Jewish Rabbi says Muslims are Blessed

And Ishmael is a HEBREW name! The el is HEBREW for God.
G-d named Ishmael.....the hebrews had nothing to do with it.

You really need to start reading your Bible before you try to engage in a discussion concerning monotheism.

btw Your knowledge about Islam is very weak. .... :cool:

are you actually struggling to claim that ISHMAEL is NOT a
Hebrew name?--------in fact it is, and was USED to name baby boys until the NAQBA (Arabic word) happened. The naqba is an historic disaster-----some slut named 'amina'
dropped a pile of shit in the city called mecca and IT developed into a rapist pig. I came across a person in history named 'Rabbi Ishmael'------actually the author of a BOOK-----of Talmud exegis which was written a few centuries before the Naqba in mecca. Kinda funny to claim that
Ishmael is not a Hebrew name------as Hebrew names go---it is
kinda typical. muhummad is not a Hebrew name----but has a semitic root which I think is chamood-------a word that refers to a characteristic----of a person----something like 'charming'
as in cute lively kid.

Funny: Isaac is mentioned more than Ishmael in the Koran
Very good video of a Christian preacher and a jewish Rabbi discussing the relationship between Abraham's two sons, Isaac (the patriarch of the jews) and Ishmael (the patriarch of the muslims). .... :cool:

The Hebrews revised that history when they were temporarily enslaved by the rabid Arab rabble.

Those bastards! They must have put a curse on you too!.

......If the garbage that comes out your mind is any indication..

Either that or you are the only one to blame for being an asshole..

If I'm an asshole, your silly ilk is what I fart out of it.
If i saw the shchinah I wouldn't be on this message board; I would be learning and meditating with ever greater intensity to strengthen the connection with God.
I'm not on that level of leaving this petty illusion behind.

Have you never found the hidden matzo at Seder?

What were you taught that you should do after you found it?
Your questions are pointless until you take a few days to read Nefesh Hachaim.
The actions of man reflect the light of God into the proper forms in the spiritual world.
No actions results in a malformed spiritual world regardless of the silliness of your questions.

And your question has a multitude of kaballic answers.

It may be true that no actions result in a malformed spiritual world but it is also true that actions can cause exclusion from it.

the silliness of my questions?

I asked if you had ever seen the shekinah, Jeremiah saw it at 16. How old are you? Was that silly?

You said that if you had you would be meditating on your closeness to God, not posting on a message board because you are not ready to leave this petty illusion behind..

I asked you about the children game at Seder because you should have been taught to negotiate on behalf of your brothers and sisters, and not to think only about yourself when you find the hidden matzo even though only you have rightfully earned a great reward from the one who hid it. Was that silly?

A gentle suggestion to start thinking about more than just your own petty world and a reminder that you are not getting any younger. Was that silly?

Sorry, I didn't realize you have all the answers, need no help, and are completely content to have been seeking God for your entire life without ever finding him and not really caring if you ever do.

Silly me.
You are trying to convince yourself that the path of Noach is superior to the path of Avramham.
Not acting is disasterous and once again, God is not an asshole.

The 3 matzohs...Avraham, Yotzchak, Yaakov
Miriam, Aharon, Moshe
The upper waters, the r'kiah, the lower waters
Olam habah, olam hazeh, Moshaich
And what does this have to do with our earthly relationshiop with the spiritual wolrd? Break a matzah, get Jesus and eat him.
Sounds rather perverse.
Oy....You could have just asked for help..

I'll get back to you later in the day.......
Kohanim, leviim, Yisroelim
If i saw the shchinah I wouldn't be on this message board; I would be learning and meditating with ever greater intensity to strengthen the connection with God.
I'm not on that level of leaving this petty illusion behind.

Have you never found the hidden matzo at Seder?

What were you taught that you should do after you found it?
Your questions are pointless until you take a few days to read Nefesh Hachaim.
The actions of man reflect the light of God into the proper forms in the spiritual world.
No actions results in a malformed spiritual world regardless of the silliness of your questions.

