Jews as Hebrew God's Chosen people, Because?

70 - 85 million died in WW2, that means just close to 6 - 8% of those who died were Jews.
They weren't systematically targeted for extermination like the Jews were.

Lie. And you know what, Judea declared war on Germany in 1933. If only Jews were not in Poland.

What lie? Be specific.

"Judea" wasn't a state at the time. Are you granting legitimacy to the claim that Islam has declared war on the US?

Judea, right was not even at the time, but all the jews of the world were Judea.

So they had no army, no navy, no air force, no Marines, didn't plant babies wrapped in explosives to kill Germans, didn't drive trucks into crowds. Just how much of a threat were they?

Just money. Sanctions. There was no Israel then.

The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany: The Economic Boycott of 1933. M. Raphael Johnson, Ph.D.

The whole of Israel throughout the world is uniting to declare an economic and financial war on Germany. The appearance of the Swastika as the symbol of the new Germany has revived the old war symbol of Judas to new life. Fourteen million Jews scattered over the entire world are tight to each other as if one man, in order to declare war against the German persecutors of their fellow believers.
The Jewish wholesaler will quit his house, the banker his stock exchange, the merchant his business, and the beggar his humble hut, in order to join the holy war against Hitler's people.

judea declared war on germany - Google Search:
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We're done here, obviously you can't tell us why Jews are God's Chosen people, and continue to derail my thread kicking, screaming with sheer panic & desperation.
I already told you that God didn't choose the Jews specifically. God ask many tribes on Earth if they wanted to worship him and only Abraham agreed to do as such...The Jews were but one tribe of the Hebrews. It's all in the history section of the non-fiction section..
No, you have the whole damn story all wrong..

They were chosen because they were the only literate tribe.

Why would God write an angry letter to the other nations if they didn't even know how to read?

The Arrogance displayed here is breathtaking.

Fact is most peoples within societies with Writing, were in fact Illiterate until the Enlightenment.

Ancient Hebrews weren't the "ONLY" ones to read.

In fact, a bunch of other groups around the region & even else where were able to, going back to Sumerian Cuneiform, Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Minoan Linear A, Mycenaean Linear B, and the Phoenician Alphabet, the Chinese Oracle Shell.

Ok sure, forget about ancient man. You are illiterate. Think about it. You read the bible and walk away with the belief that a human being is God and you must eat him and hate Jews to live forever..

If thats not illiterate what is it?

Just plain stupid?

I would think more highly of you if you couldn't read at all.
Do you believe that God is good? :lol:

“Good” is subjective. Emojis are for children. This site is for adults.
I'm not British. None of my ancestors came from Britain. You are simply wrong.

And to blame the Jews for the Holocaust removes you from serious consideration of pretty much anything.
If it's okay to blame Poles for the Holocaust, then it's okay to blame Jews for the Holocaust.

You Blame Jews because Jews died? That is like blaming the victim of an assault because of the assault. Doesn't make any sense.

Sure, Jews died, and yet not only Jews died.

In fact, a minority of people who died in WW2 were Jews.

Many other people died in WW2, including Poles, Russians, Ukrainians, Serbs.

It's okay to neglect these victims & even blame them for the Holocaust.
How come?

Because they weren't singled out. Jews were. Many French and British soldiers died too. But POWs were treated very poorly when coming from the Eastern Front vs. those who were captured from Europe and the US. See how easily I answer you. This is because as a Jew I am superior being to you.

For every 1 Jew who died in WW2, about 3 - 4 Russians had died.

Yet, this doesn't even get basically any attention.

It's all about the Jews & their suffering.

You're NOT Superior, but rather ignorant & arrogant.

Being Jewish and Russian is not necessarily mutually exclusive. 25 mil Russians died. Including many of my ancestors. They were Russian Jews.
We're done here, obviously you can't tell us why Jews are God's Chosen people, and continue to derail my thread kicking, screaming with sheer panic & desperation.
I already told you that God didn't choose the Jews specifically. God ask many tribes on Earth if they wanted to worship him and only Abraham agreed to do as such...The Jews were but one tribe of the Hebrews. It's all in the history section of the non-fiction section..
No, you have the whole damn story all wrong..

