Jewish Woman Denied Restroom

Save it toad. You're so far left loon you're about to fall off the planet
Bullshit! You'd say "My name is Karen and I want to talk to a manager."
Never complained to a manager in my life.

Some places I've stopped going to because the service was shitty.

I did have an incident a couple weeks ago, where the clerk at a 7-11 started going off at an anti-immigrant rant about a customer who didn't speak English but wanted to use the bathroom. More ironic because this guy was clearly not born here, either.
Never complained to a manager in my life.

Some places I've stopped going to because the service was shitty.

I did have an incident a couple weeks ago, where the clerk at a 7-11 started going off at an anti-immigrant rant about a customer who didn't speak English but wanted to use the bathroom. More ironic because this guy was clearly not born here, either.
Never complained, eh? So, you are a cuck until you get near a keyboard.
From the article

Eventually allowed in, the customer films messages such as “Zionism = Fascism,” “Your neutrality/apathy is enabling
enabling genocide,” and “Free Palestine.”
So the person was allowed in the restroom to take pictures but couldn’t use it? There seems to be something off about this story as if it may not have happened exactly the way it’s being portrayed.
That's not fair, at least on the face of it.
Some individuals may be legitimately excluded on account of their personal hygiene standards. Not to suggest that Zionist women are unclean.
Is there another reason that's not mentioned?
And here a liberal makes an excuse.
Never complained to a manager in my life.

Some places I've stopped going to because the service was shitty.

I did have an incident a couple weeks ago, where the clerk at a 7-11 started going off at an anti-immigrant rant about a customer who didn't speak English but wanted to use the bathroom. More ironic because this guy was clearly not born here, either.

Sounds like you live in a blue city.
So we are getting a clearer picture of what happened here. This woman was not denied use of the bathroom and had a really sensitive bladder.

Instead, she whined to the staff about graffitti she didn't like after she used the bathroom, and when they weren't taking her complaint seriously enough, she wanted to go back in and video the bathroom.

Most companies have rules against unauthorized filming on their premesis, of course.

The statement said that the customer who filmed the video was initially inside the bathroom and wanted to go back in to document the graffiti.

"The staff handled the situation poorly and we apologize for this error and the distress caused to the customer. We've taken corrective measures with our staff and removed the offensive graffiti. We're not antisemitic; we value diversity and inclusivity.

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