And your question has a multitude of kaballic answers.

It may be true that no actions result in a malformed spiritual world but it is also true that actions can cause exclusion from it.

the silliness of my questions?

I asked if you had ever seen the shekinah, Jeremiah saw it at 16. How old are you? Was that silly?

You said that if you had you would be meditating on your closeness to God, not posting on a message board because you are not ready to leave this petty illusion behind..

I asked you about the children game at Seder because you should have been taught to negotiate on behalf of your brothers and sisters, and not to think only about yourself when you find the hidden matzo even though only you have rightfully earned a great reward from the one who hid it. Was that silly?

A gentle suggestion to start thinking about more than just your own petty world and a reminder that you are not getting any younger. Was that silly?

Sorry, I didn't realize you have all the answers, need no help, and are completely content to have been seeking God for your entire life without ever finding him and not really caring if you ever do.

Silly me.
You are trying to convince yourself that the path of Noach is superior to the path of Avramham.
Not acting is disasterous and once again, God is not an asshole.

The 3 matzohs...Avraham, Yotzchak, Yaakov
Miriam, Aharon, Moshe
The upper waters, the r'kiah, the lower waters
Olam habah, olam hazeh, Moshaich
And what does this have to do with our earthly relationshiop with the spiritual wolrd? Break a matzah, get Jesus and eat him.
Sounds rather perverse.
Oy....You could have just asked for help..

I'll get back to you later in the day.......
As long as it has a Rabannic source.
One way or the other, everyone has to pay the piper.....
Not true. Hashem Elok introduced t'shuvah.
It's a command to be b' meditate on your existence as a gift from God and to relish your connections with God.

Well, there are no connections to God unless a person does what is necessary to have a connection with God.

Those who fail to comply with the teaching in the law look for God but do not find him and when they call out to God he will hide his face and silence will be his only reply..

At least according to your own scriptures....

Either way, a person cannot escape the hand of God, the consequences, for either the good or the evil that they do...

Until a person is judged worthy of the resurrection by God they remain subject to the judgement of God..
Wow! You just Christianized Judaism.
We come back many, many times until the tikun is complete.
No one says the process is necessarily painles.
On the other hand, if one wants to exhaust their neshama elyoneh in this illusion we call life, God gets out of the way.

Alrighty then. You're welcome.

I will now take a bow..

I take it you've forgotten your Nefesh
Ha Chaim.
God is not an asshole.
And Ishmael is a HEBREW name! The el is HEBREW for God.
G-d named Ishmael.....the hebrews had nothing to do with it.

You really need to start reading your Bible before you try to engage in a discussion concerning monotheism.

btw Your knowledge about Islam is very weak. .... :cool:

are you actually struggling to claim that ISHMAEL is NOT a
Hebrew name?--------in fact it is, and was USED to name baby boys until the NAQBA (Arabic word) happened. The naqba is an historic disaster-----some slut named 'amina'
dropped a pile of shit in the city called mecca and IT developed into a rapist pig. I came across a person in history named 'Rabbi Ishmael'------actually the author of a BOOK-----of Talmud exegis which was written a few centuries before the Naqba in mecca. Kinda funny to claim that
Ishmael is not a Hebrew name------as Hebrew names go---it is
kinda typical. muhummad is not a Hebrew name----but has a semitic root which I think is chamood-------a word that refers to a characteristic----of a person----something like 'charming'
as in cute lively kid.

Funny: Isaac is mentioned more than Ishmael in the Koran

It is a matter of available material----that material available to
the writers of the Koran----ie the jewish and Christian scriptural writings and----also the folklore, and----other books like the Midrash. The Koran is chock full of Midrash. -----the writers of the Koran even bought into the tales of King Solomon and the TALKING ANTS. There really was not much on Ishmael. -------bottom line----Muhummad was
illiterate so no one could say "MUHUMMAD NEVER SAID
THAT or wrote it" and Ishmael is barely a footnote in the jewish literature------SO ANYTHING COULD BE ATTRIBUTED TO HIM----and his almost unmentioned mother----Hagar. The Koran writers needed UNVERIFIABLE
And Ishmael is a HEBREW name! The el is HEBREW for God.
G-d named Ishmael.....the hebrews had nothing to do with it.

