Jews as Hebrew God's Chosen people, Because?

So that's where that started...
I already told you that God didn't choose the Jews specifically. God ask many tribes on Earth if they wanted to worship him and only Abraham agreed to do as such...The Jews were but one tribe of the Hebrews. It's all in the history section of the non-fiction section..

So that's where that started...

The idol Baalberith, which the Jews worshiped after the death of Gideon, was identical, according to the Rabbis, with Baal-zebub, "the ba'al of flies," the god of Ekron (II Kings i. 2). He was worshiped in the shape of a fly; and so addicted were the Jews to his cult (thus runs the tradition) that they would carry an image of him in their pockets, producing it, and kissing it from time to time. Baal-zebub is called Baal-berith because such Jews might be said to make a covenant (Hebr. "Berit") of devotion with the idol, being unwilling to part with it for a single moment (Shab. 83b; comp. also Sanh. 63b). According to another conception, Baal-berith was an obscene article of idolatrous worship, possibly a simulacrum priapi (Yer. Shab. ix. 11d; 'Ab. Zarah iii. 43a). This is evidently based on the later significance of the word "berit," meaning circumcision.

you got that story a bit screwed up penny dear and ""berit"" does not
mean circumcision. SHECHEM is -----Nablus------always a dung heap

You might want to write to the Jewish Encyclopedia and inform them.

Says someone who didn't know the definition of an anti semite. Comical.

I understand it and I understand the Hebrews have stolen the word semite to mean JUST them.

Nope. Until I posted it, you clearly showed you did not and then back pedaled with some fiction about Jew theft. Clearly you are mentally ill or a liar.
Anyone who supports the demise of their own culture, is a complete Worthless, Inferior, and Thoughtless being, much lke yourself.

And yet, they rule the world, at least in certain minds. It's almost as if there's a supernatural force that's blessing and protecting them.

Because they were surely protected from the Holocaust. (Rolls eyes)
You are stuck on the physical; that’s the aftermath of believing that God is a Man.
How you gonna feel when God reveals His Omnipresence at the end of time?
Those souls that were murdered will enjoy an eternity and you’ll make a great servant.
Be careful. You are starting to evangelize again. :lol:
Yep...never read an entire book and know what it says.
You do realize that all religions believe in an afterlife.
It’s just that some idiots, like NotSober, believe in Might Makes Right...very physical.
The religion of atheism doesn’t.
Anyone who supports the demise of their own culture, is a complete Worthless, Inferior, and Thoughtless being, much lke yourself.

And yet, they rule the world, at least in certain minds. It's almost as if there's a supernatural force that's blessing and protecting them.

Because they were surely protected from the Holocaust. (Rolls eyes)

The world gave them back their own homeland, fulfilling prophecy. In every country they've gone, they succeed and cause jealousy and resentment.

Notice that even after the Holocaust, your ilk is STILL complaining about them, STILL insisting they virtually rule and control the world. It's envy at its ugliest.

So, Yiddish German dialect speaker Jews & Arabic speaker Jews are somehow the Ancient Hebrews now?

Contrary to your opinions, Jews weren't contributing much Intellectually until the 19th Century, and it's ONLY Ashkenazi Jews, therefor it's probably a mix of Jewish Semitic Inbred OCD Chimp fits, and the intellect of people of Central-East Europe, like Poles, Germans, Hungarians, Russians, etc.

Jews ONLY control America, because dumb, I mean very dumb Brits let them, they worship Jews without any kind of defense.
Now that's the ugliest, you Zionist scums are supporting more Blood for Israel.

We did build the Pyramids. Again why do you hate me for something I cannot control?

There's no evidence that Hebrews were even in Ancient Egypt, UNLESS they were the Hyksos, who the Hyksos certainly didn't invent the Pyramid.
Jews own most of the wealth??
Source for this??

So, God is on your side over Israel.
That's what Nazis thought over Nazi Germany when they kept winning, until they fell.

