Jews ordered to register in East Ukraine

Stupid fuck....Russia has already invaded Ukraine, they stole Crimea. You're too stupid to know Putin now admits his special forces and intelligence agents "invaded" Crimea and overthrew the GOV and military there. :eusa_whistle:

Now those same scumbags are in eastern Ukraine. Russia is either too stupid or so bold to not understand even some media outlets are posting pictures of Russian troops seen in Crimea now shown in eastern Ukraine...:cuckoo:

FYI....shitbag, the CIA knows.

Russian spies and special forces are staging all this bullshit to stir up trouble in Ukraine in order to give themselves permission to invade as so-called peacekeepers.

They staged the "shootout" at the checkpoint and they staged this "Jews round-up."

Russia doesn't need to invade. Referendums are going to be held in at least two regions up and coming.

The people will decide. Just like they did in Crimea.

Putin has never denied that he had troops on the ground in Crimea. This was by Treaty.
All out in the open.

I don't care what bullshit the headlines scream in the West. Our leaders and our media have been lying their asses off to us. There was no invasion.

And if you think for one minute the Crimeans knowing exactly who the goons are that overthrew their duly elected President and government wanted anything to do with Kiev, you are really whacked out.

Who in their right mind in Crimea would want to stay with the Ukraine when Svoboda was going to ban the Russian language and strip Crimea of its autonomy?

You look so foolish with all your blow hard, chest thumping, banty rooster strutting attitude and statements which have no merit.

On the other hand, I've provided links to back up all my posts. :eusa_angel:
I really think that Sunni Man should be on some dating site where he can find a transvestite just like he is who will enjoy hooking up with a fellow transvestite who is also a sociopath. This way they can borrow each other's silk negligees. Now keep on showing us what a lonely sociopath you really are, Sunni Man. No friends at all so you resort to trolling forums. Maybe Sunni Man is so comatose that he doesn't realize that others can see how busy he is trolling forums. Now let's wait for the next chapter to see how Sunni Man doesn't mind showing us what a lonely sociopath he is.
.....................................^^ Silly-Sally loves to fantasize about the Sunni Man. .. :eusa_angel:

I think Sunni Man, Mr. Sociopath Troll, is really not interested in what is happening in the Ukraine or any place else in Europe. He is so lonely in his real life that he trolls around these forums posting a lot of nonsense. So tell us Mr. Sociopath Troll, have you anything to say about what is going on in any of the European countries or is your main purpose just to troll the forums. Get some help!!!

Sally, with all due respect, this obsession with Sunni Man is getting old.

................................. ^^ Silly-Slly is totally obsessed with the Sunni Man ... :eusa_angel:

Geeze louise Sunni Man. Glad you are back and all but the thread keeps getting derailed. So with all due respect, may I suggest you and Sally get a thread of your own.

................................. ^^ Silly-Slly is totally obsessed with the Sunni Man ... :eusa_angel:

She probably wants sex. :D

Actually it is old Freddie boy here who is sexually deprived. Surely, Freddie, there have to be some brothels in Indonesia that you can go to and ask the Madame for a discount since you intend to be a regular customer..
This is just another case of 'Hey Rabbi whatcha doin?"

This letter has been proven to be a hoax and will no doubt be linked back to American NGOs or the puppet government in Kiev.
Shitstain....tell us how causing chaos with that bogus letter benefits the Ukraine GOV and US....this should be funny.

Nobody from the US is on the border ready to invade Ukraine claiming the country "needs law and order" that would be the Russians you stupid pile of shit.

Hint: Russia is the one spreading false rumors and causing chaos to invade Ukraine....

This is just another case of 'Hey Rabbi whatcha doin?"

This letter has been proven to be a hoax and will no doubt be linked back to American NGOs or the puppet government in Kiev.
Stupid trailer trash bitch...Russia illegally sent in additional troops, tanks, etc above the numbers allowed "by treaty" then they violated another treaty with Ukraine by actually surrounding Ukrainian bases and demanding their surrender or bloodshed.