You really need to start reading your Bible before you try to engage in a discussion concerning monotheism.

btw Your knowledge about Islam is very weak. .... :cool:

are you actually struggling to claim that ISHMAEL is NOT a
Hebrew name?--------in fact it is, and was USED to name baby boys until the NAQBA (Arabic word) happened. The naqba is an historic disaster-----some slut named 'amina'
dropped a pile of shit in the city called mecca and IT developed into a rapist pig. I came across a person in history named 'Rabbi Ishmael'------actually the author of a BOOK-----of Talmud exegis which was written a few centuries before the Naqba in mecca. Kinda funny to claim that
Ishmael is not a Hebrew name------as Hebrew names go---it is
kinda typical. muhummad is not a Hebrew name----but has a semitic root which I think is chamood-------a word that refers to a characteristic----of a person----something like 'charming'
as in cute lively kid.

Funny: Isaac is mentioned more than Ishmael in the Koran

It is a matter of available material----that material available to
the writers of the Koran----ie the jewish and Christian scriptural writings and----also the folklore, and----other books like the Midrash. The Koran is chock full of Midrash. -----the writers of the Koran even bought into the tales of King Solomon and the TALKING ANTS. There really was not much on Ishmael. -------bottom line----Muhummad was
illiterate so no one could say "MUHUMMAD NEVER SAID
THAT or wrote it" and Ishmael is barely a footnote in the jewish literature------SO ANYTHING COULD BE ATTRIBUTED TO HIM----and his almost unmentioned mother----Hagar. The Koran writers needed UNVERIFIABLE

Koran contains very little info on Ishmael, not even his birth or death. Mostly, he’s just named along with other biblical figures plagiarized by Muhammad in the Koran.

Here, Muhammad doesn’t even know Ishmael in a well-known Koran passage ⤵️


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And Ishmael is a HEBREW name! The el is HEBREW for God.
G-d named Ishmael.....the hebrews had nothing to do with it.

You really need to start reading your Bible before you try to engage in a discussion concerning monotheism.

btw Your knowledge about Islam is very weak. .... :cool:

are you actually struggling to claim that ISHMAEL is NOT a
Hebrew name?--------in fact it is, and was USED to name baby boys until the NAQBA (Arabic word) happened. The naqba is an historic disaster-----some slut named 'amina'
dropped a pile of shit in the city called mecca and IT developed into a rapist pig. I came across a person in history named 'Rabbi Ishmael'------actually the author of a BOOK-----of Talmud exegis which was written a few centuries before the Naqba in mecca. Kinda funny to claim that
Ishmael is not a Hebrew name------as Hebrew names go---it is
kinda typical. muhummad is not a Hebrew name----but has a semitic root which I think is chamood-------a word that refers to a characteristic----of a person----something like 'charming'
as in cute lively kid.

Funny: Isaac is mentioned more than Ishmael in the Koran

It is a matter of available material----that material available to
the writers of the Koran----ie the jewish and Christian scriptural writings and----also the folklore, and----other books like the Midrash. The Koran is chock full of Midrash. -----the writers of the Koran even bought into the tales of King Solomon and the TALKING ANTS. There really was not much on Ishmael. -------bottom line----Muhummad was
illiterate so no one could say "MUHUMMAD NEVER SAID
THAT or wrote it" and Ishmael is barely a footnote in the jewish literature------SO ANYTHING COULD BE ATTRIBUTED TO HIM----and his almost unmentioned mother----Hagar. The Koran writers needed UNVERIFIABLE

Koran contains very little info on Ishmael, not even his birth or death. Mostly, he’s just named along with other biblical figures plagiarized by Muhammad in the Koran.

