Jews ordered to register in East Ukraine

Agent's provocateurs are the likely culprits; not that knowing this mitigates the hate of the culprits nor the fear of the victims.

That happens, as we saw with the CIA involving themselves in the coup, be I don't believe that's the case here.
I'm going for this being a few nazi idiots with a few equally idiotic politicians playing the story up.
John Kerry, whilst right in condemning the idiots, should be ashamed of himself for trying to push this as a Russian led thing.
Agent's provocateurs are the likely culprits; not that knowing this mitigates the hate of the culprits nor the fear of the victims.

That happens, as we saw with the CIA involving themselves in the coup, be I don't believe that's the case here.
I'm going for this being a few nazi idiots with a few equally idiotic politicians playing the story up.
John Kerry, whilst right in condemning the idiots, should be ashamed of himself for trying to push this as a Russian led thing.
John Forbes Kerry isn't likely to forget the Business of America is War.
Leaflet tells Jews to register in East Ukraine

History has a habit of repeating itself. This is going from bad to worse.

Blood moon anyone?

This is propaganda by the FAR FAR more antisemitic Ukrainian government. They did this to discredit the Russians and make them appear to the fascists and Nazis!

There is no better PR attack then making the Russians appear to be like the Nazis.

Fuck the Russians no need to discredit anything. The Russian government is no friend of Jews
Jews urged to flee Ukraine by Holocaust survivor


he pamphlets and posters, distributed in the eastern Ukraine city of Donetsk, demanded that the Jewish population register, pay a new tax or leave.

They are a terrifying echo of the anti-Jewish atrocities carried out by Ukrainians under Nazi occupation during the Second World War.

The leaflets, apparently signed by pro-Russian group the People’s Republic of Donetsk, have enraged the world.

US Secretary of State John Kerry said last week: “After all of the miles travelled and all of the journey of history, this is not just intolerable, it is grotesque.”

Sam Pivnik, 86, was only 14 when his family were rounded up in Bedzin, western Poland, and sent to the death camp at Auschwitz.

After his parents, brothers and a sister were chosen “with the flick of a glove” for extermination by “Angel of Death” Dr Josef Mengele, the teenager, tattooed with a prisoner number, was left to survive alone. Mr Pivnik, who now lives in Golders Green, north London, said he was not surprised by the literature’s anti-Semitism.


“Jews have no place in Ukraine, because nothing has changed,” he said last night, “and as long as Jews remain there, nothing will change. They had no business staying in that country after the atrocities of 1939-1945.

Jews urged to flee Ukraine by Holocaust survivor | World | News | Daily Express
'Grotesque' anti-semitic pamphlets echo the holocaust, Ukraine Rabbi blasts

THE Chief Rabbi of Donetsk has blasted leaflets ordering Jewish people to register with pro-Russian authorities in eastern Ukraine as an echo of the holocaust.


The sickening documents were reportedly distributed by masked men outside a synagogue in the Ukrainian city of Donetsk, drawing widespread outrage.

Speaking from the targeted Beyt Menahem Mendal Synagogue, Rabbi Pinchas Vishedski reportedly said: "The last time in history that someone wrote a text like that was in 1939 in the Nazi time."

The widely-denounced pamphlets are a chilling reminder of how anti-Semitism spread across Europe in the past, culminating in the deaths of millions of Jewish people.

The fliers were reportedly handed out to 200 Jewish worshippers earlier this week, with one pinned to the outside of the synagogue in Donetsk.

They called for all Jewish residents aged 16 and over to supply a detailed list of all the property they own “or else have their citizenship revoked, face deportation and see their assets confiscated”.

Rabbi Vishedski recalled the moment on Wednesday night when his congregation had the leaflets pressed into their hands after a Passover service.

Anti-semitic pamphlets distributed in Ukraine asking Jews to register or face consequences | World | News | Daily Express
'Grotesque' anti-semitic pamphlets echo the holocaust, Ukraine Rabbi blasts

THE Chief Rabbi of Donetsk has blasted leaflets ordering Jewish people to register with pro-Russian authorities in eastern Ukraine as an echo of the holocaust.


The sickening documents were reportedly distributed by masked men outside a synagogue in the Ukrainian city of Donetsk, drawing widespread outrage.

