Liberals want to ban the "CHOICE" of reparative therapy for minors,
but FORCE govt to pay for their transsexual operations.
Then yell when conservatives want to STOP sex changes from being imposed on minors,
but want to PROTECT the free choice of reparative therapy.

You'd think if people understand "free choice" in one situation, they'd understand it in the other cases.
Even if they disagree, it's a very similar situation!
BOTH things should be allowed.
It's a minor.

In US minor can't even consent to have sex and they can consent to sex change surgery? Yach.......... Ouch.....
You patriotic Americans, read this article. We are in trouble and need to get ready to realize who our true domestic enemy is. He is an evil entitthat lives right under your nose.

Jewish Judge Forces NY State to Subsidize Transsexual Surgeries for Minors, West Point Pays Homage to Trannies
Good. It's he sounds like a good bloke to me. Only a minuscule amount of people change gender anyway so it won't break the country.
You can't CHANGE gender. You are born with it. Just like you can't CHANGE your race.
You patriotic Americans, read this article. We are in trouble and need to get ready to realize who our true domestic enemy is. He is an evil entitthat lives right under your nose.

Jewish Judge Forces NY State to Subsidize Transsexual Surgeries for Minors, West Point Pays Homage to Trannies
Good. It's he sounds like a good bloke to me. Only a minuscule amount of people change gender anyway so it won't break the country.
You can't CHANGE gender. You are born with it. Just like you can't CHANGE your race.
Dear Odium
The gender ID people are talking about is
Faith based like your religious identity or affiliation. So yes it can change and should be equally protected as your private choice just like your spiritual beliefs. But no such beliefs should be endorsed or enforced through government either, because not all people believe in this and should not be discriminated against by their creed. If atheists have the right to reject Christian beliefs and argue against that being established expressed or endorsed in public institutions and policy, then the same should be respected if people reject LGBT beliefs and not be harassed or penalized either!
You patriotic Americans, read this article. We are in trouble and need to get ready to realize who our true domestic enemy is. He is an evil entitthat lives right under your nose.

Jewish Judge Forces NY State to Subsidize Transsexual Surgeries for Minors, West Point Pays Homage to Trannies
Good. It's he sounds like a good bloke to me. Only a minuscule amount of people change gender anyway so it won't break the country.
You can't CHANGE gender. You are born with it. Just like you can't CHANGE your race.
Dear Odium
The gender ID people are talking about is
Faith based like your religious identity or affiliation. So yes it can change and should be equally protected as your private choice just like your spiritual beliefs. But no such beliefs should be endorsed or enforced through government either, because not all people believe in this and should not be discriminated against by their creed. If atheists have the right to reject Christian beliefs and argue against that being established expressed or endorsed in public institutions and policy, then the same should be respected if people reject LGBT beliefs and not be harassed or penalized either!
You can CALL yourself whatever you want but you CAN NOT change your biological gender.
You patriotic Americans, read this article. We are in trouble and need to get ready to realize who our true domestic enemy is. He is an evil entitthat lives right under your nose.

Jewish Judge Forces NY State to Subsidize Transsexual Surgeries for Minors, West Point Pays Homage to Trannies
Good. It's he sounds like a good bloke to me. Only a minuscule amount of people change gender anyway so it won't break the country.
You can't CHANGE gender. You are born with it. Just like you can't CHANGE your race.
Dear Odium
The gender ID people are talking about is
Faith based like your religious identity or affiliation. So yes it can change and should be equally protected as your private choice just like your spiritual beliefs. But no such beliefs should be endorsed or enforced through government either, because not all people believe in this and should not be discriminated against by their creed. If atheists have the right to reject Christian beliefs and argue against that being established expressed or endorsed in public institutions and policy, then the same should be respected if people reject LGBT beliefs and not be harassed or penalized either!
You can CALL yourself whatever you want but you CAN NOT change your biological gender.

Yes Odium I agree and will not argue against but will defend that point as well!

What I recommend instead is to argue that gender identity
is a personal spiritual determination similar to religious belief or affiliation.