They were chosen because they were the only literate tribe.

Why would God write an angry letter to the other nations if they didn't even know how to read?

The Arrogance displayed here is breathtaking.

Fact is most peoples within societies with Writing, were in fact Illiterate until the Enlightenment.

Ancient Hebrews weren't the "ONLY" ones to read.

In fact, a bunch of other groups around the region & even else where were able to, going back to Sumerian Cuneiform, Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Minoan Linear A, Mycenaean Linear B, and the Phoenician Alphabet, the Chinese Oracle Shell.

Ok sure, forget about ancient man. You are illiterate. Think about it. You read the bible and walk away with the belief that a human being is God and you must eat him and hate Jews to live forever..

If thats not illiterate what is it?

Just plain stupid?

I would think more highly of you if you couldn't read at all.

What makes that any worse, then Jews thinking Yamakas save them, or that they must suck on Babies genitals in Metzitzah B'peh.

You & your tribe are therefor Illiterate, by your own logic.

You’re talking about a tiny sect. That would be like saying every Muslim is radical and every Christian believes you go to hell if you don’t take Jesus as your lord and savior. You have stated several times you don’t broad brush people well sans Jews that is it seems. Hypocrisy running wild with the Polish.
If it's okay to blame Poles for the Holocaust, then it's okay to blame Jews for the Holocaust.

You Blame Jews because Jews died? That is like blaming the victim of an assault because of the assault. Doesn't make any sense.

Sure, Jews died, and yet not only Jews died.

In fact, a minority of people who died in WW2 were Jews.

Many other people died in WW2, including Poles, Russians, Ukrainians, Serbs.

It's okay to neglect these victims & even blame them for the Holocaust.
How come?

Because they weren't singled out. Jews were. Many French and British soldiers died too. But POWs were treated very poorly when coming from the Eastern Front vs. those who were captured from Europe and the US. See how easily I answer you. This is because as a Jew I am superior being to you.

For every 1 Jew who died in WW2, about 3 - 4 Russians had died.

Yet, this doesn't even get basically any attention.

It's all about the Jews & their suffering.

You're NOT Superior, but rather ignorant & arrogant.

Being Jewish and Russian is not necessarily mutually exclusive. 25 mil Russians died. Including many of my ancestors. They were Russian Jews.

my family background also includes Russians------but not as much as Polish
70 - 85 million died in WW2, that means just close to 6 - 8% of those who died were Jews.
They weren't systematically targeted for extermination like the Jews were.

GeneralPlan Ost says otherwise.
Why is that significant? It was the Jews who had to wear armbands signifying who they were and made them targets.

One observer reported that the star increased German non-Nazi sympathy for Jews as the impoverished citizens who wore them were, contrary to Nazi propaganda, obviously not the cause of German failure in the east. In Czechoslovakia, the government had to ban hat tipping toward Jews and other courtesies that became popular as protests against the German occupation. A whispering campaign that claimed that the action was in response to the United States government requiring German Americansto wear swastikas was unsuccessful.[22]

Yellow badge - Wikipedia

Your quote strengthens my statement. The Jews were targeted for destruction simply because they were Jews. They were publicly identified as such, and your own quote established that the locals were forbidden to even respect their presence. The Nazis did great evil, and the Jews were their primary target.

A lot of other people were targeted in WW2 too.
Only the Jew matters.
GeneralPlan Ost says otherwise.
Why is that significant? It was the Jews who had to wear armbands signifying who they were and made them targets.