Speaking from the targeted Beyt Menahem Mendal Synagogue, Rabbi Pinchas Vishedski reportedly said: "The last time in history that someone wrote a text like that was in 1939 in the Nazi time."

The widely-denounced pamphlets are a chilling reminder of how anti-Semitism spread across Europe in the past, culminating in the deaths of millions of Jewish people.

The fliers were reportedly handed out to 200 Jewish worshippers earlier this week, with one pinned to the outside of the synagogue in Donetsk.

They called for all Jewish residents aged 16 and over to supply a detailed list of all the property they own “or else have their citizenship revoked, face deportation and see their assets confiscated”.

Rabbi Vishedski recalled the moment on Wednesday night when his congregation had the leaflets pressed into their hands after a Passover service.

Anti-semitic pamphlets distributed in Ukraine asking Jews to register or face consequences | World | News | Daily Express
Your link:

"I'm not sure who's doing it, including those posters that appeared last Tuesday, but I do not think that it is the representatives of the Donetsk republic.

"You have to be really crazy to make such statements and I personally think that it is a provocation, but the problem is that it is very easy to do such a thing.

"And it will destabilise the situation. You can play any political game here and use it in any context.

"And what worries me is not the leaflets because they are forgeries. It is 99.9 per cent that it is just provocation.

"Who can guarantee that it will not move further and someone will be killed, for example.

"We have a lot of people brought into the town now, some criminal elements who are here to destabilise the situation. Some have weapons.

"And if some side decides to play the Jewish card, it can just fly out of control. 'People in balaclavas can come into the synagogue beat someone up or rob them."

Jews in Ukraine seeking escape to Israel over letter demanding they 'register' with pro-Russian forces that was branded fake by a rabbi | Mail Online
Look at the kooks that believe this bullshit....this is pure Russia Information Ops (formerly Psyops).

Russia is claiming "ethnic" Russians are being attacked, killed, etc in Ukraine which nobody believes, so they trump up a new angle claiming even the "Jews" now being threatened.

They are trying to throw shit against the wall to give themselves the "right" to invade Ukraine.

Oh look....Ukraine is executing blacks and Hispanics!!!!!!!!!!
Look at the kooks that believe this bullshit....this is pure Russia Information Ops (formerly Psyops).

Russia is claiming "ethnic" Russians are being attacked, killed, etc in Ukraine which nobody believes, so they trump up a new angle claiming even the "Jews" now being threatened.

They are trying to throw shit against the wall to give themselves the "right" to invade Ukraine.

Oh look....Ukraine is executing blacks and Hispanics!!!!!!!!!!
Except it's the ethnic Russians who are accused of "registering" Jews, remember?
Russia is going to cause chaos no matter how they can....idiot.

Look at the kooks that believe this bullshit....this is pure Russia Information Ops (formerly Psyops).

Russia is claiming "ethnic" Russians are being attacked, killed, etc in Ukraine which nobody believes, so they trump up a new angle claiming even the "Jews" now being threatened.

They are trying to throw shit against the wall to give themselves the "right" to invade Ukraine.

Oh look....Ukraine is executing blacks and Hispanics!!!!!!!!!!
Except it's the ethnic Russians who are accused of "registering" Jews, remember?
Russia is going to cause chaos no matter how they can....idiot.

Look at the kooks that believe this bullshit....this is pure Russia Information Ops (formerly Psyops).

Russia is claiming "ethnic" Russians are being attacked, killed, etc in Ukraine which nobody believes, so they trump up a new angle claiming even the "Jews" now being threatened.

They are trying to throw shit against the wall to give themselves the "right" to invade Ukraine.

Oh look....Ukraine is executing blacks and Hispanics!!!!!!!!!!
Except it's the ethnic Russians who are accused of "registering" Jews, remember?
Wake me when they start their "missile shield" in Mexico.
'Grotesque' anti-semitic pamphlets echo the holocaust, Ukraine Rabbi blasts

THE Chief Rabbi of Donetsk has blasted leaflets ordering Jewish people to register with pro-Russian authorities in eastern Ukraine as an echo of the holocaust.


The sickening documents

A couple of things come to mind here.
I would tend to use "stupid documents". They're sick, but as they're such feeble crap, stupid works better.