Poland won a lot more battles when outnumbered than Israel.

Maybe because Poles are the Chosen people????????

It makes every bit as much sense as Jews being such.
You post it all the time, you moron.

Jews may own a disproportionate amount of wealth, but they don't own the whole country.
The reason why Jews have so much power in the U.S.A, is because those British Bible Belt nut-jobs worship you guys.

No it is because we are the Chosen People. Poles are chosen to be the butlers and maids for Russia.

What is funny, a jew saying he is chosen along with all his people. LOL. Begs the quest, What is a Jew??

Your superior both mentally and physically. Next.

Jews aren't superior Physically, quite the opposite, Jews tend to be vastly under-represented in the Athletics.
Funny how Sarah gave birth to Isaac one year after Abraham got circumcised.

Check out the god of fertility:
Priapus - Wikipedia

The idol Baalberith, which the Jews worshiped after the death of Gideon, was identical, according to the Rabbis, with Baal-zebub, "the ba'al of flies," the god of Ekron (II Kings i. 2). He was worshiped in the shape of a fly; and so addicted were the Jews to his cult (thus runs the tradition) that they would carry an image of him in their pockets, producing it, and kissing it from time to time. Baal-zebub is called Baal-berith because such Jews might be said to make a covenant (Hebr. "Berit") of devotion with the idol, being unwilling to part with it for a single moment (Shab. 83b; comp. also Sanh. 63b). According to another conception, Baal-berith was an obscene article of idolatrous worship, possibly a simulacrum priapi (Yer. Shab. ix. 11d; 'Ab. Zarah iii. 43a). This is evidently based on the later significance of the word "berit," meaning circumcision.

you got that story a bit screwed up penny dear and ""berit"" does not
mean circumcision. SHECHEM is -----Nablus------always a dung heap

You might want to write to the Jewish Encyclopedia and inform them.

Says someone who didn't know the definition of an anti semite. Comical.

I understand it and I understand the Hebrews have stolen the word semite to mean JUST them.

Nope. Until I posted it, you clearly showed you did not and then back pedaled with some fiction about Jew theft. Clearly you are mentally ill or a liar.

LOL. you just can't admit all arabs and Palestinians are your kin.
Your superior both mentally and physically. Next.

Contrary to most on this board, I have respect for a lot of Jews, to begin with RBG. Then again the ones I have respect for are probably not the same ones you do.

Bullshit. You are an anti Semite who wants every Jew obliterated.

I love it when you call me an anti Semite, guess what , you are one too!! Now here is a jew that doesn't know the meaning of Semitic. Let me inform you, its my pleasure.
adjective: Semitic
  1. 1.
    relating to or denoting a family of languages that includes Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic and certain ancient languages such as Phoenician and Akkadian, constituting the main subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic family.
  2. 2.
    relating to the peoples who speak the Semitic languages, especially Hebrew and Arabic.

Learn English!

noun: antisemite
  1. a person who is hostile to or prejudiced against Jews.
    "he was not just a bigot, but also an anti-Semite"

And jews have stolen the word semite. Jews also have stolen WWII and made it all about them, then they had the nerve to make the US a Judeo-Christian nation, in 1950. Stealing is what most jews do, even according to the OT. Take your holocaust and shove it where the sun doesn't shine. Its over.

Jews have manipulated WW2, neglecting the vast numbers of Slavic Christians killed in WW2, and others like Gypsies, and Western Europeans, etc.

They even go so far to blame Polish Victims of WW2, as Nazi perpetrators of the Holocaust.

Then with their "Supposed" Superior Intellects, can't quite grasp why a lot of people in Eastern Europe, particularly Poland, DO NOT LIKE THEM.
Tsk Tsk said "every second" and you said "many". I asked you to name one and you cannot. You have zero credibility.

Well, technically I don't post Jew hating facts, or tid-bits every second, either.

