Jews ordered to register in East Ukraine

Surely there have to be many psychiatrists in the Boston area who would be able to help a mentally unbalanced person like Sunni Man who runs around to different forums posting his nonsense because there is nothing else in his life. Thank you for showing us, by running to these different forums how lonely you are and needy for attention that you apparently don't get in your real life.
I regret the day I mentioned where I lived on a thread and Silly-Sally happened to read it.

I live in fear that one day I'll answer a knock at my door.

And standing there will be an old wrinkled crone in a silk negligee and hold a wine bottle.

Telling me she is Silly-Sally from USMB and wants my body......... :eek: :eek:
You stink as a poet and a painter but you could make it as a comedian, SunniBoy.
Israel is the homo capital of the world, Russia and East Ukraine don't want to become Tel Aviv. Go back to Tel Aviv you will be more comfortable there.

Why don't you go back to Germany and hang out with your Nazi pals. Say, since you mentioned "homo," perhaps you are still in the closet and don't feel like coming out just yet. The mention of "homo" is a way for you to throw people off about your sexual orientation. Say, a while back, the Russian Baptists out here in California were pushing a certain book. Perhaps you would enjoy reading it.

[ame=]The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party: Scott Lively, Kevin Abrams: 9780964760936: Books[/ame]

No, it just means your a faggot enabler. Due to its weakness and sin, Israel will fall off the face of the earth, simply because they don't breed. The Arabs will win. Ukraine and Russia aren't weak and suicidal like the death-worshiping terrorist state Israel.

Stop pushing your jewish degeneracy on the rest of us.

By getting on your high horse like this, it only shows that you are afraid to come out of the closet. You can come out now because Gays are treated as equal here in the U.S. and you don't have to hide what you are. I guess you were called a "faggot" too much in your youth because of your feminine ways and it still stings.
First off, I wan't a Muslim at that time and I look Jewish as my family were Jews.
That's one of the reasons your insisting I hate Jews makes you look so fucking stupid.
Many of my family are still Jewish and there's a fair bet some live in Israel.

Nope, your head is so far up your arse, all you can see is shit.

To the pizza.
There am I, looking rather Jewish, wandering around, hungry and cold.
I'm in an extremist Jewish area of North London, trying to very politely ask dudes where the take away shops are. Pretty much the only people on the street are men, all sporting daft ringlets and heavy black coats, topped with a hat that looks like they were going for a cowboy look, but got ripped off at the shop.
Every one of the daft bastards blanked me, regardless of how polite I was to them.
These evil swine refuse to talk to anyone that isn't in their club.
Anyway, I walked on until I found a pizza shop. It was another black hat Jewish place but religion wasn't my interest, the delicious smell of their pizza was.

Nothing - not a fucking word from the bastards.
They point blank refused to speak to a Jewish looking guy, who was being very polite, all because I wasn't wearing stupid clothes and didn't have a haircut a North Korean dictator would laugh at.

No, fuck the extremist bastards. That bunch are nasty, rude, inconsiderate and generally evil little fuckers. The time passed is of little matter, these extremists don't change.

However, there was a bright side. There was another pizza place not far away and they had a "buy one, get one" offer.
I didn't want two so I gave the other to a couple of homeless people who happened to be around.

As for the thread and the leaflets - I wouldn't be likely to experience a shock related heart attack if I found out they'd done this themselves, but I still think it was more likely to be a few idiot Nazis.

there you go need for all the whining is there:eusa_whistle:

He was whining, wasn't he? I have known many Black people in my life, many who were born and raised in the South. I know that life was very hard for the Blacks down South, but I have never heard them whine about what they went through. They just went on with their lives. For Fred to whine about a pizza is really too much, especially when you see pictures of starving people in Africa who are just skin and bones.
I've heard that pizza story for 2 years now. What a hell of a way to get to be a hater.
Why don't you go back to Germany and hang out with your Nazi pals. Say, since you mentioned "homo," perhaps you are still in the closet and don't feel like coming out just yet. The mention of "homo" is a way for you to throw people off about your sexual orientation. Say, a while back, the Russian Baptists out here in California were pushing a certain book. Perhaps you would enjoy reading it.