Stupid fuck....Russia has already invaded Ukraine, they stole Crimea. You're too stupid to know Putin now admits his special forces and intelligence agents "invaded" Crimea and overthrew the GOV and military there. :eusa_whistle:

Now those same scumbags are in eastern Ukraine. Russia is either too stupid or so bold to not understand even some media outlets are posting pictures of Russian troops seen in Crimea now shown in eastern Ukraine...:cuckoo:

FYI....shitbag, the CIA knows.

Russia doesn't need to invade. Referendums are going to be held in at least two regions up and coming.

The people will decide. Just like they did in Crimea.

Putin has never denied that he had troops on the ground in Crimea. This was by Treaty.
All out in the open.

I don't care what bullshit the headlines scream in the West. Our leaders and our media have been lying their asses off to us. There was no invasion.

And if you think for one minute the Crimeans knowing exactly who the goons are that overthrew their duly elected President and government wanted anything to do with Kiev, you are really whacked out.

Who in their right mind in Crimea would want to stay with the Ukraine when Svoboda was going to ban the Russian language and strip Crimea of its autonomy?

You look so foolish with all your blow hard, chest thumping, banty rooster strutting attitude and statements which have no merit.

On the other hand, I've provided links to back up all my posts. :eusa_angel:
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"Ukrainian forces moved in and killed at least two pro-Russia insurgents in the country's tumultuous east Thursday, an escalation that prompted new threats from Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"In an immediate reaction, Russia's defence minister said troops massed near Ukraine's border were starting new military exercises.

"The statements by Putin and Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu sharpened anxiety over the prospect of a Russian military incursion into Ukraine. Russia's foreign minister warned a day earlier that any attack on Russian citizens or interests in eastern Ukraine would bring a strong response."

Ukraine clashes kill 2 as Russia ramps up military exercises - World - CBC News
"Ukrainian forces moved in and killed at least two pro-Russia insurgents in the country's tumultuous east Thursday, an escalation that prompted new threats from Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"In an immediate reaction, Russia's defence minister said troops massed near Ukraine's border were starting new military exercises.

"The statements by Putin and Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu sharpened anxiety over the prospect of a Russian military incursion into Ukraine. Russia's foreign minister warned a day earlier that any attack on Russian citizens or interests in eastern Ukraine would bring a strong response."

Ukraine clashes kill 2 as Russia ramps up military exercises - World - CBC News

Why, Comrade George, since the title of this thread refers to the Jews in the Ukraine, I would believe that you would think it was important enough to tell everyone about what happened to a synagogue there. I guess when something bad happens to your favorite scapegoats, you don't think it is worthwhile mentioning.

Ukraine Synagogue Firebombed Just Days After Distribution of Anti-Semitic Flyers | Israel Video Network
"Ukrainian forces moved in and killed at least two pro-Russia insurgents in the country's tumultuous east Thursday, an escalation that prompted new threats from Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"In an immediate reaction, Russia's defence minister said troops massed near Ukraine's border were starting new military exercises.

"The statements by Putin and Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu sharpened anxiety over the prospect of a Russian military incursion into Ukraine. Russia's foreign minister warned a day earlier that any attack on Russian citizens or interests in eastern Ukraine would bring a strong response."

Ukraine clashes kill 2 as Russia ramps up military exercises - World - CBC News

Why, Comrade George, since the title of this thread refers to the Jews in the Ukraine, I would believe that you would think it was important enough to tell everyone about what happened to a synagogue there. I guess when something bad happens to your favorite scapegoats, you don't think it is worthwhile mentioning.

Ukraine Synagogue Firebombed Just Days After Distribution of Anti-Semitic Flyers | Israel Video Network
What do Rwanda, Yugoslavia, and Ukraine have in common with Iraq, Syria, and Yemen?
Plunder and NATO.

"The question is where this revisionism will take the planet?

"Is the West really ready to face Russia and China, two major powers, just to secure fully its dictatorial role over the world?

"Is its greed, is its insane Protestant desire to control and rule, truly so overwhelming?

"It is all resembling, increasingly, gangsterism, not an international consensus.

"Christopher Black, a leading international criminal lawyer based in Toronto, clearly defines the possible endgame, for this report: 'The Ukraine is the latest theatre of operations in the world war that erupted with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the drive thereafter by the West to dominate world resources and markets.

"'The first theaters of operation in this global war were Africa and Yugoslavia.