So these should ALL be protected EQUALLY by law, both:
* the faith based gender identity
* the faith based beliefs of those who don't agree with
this or with homosexual orientation as unchanging
but see them as BEHAVIORAL choices that AREN'T PROTECTED

What will stop the discrimination back and forth,
as well as unconstitutional overreaching by imposing through govt,
is to recognize BOTH sides beliefs as equally FAITH BASED.

and STOP this unconstitutional nonsense of favoring
ONE sides beliefs while penalizing the OTHER.

Internal Identity, whether about one's faith gender ID or orientation
involve spiritual or "faith-based" beliefs that are not proven or disproven
AND DON'T REQUIRE PROOF but are that person's private determination.
So that is not govt's
business to make ANY laws that establish such beliefs, either way, for or against!

[But yes, if anyone claims to have scientific proof of one side or the other,
that COULD be used to change people's minds or beliefs. But they are not
required to because faith based beliefs do not have to be proven by science
to protect them by law under free exercise of religion; they just can't be
exercised or imposed on others in ways that violate rights or laws either,
but scientific proof is NOT required of Christians to protect THEIR beliefs
from discrimination, so neither should Atheists or LGBT have to prove
their beliefs scientifically in order to exercise and express their identity freely.]
You patriotic Americans, read this article. We are in trouble and need to get ready to realize who our true domestic enemy is. He is an evil entitthat lives right under your nose.

Jewish Judge Forces NY State to Subsidize Transsexual Surgeries for Minors, West Point Pays Homage to Trannies
Good. It's he sounds like a good bloke to me. Only a minuscule amount of people change gender anyway so it won't break the country.
You can't CHANGE gender. You are born with it. Just like you can't CHANGE your race.
Dear Odium
The gender ID people are talking about is
Faith based like your religious identity or affiliation. So yes it can change and should be equally protected as your private choice just like your spiritual beliefs. But no such beliefs should be endorsed or enforced through government either, because not all people believe in this and should not be discriminated against by their creed. If atheists have the right to reject Christian beliefs and argue against that being established expressed or endorsed in public institutions and policy, then the same should be respected if people reject LGBT beliefs and not be harassed or penalized either!
You can CALL yourself whatever you want but you CAN NOT change your biological gender.

Yes Odium I agree and will not argue against but will defend that point as well!

What I recommend instead is to argue that gender identity
is a personal spiritual determination similar to religious belief or affiliation.

So these should ALL be protected EQUALLY by law, both:
* the faith based gender identity
* the faith based beliefs of those who don't agree with
this or with homosexual orientation as unchanging
but see them as BEHAVIORAL choices that AREN'T PROTECTED

What will stop the discrimination back and forth,
as well as unconstitutional overreaching by imposing through govt,
is to recognize BOTH sides beliefs as equally FAITH BASED.

and STOP this unconstitutional nonsense of favoring
ONE sides beliefs while penalizing the OTHER.

Internal Identity, whether about one's faith gender ID or orientation
involve spiritual or "faith-based" beliefs that are not proven or disproven
AND DON'T REQUIRE PROOF but are that person's private determination.
So that is not govt's
business to make ANY laws that establish such beliefs, either way, for or against!

[But yes, if anyone claims to have scientific proof of one side or the other,
that COULD be used to change people's minds or beliefs. But they are not
required to because faith based beliefs do not have to be proven by science
to protect them by law under free exercise of religion; they just can't be
exercised or imposed on others in ways that violate rights or laws either,
but scientific proof is NOT required of Christians to protect THEIR beliefs
from discrimination, so neither should Atheists or LGBT have to prove
their beliefs scientifically in order to exercise and express their identity freely.]
If someone changes sex they change their hormones to the opposite sex and get surgery down below. If they are genuine they will think and act like their new gender. This progressively takes over their cognitive processes and their social outlook as years of hormone replacement therapy and social experience affects them.

So in the end it is very unjust and harmful towards the transgendered individual to be treated as their birth gender when they started off not fitting it and then end off not living it at all, especially when you consider the immense power of hormones on a living being.

Sometimes two transgendered people couple up and the male to female is not interested in sex so much as the female to male is. This is because of hormones.
Really neat how the article ends with the call the exterminate the Jews...
You patriotic Americans, read this article. We are in trouble and need to get ready to realize who our true domestic enemy is. He is an evil entitthat lives right under your nose.