One observer reported that the star increased German non-Nazi sympathy for Jews as the impoverished citizens who wore them were, contrary to Nazi propaganda, obviously not the cause of German failure in the east. In Czechoslovakia, the government had to ban hat tipping toward Jews and other courtesies that became popular as protests against the German occupation. A whispering campaign that claimed that the action was in response to the United States government requiring German Americansto wear swastikas was unsuccessful.[22]

Yellow badge - Wikipedia

Your quote strengthens my statement. The Jews were targeted for destruction simply because they were Jews. They were publicly identified as such, and your own quote established that the locals were forbidden to even respect their presence. The Nazis did great evil, and the Jews were their primary target.

More poles than jews died in WWII.

Sure, as casualties of war, but they were not targeted for extermination. There was no "final solution" to eliminate Poles from the world.

Poles were killed in Wola Massacre, and Operation Tannenberg, as well along side of Jews in the Ponary Massacre.
They weren't systematically targeted for extermination like the Jews were.

GeneralPlan Ost says otherwise.
Why is that significant? It was the Jews who had to wear armbands signifying who they were and made them targets.

One observer reported that the star increased German non-Nazi sympathy for Jews as the impoverished citizens who wore them were, contrary to Nazi propaganda, obviously not the cause of German failure in the east. In Czechoslovakia, the government had to ban hat tipping toward Jews and other courtesies that became popular as protests against the German occupation. A whispering campaign that claimed that the action was in response to the United States government requiring German Americansto wear swastikas was unsuccessful.[22]

Yellow badge - Wikipedia

Your quote strengthens my statement. The Jews were targeted for destruction simply because they were Jews. They were publicly identified as such, and your own quote established that the locals were forbidden to even respect their presence. The Nazis did great evil, and the Jews were their primary target.

A lot of other people were targeted in WW2 too.
Only the Jew matters.

"A lot"?????

Who? Do tell.
They weren't systematically targeted for extermination like the Jews were.

Lie. And you know what, Judea declared war on Germany in 1933. If only Jews were not in Poland.

What lie? Be specific.

"Judea" wasn't a state at the time. Are you granting legitimacy to the claim that Islam has declared war on the US?

Judea, right was not even at the time, but all the jews of the world were Judea.

So they had no army, no navy, no air force, no Marines, didn't plant babies wrapped in explosives to kill Germans, didn't drive trucks into crowds. Just how much of a threat were they?

Just money. Sanctions. There was no Israel then.

The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany: The Economic Boycott of 1933. M. Raphael Johnson, Ph.D.

The whole of Israel throughout the world is uniting to declare an economic and financial war on Germany. The appearance of the Swastika as the symbol of the new Germany has revived the old war symbol of Judas to new life. Fourteen million Jews scattered over the entire world are tight to each other as if one man, in order to declare war against the German persecutors of their fellow believers.
The Jewish wholesaler will quit his house, the banker his stock exchange, the merchant his business, and the beggar his humble hut, in order to join the holy war against Hitler's people.

judea declared war on germany - Google Search:

for the record-----the CRITIQUE on the jewish rejection of penny's hero
Adolf Hitler was written by the flaming anti-Semite OF OUR TIMES
Why is that significant? It was the Jews who had to wear armbands signifying who they were and made them targets.

One observer reported that the star increased German non-Nazi sympathy for Jews as the impoverished citizens who wore them were, contrary to Nazi propaganda, obviously not the cause of German failure in the east. In Czechoslovakia, the government had to ban hat tipping toward Jews and other courtesies that became popular as protests against the German occupation. A whispering campaign that claimed that the action was in response to the United States government requiring German Americansto wear swastikas was unsuccessful.[22]

Yellow badge - Wikipedia

Your quote strengthens my statement. The Jews were targeted for destruction simply because they were Jews. They were publicly identified as such, and your own quote established that the locals were forbidden to even respect their presence. The Nazis did great evil, and the Jews were their primary target.

More poles than jews died in WWII.

Sure, as casualties of war, but they were not targeted for extermination. There was no "final solution" to eliminate Poles from the world.

