Jews as Hebrew God's Chosen people, Because?

I believe the Jews were chosen in part because of their tradition of orally passing down knowledge from generation to generation.

No. They were not chosen for any merit of their own. God took pity on them, and by extension the entire world.

When the Spirit of God hovered over the waters the world was without form and void and darkness covered the face of the deep.

Then the Law came down from heaven like a light spoken into existence and delivered to the Jews to help them, and by extension the wild beasts of the field, learn to distinguish clean from unclean, true from false, right from wrong, good from evil, life from death and by doing so evolve into more highly sophisticated and intelligent life forms whose minds bear fruit that is pleasing to the eye and good to eat.
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And, Jews are not 'the most persecuted people in the world'. that's a load of self-serving rubbish.

Oh, come on. They are easy shots. For some mysterious reason they just won't strip naked and dance in the mud around a fatted golden calf and eat Jesus in a world drunk on his blood. Party poopers. It pisses the crazies off.

Just the other day I was asking smellybooboo about the morality of him going to church and pretending to pray so he can get laid.

His response was yeah so kill me, but what about the Jews, the Jews.

And he says he's a morally and intellectually superior atheist.

This is distinguishable as dumbass rubbish.
And, Jews are not 'the most persecuted people in the world'. that's a load of self-serving rubbish.

Oh, come on. They are easy shots. For some mysterious reason they just won't strip naked and dance in the mud around a fatted golden calf and eat Jesus in a world drunk on his blood. Party poopers. It pisses the crazies off.

Just the other day I was asking smellybooboo about the morality of him going to church and pretending to pray so he can get laid.

His response was yeah so kill me, but what about the Jews, the Jews.

And he says he's a morally and intellectually superior atheist.

This is distinguishable as dumbass rubbish.
Yeah, well I'm not surprised, coming from a lush with the blood of Jesus dripping from his lips dressed in filthy rags reeking of antisemitic vomit.
And, Jews are not 'the most persecuted people in the world'. that's a load of self-serving rubbish.

Oh, come on. They are easy shots. For some mysterious reason they just won't strip naked and dance in the mud around a fatted golden calf and eat Jesus in a world drunk on his blood. Party poopers. It pisses the crazies off.

Just the other day I was asking smellybooboo about the morality of him going to church and pretending to pray so he can get laid.

His response was yeah so kill me, but what about the Jews, the Jews.

And he says he's a morally and intellectually superior atheist.

This is distinguishable as dumbass rubbish.
There’s nothing special about the Jews. All credit for their success belongs to God.

If anything the behaviors I have witnessed indicates they are a fairly reprehensible people.
I believe the Jews were chosen in part because of their tradition of orally passing down knowledge from generation to generation.

No. They were not chosen for any merit of their own. God took pity on them, and by extension the entire world.

When the Spirit of God hovered over the waters the world was without form and void and darkness covered the face of the deep.

Then the Law came down from heaven like a light spoken into existence and delivered to the Jews to help them, and by extension the wild beasts of the field, learn to distinguish clean from unclean, true from false, right from wrong, good from evil, life from death and by doing so evolve into more highly sophisticated and intelligent life forms whose minds bear fruit that is pleasing to the eye and good to eat.
Sounds like you read scripture literally.
I believe the Jews were chosen in part because of their tradition of orally passing down knowledge from generation to generation.

No. They were not chosen for any merit of their own. God took pity on them, and by extension the entire world.

When the Spirit of God hovered over the waters the world was without form and void and darkness covered the face of the deep.

Then the Law came down from heaven like a light spoken into existence and delivered to the Jews to help them, and by extension the wild beasts of the field, learn to distinguish clean from unclean, true from false, right from wrong, good from evil, life from death and by doing so evolve into more highly sophisticated and intelligent life forms whose minds bear fruit that is pleasing to the eye and good to eat.
Sounds like you read scripture literally.
Hob's a cherry picker, just like you.
I believe the Jews were chosen in part because of their tradition of orally passing down knowledge from generation to generation.

No. They were not chosen for any merit of their own. God took pity on them, and by extension the entire world.

When the Spirit of God hovered over the waters the world was without form and void and darkness covered the face of the deep.

Then the Law came down from heaven like a light spoken into existence and delivered to the Jews to help them, and by extension the wild beasts of the field, learn to distinguish clean from unclean, true from false, right from wrong, good from evil, life from death and by doing so evolve into more highly sophisticated and intelligent life forms whose minds bear fruit that is pleasing to the eye and good to eat.
Sounds like you read scripture literally.
Hob's a cherry picker, just like you.
Did you go to college?
And, Jews are not 'the most persecuted people in the world'. that's a load of self-serving rubbish.

Oh, come on. They are easy shots. For some mysterious reason they just won't strip naked and dance in the mud around a fatted golden calf and eat Jesus in a world drunk on his blood. Party poopers. It pisses the crazies off.

Just the other day I was asking smellybooboo about the morality of him going to church and pretending to pray so he can get laid.

