Jews as Hebrew God's Chosen people, Because?

All part of a larger plan ...

you are not authorized by C.J.W.C to divulge that information

Ixnay ... don't tell the oyimgay.

Thats fine, but don't expect me to bake you a cake. Jesus love me.

would you do hamentaschen or rugelach for Purim?

No way! People might start looking into secret meanings behind certain foods.
Everything has a deeper meaning.
All part of a larger plan ...

you are not authorized by C.J.W.C to divulge that information

Ixnay ... don't tell the oyimgay.

Thats fine, but don't expect me to bake you a cake. Jesus love me.

would you do hamentaschen or rugelach for Purim?

No way! People might start looking into secret meanings behind certain foods.

one could attribute pornographic implications to a three cornered
pastry. The number three is very FREUDIAN
Lol you poor inbred polack. Humanity did not achieve so much by being scared little bitches like your sorry ass :itsok:

Anyone who supports the demise of their own culture, is a complete Worthless, Inferior, and Thoughtless being, much lke yourself.

And yet, they rule the world, at least in certain minds. It's almost as if there's a supernatural force that's blessing and protecting them.

Because they were surely protected from the Holocaust. (Rolls eyes)

The world gave them back their own homeland, fulfilling prophecy. In every country they've gone, they succeed and cause jealousy and resentment.

Notice that even after the Holocaust, your ilk is STILL complaining about them, STILL insisting they virtually rule and control the world. It's envy at its ugliest.

So, Yiddish German dialect speaker Jews & Arabic speaker Jews are somehow the Ancient Hebrews now?

Contrary to your opinions, Jews weren't contributing much Intellectually until the 19th Century, and it's ONLY Ashkenazi Jews, therefor it's probably a mix of Jewish Semitic Inbred OCD Chimp fits, and the intellect of people of Central-East Europe, like Poles, Germans, Hungarians, Russians, etc.

Jews ONLY control America, because dumb, I mean very dumb Brits let them, they worship Jews without any kind of defense.
Now that's the ugliest, you Zionist scums are supporting more Blood for Israel.

We did build the Pyramids. Again why do you hate me for something I cannot control?
No it is because we are the Chosen People. Poles are chosen to be the butlers and maids for Russia.

What is funny, a jew saying he is chosen along with all his people. LOL. Begs the quest, What is a Jew??

Your superior both mentally and physically. Next.

Contrary to most on this board, I have respect for a lot of Jews, to begin with RBG. Then again the ones I have respect for are probably not the same ones you do.

Bullshit. You are an anti Semite who wants every Jew obliterated.

I love it when you call me an anti Semite, guess what , you are one too!! Now here is a jew that doesn't know the meaning of Semitic. Let me inform you, its my pleasure.
adjective: Semitic
  1. 1.
    relating to or denoting a family of languages that includes Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic and certain ancient languages such as Phoenician and Akkadian, constituting the main subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic family.
  2. 2.
    relating to the peoples who speak the Semitic languages, especially Hebrew and Arabic.

Learn English!

noun: antisemite
  1. a person who is hostile to or prejudiced against Jews.
    "he was not just a bigot, but also an anti-Semite"
Judaism is a dying religion. It’s nearing the end of its life cycle, as Islam and Christianity eventually will. I wonder what will replace them, if anything.


Do you have proof that Islam is dying?
you are not authorized by C.J.W.C to divulge that information

Ixnay ... don't tell the oyimgay.

Thats fine, but don't expect me to bake you a cake. Jesus love me.

would you do hamentaschen or rugelach for Purim?

No way! People might start looking into secret meanings behind certain foods.

one could attribute pornographic implications to a three cornered
pastry. The number three is very FREUDIAN

What was his take on matzo balls?
Every second. Can you name one user that dedicates every second to Islamits please? Just one. You said "many" surely you can name one.

A lot of Forum Jews here, do in fact dedicate a lot of time to the Israel / Palestine subject, in fact some members here almost never leave that forum, and they're wait for it, wait for it....... JEWS.

Tsk Tsk said "every second" and you said "many". I asked you to name one and you cannot. You have zero credibility.

Well, technically I don't post Jew hating facts, or tid-bits every second, either.

So you have other hobbies? :)

We're done here, obviously you can't tell us why Jews are God's Chosen people, and continue to derail my thread kicking, screaming with sheer panic & desperation.
I already told you that God didn't choose the Jews specifically. God ask many tribes on Earth if they wanted to worship him and only Abraham agreed to do as such...The Jews were but one tribe of the Hebrews. It's all in the history section of the non-fiction section..
A lot of Forum Jews here, do in fact dedicate a lot of time to the Israel / Palestine subject, in fact some members here almost never leave that forum, and they're wait for it, wait for it....... JEWS.

Tsk Tsk said "every second" and you said "many". I asked you to name one and you cannot. You have zero credibility.