Here, Muhammad doesn’t even know Ishmael in a well-known Koran passage ⤵️

muslims TALK about Ishmael all the time and USE the name
for their kids ----they use the name ""IBRAHIM" too------but
I do not recall much chat about him other then their belief that
they have a right to deface white plaster garden statues of
Mary------used so decoratively in the gardens of Italian
americans-----BECAUSE----long ago "IBRAHIM' knocked
an idol off its pedestal in his father's junk store------and then said "see, it didn't hit back" The little anecdotal story also GIVES THEM THE RIGHT to destroy ancient Buddhist
does anyone know anything about muhummad's circumcision?

The word circumcision isn’t in the Koran. Later Muslim traditions say Muhammad was born circumcised

SHEEEEESH-----he was born a FREAK?. genetic
absence of prepuce? ---------was it a mutation? If
I remember correctly----he had no natural sons----could be
a single allele mutation on the Y chromosome?-----a fatal
mutation? poor guy
Alright, fair enough.

In the meantime I will give you hand.

Take all of the wealth of knowledge that you have acquired by studying the Talmud for all of these years and throw it in the trash, then come and follow the way to life in the only way that leads to the actual presence of God.

If you do not conform to the teaching of the law correctly you will never be prepared to stand in his presence even you could live forever.
If i saw the shchinah I wouldn't be on this message board; I would be learning and meditating with ever greater intensity to strengthen the connection with God.
I'm not on that level of leaving this petty illusion behind.

Have you never found the hidden matzo at Seder?

What were you taught that you should do after you found it?
Your questions are pointless until you take a few days to read Nefesh Hachaim.
The actions of man reflect the light of God into the proper forms in the spiritual world.
No actions results in a malformed spiritual world regardless of the silliness of your questions.

And your question has a multitude of kaballic answers.

It may be true that no actions result in a malformed spiritual world but it is also true that actions can cause exclusion from it.

the silliness of my questions?

I asked if you had ever seen the shekinah, Jeremiah saw it at 16. How old are you? Was that silly?

You said that if you had you would be meditating on your closeness to God, not posting on a message board because you are not ready to leave this petty illusion behind..

I asked you about the children game at Seder because you should have been taught to negotiate on behalf of your brothers and sisters, and not to think only about yourself when you find the hidden matzo even though only you have rightfully earned a great reward from the one who hid it. Was that silly?

A gentle suggestion to start thinking about more than just your own petty world and a reminder that you are not getting any younger. Was that silly?

Sorry, I didn't realize you have all the answers, need no help, and are completely content to have been seeking God for your entire life without ever finding him and not really caring if you ever do.

Silly me.
You are trying to convince yourself that the path of Noach is superior to the path of Avramham.
Not acting is disasterous and once again, God is not an asshole.

The 3 matzohs...Avraham, Yotzchak, Yaakov
Miriam, Aharon, Moshe
The upper waters, the r'kiah, the lower waters
Olam habah, olam hazeh, Moshaich
And what does this have to do with our earthly relationshiop with the spiritual wolrd? Break a matzah, get Jesus and eat him.
Sounds rather perverse.

First of all there is no such thing as Noachide law.

Law from God came into the world though Moses as a light to the nations long after Noah was dead..

The answer is in your own questions. What is unleavened bread from heaven, manna, if not teaching from God? What is the teaching of the messiah if not how to correctly understand and conform to the divine commands that leads to the fulfillment of the promise of life? Isn't it a command from God to receive the teaching of the Messiah?

The Body of Christ is the body of teaching that Jesus received from God about the figurative nature of the words and hidden subjects of the law that results in the promise of eternal life in the presence of God here and now on earth for anyone who conforms to the teaching of the law in the light of his revelation, Jew or Gentile, rich or poor, cop or criminal, old or young, male or female or anything in between.

Unless you eat his flesh and drink his blood, you can have no life in you as in the promised life for conforming to divine law righteously.

That you only see a perverse command to be superstitious, iniquitous or cannibalistic and can't think any more deeply about it is an indication of an existing perversion within your own mind even though you may have never lifted a finger on the Sabbath or eaten bacon..