Poles were killed in Wola Massacre, and Operation Tannenberg, as well along side of Jews in the Ponary Massacre.

so true------probably because some POLES DECLARED WAR AGAINST PENNY's
here----Saint Adolf Hitler. Many did not.
70 - 85 million died in WW2, that means just close to 6 - 8% of those who died were Jews.
They weren't systematically targeted for extermination like the Jews were.

Lie. And you know what, Judea declared war on Germany in 1933. If only Jews were not in Poland.

What lie? Be specific.

"Judea" wasn't a state at the time. Are you granting legitimacy to the claim that Islam has declared war on the US?

Judea, right was not even at the time, but all the jews of the world were Judea.

So they had no army, no navy, no air force, no Marines, didn't plant babies wrapped in explosives to kill Germans, didn't drive trucks into crowds. Just how much of a threat were they?

Obviously you never lived in europe.

They weren't systematically targeted for extermination like the Jews were.

GeneralPlan Ost says otherwise.
Why is that significant? It was the Jews who had to wear armbands signifying who they were and made them targets.

One observer reported that the star increased German non-Nazi sympathy for Jews as the impoverished citizens who wore them were, contrary to Nazi propaganda, obviously not the cause of German failure in the east. In Czechoslovakia, the government had to ban hat tipping toward Jews and other courtesies that became popular as protests against the German occupation. A whispering campaign that claimed that the action was in response to the United States government requiring German Americansto wear swastikas was unsuccessful.[22]

Yellow badge - Wikipedia

Your quote strengthens my statement. The Jews were targeted for destruction simply because they were Jews. They were publicly identified as such, and your own quote established that the locals were forbidden to even respect their presence. The Nazis did great evil, and the Jews were their primary target.

A lot of other people were targeted in WW2 too.
Only the Jew matters.

If only the polish catholics had NOT FOUGHT adolf-------world war II would not have
happened------ask penny
We're done here, obviously you can't tell us why Jews are God's Chosen people, and continue to derail my thread kicking, screaming with sheer panic & desperation.
I already told you that God didn't choose the Jews specifically. God ask many tribes on Earth if they wanted to worship him and only Abraham agreed to do as such...The Jews were but one tribe of the Hebrews. It's all in the history section of the non-fiction section..
No, you have the whole damn story all wrong..

They were chosen because they were the only literate tribe.

Why would God write an angry letter to the other nations if they didn't even know how to read?

The Arrogance displayed here is breathtaking.

Fact is most peoples within societies with Writing, were in fact Illiterate until the Enlightenment.

Ancient Hebrews weren't the "ONLY" ones to read.

In fact, a bunch of other groups around the region & even else where were able to, going back to Sumerian Cuneiform, Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Minoan Linear A, Mycenaean Linear B, and the Phoenician Alphabet, the Chinese Oracle Shell.

Ok sure, forget about ancient man. You are illiterate. Think about it. You read the bible and walk away with the belief that a human being is God and you must eat him and hate Jews to live forever..

If thats not illiterate what is it?

Just plain stupid?

I would think more highly of you if you couldn't read at all.

What makes that any worse, then Jews thinking Yamakas save them, or that they must suck on Babies genitals in Metzitzah B'peh.

You & your tribe are therefor Illiterate, by your own logic.

Sure, some Jews read their own scriptures and haven't done any better than you have understanding the meanings of the words and subjects. Well, maybe not as bad, but still you have a point.

Even so it just goes to show that the teaching in the bible is not and never was about being Jewish or Gentile.

No one is immune to the consequences of setting aside divine instruction. No one is excluded from entering the kingdom of God or favored because of their race, color, nationality, gender, wealth, geographic location or or sexual preferences.

People freely choose between a spirit of truth and a spirit of perversity. Its a choice between a blessing or a curse, life and death. How you respond to what was written reveals where you are at as a person.

There is no middle ground. Either you choose a place among the living or you will be given a place among the dead.

You are a Jew hating Jewish man worshipping Christian.