Well, technically I don't post Jew hating facts, or tid-bits every second, either.

So you have other hobbies? :)

We're done here, obviously you can't tell us why Jews are God's Chosen people, and continue to derail my thread kicking, screaming with sheer panic & desperation.
I already told you that God didn't choose the Jews specifically. God ask many tribes on Earth if they wanted to worship him and only Abraham agreed to do as such...The Jews were but one tribe of the Hebrews. It's all in the history section of the non-fiction section..
No, you have the whole damn story all wrong..

They were chosen because they were the only literate tribe.

Why would God write an angry letter to the other nations if they didn't even know how to read?
you are not authorized by C.J.W.C to divulge that information

Ixnay ... don't tell the oyimgay.

Thats fine, but don't expect me to bake you a cake. Jesus love me.

would you do hamentaschen or rugelach for Purim?

No way! People might start looking into secret meanings behind certain foods.
Everything has a deeper meaning.

Nahh, Sometime a cigar is just a cigar. At least thats what I heard.
What is funny, a jew saying he is chosen along with all his people. LOL. Begs the quest, What is a Jew??

Your superior both mentally and physically. Next.

Contrary to most on this board, I have respect for a lot of Jews, to begin with RBG. Then again the ones I have respect for are probably not the same ones you do.

Bullshit. You are an anti Semite who wants every Jew obliterated.

I love it when you call me an anti Semite, guess what , you are one too!! Now here is a jew that doesn't know the meaning of Semitic. Let me inform you, its my pleasure.
adjective: Semitic
  1. 1.
    relating to or denoting a family of languages that includes Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic and certain ancient languages such as Phoenician and Akkadian, constituting the main subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic family.
  2. 2.
    relating to the peoples who speak the Semitic languages, especially Hebrew and Arabic.

Learn English!

noun: antisemite
  1. a person who is hostile to or prejudiced against Jews.
    "he was not just a bigot, but also an anti-Semite"

And jews have stolen the word semite. Jews also have stolen WWII and made it all about them, then they had the nerve to make the US a Judeo-Christian nation, in 1950. Stealing is what most jews do, even according to the OT. Take your holocaust and shove it where the sun doesn't shine. Its over.
Ixnay ... don't tell the oyimgay.

Thats fine, but don't expect me to bake you a cake. Jesus love me.

would you do hamentaschen or rugelach for Purim?

No way! People might start looking into secret meanings behind certain foods.

one could attribute pornographic implications to a three cornered
pastry. The number three is very FREUDIAN

What was his take on matzo balls?

depends on your INFLECTION when you say Matzoh balls and
your facial expression and slurping sounds when you eat the soup---
and then there is the matter of DREAMS
Your superior both mentally and physically. Next.

Contrary to most on this board, I have respect for a lot of Jews, to begin with RBG. Then again the ones I have respect for are probably not the same ones you do.

Bullshit. You are an anti Semite who wants every Jew obliterated.

I love it when you call me an anti Semite, guess what , you are one too!! Now here is a jew that doesn't know the meaning of Semitic. Let me inform you, its my pleasure.
adjective: Semitic
  1. 1.
    relating to or denoting a family of languages that includes Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic and certain ancient languages such as Phoenician and Akkadian, constituting the main subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic family.
  2. 2.
    relating to the peoples who speak the Semitic languages, especially Hebrew and Arabic.

Learn English!

noun: antisemite
  1. a person who is hostile to or prejudiced against Jews.
    "he was not just a bigot, but also an anti-Semite"

And jews have stolen the word semite. Jews also have stolen WWII and made it all about them, then they had the nerve to make the US a Judeo-Christian nation, in 1950. Stealing is what most jews do, even according to the OT.

Awesome. Let all that Jew hate out. Exposing people like you makes my day.
Tsk Tsk said "every second" and you said "many". I asked you to name one and you cannot. You have zero credibility.

Well, technically I don't post Jew hating facts, or tid-bits every second, either.

So you have other hobbies? :)

We're done here, obviously you can't tell us why Jews are God's Chosen people, and continue to derail my thread kicking, screaming with sheer panic & desperation.
I already told you that God didn't choose the Jews specifically. God ask many tribes on Earth if they wanted to worship him and only Abraham agreed to do as such...The Jews were but one tribe of the Hebrews. It's all in the history section of the non-fiction section..
No, you have the whole damn story all wrong..

They were chosen because they were the only literate tribe.

Why would God write an angry letter to the other nations if they didn't even know how to read?
He could use sign language..
Contrary to most on this board, I have respect for a lot of Jews, to begin with RBG. Then again the ones I have respect for are probably not the same ones you do.

Bullshit. You are an anti Semite who wants every Jew obliterated.