C'mon now, do you think that there will ever come a time when Jews will conform to the law according to the talmud with more dedication than they have already displayed for thousands of years?

Why does God hide his face? The answer is in the Torah.

When will you come to your senses and realize that there has got to be a better way?
If i saw the shchinah I wouldn't be on this message board; I would be learning and meditating with ever greater intensity to strengthen the connection with God.
I'm not on that level of leaving this petty illusion behind.

Have you never found the hidden matzo at Seder?

What were you taught that you should do after you found it?
Your questions are pointless until you take a few days to read Nefesh Hachaim.
The actions of man reflect the light of God into the proper forms in the spiritual world.
No actions results in a malformed spiritual world regardless of the silliness of your questions.

And your question has a multitude of kaballic answers.

It may be true that no actions result in a malformed spiritual world but it is also true that actions can cause exclusion from it.

the silliness of my questions?

I asked if you had ever seen the shekinah, Jeremiah saw it at 16. How old are you? Was that silly?

You said that if you had you would be meditating on your closeness to God, not posting on a message board because you are not ready to leave this petty illusion behind..

I asked you about the children game at Seder because you should have been taught to negotiate on behalf of your brothers and sisters, and not to think only about yourself when you find the hidden matzo even though only you have rightfully earned a great reward from the one who hid it. Was that silly?

A gentle suggestion to start thinking about more than just your own petty world and a reminder that you are not getting any younger. Was that silly?

Sorry, I didn't realize you have all the answers, need no help, and are completely content to have been seeking God for your entire life without ever finding him and not really caring if you ever do.

Silly me.
You are trying to convince yourself that the path of Noach is superior to the path of Avramham.
Not acting is disasterous and once again, God is not an asshole.

The 3 matzohs...Avraham, Yotzchak, Yaakov
Miriam, Aharon, Moshe
The upper waters, the r'kiah, the lower waters
Olam habah, olam hazeh, Moshaich
And what does this have to do with our earthly relationshiop with the spiritual wolrd? Break a matzah, get Jesus and eat him.
Sounds rather perverse.

First of all there is no such thing as Noachide law.

Law from God came into the world though Moses as a light to the nations long after Noah was dead..

The answer is in your own questions. What is unleavened bread from heaven, manna, if not teaching from God? What is the teaching of the messiah if not how to correctly understand and conform to the divine commands that leads to the fulfillment of the promise of life? Isn't it a command from God to receive the teaching of the Messiah?

The Body of Christ is the body of teaching that Jesus received from God about the figurative nature of the words and hidden subjects of the law that results in the promise of eternal life in the presence of God here and now on earth for anyone who conforms to the teaching of the law in the light of his revelation, Jew or Gentile, rich or poor, cop or criminal, old or young, male or female or anything in between.

Unless you eat his flesh and drink his blood, you can have no life in you as in the promised life for conforming to divine law righteously.

That you only see a perverse command to be superstitious, iniquitous or cannibalistic and can't think any more deeply about it is an indication of an existing perversion within your own mind even though you may have never lifted a finger on the Sabbath or eaten bacon..

C'mon now, do you think that there will ever come a time when Jews will conform to the law according to the talmud with more dedication than they have already displayed for thousands of years?

Why does God hide his face? The answer is in the Torah.

When will you come to your senses and realize that there has got to be a better way?
The answer is the Valley of Dry Bones...
Hashem brought about the greatest redemption in history ...from Mitzraim... for a people that were much worse than the Jews of today.

It's easier to elaborate on my home keyboard, but your lack of in depth Torah study leads a smart person such as yourself to post some really dismissal nonsense such as your current post.

When Eliyahu Ha Navi comes, mankind will have 3 days to appear with dignity before the Moshiach.

The Jews in Mitzraim had 15 days of pure hell to prepare for Pesach and God accepted their honest repentance and effort.
God also accepted the non-Jews who repented and they didn't have to do a thing except to admit they were wrong for abusing the Jews.