God loved the world so much that he gave you Jesus to eat. He was Jew. You get to celebrate his torture and death every Sunday. Be happy!
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If it's okay to blame Poles for the Holocaust, then it's okay to blame Jews for the Holocaust.

You Blame Jews because Jews died? That is like blaming the victim of an assault because of the assault. Doesn't make any sense.

Sure, Jews died, and yet not only Jews died.

In fact, a minority of people who died in WW2 were Jews.

Many other people died in WW2, including Poles, Russians, Ukrainians, Serbs.

It's okay to neglect these victims & even blame them for the Holocaust.
How come?

Because they weren't singled out. Jews were. Many French and British soldiers died too. But POWs were treated very poorly when coming from the Eastern Front vs. those who were captured from Europe and the US. See how easily I answer you. This is because as a Jew I am superior being to you.

For every 1 Jew who died in WW2, about 3 - 4 Russians had died.

Yet, this doesn't even get basically any attention.

It's all about the Jews & their suffering.

You're NOT Superior, but rather ignorant & arrogant.

Being Jewish and Russian is not necessarily mutually exclusive. 25 mil Russians died. Including many of my ancestors. They were Russian Jews.
Millions of Russian Jews were sent by Stalin to the front lines unarmed.
GeneralPlan Ost says otherwise.
Why is that significant? It was the Jews who had to wear armbands signifying who they were and made them targets.

One observer reported that the star increased German non-Nazi sympathy for Jews as the impoverished citizens who wore them were, contrary to Nazi propaganda, obviously not the cause of German failure in the east. In Czechoslovakia, the government had to ban hat tipping toward Jews and other courtesies that became popular as protests against the German occupation. A whispering campaign that claimed that the action was in response to the United States government requiring German Americansto wear swastikas was unsuccessful.[22]

Yellow badge - Wikipedia

Your quote strengthens my statement. The Jews were targeted for destruction simply because they were Jews. They were publicly identified as such, and your own quote established that the locals were forbidden to even respect their presence. The Nazis did great evil, and the Jews were their primary target.

A lot of other people were targeted in WW2 too.
Only the Jew matters.

"A lot"?????

Who? Do tell.

It really is about the Jews & their suffering.

About 26 million Russians & 20 million Chinese were killed in WW2.

We hardly ever hear much about their suffering in comparison to 6 million Jews.
Why is that significant? It was the Jews who had to wear armbands signifying who they were and made them targets.

One observer reported that the star increased German non-Nazi sympathy for Jews as the impoverished citizens who wore them were, contrary to Nazi propaganda, obviously not the cause of German failure in the east. In Czechoslovakia, the government had to ban hat tipping toward Jews and other courtesies that became popular as protests against the German occupation. A whispering campaign that claimed that the action was in response to the United States government requiring German Americansto wear swastikas was unsuccessful.[22]

Yellow badge - Wikipedia

Your quote strengthens my statement. The Jews were targeted for destruction simply because they were Jews. They were publicly identified as such, and your own quote established that the locals were forbidden to even respect their presence. The Nazis did great evil, and the Jews were their primary target.

A lot of other people were targeted in WW2 too.
Only the Jew matters.

"A lot"?????

Who? Do tell.

It really is about the Jews & their suffering.

About 26 million Russians & 20 million Chinese were killed in WW2.

We hardly ever hear much about their suffering in comparison to 6 million Jews.
Millions of those Russians were Jews regardless of how much you ignore that fact.
Most Jews who came to Israel were speaking Yiddish a German dialect, and also Arabic dialects on arrival to Israel.

What makes them anymore the chosen people, than pro-Christ Arabic speakers, or pro-Christ German speakers??????????

Oh, because they hijacked Hebrew culture, and called it Israel, really??????

Keep in mind that the Jewish Talmud has many foul & discraceful texts against Jesus & also Christians.

"Chosen" means being selected as witnesses. In history the Jews remain faithful to God even after 2000 years of exile without their own homeland. They are scattered as prophesied but remain the only ethnic group who can keep their religion and customs after being exiled for 2000 years.
Why is that significant? It was the Jews who had to wear armbands signifying who they were and made them targets.

