Jews ordered to register in East Ukraine

I realize it was a comedy show, but what the men actually experienced in the Stalag was the real thing. I don't think if any of them were alive they would like to see you throw your "Juden" around all the time.
The Stalag held Allied there wasn't much use for the word "Juden".

True story......... :cool:
I realize it was a comedy show, but what the men actually experienced in the Stalag was the real thing. I don't think if any of them were alive they would like to see you throw your "Juden" around all the time.
The Stalag held Allied there wasn't much use for the word "Juden".

True story......... :cool:

You don't think those held in the Stalags didn't even know after the war ended that there were concentration camps holding the Jews and others? I can just imagine how they would feel aout someone throwing around"Juden" all the time.
I have never given a red brick, but that post deserves one.

You're going to give a red brick to someone with no rep??

Good luck with that.

Let's face it. Both Fred and Sunni Man, those devout Muslim converts, would have been excellent concentration camp guards. They both could have yelled together "Msach schnell, Juden" while wearing their shiny jackboots and cracking their whips at the Jews. .

I said it deserved one, not that I would actually give one.
I have never sent a red brick and have no intention of starting.

As for stupid sally, the daft tart tries to suggest I agree with Sunni on this issue, even after I've made it clear I totally disagree.
Being silly is acceptable, total blind stupidity is pathetic.

I wonder if her IQ is above 50 or, assuming it is, what mental institution she lives in.
You're going to give a red brick to someone with no rep??

Good luck with that.

Let's face it. Both Fred and Sunni Man, those devout Muslim converts, would have been excellent concentration camp guards. They both could have yelled together "Msach schnell, Juden" while wearing their shiny jackboots and cracking their whips at the Jews. .

I said it deserved one, not that I would actually give one.
I have never sent a red brick and have no intention of starting.

As for stupid sally, the daft tart tries to suggest I agree with Sunni on this issue, even after I've made it clear I totally disagree.
Being silly is acceptable, total blind stupidity is pathetic.

I wonder if her IQ is above 50 or, assuming it is, what mental institution she lives in.

Aha, the other Musulman convert felt he had to put his silly two cents in. Have you ever thought, Freddie, that your blind stupidity is patheti?. Maybe you have the IQ of a moron because you really never sound very swift.
Yes, that Sunni Man would have made a great concentration camp guard. he would have enjoyed yelling out "Juden, Juden, mach schnell.
Naw.......forget being a prison guard.

I would rather be the camp commandant. .. :cool:

I have never given a red brick, but that post deserves one.
Frankly, it's disgusting

PS - Sally, being female has one - she also is one.
I rarely see stupidity on the level she manages.
I realize it was a comedy show, but what the men actually experienced in the Stalag was the real thing. I don't think if any of them were alive they would like to see you throw your "Juden" around all the time.
The Stalag held Allied there wasn't much use for the word "Juden".

True story......... :cool:

Or maybe not.
I understand the word was also used for at least some concentration camps.
Naw.......forget being a prison guard.

I would rather be the camp commandant. .. :cool:

I have never given a red brick, but that post deserves one.
Frankly, it's disgusting

PS - Sally, being female has one - she also is one.
I rarely see stupidity on the level she manages.

No kidding, Freddie,, and this coming from a stupid wanker like you who tries so hard to come off as being brilliant but fails..

So tell us, Freddie, instead of showing us your stupidity, how about posting some news coming out of Europe these days. Since there are loads of countries in Europe and lots going on, surely you want to share something with the readers, especially since being a former European you must keep up with the news there..
So tell us, Freddie, instead of showing us your stupidity, how about posting some news coming out of Europe these days. Since there are loads of countries in Europe and lots going on, surely you want to share something with the readers, especially since being a former European you must keep up with the news there..

Sally has put a lot of hard stupidity into a thread based on lies.
The whole thing was down to three nazi idiots, handing out a few leaflets but she wants to make out it's a Muslim thing.

Apart from her epic fail, she looks pretty fucking stupid.
That in mind, she wants to move on to news from Europe.

However, I'm a kind, forgiving and obliging so I'll give her a story about Europe.

Thousands of White European girls smuggled into Israel for White Sex Slave Trade | Unity of Nobility

Between 3,000 and 5,000 women have been smuggled into Israel and sold into prostitution over the past four years, according to a Knesset committee investigative report examining the status of the sex trade in Israel. The trafficking in women amounts to around a billion dollars every year.

Yahad MK Zehava Gal-On, chair of the parliamentary Committee Against Trade in Women, submitted the extensive report on Wednesday to Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin.

Sally, never accuse me of being unhelpful. :D
So tell us, Freddie, instead of showing us your stupidity, how about posting some news coming out of Europe these days. Since there are loads of countries in Europe and lots going on, surely you want to share something with the readers, especially since being a former European you must keep up with the news there..

Sally has put a lot of hard stupidity into a thread based on lies.
The whole thing was down to three nazi idiots, handing out a few leaflets but she wants to make out it's a Muslim thing.

Apart from her epic fail, she looks pretty fucking stupid.
That in mind, she wants to move on to news from Europe.

However, I'm a kind, forgiving and obliging so I'll give her a story about Europe.

Thousands of White European girls smuggled into Israel for White Sex Slave Trade | Unity of Nobility

Between 3,000 and 5,000 women have been smuggled into Israel and sold into prostitution over the past four years, according to a Knesset committee investigative report examining the status of the sex trade in Israel. The trafficking in women amounts to around a billion dollars every year.

Yahad MK Zehava Gal-On, chair of the parliamentary Committee Against Trade in Women, submitted the extensive report on Wednesday to Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin.