So you have other hobbies? :)

We're done here, obviously you can't tell us why Jews are God's Chosen people, and continue to derail my thread kicking, screaming with sheer panic & desperation.
I already told you that God didn't choose the Jews specifically. God ask many tribes on Earth if they wanted to worship him and only Abraham agreed to do as such...The Jews were but one tribe of the Hebrews. It's all in the history section of the non-fiction section..
No, you have the whole damn story all wrong..

They were chosen because they were the only literate tribe.

Why would God write an angry letter to the other nations if they didn't even know how to read?

The Arrogance displayed here is breathtaking.

Fact is most peoples within societies with Writing, were in fact Illiterate until the Enlightenment.

Ancient Hebrews weren't the "ONLY" ones to read.

In fact, a bunch of other groups around the region & even else where were able to, going back to Sumerian Cuneiform, Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Minoan Linear A, Mycenaean Linear B, and the Phoenician Alphabet, the Chinese Oracle Shell.
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Contrary to most on this board, I have respect for a lot of Jews, to begin with RBG. Then again the ones I have respect for are probably not the same ones you do.

Bullshit. You are an anti Semite who wants every Jew obliterated.

I love it when you call me an anti Semite, guess what , you are one too!! Now here is a jew that doesn't know the meaning of Semitic. Let me inform you, its my pleasure.
adjective: Semitic
  1. 1.
    relating to or denoting a family of languages that includes Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic and certain ancient languages such as Phoenician and Akkadian, constituting the main subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic family.
  2. 2.
    relating to the peoples who speak the Semitic languages, especially Hebrew and Arabic.

Learn English!

noun: antisemite
  1. a person who is hostile to or prejudiced against Jews.
    "he was not just a bigot, but also an anti-Semite"

And jews have stolen the word semite. Jews also have stolen WWII and made it all about them, then they had the nerve to make the US a Judeo-Christian nation, in 1950. Stealing is what most jews do, even according to the OT. Take your holocaust and shove it where the sun doesn't shine. Its over.

Sounds like envy.

How dare people react towards Jewish ill actions towards others.

That must be envy.

What a bunch of crock, you British simpletons are too much.
Your superior both mentally and physically. Next.

Contrary to most on this board, I have respect for a lot of Jews, to begin with RBG. Then again the ones I have respect for are probably not the same ones you do.

Bullshit. You are an anti Semite who wants every Jew obliterated.

I love it when you call me an anti Semite, guess what , you are one too!! Now here is a jew that doesn't know the meaning of Semitic. Let me inform you, its my pleasure.
adjective: Semitic
  1. 1.
    relating to or denoting a family of languages that includes Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic and certain ancient languages such as Phoenician and Akkadian, constituting the main subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic family.
  2. 2.
    relating to the peoples who speak the Semitic languages, especially Hebrew and Arabic.

Learn English!

noun: antisemite
  1. a person who is hostile to or prejudiced against Jews.
    "he was not just a bigot, but also an anti-Semite"
Stealing is what most jews do, even according to the OT. Take your holocaust and shove it where the sun doesn't shine. Its over.

Apparently a lot of SO CALLED Hebrew stories of the OT, were ripped off of Babylonian stories.
Most Jews who came to Israel were speaking Yiddish a German dialect, and also Arabic dialects on arrival to Israel.

What makes them anymore the chosen people, than pro-Christ Arabic speakers, or pro-Christ German speakers??????????

Oh, because they hijacked Hebrew culture, and called it Israel, really??????

Keep in mind that the Jewish Talmud has many foul & discraceful texts against Jesus & also Christians.

God said so, and that's enough for me.

Ezekiel 36 NIV;KJV - Hope for the Mountains of Israel - Bible Gateway
Who's using Jew hatred to pull off global conquest, as we speak?????????

All I see is quite the opposite, a U.S.A that's pro-Israel, and has Military bases all over the Planet.
Muslim Jihad, moron.
Take your head out your ass.
The US is almost the only country where Muslim gangs aren’t murdering or kidnapping people on a daily basis.

