Jews as Hebrew God's Chosen people, Because?

I think we should you call Shit instead.
How many of you are there?

over a billion. He is Khutbah Jumaat parrot
under cover jew, yes.

oh gee-----our very own REHMANI claims he is an "under-cover jew"-------SHEEEESH!!! my
very first "under-cover jew" friend

One or two of my very fondest memories were with 'undercover Jews'..


No holes in those sheets.
Only I want jew live normal life like others. Its not a issue million/billion.
I think we should you call Shit instead.
How many of you are there?

over a billion. He is Khutbah Jumaat parrot
under cover jew, yes.

oh gee-----our very own REHMANI claims he is an "under-cover jew"-------SHEEEESH!!! my
very first "under-cover jew" friend
Only I want jew live normal life its not a issue million/billion issue is under cover.
Only I want jew live normal life like others

My dear chap,

What you want, or don't want, for the Jews is of absolutely no consequence to the Jews. You might spend most of your waking hours (and many of your sleeping ones) pondering the wants and needs of the Jews. However, I can assure you we don't spend a single millisecond worrying about what you might decide.

You, your wants and your decisions concerning the Jews are absolutely meaningless to Jews.
Only I want jew live normal life like others

My dear chap,

What you want, or don't want, for the Jews is of absolutely no consequence to the Jews. You might spend most of your waking hours (and many of your sleeping ones) pondering the wants and needs of the Jews. However, I can assure you we don't spend a single millisecond worrying about what you might decide.

You, your wants and your decisions concerning the Jews are absolutely meaningless to Jews.
Unfortunately that is how they are. But again nothing wrong to direct the people into right direction.
Well, the Peanut Gallery can read a review of the Nazi book at the notorious Nazi site goodreads, or they might try downloading the Nazi book at this site. They can examine all those Nazi sources he used, like the Mishnahs, Talmud, Torah, etc., really hardcore Nazi stuff.

jerusalem in the time of jesus | Download eBook pdf, epub, tuebl, mobi

Haven't; tried this site, as I have a hard copy of the book.

Warning: Lots of sick Nazi stuff here. Not safe for work:

Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus by Joachim Jeremias

Even more evil Nazi shit this guy did:

Joachim Jeremias - Wikipedia
your man JOACHIM was an ass licker of the founder of Nazism----to wit POS MARTIN LUTHER
His interpretations are cute Nazi sophistry-----Mein Kampf ALSO consists of an INTERNAL LOGIC.
GOEBBELS justified every filth that was and is NAZI ideology-----quite well
Only I want jew live normal life like others

My dear chap,

What you want, or don't want, for the Jews is of absolutely no consequence to the Jews. You might spend most of your waking hours (and many of your sleeping ones) pondering the wants and needs of the Jews. However, I can assure you we don't spend a single millisecond worrying about what you might decide.

You, your wants and your decisions concerning the Jews are absolutely meaningless to Jews.
Unfortunately that is how they are. But again nothing wrong to direct the people into right direction.

the "right direction" is not the vile filth of islam-------are you busy celebrating the church bombings in the Philippines with the rest of the dogs?
And, Jews are not 'the most persecuted people in the world'. that's a load of self-serving rubbish.

Oh, come on. They are easy shots. For some mysterious reason they just won't strip naked and dance in the mud around a fatted golden calf and eat Jesus in a world drunk on his blood. Party poopers. It pisses the crazies off.

Just the other day I was asking smellybooboo about the morality of him going to church and pretending to pray so he can get laid.

His response was yeah so kill me, but what about the Jews, the Jews.

And he says he's a morally and intellectually superior atheist.

This is distinguishable as dumbass rubbish.
There’s nothing special about the Jews. All credit for their success belongs to God.

If anything the behaviors I have witnessed indicates they are a fairly reprehensible people.

They were, but in the 18th century they had their own 'Enlightenment', and many went to studying science in large numbers instead of themselves, and the results were great; the field of biochemistry was practically invented by French Jews, for instance, and they became prominent in a lot of fields as a result. Their strong emphasis on education is the 'secret' not IQ per se. We see the same academic drive in some Asian families as well. Even poor Jews who immigrated here from Russia made their kids go to the free Hebrews schools in the slums of New York in the late 1880's and afterwards. They're mostly atheists now anyway, but the hardcore racists like Rosie and Hobbles make up some 10%-12% of the Jewish population now, and growing into a serious problem in Israel, where many are anti-zionist and just as likely to side with Hamas in a war as the Israeli state; you fins them cheering the Muslim attacks in Europe, for instance, and of course there is the long long history of Jewish support for massacring Christians and joining in the Muslim invasions of Europe and the centuries of piracy.