Jewish Judge Forces NY State to Subsidize Transsexual Surgeries for Minors, West Point Pays Homage to Trannies
Good. It's he sounds like a good bloke to me. Only a minuscule amount of people change gender anyway so it won't break the country.
You can't CHANGE gender. You are born with it. Just like you can't CHANGE your race.
Dear Odium
The gender ID people are talking about is
Faith based like your religious identity or affiliation. So yes it can change and should be equally protected as your private choice just like your spiritual beliefs. But no such beliefs should be endorsed or enforced through government either, because not all people believe in this and should not be discriminated against by their creed. If atheists have the right to reject Christian beliefs and argue against that being established expressed or endorsed in public institutions and policy, then the same should be respected if people reject LGBT beliefs and not be harassed or penalized either!
You can CALL yourself whatever you want but you CAN NOT change your biological gender.

Yes Odium I agree and will not argue against but will defend that point as well!

What I recommend instead is to argue that gender identity
is a personal spiritual determination similar to religious belief or affiliation.

So these should ALL be protected EQUALLY by law, both:
* the faith based gender identity
* the faith based beliefs of those who don't agree with
this or with homosexual orientation as unchanging
but see them as BEHAVIORAL choices that AREN'T PROTECTED

What will stop the discrimination back and forth,
as well as unconstitutional overreaching by imposing through govt,
is to recognize BOTH sides beliefs as equally FAITH BASED.

and STOP this unconstitutional nonsense of favoring
ONE sides beliefs while penalizing the OTHER.

Internal Identity, whether about one's faith gender ID or orientation
involve spiritual or "faith-based" beliefs that are not proven or disproven
AND DON'T REQUIRE PROOF but are that person's private determination.
So that is not govt's
business to make ANY laws that establish such beliefs, either way, for or against!

[But yes, if anyone claims to have scientific proof of one side or the other,
that COULD be used to change people's minds or beliefs. But they are not
required to because faith based beliefs do not have to be proven by science
to protect them by law under free exercise of religion; they just can't be
exercised or imposed on others in ways that violate rights or laws either,
but scientific proof is NOT required of Christians to protect THEIR beliefs
from discrimination, so neither should Atheists or LGBT have to prove
their beliefs scientifically in order to exercise and express their identity freely.]
I agree with your assessment that an individual choosing the "become" the opposite gender compares to an individual choice of faith/religious orientation. The biggest difference lies in the fact that more and more government agencies are forcing others who do not have "faith" in the choice to be something you are biologically not to pay for your faith-based choice. I have no problem if an adult chooses to undergo self-mutilation to support their "faith". I do have great problems accepting that minors should be permitted to choose to mutilate themselves in order to prove their faith that they are indeed something they were never born to be. At least those who choose a religious denomination are not usually submitting themselves to physical and chemical mutilation
Good. It's he sounds like a good bloke to me. Only a minuscule amount of people change gender anyway so it won't break the country.
You can't CHANGE gender. You are born with it. Just like you can't CHANGE your race.
Dear Odium
The gender ID people are talking about is
Faith based like your religious identity or affiliation. So yes it can change and should be equally protected as your private choice just like your spiritual beliefs. But no such beliefs should be endorsed or enforced through government either, because not all people believe in this and should not be discriminated against by their creed. If atheists have the right to reject Christian beliefs and argue against that being established expressed or endorsed in public institutions and policy, then the same should be respected if people reject LGBT beliefs and not be harassed or penalized either!
You can CALL yourself whatever you want but you CAN NOT change your biological gender.

Yes Odium I agree and will not argue against but will defend that point as well!

What I recommend instead is to argue that gender identity
is a personal spiritual determination similar to religious belief or affiliation.

So these should ALL be protected EQUALLY by law, both:
* the faith based gender identity
* the faith based beliefs of those who don't agree with
this or with homosexual orientation as unchanging
but see them as BEHAVIORAL choices that AREN'T PROTECTED

What will stop the discrimination back and forth,
as well as unconstitutional overreaching by imposing through govt,
is to recognize BOTH sides beliefs as equally FAITH BASED.

and STOP this unconstitutional nonsense of favoring
ONE sides beliefs while penalizing the OTHER.