The latter comes from the photo. I dismissed the idea of the Jews doing this themselves because most Jews, as with most of every other religion, aren't extremist morons.
However, the picture clearly shows a Jewish extremist group, dressed in their daft black coats and sporting their stupid ringlets.
I met a bunch of these extremist fuckers in London, utter bastards.
They're very much like the more extreme Muslims, only less polite. These are the bastards that refused to serve me a pizza - an unforgivable crime, especially as their pizza looks so bloody good.
Anyway, as with all extremists, this lot will be willing to do any shit to promote their cause and, as Israel was one of the first to comment, it would hardly shock me to find out they did it.
My suspect list is down to two:
These extremist fuckers did it to foster sympathy
A bunch of Nazi twats did it because they hate Jews.

Whoever it was, it was pathetic.
'Grotesque' anti-semitic pamphlets echo the holocaust, Ukraine Rabbi blasts

THE Chief Rabbi of Donetsk has blasted leaflets ordering Jewish people to register with pro-Russian authorities in eastern Ukraine as an echo of the holocaust.


The sickening documents

A couple of things come to mind here.
I would tend to use "stupid documents". They're sick, but as they're such feeble crap, stupid works better.

The latter comes from the photo. I dismissed the idea of the Jews doing this themselves because most Jews, as with most of every other religion, aren't extremist morons.
However, the picture clearly shows a Jewish extremist group, dressed in their daft black coats and sporting their stupid ringlets.
I met a bunch of these extremist fuckers in London, utter bastards.
They're very much like the more extreme Muslims, only less polite. These are the bastards that refused to serve me a pizza - an unforgivable crime, especially as their pizza looks so bloody good.
Anyway, as with all extremists, this lot will be willing to do any shit to promote their cause and, as Israel was one of the first to comment, it would hardly shock me to find out they did it.
My suspect list is down to two:
These extremist fuckers did it to foster sympathy
A bunch of Nazi twats did it because they hate Jews.

Whoever it was, it was pathetic.

Maybe Freddie, the Muslim convert, equates refusal of service as the same as murdering people in the name of a religion which is going on in numerous amounts right now There have been many people in this world who have been refused service for one thing or another, but Freddie is still obsessed with the refusal of service of a pizza by Orthodox Jews in England. How many years ago was that, Freddie? There is a site on the Internet which I once read on which a Black Muslim from Africa told about his vacation to the north of Africa. The lighter-skinned Muslims were so impolite and rude to him that he was shocked. I guess those Arab Muslims don't like the darker skinned ones and think of them all as an Abd. Freddie, how about telling us how in England now the lighter skinned Muslims are told not to go out with the Blacks? How do you think the Black Muslims feel about this?
.................................................^^ more Silly-Sally just being Silly-Sally. .. :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Remember, Mr. Cuckoo, see your therapist this week. By the way, have you even got out of your apartment today?
Maybe Freddie, the Muslim convert, equates refusal of service as the same as murdering people in the name of a religion which is going on in numerous amounts right now

.......Freddie is still obsessed with the refusal of service of a pizza by Orthodox Jews in England. How many years ago was that, Freddie?

First off, I wan't a Muslim at that time and I look Jewish as my family were Jews.
That's one of the reasons your insisting I hate Jews makes you look so fucking stupid.
Many of my family are still Jewish and there's a fair bet some live in Israel.

Nope, your head is so far up your arse, all you can see is shit.

To the pizza.
There am I, looking rather Jewish, wandering around, hungry and cold.
I'm in an extremist Jewish area of North London, trying to very politely ask dudes where the take away shops are. Pretty much the only people on the street are men, all sporting daft ringlets and heavy black coats, topped with a hat that looks like they were going for a cowboy look, but got ripped off at the shop.
Every one of the daft bastards blanked me, regardless of how polite I was to them.
These evil swine refuse to talk to anyone that isn't in their club.
Anyway, I walked on until I found a pizza shop. It was another black hat Jewish place but religion wasn't my interest, the delicious smell of their pizza was.

Nothing - not a fucking word from the bastards.
They point blank refused to speak to a Jewish looking guy, who was being very polite, all because I wasn't wearing stupid clothes and didn't have a haircut a North Korean dictator would laugh at.

No, fuck the extremist bastards. That bunch are nasty, rude, inconsiderate and generally evil little fuckers. The time passed is of little matter, these extremists don't change.

However, there was a bright side. There was another pizza place not far away and they had a "buy one, get one" offer.
I didn't want two so I gave the other to a couple of homeless people who happened to be around.