Sally, never accuse me of being unhelpful. :D

Why, Mr. Wanker, is this not the Europe forum? Aren't you originally from England? Surely you must at least keep up with the news coming out of your old country. Poor Mr. Wanker, all he can do is pull up something about Israel (maybe Mr. Wanker thinks Israel is in Europe) when this thing happens all over the world, and at least Israel is trying to do something about it.. Maybe Stupid Freddie isn't aware of sex slavery in the different countries because he is comatose. Freddie, if you are so worried about women whom the Arabs smuggle into Israel, why aren't you worried about the young girls brought into Saudi Arabia to pleasure those old men during the religious holidays? Maybe Freddie thinks it is quite OK for those young girls to be brought in for that purpose because he can't drag Israel into this event. Now, Freddie, how about some news coming out of Europe since you are on the Europe forum?
how about posting some news coming out of Europe these days.

That in mind, she wants to move on to news from Europe.

However, I'm a kind, forgiving and obliging so I'll give her a story about Europe.

Thousands of White European girls smuggled into Israel for White Sex Slave Trade | Unity of Nobility

Sally, never accuse me of being unhelpful. :D

Why, Mr. Wanker, is this not the Europe forum? Aren't you originally from England? Surely you must at least keep up with the news coming out of your old country. Poor Mr. Wanker, all he can do is pull up something about Israel

Drrr, the girls are European - thus, it's news about Europe - even if they end up in brothels, forced to service Israel perverts.

Still, I like to help out so I'll post one purely about England.

Orthodox Jewish sex abuse victim calls for rabbis to confront abuse in communities - Court & Crime - Hampstead and Highgate Express

Jewish pervert fucks 13 year old girl.

From the age of 13, Ms Goldsobel was abused by Levy, of Princes Park Avenue, Golders Green, over a six-year period.

The court heard the abuse took place in his car, at his home and even during visits, as a close family friend, to Ms Goldsobel’s childhood home in Stamford Hill.

“He would continually follow me until he got what he wanted,” she said.

At least she's speaking out, exposing the Jews who like to have sex with young girls.
It seems this type of abuse is very common and hidden from the rest of the world.

Now, as requested, news from the UK.
Are you happy now?
how about posting some news coming out of Europe these days.

That in mind, she wants to move on to news from Europe.

However, I'm a kind, forgiving and obliging so I'll give her a story about Europe.

Thousands of White European girls smuggled into Israel for White Sex Slave Trade | Unity of Nobility

Sally, never accuse me of being unhelpful. :D

Why, Mr. Wanker, is this not the Europe forum? Aren't you originally from England? Surely you must at least keep up with the news coming out of your old country. Poor Mr. Wanker, all he can do is pull up something about Israel

Drrr, the girls are European - thus, it's news about Europe - even if they end up in brothels, forced to service Israel perverts.

Still, I like to help out so I'll post one purely about England.

Orthodox Jewish sex abuse victim calls for rabbis to confront abuse in communities - Court & Crime - Hampstead and Highgate Express

Jewish pervert fucks 13 year old girl.

From the age of 13, Ms Goldsobel was abused by Levy, of Princes Park Avenue, Golders Green, over a six-year period.

The court heard the abuse took place in his car, at his home and even during visits, as a close family friend, to Ms Goldsobel’s childhood home in Stamford Hill.

“He would continually follow me until he got what he wanted,” she said.

At least she's speaking out, exposing the Jews who like to have sex with young girls.
It seems this type of abuse is very common and hidden from the rest of the world.

Now, as requested, news from the UK.
Are you happy now?

Poor Wanker Freddie, his own adopted Muslim brethren are raping and murdering people in so many different places, and yet all he can think about is the Jews. Speaking of Europe and rape which Wanker Freddie might find useful..........
Now, as requested, news from the UK.
Are you happy now?

Poor Wanker Freddie, his own adopted Muslim brethren are raping and murdering people in so many different places, and yet all he can think about is the Jews. Speaking of Europe and rape which Wanker Freddie might find useful..........

It seems not.
I did exactly as she requested, but the daft bat still isn't happy.
I think she must be on the rag. :D
Now, as requested, news from the UK.
Are you happy now?

Poor Wanker Freddie, his own adopted Muslim brethren are raping and murdering people in so many different places, and yet all he can think about is the Jews. Speaking of Europe and rape which Wanker Freddie might find useful..........

It seems not.
I did exactly as she requested, but the daft bat still isn't happy.
I think she must be on the rag. :D

What I would suggest for you, Freddie, is to find a good mental health provider. You will notice that Freddie left off in his response what I posted from Google telling all about what some of his adopted Muslim brethren are doing in Europe. Meanwhile, perhaps Freddie can give us some news from his old country in Europe instead of dragging in Israel.
Make no mistake about it.

The zionist jews on behalf of Israel are somehow involved in this recent Ukrainian conflict. ... :cool:

And your newly adopted brethren are so busy murdering innocent people in the name of their religion. I think the world has to worry more about what your brethren are up to as they try to make a new Caliphate in this world of today, a world which doesn't need Muslims running things.
Make no mistake about it.

The zionist jews on behalf of Israel are somehow involved in this recent Ukrainian conflict. ... :cool:

And your newly adopted brethren are so busy murdering innocent people in the name of their religion. I think the world has to worry more about what your brethren are up to as they try to make a new Caliphate in this world of today, a world which doesn't need Muslims running things.
Thank you for your will be duly noted....and placed in the appropriate circular file. .. :cool:

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