Internal Identity, whether about one's faith gender ID or orientation
involve spiritual or "faith-based" beliefs that are not proven or disproven
AND DON'T REQUIRE PROOF but are that person's private determination.
So that is not govt's
business to make ANY laws that establish such beliefs, either way, for or against!

[But yes, if anyone claims to have scientific proof of one side or the other,
that COULD be used to change people's minds or beliefs. But they are not
required to because faith based beliefs do not have to be proven by science
to protect them by law under free exercise of religion; they just can't be
exercised or imposed on others in ways that violate rights or laws either,
but scientific proof is NOT required of Christians to protect THEIR beliefs
from discrimination, so neither should Atheists or LGBT have to prove
their beliefs scientifically in order to exercise and express their identity freely.]
I agree with your assessment that an individual choosing the "become" the opposite gender compares to an individual choice of faith/religious orientation. The biggest difference lies in the fact that more and more government agencies are forcing others who do not have "faith" in the choice to be something you are biologically not to pay for your faith-based choice. I have no problem if an adult chooses to undergo self-mutilation to support their "faith". I do have great problems accepting that minors should be permitted to choose to mutilate themselves in order to prove their faith that they are indeed something they were never born to be. At least those who choose a religious denomination are not usually submitting themselves to physical and chemical mutilation
And what about babies being exposed to the life destroying philosophy of treating others as you would have them treat you?

clearly you weren't exposed to it or it didn't affect you.
You can't CHANGE gender. You are born with it. Just like you can't CHANGE your race.
Dear Odium
The gender ID people are talking about is
Faith based like your religious identity or affiliation. So yes it can change and should be equally protected as your private choice just like your spiritual beliefs. But no such beliefs should be endorsed or enforced through government either, because not all people believe in this and should not be discriminated against by their creed. If atheists have the right to reject Christian beliefs and argue against that being established expressed or endorsed in public institutions and policy, then the same should be respected if people reject LGBT beliefs and not be harassed or penalized either!
You can CALL yourself whatever you want but you CAN NOT change your biological gender.

Yes Odium I agree and will not argue against but will defend that point as well!

What I recommend instead is to argue that gender identity
is a personal spiritual determination similar to religious belief or affiliation.

So these should ALL be protected EQUALLY by law, both:
* the faith based gender identity
* the faith based beliefs of those who don't agree with
this or with homosexual orientation as unchanging
but see them as BEHAVIORAL choices that AREN'T PROTECTED

What will stop the discrimination back and forth,
as well as unconstitutional overreaching by imposing through govt,
is to recognize BOTH sides beliefs as equally FAITH BASED.

and STOP this unconstitutional nonsense of favoring
ONE sides beliefs while penalizing the OTHER.

Internal Identity, whether about one's faith gender ID or orientation
involve spiritual or "faith-based" beliefs that are not proven or disproven
AND DON'T REQUIRE PROOF but are that person's private determination.
So that is not govt's
business to make ANY laws that establish such beliefs, either way, for or against!

[But yes, if anyone claims to have scientific proof of one side or the other,
that COULD be used to change people's minds or beliefs. But they are not
required to because faith based beliefs do not have to be proven by science
to protect them by law under free exercise of religion; they just can't be
exercised or imposed on others in ways that violate rights or laws either,
but scientific proof is NOT required of Christians to protect THEIR beliefs
from discrimination, so neither should Atheists or LGBT have to prove
their beliefs scientifically in order to exercise and express their identity freely.]
I agree with your assessment that an individual choosing the "become" the opposite gender compares to an individual choice of faith/religious orientation. The biggest difference lies in the fact that more and more government agencies are forcing others who do not have "faith" in the choice to be something you are biologically not to pay for your faith-based choice. I have no problem if an adult chooses to undergo self-mutilation to support their "faith". I do have great problems accepting that minors should be permitted to choose to mutilate themselves in order to prove their faith that they are indeed something they were never born to be. At least those who choose a religious denomination are not usually submitting themselves to physical and chemical mutilation
And what about babies being exposed to the life destroying philosophy of treating others as you would have them treat you?

clearly you weren't exposed to it or it didn't affect you.
The Golden Rule? How is that a life-destroying philosophy? I practice that philosophy and it works very well.
Dear Odium
The gender ID people are talking about is
Faith based like your religious identity or affiliation. So yes it can change and should be equally protected as your private choice just like your spiritual beliefs. But no such beliefs should be endorsed or enforced through government either, because not all people believe in this and should not be discriminated against by their creed. If atheists have the right to reject Christian beliefs and argue against that being established expressed or endorsed in public institutions and policy, then the same should be respected if people reject LGBT beliefs and not be harassed or penalized either!
You can CALL yourself whatever you want but you CAN NOT change your biological gender.