The U.S.A are the Globalists, NOT the Muslims.

A lot of Jews want Muslims here, they like Refugees.

Just more evidence of Jews being dumb.
Jews who want to be Christians do love everybody.

Hmm, and yet Jews have been at the forefront of Liberalism.

I've made such threads in the past.

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
And that’s why you daddy had a job and you’re not living in a slum;
But that you’ll never admit.

So, my Father & Mother being Teachers, somehow means they owe Liberal Jews, WTF????????????
Bullshit. You are an anti Semite who wants every Jew obliterated.

I love it when you call me an anti Semite, guess what , you are one too!! Now here is a jew that doesn't know the meaning of Semitic. Let me inform you, its my pleasure.
adjective: Semitic
  1. 1.
    relating to or denoting a family of languages that includes Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic and certain ancient languages such as Phoenician and Akkadian, constituting the main subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic family.
  2. 2.
    relating to the peoples who speak the Semitic languages, especially Hebrew and Arabic.

Learn English!

noun: antisemite
  1. a person who is hostile to or prejudiced against Jews.
    "he was not just a bigot, but also an anti-Semite"

And jews have stolen the word semite. Jews also have stolen WWII and made it all about them, then they had the nerve to make the US a Judeo-Christian nation, in 1950. Stealing is what most jews do, even according to the OT. Take your holocaust and shove it where the sun doesn't shine. Its over.

Sounds like envy.

How dare people react towards Jewish ill actions towards others.

That must be envy.

What a bunch of crock, you British simpletons are too much.

I'm not British. None of my ancestors came from Britain. You are simply wrong.

And to blame the Jews for the Holocaust removes you from serious consideration of pretty much anything.
Muslim Jihad, moron.
Take your head out your ass.
The US is almost the only country where Muslim gangs aren’t murdering or kidnapping people on a daily basis.

The U.S.A are the Globalists, NOT the Muslims.

A lot of Jews want Muslims here, they like Refugees.

Just more evidence of Jews being dumb.
Jews who want to be Christians do love everybody.

Hmm, and yet Jews have been at the forefront of Liberalism.

I've made such threads in the past.

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
And that’s why you daddy had a job and you’re not living in a slum;
But that you’ll never admit.

So, my Father & Mother being Teachers, somehow means they owe Liberal Jews, WTF????????????
If they produced you they obviously are not qualified to teach.
Funny how Sarah gave birth to Isaac one year after Abraham got circumcised.

Check out the god of fertility:
Priapus - Wikipedia
you got that story a bit screwed up penny dear and ""berit"" does not
mean circumcision. SHECHEM is -----Nablus------always a dung heap

You might want to write to the Jewish Encyclopedia and inform them.

Says someone who didn't know the definition of an anti semite. Comical.

I understand it and I understand the Hebrews have stolen the word semite to mean JUST them.

Nope. Until I posted it, you clearly showed you did not and then back pedaled with some fiction about Jew theft. Clearly you are mentally ill or a liar.

LOL. you just can't admit all arabs and Palestinians are your kin.

Don't deflect and they are certainly not my kin.
I love it when you call me an anti Semite, guess what , you are one too!! Now here is a jew that doesn't know the meaning of Semitic. Let me inform you, its my pleasure.
adjective: Semitic
  1. 1.
    relating to or denoting a family of languages that includes Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic and certain ancient languages such as Phoenician and Akkadian, constituting the main subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic family.
  2. 2.
    relating to the peoples who speak the Semitic languages, especially Hebrew and Arabic.

Learn English!

noun: antisemite
  1. a person who is hostile to or prejudiced against Jews.
    "he was not just a bigot, but also an anti-Semite"

And jews have stolen the word semite. Jews also have stolen WWII and made it all about them, then they had the nerve to make the US a Judeo-Christian nation, in 1950. Stealing is what most jews do, even according to the OT. Take your holocaust and shove it where the sun doesn't shine. Its over.