"'In Africa, America ejected France from Central Africa and turned Rwanda into a military state used to maintain a state of deadly chaos in the Great Lakes region of Africa.'

"The destruction of Yugoslavia during the same period culminated in the final brutal NATO attack of 1999 and the overthrow of Milosevic in 2001...

"In rapid succession the NATO states attacked Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, then Libya and Syria.

"The ultimate target of these wars is, of course, Russia and its vast resources, and those countries such as China, Iran, and of Latin America that insist on maintaining their independence and sovereignty.

“But these wars cannot be conducted without propaganda, and as the wars themselves are total wars - that is, wars targeting civilians as well as military forces - so the propaganda techniques used are total, using every aspect of communication and penetrating all levels of society.

"Important elements of this propaganda are the various war crimes tribunals whose primary function is the dissemination of false histories of the wars concerned, and criminalization of those who resist..."

?Intellectuals standing ground on Ukrainian issue ? RT Op-Edge
Shitstain....tell us how causing chaos with that bogus letter benefits the Ukraine GOV and US....this should be funny.

Nobody from the US is on the border ready to invade Ukraine claiming the country "needs law and order" that would be the Russians you stupid pile of shit.

Hint: Russia is the one spreading false rumors and causing chaos to invade Ukraine....

This is just another case of 'Hey Rabbi whatcha doin?"

This letter has been proven to be a hoax and will no doubt be linked back to American NGOs or the puppet government in Kiev.
Giving the Kiev Junta casus belli to move in with the Army to the East. It gives the US moral authority to ratchet up sanctions against Russia and aid the Kiev Junta further.

Demanding Jews to register serves no purpose to Russia, and increases Western animus towards them by comparing Putin to Hitler(just like Saddam was Hitler, Gadaffi was Hitler, Assad is Hitler etc etc). Besides, when Jews went to "register" with the separatist government in Donetsk they denied they were behind the flyers, and did not register them.

Most likely a hoax by pro-junta Jews in East Ukraine, the Kiev Junta, or US funded NGOs.

It seems to have fallen on its face at this point. No one cares anymore, no one takes it seriously except for dumb neo-cohens like yourself.
Sally the Fascist is active all over this board. Does she have a job?

Now tell the truth, Haniya, the Muslim convert -- how many forums are you on dayand night with your Boiler Room gang demonizing Israel all over the Internet, while your own Muslim brethren are the fascists murdering in the name of their religion. How many innocent people were murdered by your newly-adopted brethren this past week, or don't you care since it is Muslims doing the killing. By the way, I am retired. Just whom is paying you and the Boiler Room crowd for being so active?
Sally the Fascist is active all over this board. Does she have a job?

Now tell the truth, Haniya, the Muslim convert -- how many forums are you on dayand night with your Boiler Room gang demonizing Israel all over the Internet, while your own Muslim brethren are the fascists murdering in the name of their religion. How many innocent people were murdered by your newly-adopted brethren this past week, or don't you care since it is Muslims doing the killing. By the way, I am retired. Just whom is paying you and the Boiler Room crowd for being so active?

Israel is the homo capital of the world, Russia and East Ukraine don't want to become Tel Aviv. Go back to Tel Aviv you will be more comfortable there.
"Ukrainian forces moved in and killed at least two pro-Russia insurgents in the country's tumultuous east Thursday, an escalation that prompted new threats from Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"In an immediate reaction, Russia's defence minister said troops massed near Ukraine's border were starting new military exercises.

"The statements by Putin and Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu sharpened anxiety over the prospect of a Russian military incursion into Ukraine. Russia's foreign minister warned a day earlier that any attack on Russian citizens or interests in eastern Ukraine would bring a strong response."

Ukraine clashes kill 2 as Russia ramps up military exercises - World - CBC News

Why, Comrade George, since the title of this thread refers to the Jews in the Ukraine, I would believe that you would think it was important enough to tell everyone about what happened to a synagogue there. I guess when something bad happens to your favorite scapegoats, you don't think it is worthwhile mentioning.

Ukraine Synagogue Firebombed Just Days After Distribution of Anti-Semitic Flyers | Israel Video Network
What do Rwanda, Yugoslavia, and Ukraine have in common with Iraq, Syria, and Yemen?
Plunder and NATO.