for the record-----Pic has no history at all------illiterate people have no REAL HISTORY---they invent.
Jews have been literate IN GENERAL for more than 2500 years------pics motley crew----barely
on century. His wet dream regarding Israeli support of the Hamas filth that wets his dreams----
is wishful thinking
your man JOACHIM was an ass licker of the founder of Nazism----to wit POS MARTIN LUTHER
His interpretations are cute Nazi sophistry-----Mein Kampf ALSO consists of an INTERNAL LOGIC.
GOEBBELS justified every filth that was and is NAZI ideology-----quite well
Irosi to whom you lick?
Only I want jew live normal life like others

My dear chap,

What you want, or don't want, for the Jews is of absolutely no consequence to the Jews. You might spend most of your waking hours (and many of your sleeping ones) pondering the wants and needs of the Jews. However, I can assure you we don't spend a single millisecond worrying about what you might decide.

You, your wants and your decisions concerning the Jews are absolutely meaningless to Jews.
Unfortunately that is how they are. But again nothing wrong to direct the people into right direction.

the "right direction" is not the vile filth of islam-------are you busy celebrating the church bombings in the Philippines with the rest of the dogs?
I believe they are not muslim and by now, you know then who? because you are full......
Most Jews who came to Israel were speaking Yiddish a German dialect, and also Arabic dialects on arrival to Israel.

What makes them anymore the chosen people, than pro-Christ Arabic speakers, or pro-Christ German speakers??????????

Oh, because they hijacked Hebrew culture, and called it Israel, really??????

Keep in mind that the Jewish Talmud has many foul & discraceful texts against Jesus & also Christians.

The most persecuted minority in world history excels wherever they go and run the entire world. Hey, it's almost like there's a supernatural power blessing them or something.

Materialism tends to be warned of in most religions, rather than promoted.

Guess who's the most Materialistic peoples????????????
Can you guess????????

The Pollack can’t stand it because he’s such an economic looser ( looser, period)
Tsk Tsk said "every second" and you said "many". I asked you to name one and you cannot. You have zero credibility.

Well, technically I don't post Jew hating facts, or tid-bits every second, either.

So you have other hobbies? :)

We're done here, obviously you can't tell us why Jews are God's Chosen people, and continue to derail my thread kicking, screaming with sheer panic & desperation.

I did tell you why. We are 16mil? We own most of the wealth, have most of the power and control inferior beings such as you. I am not sure how much more clearly I can explain it? Israel is tiny and holds off the Islamist hoards fairly easily. Why? Because we are the chosen people. Did you never watch Raiders of the Lost Ark?

Jews own most of the wealth??
Source for this??

So, God is on your side over Israel.
That's what Nazis thought over Nazi Germany when they kept winning, until they fell.

Poland won a lot more battles when outnumbered than Israel.

Maybe because Poles are the Chosen people????????

It makes every bit as much sense as Jews being such.

Pollacks are “chosen?” :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
your man JOACHIM was an ass licker of the founder of Nazism----to wit POS MARTIN LUTHER
His interpretations are cute Nazi sophistry-----Mein Kampf ALSO consists of an INTERNAL LOGIC.
GOEBBELS justified every filth that was and is NAZI ideology-----quite well
Irosi to whom you lick?

I do not engage in muslimah khalbah activity
And, Jews are not 'the most persecuted people in the world'. that's a load of self-serving rubbish.
Who is, then?

men....... by women

So you weren't serious about any of it. Got it.

My statement remains unchallenged.

very serious-------I answered on BEHALF of your pixilated bar-buddies

"Men" are not a people in the way Jews are.

men are human beans
your man JOACHIM was an ass licker of the founder of Nazism----to wit POS MARTIN LUTHER
His interpretations are cute Nazi sophistry-----Mein Kampf ALSO consists of an INTERNAL LOGIC.
GOEBBELS justified every filth that was and is NAZI ideology-----quite well
Irosi to whom you lick?

She was 'taught' by a cult of Chasidic racists and bigots. She pretty much tapped out on all this long ago, and is now merely throwing tantrums and idiotic spin, like Hobbles has always done.
your man JOACHIM was an ass licker of the founder of Nazism----to wit POS MARTIN LUTHER
His interpretations are cute Nazi sophistry-----Mein Kampf ALSO consists of an INTERNAL LOGIC.
GOEBBELS justified every filth that was and is NAZI ideology-----quite well
Irosi to whom you lick?