One observer reported that the star increased German non-Nazi sympathy for Jews as the impoverished citizens who wore them were, contrary to Nazi propaganda, obviously not the cause of German failure in the east. In Czechoslovakia, the government had to ban hat tipping toward Jews and other courtesies that became popular as protests against the German occupation. A whispering campaign that claimed that the action was in response to the United States government requiring German Americansto wear swastikas was unsuccessful.[22]

Yellow badge - Wikipedia

Your quote strengthens my statement. The Jews were targeted for destruction simply because they were Jews. They were publicly identified as such, and your own quote established that the locals were forbidden to even respect their presence. The Nazis did great evil, and the Jews were their primary target.

A lot of other people were targeted in WW2 too.
Only the Jew matters.

"A lot"?????

Who? Do tell.

It really is about the Jews & their suffering.

About 26 million Russians & 20 million Chinese were killed in WW2.

We hardly ever hear much about their suffering in comparison to 6 million Jews.
Right and right up there with all of that suffering is the suffering that you have experienced in life watching Jews succeed in the world while you openly cry about being snubbed as if they should grovel at your feet because you love Jesus so much.. lol...
I already told you that God didn't choose the Jews specifically. God ask many tribes on Earth if they wanted to worship him and only Abraham agreed to do as such...The Jews were but one tribe of the Hebrews. It's all in the history section of the non-fiction section..
No, you have the whole damn story all wrong..

They were chosen because they were the only literate tribe.

Why would God write an angry letter to the other nations if they didn't even know how to read?

The Arrogance displayed here is breathtaking.

Fact is most peoples within societies with Writing, were in fact Illiterate until the Enlightenment.

Ancient Hebrews weren't the "ONLY" ones to read.

In fact, a bunch of other groups around the region & even else where were able to, going back to Sumerian Cuneiform, Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Minoan Linear A, Mycenaean Linear B, and the Phoenician Alphabet, the Chinese Oracle Shell.

Ok sure, forget about ancient man. You are illiterate. Think about it. You read the bible and walk away with the belief that a human being is God and you must eat him and hate Jews to live forever..

If thats not illiterate what is it?

Just plain stupid?

I would think more highly of you if you couldn't read at all.

What makes that any worse, then Jews thinking Yamakas save them, or that they must suck on Babies genitals in Metzitzah B'peh.

You & your tribe are therefor Illiterate, by your own logic.

Sure, some Jews read their own scriptures and haven't done any better than you have understanding the meanings of the words and subjects. Well, maybe not as bad, but still you have a point.

Even so it just goes to show that the teaching in the bible is not and never was about being Jewish or Gentile.

No one is immune to the consequences of setting aside divine instruction. No one is excluded from entering the kingdom of God or favored because of their race, color, nationality, gender, wealth, geographic location or or sexual preferences.

People freely choose between a spirit of truth and a spirit of perversity. Its a choice between a blessing or a curse, life and death. How you respond to what was written reveals where you are at as a person.

There is no middle ground. Either you choose a place among the living or you will be given a place among the dead.

You are a Jew hating Jewish man worshipping Christian.

God loved the world so much that he gave you Jesus to eat. He was Jew. You get to celebrate his torture and death every Sunday. Be happy!

Jewish Metzitzah B'peh is a lot worse than Catholic Holy Communion.

What makes Judaism any less exclusive to foreigners, than Christianity?

The Talmud seems to have many anti-Christian texts, and Jews speak of the Gentiles, or even Goyim in a often negative way.

Contrary to your opinions, I'm not much of a Catholic.
But, rather a skeptic of Mainstream Religions, if anything I support the Pantheism / Pandiesm World.
Even so, I don't blame people for Religious beliefs, if it helps them, necessarily.
I think that Catholics are unfairly criticized beyond other faiths.
No, you have the whole damn story all wrong..

They were chosen because they were the only literate tribe.