"The question is where this revisionism will take the planet?

"Is the West really ready to face Russia and China, two major powers, just to secure fully its dictatorial role over the world?

"Is its greed, is its insane Protestant desire to control and rule, truly so overwhelming?

"It is all resembling, increasingly, gangsterism, not an international consensus.

"Christopher Black, a leading international criminal lawyer based in Toronto, clearly defines the possible endgame, for this report: 'The Ukraine is the latest theatre of operations in the world war that erupted with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the drive thereafter by the West to dominate world resources and markets.

"'The first theaters of operation in this global war were Africa and Yugoslavia.

"'In Africa, America ejected France from Central Africa and turned Rwanda into a military state used to maintain a state of deadly chaos in the Great Lakes region of Africa.'

"The destruction of Yugoslavia during the same period culminated in the final brutal NATO attack of 1999 and the overthrow of Milosevic in 2001...

"In rapid succession the NATO states attacked Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, then Libya and Syria.

"The ultimate target of these wars is, of course, Russia and its vast resources, and those countries such as China, Iran, and of Latin America that insist on maintaining their independence and sovereignty.

“But these wars cannot be conducted without propaganda, and as the wars themselves are total wars - that is, wars targeting civilians as well as military forces - so the propaganda techniques used are total, using every aspect of communication and penetrating all levels of society.

"Important elements of this propaganda are the various war crimes tribunals whose primary function is the dissemination of false histories of the wars concerned, and criminalization of those who resist..."

?Intellectuals standing ground on Ukrainian issue ? RT Op-Edge

So, Comrade Georgie, you weren't even going to tell about the synagogue being firebombed after all your blabbering about your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, trying to make it appear that they are responsible for all the trouble in the Ukraine. I guess if you can't find something you feel is derogatory against your favorite scapegoats, it is OK with you if all the synagogues were firebombed in the Ukraine and not worth a mention.
Sally the Fascist is active all over this board. Does she have a job?

Now tell the truth, Haniya, the Muslim convert -- how many forums are you on dayand night with your Boiler Room gang demonizing Israel all over the Internet, while your own Muslim brethren are the fascists murdering in the name of their religion. How many innocent people were murdered by your newly-adopted brethren this past week, or don't you care since it is Muslims doing the killing. By the way, I am retired. Just whom is paying you and the Boiler Room crowd for being so active?

Israel is the homo capital of the world, Russia and East Ukraine don't want to become Tel Aviv. Go back to Tel Aviv you will be more comfortable there.

Why don't you go back to Germany and hang out with your Nazi pals. Say, since you mentioned "homo," perhaps you are still in the closet and don't feel like coming out just yet. The mention of "homo" is a way for you to throw people off about your sexual orientation. Say, a while back, the Russian Baptists out here in California were pushing a certain book. Perhaps you would enjoy reading it.

[ame=]The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party: Scott Lively, Kevin Abrams: 9780964760936: Books[/ame]
Now tell the truth, Haniya, the Muslim convert -- how many forums are you on dayand night with your Boiler Room gang demonizing Israel all over the Internet, while your own Muslim brethren are the fascists murdering in the name of their religion. How many innocent people were murdered by your newly-adopted brethren this past week, or don't you care since it is Muslims doing the killing. By the way, I am retired. Just whom is paying you and the Boiler Room crowd for being so active?

Israel is the homo capital of the world, Russia and East Ukraine don't want to become Tel Aviv. Go back to Tel Aviv you will be more comfortable there.

Why don't you go back to Germany and hang out with your Nazi pals. Say, since you mentioned "homo," perhaps you are still in the closet and don't feel like coming out just yet. The mention of "homo" is a way for you to throw people off about your sexual orientation. Say, a while back, the Russian Baptists out here in California were pushing a certain book. Perhaps you would enjoy reading it.

[ame=]The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party: Scott Lively, Kevin Abrams: 9780964760936: Books[/ame]

No, it just means your a faggot enabler. Due to its weakness and sin, Israel will fall off the face of the earth, simply because they don't breed. The Arabs will win. Ukraine and Russia aren't weak and suicidal like the death-worshiping terrorist state Israel.

Stop pushing your jewish degeneracy on the rest of us.

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