Jesus and the NT are pure fiction and The Ineffable One is, once again, not an asshole.
Have you never found the hidden matzo at Seder?

What were you taught that you should do after you found it?
Your questions are pointless until you take a few days to read Nefesh Hachaim.
The actions of man reflect the light of God into the proper forms in the spiritual world.
No actions results in a malformed spiritual world regardless of the silliness of your questions.

And your question has a multitude of kaballic answers.

It may be true that no actions result in a malformed spiritual world but it is also true that actions can cause exclusion from it.

the silliness of my questions?

I asked if you had ever seen the shekinah, Jeremiah saw it at 16. How old are you? Was that silly?

You said that if you had you would be meditating on your closeness to God, not posting on a message board because you are not ready to leave this petty illusion behind..

I asked you about the children game at Seder because you should have been taught to negotiate on behalf of your brothers and sisters, and not to think only about yourself when you find the hidden matzo even though only you have rightfully earned a great reward from the one who hid it. Was that silly?

A gentle suggestion to start thinking about more than just your own petty world and a reminder that you are not getting any younger. Was that silly?

Sorry, I didn't realize you have all the answers, need no help, and are completely content to have been seeking God for your entire life without ever finding him and not really caring if you ever do.

Silly me.
You are trying to convince yourself that the path of Noach is superior to the path of Avramham.
Not acting is disasterous and once again, God is not an asshole.

The 3 matzohs...Avraham, Yotzchak, Yaakov
Miriam, Aharon, Moshe
The upper waters, the r'kiah, the lower waters
Olam habah, olam hazeh, Moshaich
And what does this have to do with our earthly relationshiop with the spiritual wolrd? Break a matzah, get Jesus and eat him.
Sounds rather perverse.

First of all there is no such thing as Noachide law.

Law from God came into the world though Moses as a light to the nations long after Noah was dead..

The answer is in your own questions. What is unleavened bread from heaven, manna, if not teaching from God? What is the teaching of the messiah if not how to correctly understand and conform to the divine commands that leads to the fulfillment of the promise of life? Isn't it a command from God to receive the teaching of the Messiah?

The Body of Christ is the body of teaching that Jesus received from God about the figurative nature of the words and hidden subjects of the law that results in the promise of eternal life in the presence of God here and now on earth for anyone who conforms to the teaching of the law in the light of his revelation, Jew or Gentile, rich or poor, cop or criminal, old or young, male or female or anything in between.

Unless you eat his flesh and drink his blood, you can have no life in you as in the promised life for conforming to divine law righteously.

That you only see a perverse command to be superstitious, iniquitous or cannibalistic and can't think any more deeply about it is an indication of an existing perversion within your own mind even though you may have never lifted a finger on the Sabbath or eaten bacon..

C'mon now, do you think that there will ever come a time when Jews will conform to the law according to the talmud with more dedication than they have already displayed for thousands of years?

Why does God hide his face? The answer is in the Torah.

When will you come to your senses and realize that there has got to be a better way?
The answer is the Valley of Dry Bones...
Hashem brought about the greatest redemption in history ...from Mitzraim... for a people that were much worse than the Jews of today.

It's easier to elaborate on my home keyboard, but your lack of in depth Torah study leads a smart person such as yourself to post some really dismissal nonsense such as your current post.

When Eliyahu Ha Navi comes, mankind will have 3 days to appear with dignity before the Moshiach.

The Jews in Mitzraim had 15 days of pure hell to prepare for Pesach and God accepted their honest repentance and effort.
God also accepted the non-Jews who repented and they didn't have to do a thing except to admit they were wrong for abusing the Jews.

Jesus and the NT are pure fiction and The Ineffable One is, once again, not an asshole. one is implying that God is an asshole except for the person who insists that the will of God is expressed literally through the law as if God was a puerile and capricious petty tyrant with the emotional maturity of a spoiled brat.

I should have known better.