The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party: Scott Lively, Kevin Abrams: 9780964760936: Books

No, it just means your a faggot enabler. Due to its weakness and sin, Israel will fall off the face of the earth, simply because they don't breed. The Arabs will win. Ukraine and Russia aren't weak and suicidal like the death-worshiping terrorist state Israel.

Stop pushing your jewish degeneracy on the rest of us.

By getting on your high horse like this, it only shows that you are afraid to come out of the closet. You can come out now because Gays are treated as equal here in the U.S. and you don't have to hide what you are. I guess you were called a "faggot" too much in your youth because of your feminine ways and it still stings.

That is the other problem with you jews, you project your degeneracy on others to silence their dissent to your political agenda.

East Ukraine wants to reunite with mother Russia. They reject IMF debt slavery and EU tyranny and wish to maintain their slavic and christian identity.

Your band of degenrate globalists and zionists won't be able to stop this.
Look at the kooks that believe this bullshit....this is pure Russia Information Ops (formerly Psyops).

Russia is claiming "ethnic" Russians are being attacked, killed, etc in Ukraine which nobody believes, so they trump up a new angle claiming even the "Jews" now being threatened.

They are trying to throw shit against the wall to give themselves the "right" to invade Ukraine.

Oh look....Ukraine is executing blacks and Hispanics!!!!!!!!!!
Except it's the ethnic Russians who are accused of "registering" Jews, remember?
George, here's a little tale for you to enjoy.

It was a scene reminiscent of life in Nazi-occupied countries during World War II. Last week, Jewish residents of the eastern Ukraine city of Donetsk reported that while standing outside of a synagogue they were met by masked men passing out flyers demanding that Jewish residents immediately register their citizenship and their property. Failure to comply, the flyers said, would result in revocation of citizenship, confiscation of property, and deportation. A $50 fee was required for the “registration.”

The flyers bore the name of Denis Pushilin, a prominent pro-Russian separatist who now heads Donetsk’s provisional government. Pushilin denied any connection to the flyers, calling them a hoax and a “provocation” by Ukrainian sympathizers. To date, it’s uncertain who exactly is responsible for sending this reprehensible message to Donetsk’s Jews.

And in some respects, asking who is responsible is missing the point. If the flyers were not created and distributed by a pro-Russian group – if, instead, they were created by pro-Ukrainians to discredit the Russians – it is hardly a comfort. And it certainly won’t help alleviate the fears of Ukraine’s Jewish community, who see themselves as mere pawns in the bitter power struggle that has caused widespread civil unrest and violence in the region.

The Fellowship - Hatred Rooted in History Continues Today
No, it just means your a faggot enabler. Due to its weakness and sin, Israel will fall off the face of the earth, simply because they don't breed. The Arabs will win. Ukraine and Russia aren't weak and suicidal like the death-worshiping terrorist state Israel.

Stop pushing your jewish degeneracy on the rest of us.

By getting on your high horse like this, it only shows that you are afraid to come out of the closet. You can come out now because Gays are treated as equal here in the U.S. and you don't have to hide what you are. I guess you were called a "faggot" too much in your youth because of your feminine ways and it still stings.

That is the other problem with you jews, you project your degeneracy on others to silence their dissent to your political agenda.

East Ukraine wants to reunite with mother Russia. They reject IMF debt slavery and EU tyranny and wish to maintain their slavic and christian identity.

Your band of degenrate globalists and zionists won't be able to stop this.
What's the problem, Heinrich? StormFront downsizing and they sent you job hunting? Go peddle your Jew-hate somewhere else. And I ain't a Jew, so don't get your panties in a knot.
No, it just means your a faggot enabler. Due to its weakness and sin, Israel will fall off the face of the earth, simply because they don't breed. The Arabs will win. Ukraine and Russia aren't weak and suicidal like the death-worshiping terrorist state Israel.

