Jewish Supremacy From the Jordan River to the Sea

There are a whole lot of Muslim nations that could take in the Palestinians. Where would you suggest the Jews relocate if the House of David belongs to the Muslims?

Relative Geographical Size of Israel Maps

Why should Palestinians whose families owned farms, businesses, and homes in Palestine for generations before Europeans Jews began their Zionist project relocate?

The House of David is just as likely to be another example of Hebrew mythology, yet Jews alone, among all people on this planet, are supposedly entitled to land their alleged ancestors grazed their goats on.
Georgie why are Islamists such poor fighters?
They believe Allah is on their side.

There is no Allah.
Yes there is! He is best friends with my lord Sauron and visits Narnia frequently.

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Both my brothers kids tested into the advanced classes at school. . The girl is 8 and has insanely high verbal IQ . She makes me nervous. She even asked me why I live alone at age 45 lol
The 5 yr old boy is a jokester but tested super high in math and verbal tests .
Lebanon was about 50-50 Christian and Muslim.. Then refugees were driven out of Palestine and their demographic was changed over night. Lebanon has really suffered at the hands of the European Zionists for over 70 years.

"Following the outbreak of the Arab–Israeli War in 1948, 19-year-old Hafida Khatib and her family fled from the Palestinian village of Dayr al-Qassi to neighboring Lebanon. 'I have lived in Lebanon for 70 years, but I've never forgotten Palestine,' says Hafida, who is now almost 90.

"Today she lives in the Burj al-Barajneh refugee camp, which lies in the south of Lebanon's capital, Beirut. Camp residents like to quip that not even a coffin will fit through its narrow streets.

"Many houses are run down and at risk of collapsing.

"Three years ago, Hafida moved into a small ground floor apartment after her leg was amputated because of complications from diabetes."

Imagine how Israeli wealth would affected today if it was required to pay for all the stolen assets that brought the Jewish state into existence?
That was in a war where the surrounding Arab read Islamic states were trying to destroy Israel and slaughter the Jews. The Jews didn't force the Arabs out, they left at eh behest of the Grand Mufti who wanted them out of the way so the Arab League troops would have a clear field to slaughter thee Jews.
Rich Arabs left Palestine as a result of acts of Jewish terror with the promise of much worse to follow. Seven or eight times as many Arabs had their homes, businesses, farms, and bank accounts pillaged by recent European immigrants (many illegal) If those Arab armies had not intervened at that point, the Jews of Israel would not have been forced to wait until 1967 to steal the rest of historical Palestine.
Should the Islamic pay reparations to the Jews who they forced out of their countries with nothing except the clothes on their backs
Sure, along with Native Americans and African Americans in the US.

Many of the Jews you mention were not forced out of their countries until European Jews completed their Zionist colonization of Palestine.

"The Iron Wall"

"There can be no voluntary agreement between ourselves and the Palestine Arabs.

"Not now, nor in the prospective future.

"I say this with such conviction, not because I want to hurt the moderate Zionists.

"I do not believe that they will be hurt.

"Except for those who were born blind, they realised long ago that it is utterly impossible to obtain the voluntary consent of the Palestine Arabs for converting 'Palestine' from an Arab country into a country with a Jewish majority."
Could be, but people are sick and tired of being bullied by the U.S. as well as their own leader's complicity. Humanity is getting pushed into a corner by the western sphere, with only one way out, and if what you say is true well
Empires never recognize when their time has passed.
Perhaps the US today is in a similar place to the UK in 1956?

BBC NEWS | Middle East | The Suez Crisis: Key maps

Washington’s Delusion of Endless World Dominion -

"By 1956, Britain had exploited its global empire shamelessly for a decade in an effort to lift its domestic economy out of the rubble of World War II.

"It was looking forward to doing so for many decades to come.

"Then an obscure Egyptian army colonel named Gamal Abdel Nasser seized the Suez Canal and Britain’s establishment erupted in a paroxysm of racist outrage.

"The prime minister of the day, Sir Antony Eden, forged an alliance with France and Israel to send six aircraft carriers to the Suez area, smash Egypt’s tank force in the Sinai desert, and sweep its air force from the skies."
Empires never recognize when their time has passed. Perhaps the US today is in a similar place to the UK in 1956?
I hope so. But you know as well as I that we need to keep our eye on its replacement.
Conservatives in the US and Australia often have no problem supporting the ethnic cleansing in Palestine because their own countries were built on similar behavior.
Well, it's more complicated than that because their double standard lives on.
I never thought of it that way before but you're right of course.
Conservatives in the US and Australia often have no problem supporting the ethnic cleansing in Palestine because their own countries were built on similar behavior. Social Darwinism dies hard.

Social Darwinism.

Ethnic cleanising?
When have there ever been more Palestinians in Palestine?
Six million wasn't enough for you Jew-haters.
Any thoughts on why, across thousands of years and miles, the actions of a relatively few number of Jews consistently engage in anti-social behavior that results in millions of their tribe being exterminated?

I'll bet you say rape victims deserved it.

What does that accusation have to do with Palestine?
What's Palestine?

I was a province of Syria according to Herodotus .. and mentioned by Shakespeare and Chaucer.

So now you admit the 'palestinians' are Syrians, after the numerous times that has been pointed out here, and they aren't 'refugees', they're just squatters who don't want to go back where they came from. They make too good a living via gangsterism and terrorism.

Squatters? The Palestinians have been there for thousands of years. The whole area was Syria-Palestine since 500 BC. The Jews have a remarkable story but they were never the only people who lived there and their kingdom was by no means grand. David was a bandit king on the trade route between Egypt and Mesopotamia.

"For thousands of years..." :113:

And how many more thousands of years it will take until
at least any significant majority of so-called 'the Palestinians'
actually learn to pronounce 'P-alestine' or understand what that means? :114:

People like you have belittled the Palestinians since you first sought sanctuary in Palestine.

Rubbish. The Labor Zionists bent over backwards trying to get them organized and promoting skilled labor training programs among Arabs; they rejected anything that smacked of progress and progressive social planning and instead some 90% of them joined the 1936 uprising. people like you are just liars and spreading bullshit.

What you are saying is that the Arabs rejected progressive social planning so they deserved what was done to them??

In the mid 1920s the various socialist factions were demonstrating against each other .. The Palestinians had never heard of Lenin an Marx so they were fairly confused by events.

No, they deserve it because Israel is the apple of G-d's eye.
They've crossed the line with the expulsion of local Jews form all 4 holy cities.

Humiliated by the weakest of dhimmis - they have no one to blame but themselves.
Iran and ISIS don't kill civilians on the opposite side of the planet for shareholders, yet you support those who do.

Iran funds the killing of innocent people across the globe, and you support them.

Across the globe you say? Perhaps we shouldn't have overthrown their budding democracy for filthy lucre.

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