Yes Odium I agree and will not argue against but will defend that point as well!

What I recommend instead is to argue that gender identity
is a personal spiritual determination similar to religious belief or affiliation.

So these should ALL be protected EQUALLY by law, both:
* the faith based gender identity
* the faith based beliefs of those who don't agree with
this or with homosexual orientation as unchanging
but see them as BEHAVIORAL choices that AREN'T PROTECTED

What will stop the discrimination back and forth,
as well as unconstitutional overreaching by imposing through govt,
is to recognize BOTH sides beliefs as equally FAITH BASED.

and STOP this unconstitutional nonsense of favoring
ONE sides beliefs while penalizing the OTHER.

Internal Identity, whether about one's faith gender ID or orientation
involve spiritual or "faith-based" beliefs that are not proven or disproven
AND DON'T REQUIRE PROOF but are that person's private determination.
So that is not govt's
business to make ANY laws that establish such beliefs, either way, for or against!

[But yes, if anyone claims to have scientific proof of one side or the other,
that COULD be used to change people's minds or beliefs. But they are not
required to because faith based beliefs do not have to be proven by science
to protect them by law under free exercise of religion; they just can't be
exercised or imposed on others in ways that violate rights or laws either,
but scientific proof is NOT required of Christians to protect THEIR beliefs
from discrimination, so neither should Atheists or LGBT have to prove
their beliefs scientifically in order to exercise and express their identity freely.]
I agree with your assessment that an individual choosing the "become" the opposite gender compares to an individual choice of faith/religious orientation. The biggest difference lies in the fact that more and more government agencies are forcing others who do not have "faith" in the choice to be something you are biologically not to pay for your faith-based choice. I have no problem if an adult chooses to undergo self-mutilation to support their "faith". I do have great problems accepting that minors should be permitted to choose to mutilate themselves in order to prove their faith that they are indeed something they were never born to be. At least those who choose a religious denomination are not usually submitting themselves to physical and chemical mutilation
And what about babies being exposed to the life destroying philosophy of treating others as you would have them treat you?

clearly you weren't exposed to it or it didn't affect you.
The Golden Rule? How is that a life-destroying philosophy? I practice that philosophy and it works very well.
first of all, you don't practice it.

And, was it instilled into you between the ages of 0 to 5?
You can CALL yourself whatever you want but you CAN NOT change your biological gender.

Yes Odium I agree and will not argue against but will defend that point as well!

What I recommend instead is to argue that gender identity
is a personal spiritual determination similar to religious belief or affiliation.

So these should ALL be protected EQUALLY by law, both:
* the faith based gender identity
* the faith based beliefs of those who don't agree with
this or with homosexual orientation as unchanging
but see them as BEHAVIORAL choices that AREN'T PROTECTED

What will stop the discrimination back and forth,
as well as unconstitutional overreaching by imposing through govt,
is to recognize BOTH sides beliefs as equally FAITH BASED.

and STOP this unconstitutional nonsense of favoring
ONE sides beliefs while penalizing the OTHER.

Internal Identity, whether about one's faith gender ID or orientation
involve spiritual or "faith-based" beliefs that are not proven or disproven
AND DON'T REQUIRE PROOF but are that person's private determination.
So that is not govt's
business to make ANY laws that establish such beliefs, either way, for or against!