Stop pushing your jewish degeneracy on the rest of us.

By getting on your high horse like this, it only shows that you are afraid to come out of the closet. You can come out now because Gays are treated as equal here in the U.S. and you don't have to hide what you are. I guess you were called a "faggot" too much in your youth because of your feminine ways and it still stings.

That is the other problem with you jews, you project your degeneracy on others to silence their dissent to your political agenda.

East Ukraine wants to reunite with mother Russia. They reject IMF debt slavery and EU tyranny and wish to maintain their slavic and christian identity.

Your band of degenrate globalists and zionists won't be able to stop this.

You really are a hypocrite. I happened to read another forum just a while back in which you were telling someone that we all are of one race-- the human race. Evidently you don't think of yourself and the rests of the Gays as part of the human race. Does this crackpot even rmember that he was the one who brought up "homos" and "faggots" to throw the readers off of what he is?
By getting on your high horse like this, it only shows that you are afraid to come out of the closet. You can come out now because Gays are treated as equal here in the U.S. and you don't have to hide what you are. I guess you were called a "faggot" too much in your youth because of your feminine ways and it still stings.

That is the other problem with you jews, you project your degeneracy on others to silence their dissent to your political agenda.

East Ukraine wants to reunite with mother Russia. They reject IMF debt slavery and EU tyranny and wish to maintain their slavic and christian identity.

Your band of degenrate globalists and zionists won't be able to stop this.
What's the problem, Heinrich? StormFront downsizing and they sent you job hunting? Go peddle your Jew-hate somewhere else. And I ain't a Jew, so don't get your panties in a knot.
Your just an old fart, part of a degenerate and shitlib generation that precipitated the historic and rapid decline of the once great American nation.

No one cares what you think, no one cares about your jew worship, and America will be better off when none of you are left.
By getting on your high horse like this, it only shows that you are afraid to come out of the closet. You can come out now because Gays are treated as equal here in the U.S. and you don't have to hide what you are. I guess you were called a "faggot" too much in your youth because of your feminine ways and it still stings.

That is the other problem with you jews, you project your degeneracy on others to silence their dissent to your political agenda.

East Ukraine wants to reunite with mother Russia. They reject IMF debt slavery and EU tyranny and wish to maintain their slavic and christian identity.

Your band of degenrate globalists and zionists won't be able to stop this.

You really are a hypocrite. I happened to read another forum just a while back in which you were telling someone that we all are of one race-- the human race. Evidently you don't think of yourself and the rests of the Gays as part of the human race. Does this crackpot even rmember that he was the one who brought up "homos" and "faggots" to throw the readers off of what he is?

More degenerate projection. You know most of the world rejects the IMF, EU, US imperialism, Israel, and the moral relativism on the modern nihilistic western ruling cabal.

You engage in this trolling while your globalist project falls apart in Ukraine, like it has already failed in Syria. The tide is turning, slowly but surely.
That is the other problem with you jews, you project your degeneracy on others to silence their dissent to your political agenda.

East Ukraine wants to reunite with mother Russia. They reject IMF debt slavery and EU tyranny and wish to maintain their slavic and christian identity.

Your band of degenrate globalists and zionists won't be able to stop this.
What's the problem, Heinrich? StormFront downsizing and they sent you job hunting? Go peddle your Jew-hate somewhere else. And I ain't a Jew, so don't get your panties in a knot.
Your just an old fart, part of a degenerate and shitlib generation that precipitated the historic and rapid decline of the once great American nation.

No one cares what you think, no one cares about your jew worship, and America will be better off when none of you are left.

Why not take your show on the road and see how many Americans tell you to leave? Do you actually think that the majority of Americans would care what you think? You think like that guy who killed the people at the Jewish Center recently.
What's the problem, Heinrich? StormFront downsizing and they sent you job hunting? Go peddle your Jew-hate somewhere else. And I ain't a Jew, so don't get your panties in a knot.
Your just an old fart, part of a degenerate and shitlib generation that precipitated the historic and rapid decline of the once great American nation.