She was 'taught' by a cult of Chasidic racists and bigots. She pretty much tapped out on all this long ago, and is now merely throwing tantrums and idiotic spin, like Hobbles has always done.
Irosi's gender unknown.
your man JOACHIM was an ass licker of the founder of Nazism----to wit POS MARTIN LUTHER
His interpretations are cute Nazi sophistry-----Mein Kampf ALSO consists of an INTERNAL LOGIC.
GOEBBELS justified every filth that was and is NAZI ideology-----quite well
Irosi to whom you lick?

She was 'taught' by a cult of Chasidic racists and bigots. She pretty much tapped out on all this long ago, and is now merely throwing tantrums and idiotic spin, like Hobbles has always done.

I am "irosie"-----I was born in the USA -----to jewish parents ALSO born in the USA
and who are (were) entirely secular. I had no "jewish" education. I did not even
attend the usual ---few hours per week of "Hebrew school" that lots of jewish kids
in the USA attend. I grew up in a very Christian town----and got invited to sunday
school (Christian) ----lots. As a college student I took a job in a very large "teaching
hospital" and there encountered lots of young muslim doctors-----who were delighted
to tell me all about islam--------and some of the stuff they learned in the "jew free"
schools in Pakistan ABOUT JEWS. -------that is the kind of stuff Rehmani and
Pic---BOTH "KNOW" I have another credential----my childhood town was quite
NAZI LIKE ------not a single black person and-----JOOOOS were kinda unwelcomed.
Islamo Nazi propaganda fluttered in the wind-------all over town. I was an avid reader
as a child----------I read the islamo-Nazi propaganda that littered the whole town----the
stuff that Pic and Rehmani know----the stuff still preached in mosques and used
in the grammar school curriculum of shariah shit holes such as Pakistan. Way back
then Iran was kinda not into that shit (there were Iranian docs over in the hospital
in which I worked then too) I doubt that Pic ever met a Chassid. He cites Nazi scum
as sources to support his filth
your man JOACHIM was an ass licker of the founder of Nazism----to wit POS MARTIN LUTHER
His interpretations are cute Nazi sophistry-----Mein Kampf ALSO consists of an INTERNAL LOGIC.
GOEBBELS justified every filth that was and is NAZI ideology-----quite well
Irosi to whom you lick?

She was 'taught' by a cult of Chasidic racists and bigots. She pretty much tapped out on all this long ago, and is now merely throwing tantrums and idiotic spin, like Hobbles has always done.

I am "irosie"-----I was born in the USA -----to jewish parents ALSO born in the USA
and who are (were) entirely secular. I had no "jewish" education. I did not even
attend the usual ---few hours per week of "Hebrew school" that lots of jewish kids
in the USA attend. I grew up in a very Christian town----and got invited to sunday
school (Christian) ----lots. As a college student I took a job in a very large "teaching
hospital" and there encountered lots of young muslim doctors-----who were delighted
to tell me all about islam--------and some of the stuff they learned in the "jew free"
schools in Pakistan ABOUT JEWS. -------that is the kind of stuff Rehmani and
Pic---BOTH "KNOW" I have another credential----my childhood town was quite
NAZI LIKE ------not a single black person and-----JOOOOS were kinda unwelcomed.
Islamo Nazi propaganda fluttered in the wind-------all over town. I was an avid reader
as a child----------I read the islamo-Nazi propaganda that littered the whole town----the
stuff that Pic and Rehmani know----the stuff still preached in mosques and used
in the grammar school curriculum of shariah shit holes such as Pakistan. Way back
then Iran was kinda not into that shit (there were Iranian docs over in the hospital
in which I worked then too) I doubt that Pic ever met a Chassid. He cites Nazi scum
as sources to support his filth
still gender unknown.
chchchc how innocent jews are like just born. they are the one who own mostly world media.
Well, technically I don't post Jew hating facts, or tid-bits every second, either.

So you have other hobbies? :)

We're done here, obviously you can't tell us why Jews are God's Chosen people, and continue to derail my thread kicking, screaming with sheer panic & desperation.

I did tell you why. We are 16mil? We own most of the wealth, have most of the power and control inferior beings such as you. I am not sure how much more clearly I can explain it? Israel is tiny and holds off the Islamist hoards fairly easily. Why? Because we are the chosen people. Did you never watch Raiders of the Lost Ark?

Jews own most of the wealth??
Source for this??

So, God is on your side over Israel.
That's what Nazis thought over Nazi Germany when they kept winning, until they fell.

Poland won a lot more battles when outnumbered than Israel.

Maybe because Poles are the Chosen people????????

It makes every bit as much sense as Jews being such.

Pollacks are “chosen?” :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

We've discussed Poland's sorry record in aiding the Nazis during and especially after their occupation before; Sobi of course prefers the fantasy version, as per Poland's sanitized version they teach Polish kids in the schools there, much like the versions of WW II the Japanese were teaching in theirs.

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