[But yes, if anyone claims to have scientific proof of one side or the other,
that COULD be used to change people's minds or beliefs. But they are not
required to because faith based beliefs do not have to be proven by science
to protect them by law under free exercise of religion; they just can't be
exercised or imposed on others in ways that violate rights or laws either,
but scientific proof is NOT required of Christians to protect THEIR beliefs
from discrimination, so neither should Atheists or LGBT have to prove
their beliefs scientifically in order to exercise and express their identity freely.]
I agree with your assessment that an individual choosing the "become" the opposite gender compares to an individual choice of faith/religious orientation. The biggest difference lies in the fact that more and more government agencies are forcing others who do not have "faith" in the choice to be something you are biologically not to pay for your faith-based choice. I have no problem if an adult chooses to undergo self-mutilation to support their "faith". I do have great problems accepting that minors should be permitted to choose to mutilate themselves in order to prove their faith that they are indeed something they were never born to be. At least those who choose a religious denomination are not usually submitting themselves to physical and chemical mutilation
And what about babies being exposed to the life destroying philosophy of treating others as you would have them treat you?

clearly you weren't exposed to it or it didn't affect you.
The Golden Rule? How is that a life-destroying philosophy? I practice that philosophy and it works very well.
first of all, you don't practice it.

And, was it instilled into you between the ages of 0 to 5?
First of all, you haven't a FUCKING clue what I practice, or not, do you? Doesn't stop you from being a totally ass, does it?
That being said, you also have no FUCKING clue what was instilled into me (sic), at any age.
Yes Odium I agree and will not argue against but will defend that point as well!

What I recommend instead is to argue that gender identity
is a personal spiritual determination similar to religious belief or affiliation.

So these should ALL be protected EQUALLY by law, both:
* the faith based gender identity
* the faith based beliefs of those who don't agree with
this or with homosexual orientation as unchanging
but see them as BEHAVIORAL choices that AREN'T PROTECTED

What will stop the discrimination back and forth,
as well as unconstitutional overreaching by imposing through govt,
is to recognize BOTH sides beliefs as equally FAITH BASED.

and STOP this unconstitutional nonsense of favoring
ONE sides beliefs while penalizing the OTHER.

Internal Identity, whether about one's faith gender ID or orientation
involve spiritual or "faith-based" beliefs that are not proven or disproven
AND DON'T REQUIRE PROOF but are that person's private determination.
So that is not govt's
business to make ANY laws that establish such beliefs, either way, for or against!

[But yes, if anyone claims to have scientific proof of one side or the other,
that COULD be used to change people's minds or beliefs. But they are not
required to because faith based beliefs do not have to be proven by science
to protect them by law under free exercise of religion; they just can't be
exercised or imposed on others in ways that violate rights or laws either,
but scientific proof is NOT required of Christians to protect THEIR beliefs
from discrimination, so neither should Atheists or LGBT have to prove
their beliefs scientifically in order to exercise and express their identity freely.]
I agree with your assessment that an individual choosing the "become" the opposite gender compares to an individual choice of faith/religious orientation. The biggest difference lies in the fact that more and more government agencies are forcing others who do not have "faith" in the choice to be something you are biologically not to pay for your faith-based choice. I have no problem if an adult chooses to undergo self-mutilation to support their "faith". I do have great problems accepting that minors should be permitted to choose to mutilate themselves in order to prove their faith that they are indeed something they were never born to be. At least those who choose a religious denomination are not usually submitting themselves to physical and chemical mutilation
And what about babies being exposed to the life destroying philosophy of treating others as you would have them treat you?

clearly you weren't exposed to it or it didn't affect you.
The Golden Rule? How is that a life-destroying philosophy? I practice that philosophy and it works very well.
first of all, you don't practice it.

And, was it instilled into you between the ages of 0 to 5?
First of all, you haven't a FUCKING clue what I practice, or not, do you? Doesn't stop you from being a totally ass, does it?
That being said, you also have no FUCKING clue what was instilled into me (sic), at any age.

I know that you are an interfering busybody that Jesus will kill.

now as for the second accusation, I ASKED, Was the golden rule of Jesus instilled into you by practicing christian parents between the ages of 0 to 5?

Was it or wasn't it you bloody dickhead?
You patriotic Americans, read this article. We are in trouble and need to get ready to realize who our true domestic enemy is. He is an evil entitthat lives right under your nose.

Jewish Judge Forces NY State to Subsidize Transsexual Surgeries for Minors, West Point Pays Homage to Trannies
Good. It's he sounds like a good bloke to me. Only a minuscule amount of people change gender anyway so it won't break the country.
Its not for the taxpayer to fund a lifestyle choice.

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