No one cares what you think, no one cares about your jew worship, and America will be better off when none of you are left.

Why not take your show on the road and see how many Americans tell you to leave? Do you actually think that the majority of Americans would care what you think? You think like that guy who killed the people at the Jewish Center recently.
You mean that mentally unstable federal informant? He closely resembles your brand of loony. An old, crazy, worthless, baby boomer fart, like many around here.

The majority of Americans don't even vote, and are not delusional enough to think the political system actually represents their interests. They would probably agree with my distrust of the system than your worship of a foreign power. It would be close though.
That is the other problem with you jews, you project your degeneracy on others to silence their dissent to your political agenda.

East Ukraine wants to reunite with mother Russia. They reject IMF debt slavery and EU tyranny and wish to maintain their slavic and christian identity.

Your band of degenrate globalists and zionists won't be able to stop this.
What's the problem, Heinrich? StormFront downsizing and they sent you job hunting? Go peddle your Jew-hate somewhere else. And I ain't a Jew, so don't get your panties in a knot.
Your just an old fart, part of a degenerate and shitlib generation that precipitated the historic and rapid decline of the once great American nation.

No one cares what you think, no one cares about your jew worship, and America will be better off when none of you are left.
I'm an old fart who remembers what your Onkel Adolph did to the untermensch and what the Muslimes now want to repeat. It ain't gonna happen, Hengst.
Your just an old fart, part of a degenerate and shitlib generation that precipitated the historic and rapid decline of the once great American nation.

No one cares what you think, no one cares about your jew worship, and America will be better off when none of you are left.

Why not take your show on the road and see how many Americans tell you to leave? Do you actually think that the majority of Americans would care what you think? You think like that guy who killed the people at the Jewish Center recently.
You mean that mentally unstable federal informant? He closely resembles your brand of loony. An old, crazy, worthless, baby boomer fart, like many around here.

The majority of Americans don't even vote, and are not delusional enough to think the political system actually represents their interests. They would probably agree with my distrust of the system than your worship of a foreign power. It would be close though.

I suggerst that you read what the Southern Poverty Center has to say about guys like you. Why not get out on the streets of America and tell the people you meet what a fine dhimmi you are going to make.
Why not take your show on the road and see how many Americans tell you to leave? Do you actually think that the majority of Americans would care what you think? You think like that guy who killed the people at the Jewish Center recently.
You mean that mentally unstable federal informant? He closely resembles your brand of loony. An old, crazy, worthless, baby boomer fart, like many around here.

The majority of Americans don't even vote, and are not delusional enough to think the political system actually represents their interests. They would probably agree with my distrust of the system than your worship of a foreign power. It would be close though.

I suggerst that you read what the Southern Poverty Center has to say about guys like you. Why not get out on the streets of America and tell the people you meet what a fine dhimmi you are going to make.

You mean the SPLC, who even the FBI now views as far left and biased after their attacks on Christian family organizations?

Yea, they love attacks on innocent people like this, they get to fill their coffers with money from idiots like you during times like this.

Yea, they are so in touch with the American people, lol.
You mean that mentally unstable federal informant? He closely resembles your brand of loony. An old, crazy, worthless, baby boomer fart, like many around here.

The majority of Americans don't even vote, and are not delusional enough to think the political system actually represents their interests. They would probably agree with my distrust of the system than your worship of a foreign power. It would be close though.

I suggerst that you read what the Southern Poverty Center has to say about guys like you. Why not get out on the streets of America and tell the people you meet what a fine dhimmi you are going to make.

You mean the SPLC, who even the FBI now views as far left and biased after their attacks on Christian family organizations?

Yea, they love attacks on innocent people like this, they get to fill their coffers with money from idiots like you during times like this.

Yea, they are so in touch with the American people, lol.