Nothing can be added to the cup of the person who is already full of himself....

have a nice day...
Your questions are pointless until you take a few days to read Nefesh Hachaim.
The actions of man reflect the light of God into the proper forms in the spiritual world.
No actions results in a malformed spiritual world regardless of the silliness of your questions.

And your question has a multitude of kaballic answers.

It may be true that no actions result in a malformed spiritual world but it is also true that actions can cause exclusion from it.

the silliness of my questions?

I asked if you had ever seen the shekinah, Jeremiah saw it at 16. How old are you? Was that silly?

You said that if you had you would be meditating on your closeness to God, not posting on a message board because you are not ready to leave this petty illusion behind..

I asked you about the children game at Seder because you should have been taught to negotiate on behalf of your brothers and sisters, and not to think only about yourself when you find the hidden matzo even though only you have rightfully earned a great reward from the one who hid it. Was that silly?

A gentle suggestion to start thinking about more than just your own petty world and a reminder that you are not getting any younger. Was that silly?

Sorry, I didn't realize you have all the answers, need no help, and are completely content to have been seeking God for your entire life without ever finding him and not really caring if you ever do.

Silly me.
You are trying to convince yourself that the path of Noach is superior to the path of Avramham.
Not acting is disasterous and once again, God is not an asshole.

The 3 matzohs...Avraham, Yotzchak, Yaakov
Miriam, Aharon, Moshe
The upper waters, the r'kiah, the lower waters
Olam habah, olam hazeh, Moshaich
And what does this have to do with our earthly relationshiop with the spiritual wolrd? Break a matzah, get Jesus and eat him.
Sounds rather perverse.

First of all there is no such thing as Noachide law.

Law from God came into the world though Moses as a light to the nations long after Noah was dead..

The answer is in your own questions. What is unleavened bread from heaven, manna, if not teaching from God? What is the teaching of the messiah if not how to correctly understand and conform to the divine commands that leads to the fulfillment of the promise of life? Isn't it a command from God to receive the teaching of the Messiah?

The Body of Christ is the body of teaching that Jesus received from God about the figurative nature of the words and hidden subjects of the law that results in the promise of eternal life in the presence of God here and now on earth for anyone who conforms to the teaching of the law in the light of his revelation, Jew or Gentile, rich or poor, cop or criminal, old or young, male or female or anything in between.

Unless you eat his flesh and drink his blood, you can have no life in you as in the promised life for conforming to divine law righteously.

That you only see a perverse command to be superstitious, iniquitous or cannibalistic and can't think any more deeply about it is an indication of an existing perversion within your own mind even though you may have never lifted a finger on the Sabbath or eaten bacon..

C'mon now, do you think that there will ever come a time when Jews will conform to the law according to the talmud with more dedication than they have already displayed for thousands of years?

Why does God hide his face? The answer is in the Torah.

When will you come to your senses and realize that there has got to be a better way?
The answer is the Valley of Dry Bones...
Hashem brought about the greatest redemption in history ...from Mitzraim... for a people that were much worse than the Jews of today.

It's easier to elaborate on my home keyboard, but your lack of in depth Torah study leads a smart person such as yourself to post some really dismissal nonsense such as your current post.

When Eliyahu Ha Navi comes, mankind will have 3 days to appear with dignity before the Moshiach.

The Jews in Mitzraim had 15 days of pure hell to prepare for Pesach and God accepted their honest repentance and effort.
God also accepted the non-Jews who repented and they didn't have to do a thing except to admit they were wrong for abusing the Jews.

Jesus and the NT are pure fiction and The Ineffable One is, once again, not an asshole. one is implying that God is an asshole except for the person who insists that the will of God is expressed literally through the law as if God was a puerile and capricious petty tyrant with the emotional maturity of a spoiled brat.

I should have known better.

Nothing can be added to the cup of the person who is already full of himself....

have a nice day...
You have demonstrated what happens when one walks into an operating room without earning the credentials.

And yes, you do believe God is an asshole.