As for the thread and the leaflets - I wouldn't be likely to experience a shock related heart attack if I found out they'd done this themselves, but I still think it was more likely to be a few idiot Nazis.
Maybe Freddie, the Muslim convert, equates refusal of service as the same as murdering people in the name of a religion which is going on in numerous amounts right now

.......Freddie is still obsessed with the refusal of service of a pizza by Orthodox Jews in England. How many years ago was that, Freddie?

First off, I wan't a Muslim at that time and I look Jewish as my family were Jews.
That's one of the reasons your insisting I hate Jews makes you look so fucking stupid.
Many of my family are still Jewish and there's a fair bet some live in Israel.

Nope, your head is so far up your arse, all you can see is shit.

To the pizza.
There am I, looking rather Jewish, wandering around, hungry and cold.
I'm in an extremist Jewish area of North London, trying to very politely ask dudes where the take away shops are. Pretty much the only people on the street are men, all sporting daft ringlets and heavy black coats, topped with a hat that looks like they were going for a cowboy look, but got ripped off at the shop.
Every one of the daft bastards blanked me, regardless of how polite I was to them.
These evil swine refuse to talk to anyone that isn't in their club.
Anyway, I walked on until I found a pizza shop. It was another black hat Jewish place but religion wasn't my interest, the delicious smell of their pizza was.

Nothing - not a fucking word from the bastards.
They point blank refused to speak to a Jewish looking guy, who was being very polite, all because I wasn't wearing stupid clothes and didn't have a haircut a North Korean dictator would laugh at.

No, fuck the extremist bastards. That bunch are nasty, rude, inconsiderate and generally evil little fuckers. The time passed is of little matter, these extremists don't change.

However, there was a bright side. There was another pizza place not far away and they had a "buy one, get one" offer.
I didn't want two so I gave the other to a couple of homeless people who happened to be around.

As for the thread and the leaflets - I wouldn't be likely to experience a shock related heart attack if I found out they'd done this themselves, but I still think it was more likely to be a few idiot Nazis.

there you go need for all the whining is there:eusa_whistle:
Maybe Freddie, the Muslim convert, equates refusal of service as the same as murdering people in the name of a religion which is going on in numerous amounts right now

.......Freddie is still obsessed with the refusal of service of a pizza by Orthodox Jews in England. How many years ago was that, Freddie?

First off, I wan't a Muslim at that time and I look Jewish as my family were Jews.
That's one of the reasons your insisting I hate Jews makes you look so fucking stupid.
Many of my family are still Jewish and there's a fair bet some live in Israel.

Nope, your head is so far up your arse, all you can see is shit.

To the pizza.
There am I, looking rather Jewish, wandering around, hungry and cold.
I'm in an extremist Jewish area of North London, trying to very politely ask dudes where the take away shops are. Pretty much the only people on the street are men, all sporting daft ringlets and heavy black coats, topped with a hat that looks like they were going for a cowboy look, but got ripped off at the shop.
Every one of the daft bastards blanked me, regardless of how polite I was to them.
These evil swine refuse to talk to anyone that isn't in their club.
Anyway, I walked on until I found a pizza shop. It was another black hat Jewish place but religion wasn't my interest, the delicious smell of their pizza was.

Nothing - not a fucking word from the bastards.
They point blank refused to speak to a Jewish looking guy, who was being very polite, all because I wasn't wearing stupid clothes and didn't have a haircut a North Korean dictator would laugh at.

No, fuck the extremist bastards. That bunch are nasty, rude, inconsiderate and generally evil little fuckers. The time passed is of little matter, these extremists don't change.

However, there was a bright side. There was another pizza place not far away and they had a "buy one, get one" offer.
I didn't want two so I gave the other to a couple of homeless people who happened to be around.

As for the thread and the leaflets - I wouldn't be likely to experience a shock related heart attack if I found out they'd done this themselves, but I still think it was more likely to be a few idiot Nazis.

there you go need for all the whining is there:eusa_whistle:

He was whining, wasn't he? I have known many Black people in my life, many who were born and raised in the South. I know that life was very hard for the Blacks down South, but I have never heard them whine about what they went through. They just went on with their lives. For Fred to whine about a pizza is really too much, especially when you see pictures of starving people in Africa who are just skin and bones.

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