They certainly did a great piece on people with the same mind set as you have. Meanwhile, Auf Wiedersehen and be sure to have your pink swastika sewn on your underwear so that you can show your fellow skinheads at the next meeting.
I suggerst that you read what the Southern Poverty Center has to say about guys like you. Why not get out on the streets of America and tell the people you meet what a fine dhimmi you are going to make.

You mean the SPLC, who even the FBI now views as far left and biased after their attacks on Christian family organizations?

Yea, they love attacks on innocent people like this, they get to fill their coffers with money from idiots like you during times like this.

Yea, they are so in touch with the American people, lol.

They certainly did a great piece on people with the same mind set as you have. Meanwhile, Auf Wiedersehen and be sure to have your pink swastika sewn on your underwear so that you can show your fellow skinheads at the next meeting.

Great piece according to you, you are a nut. So yea, if giving over your social security checks to these far leftists help you sleep at night, it is no skin off my nose.
No, it just means your a faggot enabler. Due to its weakness and sin, Israel will fall off the face of the earth, simply because they don't breed. The Arabs will win. Ukraine and Russia aren't weak and suicidal like the death-worshiping terrorist state Israel.

Stop pushing your jewish degeneracy on the rest of us.
The juden and their naive supporters here hate it when you throw the truth in their face. .. :cool:
Why, Comrade George, since the title of this thread refers to the Jews in the Ukraine, I would believe that you would think it was important enough to tell everyone about what happened to a synagogue there. I guess when something bad happens to your favorite scapegoats, you don't think it is worthwhile mentioning.

Ukraine Synagogue Firebombed Just Days After Distribution of Anti-Semitic Flyers | Israel Video Network
What do Rwanda, Yugoslavia, and Ukraine have in common with Iraq, Syria, and Yemen?
Plunder and NATO.

"The question is where this revisionism will take the planet?

"Is the West really ready to face Russia and China, two major powers, just to secure fully its dictatorial role over the world?

"Is its greed, is its insane Protestant desire to control and rule, truly so overwhelming?

"It is all resembling, increasingly, gangsterism, not an international consensus.

"Christopher Black, a leading international criminal lawyer based in Toronto, clearly defines the possible endgame, for this report: 'The Ukraine is the latest theatre of operations in the world war that erupted with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the drive thereafter by the West to dominate world resources and markets.

"'The first theaters of operation in this global war were Africa and Yugoslavia.

"'In Africa, America ejected France from Central Africa and turned Rwanda into a military state used to maintain a state of deadly chaos in the Great Lakes region of Africa.'

"The destruction of Yugoslavia during the same period culminated in the final brutal NATO attack of 1999 and the overthrow of Milosevic in 2001...

"In rapid succession the NATO states attacked Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, then Libya and Syria.

"The ultimate target of these wars is, of course, Russia and its vast resources, and those countries such as China, Iran, and of Latin America that insist on maintaining their independence and sovereignty.

“But these wars cannot be conducted without propaganda, and as the wars themselves are total wars - that is, wars targeting civilians as well as military forces - so the propaganda techniques used are total, using every aspect of communication and penetrating all levels of society.

"Important elements of this propaganda are the various war crimes tribunals whose primary function is the dissemination of false histories of the wars concerned, and criminalization of those who resist..."

?Intellectuals standing ground on Ukrainian issue ? RT Op-Edge

So, Comrade Georgie, you weren't even going to tell about the synagogue being firebombed after all your blabbering about your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, trying to make it appear that they are responsible for all the trouble in the Ukraine. I guess if you can't find something you feel is derogatory against your favorite scapegoats, it is OK with you if all the synagogues were firebombed in the Ukraine and not worth a mention.
Anyone seriously concerned about the welfare of Ukrainian Jews wouldn't support the racist tools who overthrew an elected president with the help of 5 billion US dollars, would she? Why do you suppose Jews in Ukraine would have been better off accepting an EU deal that allowed European corporations to plunder Ukraine's natural resources while Ukrainian labor would not be allowed to enter the EU, much less seek employment there?

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