I love it when you call me an anti Semite, guess what , you are one too!! Now here is a jew that doesn't know the meaning of Semitic. Let me inform you, its my pleasure.
adjective: Semitic
  1. 1.
    relating to or denoting a family of languages that includes Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic and certain ancient languages such as Phoenician and Akkadian, constituting the main subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic family.
  2. 2.
    relating to the peoples who speak the Semitic languages, especially Hebrew and Arabic.

Learn English!

noun: antisemite
  1. a person who is hostile to or prejudiced against Jews.
    "he was not just a bigot, but also an anti-Semite"

And jews have stolen the word semite. Jews also have stolen WWII and made it all about them, then they had the nerve to make the US a Judeo-Christian nation, in 1950. Stealing is what most jews do, even according to the OT.

Awesome. Let all that Jew hate out. Exposing people like you makes my day.

our dear penny was the valedictorian of her catechism class
Well, technically I don't post Jew hating facts, or tid-bits every second, either.

So you have other hobbies? :)

We're done here, obviously you can't tell us why Jews are God's Chosen people, and continue to derail my thread kicking, screaming with sheer panic & desperation.
I already told you that God didn't choose the Jews specifically. God ask many tribes on Earth if they wanted to worship him and only Abraham agreed to do as such...The Jews were but one tribe of the Hebrews. It's all in the history section of the non-fiction section..
No, you have the whole damn story all wrong..

They were chosen because they were the only literate tribe.

Why would God write an angry letter to the other nations if they didn't even know how to read?
He could use sign language..

Yeah, he tried that.. Doesn't work with the blind.

Well, technically I don't post Jew hating facts, or tid-bits every second, either.

So you have other hobbies? :)

We're done here, obviously you can't tell us why Jews are God's Chosen people, and continue to derail my thread kicking, screaming with sheer panic & desperation.
I already told you that God didn't choose the Jews specifically. God ask many tribes on Earth if they wanted to worship him and only Abraham agreed to do as such...The Jews were but one tribe of the Hebrews. It's all in the history section of the non-fiction section..
No, you have the whole damn story all wrong..

They were chosen because they were the only literate tribe.

Why would God write an angry letter to the other nations if they didn't even know how to read?
He could use sign language..

nope----other signs-----like lightening and thunder-------and---sometimes
Your superior both mentally and physically. Next.

Contrary to most on this board, I have respect for a lot of Jews, to begin with RBG. Then again the ones I have respect for are probably not the same ones you do.

Bullshit. You are an anti Semite who wants every Jew obliterated.

I love it when you call me an anti Semite, guess what , you are one too!! Now here is a jew that doesn't know the meaning of Semitic. Let me inform you, its my pleasure.
adjective: Semitic
  1. 1.
    relating to or denoting a family of languages that includes Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic and certain ancient languages such as Phoenician and Akkadian, constituting the main subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic family.
  2. 2.
    relating to the peoples who speak the Semitic languages, especially Hebrew and Arabic.

Learn English!

noun: antisemite
  1. a person who is hostile to or prejudiced against Jews.
    "he was not just a bigot, but also an anti-Semite"

And jews have stolen the word semite. Jews also have stolen WWII and made it all about them, then they had the nerve to make the US a Judeo-Christian nation, in 1950. Stealing is what most jews do, even according to the OT. Take your holocaust and shove it where the sun doesn't shine. Its over.

Don't worry Penelope. Agents at Chaos are feverishly working on returning the word semite to its rightful owners.
Contrary to most on this board, I have respect for a lot of Jews, to begin with RBG. Then again the ones I have respect for are probably not the same ones you do.

Bullshit. You are an anti Semite who wants every Jew obliterated.

I love it when you call me an anti Semite, guess what , you are one too!! Now here is a jew that doesn't know the meaning of Semitic. Let me inform you, its my pleasure.
adjective: Semitic
  1. 1.
    relating to or denoting a family of languages that includes Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic and certain ancient languages such as Phoenician and Akkadian, constituting the main subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic family.
  2. 2.
    relating to the peoples who speak the Semitic languages, especially Hebrew and Arabic.

Learn English!

noun: antisemite
  1. a person who is hostile to or prejudiced against Jews.
    "he was not just a bigot, but also an anti-Semite"

And jews have stolen the word semite. Jews also have stolen WWII and made it all about them, then they had the nerve to make the US a Judeo-Christian nation, in 1950. Stealing is what most jews do, even according to the OT. Take your holocaust and shove it where the sun doesn't shine. Its over.

Don't worry penny dear. Agents at Chaos are feverishly working on trying to return the word semite to its rightful owners.

the cosmic TUG OF WAR will be held ADAR 14. -----which is march 20
according to the heretic Gregory. The angel GABRIEL-----will fight Francis
for the word--------which in the beginning -----and end------remains SEMITE
when the angel Gabriel fought Jacob------he disabled him and then
changed his name to ISRAEL ----which sorta means "fell off the
ladder" He will-----on Adar 14----change the name of Francis---
to something like-----"fell off the globe" ------"nafal"???

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