And you are a very sore learner.
It may be true that no actions result in a malformed spiritual world but it is also true that actions can cause exclusion from it.

the silliness of my questions?

I asked if you had ever seen the shekinah, Jeremiah saw it at 16. How old are you? Was that silly?

You said that if you had you would be meditating on your closeness to God, not posting on a message board because you are not ready to leave this petty illusion behind..

I asked you about the children game at Seder because you should have been taught to negotiate on behalf of your brothers and sisters, and not to think only about yourself when you find the hidden matzo even though only you have rightfully earned a great reward from the one who hid it. Was that silly?

A gentle suggestion to start thinking about more than just your own petty world and a reminder that you are not getting any younger. Was that silly?

Sorry, I didn't realize you have all the answers, need no help, and are completely content to have been seeking God for your entire life without ever finding him and not really caring if you ever do.

Silly me.
You are trying to convince yourself that the path of Noach is superior to the path of Avramham.
Not acting is disasterous and once again, God is not an asshole.

The 3 matzohs...Avraham, Yotzchak, Yaakov
Miriam, Aharon, Moshe
The upper waters, the r'kiah, the lower waters
Olam habah, olam hazeh, Moshaich
And what does this have to do with our earthly relationshiop with the spiritual wolrd? Break a matzah, get Jesus and eat him.
Sounds rather perverse.

First of all there is no such thing as Noachide law.

Law from God came into the world though Moses as a light to the nations long after Noah was dead..

The answer is in your own questions. What is unleavened bread from heaven, manna, if not teaching from God? What is the teaching of the messiah if not how to correctly understand and conform to the divine commands that leads to the fulfillment of the promise of life? Isn't it a command from God to receive the teaching of the Messiah?

The Body of Christ is the body of teaching that Jesus received from God about the figurative nature of the words and hidden subjects of the law that results in the promise of eternal life in the presence of God here and now on earth for anyone who conforms to the teaching of the law in the light of his revelation, Jew or Gentile, rich or poor, cop or criminal, old or young, male or female or anything in between.

Unless you eat his flesh and drink his blood, you can have no life in you as in the promised life for conforming to divine law righteously.

That you only see a perverse command to be superstitious, iniquitous or cannibalistic and can't think any more deeply about it is an indication of an existing perversion within your own mind even though you may have never lifted a finger on the Sabbath or eaten bacon..

C'mon now, do you think that there will ever come a time when Jews will conform to the law according to the talmud with more dedication than they have already displayed for thousands of years?

Why does God hide his face? The answer is in the Torah.

When will you come to your senses and realize that there has got to be a better way?
The answer is the Valley of Dry Bones...
Hashem brought about the greatest redemption in history ...from Mitzraim... for a people that were much worse than the Jews of today.

It's easier to elaborate on my home keyboard, but your lack of in depth Torah study leads a smart person such as yourself to post some really dismissal nonsense such as your current post.

When Eliyahu Ha Navi comes, mankind will have 3 days to appear with dignity before the Moshiach.

The Jews in Mitzraim had 15 days of pure hell to prepare for Pesach and God accepted their honest repentance and effort.
God also accepted the non-Jews who repented and they didn't have to do a thing except to admit they were wrong for abusing the Jews.

Jesus and the NT are pure fiction and The Ineffable One is, once again, not an asshole. one is implying that God is an asshole except for the person who insists that the will of God is expressed literally through the law as if God was a puerile and capricious petty tyrant with the emotional maturity of a spoiled brat.

I should have known better.

Nothing can be added to the cup of the person who is already full of himself....

have a nice day...
You have demonstrated what happens when one walks into an operating room without earning the credentials.

And yes, you do believe God is an asshole.

And you are a very sore learner.
Ahem... lol.. Psst!

You are the one strapped to a gurney in a semiconscious state having a corrective lens implanted into your brain in an open arena for the benefit of medical students..

whether you realize it or not, whether you like it or not.

In a few days you'll remember nothing. You will only have a vague and unsettling dreamlike feeling of having been probed by an alien.
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