Why would God write an angry letter to the other nations if they didn't even know how to read?

The Arrogance displayed here is breathtaking.

Fact is most peoples within societies with Writing, were in fact Illiterate until the Enlightenment.

Ancient Hebrews weren't the "ONLY" ones to read.

In fact, a bunch of other groups around the region & even else where were able to, going back to Sumerian Cuneiform, Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Minoan Linear A, Mycenaean Linear B, and the Phoenician Alphabet, the Chinese Oracle Shell.

Ok sure, forget about ancient man. You are illiterate. Think about it. You read the bible and walk away with the belief that a human being is God and you must eat him and hate Jews to live forever..

If thats not illiterate what is it?

Just plain stupid?

I would think more highly of you if you couldn't read at all.

What makes that any worse, then Jews thinking Yamakas save them, or that they must suck on Babies genitals in Metzitzah B'peh.

You & your tribe are therefor Illiterate, by your own logic.

Sure, some Jews read their own scriptures and haven't done any better than you have understanding the meanings of the words and subjects. Well, maybe not as bad, but still you have a point.

Even so it just goes to show that the teaching in the bible is not and never was about being Jewish or Gentile.

No one is immune to the consequences of setting aside divine instruction. No one is excluded from entering the kingdom of God or favored because of their race, color, nationality, gender, wealth, geographic location or or sexual preferences.

People freely choose between a spirit of truth and a spirit of perversity. Its a choice between a blessing or a curse, life and death. How you respond to what was written reveals where you are at as a person.

There is no middle ground. Either you choose a place among the living or you will be given a place among the dead.

You are a Jew hating Jewish man worshipping Christian.

God loved the world so much that he gave you Jesus to eat. He was Jew. You get to celebrate his torture and death every Sunday. Be happy!

Jewish Metzitzah B'peh is a lot worse than Catholic Holy Communion.

What makes Judaism any less exclusive to foreigners, than Christianity?

The Talmud seems to have many anti-Christian texts, and Jews speak of the Gentiles, or even Goyim in a often negative way.

Contrary to your opinions, I'm not much of a Catholic.
But, rather a skeptic of Mainstream Religions, if anything I support the Pantheism / Pandiesm World.
Even so, I don't blame people for Religious beliefs, if it helps them, necessarily.
I think that Catholics are unfairly criticized beyond other faiths.
So the Talmud speaks of the goyim in a negative way? Like you speak of the Jews in a negative way? Is that what you mean? Those bastards!

lol... Guess what! You aren't doing anything to dispel those negative images, standing there with the blood of Jesus dripping from your lips.
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One observer reported that the star increased German non-Nazi sympathy for Jews as the impoverished citizens who wore them were, contrary to Nazi propaganda, obviously not the cause of German failure in the east. In Czechoslovakia, the government had to ban hat tipping toward Jews and other courtesies that became popular as protests against the German occupation. A whispering campaign that claimed that the action was in response to the United States government requiring German Americansto wear swastikas was unsuccessful.[22]

Yellow badge - Wikipedia

Your quote strengthens my statement. The Jews were targeted for destruction simply because they were Jews. They were publicly identified as such, and your own quote established that the locals were forbidden to even respect their presence. The Nazis did great evil, and the Jews were their primary target.

A lot of other people were targeted in WW2 too.
Only the Jew matters.

"A lot"?????

Who? Do tell.

It really is about the Jews & their suffering.

About 26 million Russians & 20 million Chinese were killed in WW2.

We hardly ever hear much about their suffering in comparison to 6 million Jews.
Millions of those Russians were Jews regardless of how much you ignore that fact.

It's estimated that 1 million Jews & 4 million Ukrainians died under the "Soviet Yolk"

That takes away 5 million, that still leaves 21 million Russians killed.

Well, maybe not quite, considering Belarussian, and other non-Russian ethnics like Siberian & Caucasus peoples.

Still, it seems a lot more Russians were killed than Jews in WW2.

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