His response was yeah so kill me, but what about the Jews, the Jews.

And he says he's a morally and intellectually superior atheist.

hobie----be not dismayed. Pic is engaging in one of the many well worn libels used
by the islamo Nazi world. ----****Lysie----also, be not dismayed-----the Buddhists and
hindus, ----in my little experience (and the Sikhs) seem to be immune from the
islamo-Nazi creed *** He is ABSOLUTELY right in one tiny area---the
Babylonian captivity DID create a social "identity" disaster for jews----as did the
migration of jews even before that era. The issue DEFINITELY was the
DILUTION of Judaism ---both by exposure to foreign culture and by mixed marriage
and even by a flurry of conversions. As to that lineage bullshit in which he engages---
NOPE. It is virtually non-existent. One of the specific problems of the time that
Jesus lived WAS (as he sorta notes) that the King appointed by the Romans
(Herod) was not in the "royal line" ------not a descendant of JUDAH (that's
Jacob's third son)-----but most important ---he was NOT A CONVERT TO JUDAISM---
ie----he was not even a bonafide jew. Thus----of course, his lineage was an issue.
MOST distasteful to the jews of the time was that he was a ROMAN SHILL
As to Jesus----HIS lineage was so important to the Romano-phil compilers of
the NT, (to wit CHRISTIANS) that they invented a comical lineage taking Him
back to King David (which, of course, makes Him a descendant of Judah).
It's kinda funny that the islamo Nazis----who are, historically, far more attached
to issues of LINEAGE than jews ever were------manage to create a libel over
the RELIGION DILUTION concerns of the Old Time Talmudists-----that
"infected" even the most LINEAGE COMPROMISED TALMUDISTS of that time----
to wit, the still highly regarded talmudist (considered genius level) ONKELOS ---
who did not have a drop of "jewish blood" in him. For the record----believe it
or not-------the Yemenite Jews are still pissed off at the Iraqis for Ezra's
criticism --------the issue was the importation of foreign customs from Ethiopia-----
for the record----Pic's citation is from the Nazi pig JOACHIM JEREMIAS (seems like a fraudulent
nom da plumb to me----but it could be what his parents actually named him.)
And, Jews are not 'the most persecuted people in the world'. that's a load of self-serving rubbish.
Who is, then?
the truly religious ...


those who are the unaffiliated, from the desert religions - that persecute and victimize them.

And, Jews are not 'the most persecuted people in the world'. that's a load of self-serving rubbish.

Oh, come on. They are easy shots. For some mysterious reason they just won't strip naked and dance in the mud around a fatted golden calf and eat Jesus in a world drunk on his blood. Party poopers. It pisses the crazies off.

Just the other day I was asking smellybooboo about the morality of him going to church and pretending to pray so he can get laid.

His response was yeah so kill me, but what about the Jews, the Jews.

And he says he's a morally and intellectually superior atheist.

This is distinguishable as dumbass rubbish.
There’s nothing special about the Jews. All credit for their success belongs to God.

If anything the behaviors I have witnessed indicates they are a fairly reprehensible people.

They were, but in the 18th century they had their own 'Enlightenment', and many went to studying science in large numbers instead of themselves, and the results were great; the field of biochemistry was practically invented by French Jews, for instance, and they became prominent in a lot of fields as a result. Their strong emphasis on education is the 'secret' not IQ per se. We see the same academic drive in some Asian families as well. Even poor Jews who immigrated here from Russia made their kids go to the free Hebrews schools in the slums of New York in the late 1880's and afterwards. They're mostly atheists now anyway, but the hardcore racists like Rosie and Hobbles make up some 10%-12% of the Jewish population now, and growing into a serious problem in Israel, where many are anti-zionist and just as likely to side with Hamas in a war as the Israeli state; you fins them cheering the Muslim attacks in Europe, for instance, and of course there is the long long history of Jewish support for massacring Christians and joining in the Muslim invasions of Europe and the centuries of piracy.
And, Jews are not 'the most persecuted people in the world'. that's a load of self-serving rubbish.
Who is, then?

Any tribe that got exterminated and no longer exists for one, and Christian sects are near the top as well, and currently have been at the top for many decades now. As some Rabbis are fond of pointing out, most racist Jews hope to hide their racism behind the Holocaust, peddling the rubbish that the Holocausts makes their racist history exempt from criticism.

And besides, it's immediately clear they became pretty much 'Un-Chosen' by the time Cyrus returned them 'home' and set them up as dictators; the 'Jews still following the covenants signed on with the Xian sects, and let the racist morons sink on their own.
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I think we should you call Shit instead.
How many of you are there?

over a billion. He is Khutbah Jumaat parrot
under cover jew, yes.

oh gee-----our very own REHMANI claims he is an "under-cover jew"-------SHEEEESH!!! my
very first "under-cover jew" friend

One or two of my very fondest memories were with 'undercover Jews'..


No holes in those sheets.

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