Sounds like envy.

How dare people react towards Jewish ill actions towards others.

That must be envy.

What a bunch of crock, you British simpletons are too much.

I'm not British. None of my ancestors came from Britain. You are simply wrong.

And to blame the Jews for the Holocaust removes you from serious consideration of pretty much anything.
If it's okay to blame Poles for the Holocaust, then it's okay to blame Jews for the Holocaust.
The U.S.A are the Globalists, NOT the Muslims.

A lot of Jews want Muslims here, they like Refugees.

Just more evidence of Jews being dumb.
Jews who want to be Christians do love everybody.

Hmm, and yet Jews have been at the forefront of Liberalism.

I've made such threads in the past.

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
And that’s why you daddy had a job and you’re not living in a slum;
But that you’ll never admit.

So, my Father & Mother being Teachers, somehow means they owe Liberal Jews, WTF????????????
If they produced you they obviously are not qualified to teach.

My level of knowledge is far greater than most users here.

You on the other hand are a Big Mouth, with little knowledge, except on the Jewish studies, such as the Talmud, Torah etc.
Learn English!

noun: antisemite
  1. a person who is hostile to or prejudiced against Jews.
    "he was not just a bigot, but also an anti-Semite"

And jews have stolen the word semite. Jews also have stolen WWII and made it all about them, then they had the nerve to make the US a Judeo-Christian nation, in 1950. Stealing is what most jews do, even according to the OT. Take your holocaust and shove it where the sun doesn't shine. Its over.

Sounds like envy.

How dare people react towards Jewish ill actions towards others.

That must be envy.

What a bunch of crock, you British simpletons are too much.

I'm not British. None of my ancestors came from Britain. You are simply wrong.

And to blame the Jews for the Holocaust removes you from serious consideration of pretty much anything.
If it's okay to blame Poles for the Holocaust, then it's okay to blame Jews for the Holocaust.

You Blame Jews because Jews died? That is like blaming the victim of an assault because of the assault. Doesn't make any sense.
Learn English!

noun: antisemite
  1. a person who is hostile to or prejudiced against Jews.
    "he was not just a bigot, but also an anti-Semite"

And jews have stolen the word semite. Jews also have stolen WWII and made it all about them, then they had the nerve to make the US a Judeo-Christian nation, in 1950. Stealing is what most jews do, even according to the OT. Take your holocaust and shove it where the sun doesn't shine. Its over.

Sounds like envy.

How dare people react towards Jewish ill actions towards others.

That must be envy.

What a bunch of crock, you British simpletons are too much.

I'm not British. None of my ancestors came from Britain. You are simply wrong.

And to blame the Jews for the Holocaust removes you from serious consideration of pretty much anything.
If it's okay to blame Poles for the Holocaust, then it's okay to blame Jews for the Holocaust.

I blame Hitler, people afraid of him, and people who hate Jews for the Holocaust.
And jews have stolen the word semite. Jews also have stolen WWII and made it all about them, then they had the nerve to make the US a Judeo-Christian nation, in 1950. Stealing is what most jews do, even according to the OT. Take your holocaust and shove it where the sun doesn't shine. Its over.

Sounds like envy.

How dare people react towards Jewish ill actions towards others.

That must be envy.

What a bunch of crock, you British simpletons are too much.

I'm not British. None of my ancestors came from Britain. You are simply wrong.

And to blame the Jews for the Holocaust removes you from serious consideration of pretty much anything.
If it's okay to blame Poles for the Holocaust, then it's okay to blame Jews for the Holocaust.

You Blame Jews because Jews died? That is like blaming the victim of an assault because of the assault. Doesn't make any sense.

Sure, Jews died, and yet not only Jews died.

In fact, a minority of people who died in WW2 were Jews.

Many other people died in WW2, including Poles, Russians, Ukrainians, Serbs.

It's okay to neglect these victims & even blame them for the Holocaust.
How come?
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