Jews semitic? what are the origin of european Jews and Israeli Jews?

rtwngAvngr said:
Yeah. Ok. Thanks for warning us. We'll keep that in mind as we nuke Mecca.

And Then? you Nuke Mecca and Medina as some politician of USA said before...

Does this solve the problem ? or will it multiply the problem?
takeing moderate muslims into war with Western world? Marching 1,5 billion Muslims to Western-World.

Again, this AL-QAEDA wanting.
canavar said:
And Then? you Nuke Mecca and Medina as some politician of USA said before...

Does this solve the problem ? or will it multiply the problem?
takeing moderate muslims into war with Western world? Marching 1,5 billion Muslims to Western-World.

Again, this AL-QAEDA wanting.

You're right. Obviously doing nothing is the answer. Jihad will die of it's own accord. Thanks for the tip.


The truth is jiahd will not die on it's own. The terrorist organization know as Islam must be destroyed. It's simply incompatible with modernity.
saying these words is nothing more than Internet-Heroism.
you fight Muslim world, you go fight in the first Army-Line.

Afterwards, AL-QAEDA congratulateing you for the ignorance you showed, and helping them becoming Leader of Muslim World, and made their dremas come true.

I never said, we should't fight terrorism. also i did not say we should not fight Philosophy of Jihad.

It is not Terrororganization "Islam" makeing these problems.
It is Terror-organizations abuse "Islam" in social problems for Their Terror-Motives.
canavar said:
saying these words is nothing more than Internet-Heroism.
you fight Muslim world, you go fight in the first Army-Line.

Afterwards, AL-QAEDA congratulateing you for the ignorance you showed, and helping them becoming Leader of Muslim World, and made their dremas come true.

I never said, we should't fight terrorism. also i did not say we should not fight Philosophy of Jihad.

It is not Terrororganization "Islam" makeing these problems.
It is Terror-organizations abuse "Islam" in social problems for Their Terror-Motives.

I have a broken pinky toe. They won't take me.

Islam itself is a terrorist organization. Jihad and the mode of relations with infidels is clearly spelled out in your so called "Holy" documents.

This is not an abuse of Islam. This IS islam. Go elsewhere with your lies.
rtwngAvngr said:
You're right. Obviously doing nothing is the answer. Jihad will die of it's own accord. Thanks for the tip.


The truth is jiahd will not die on it's own. The terrorist organization know as Islam must be destroyed. It's simply incompatible with modernity.

it is late and i re-read the thread.

First i did not say, that we should not take measures to stop jihad.

Second, after reading this thread carefully again, i come to conclusion that your opinion is :" everything else than nukeing Mecca is no fight against Jihad"

your politicians said that they would nuke Mecca if Terrorists nuke USA.
You saying, nukeing MECCA without Terrorists nukeing USA.
Or am i wrong.
canavar said:
it is late and i re-read the thread.

First i did not say, that we should not take measures to stop jihad.

Second, after reading this thread carefully again, i come to conclusion that your opinion is :" everything else than nukeing Mecca is no fight against Jihad"

your politicians said that they would nuke Mecca if Terrorists nuke USA.
You saying, nukeing MECCA without Terrorists nukeing USA.
Or am i wrong.

Your conclusions are wrong, bonehead. You say measures to fight jihad are only playing into their plan. I say you're full of shit.
I once read that DNA tests showed that manyJews are genetically most similar to the Kurds (who live in North Iraq and Turkey). If this is so, it would give the Bible passage about Abraham (the father of the Jews and Arabs) some veracity....

Abraham lived in "Ur of the Caldees".... the ancient city of Ur is located in the northern part of Iraq, where many Kurds presently live. Also, many of the Jews were enslaved and moved to Babylon after the kingdoms of Israel and Judea were conquered by the Babylonian king, Nebuchadnezzar. The Persian King, Cyrus ("the Great") allowed the Jews to resettle in their homeland, but many elected to stay in Babylon, hence the descendants of those Jews may be the Kurds.

It is possible that, if this kingdom that Canavar spoke of actually existed, then, it is possible that many of the Jews may have settled in this area.

As an aside, it is not well known, but many Jews also settled in Egypt after the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD
They sometimes look white, but I think they're just pests who stir up a lot of trouble with their schemes.
The Czar kept these creatures in "The Pale of Settlement" it's a damn shamae they got out the world has been paying for it ever since!
About 95% of the people in the world who profess to be Jews carry Jewish DNA and thus, are Jews. Of the 5% who do not test as Jews, their results fall into the allowance for genetic drift through intermarriage with local populations. (I.e. In South Africa, there is a tribe of African appearing people who claim that they are descended from the Levite tribe of Israel. Mitrochondrial DNA testing confirms that this is the case for the tribe, even though they look to be 100% African. ) The reality is that whereever the Jews have wandered, they have picked up DNA from the local populace. Regardless, they have retained thier religion and most of the DNA to prove their ancient Jewish lineage. Any claims to the contrary are easily dismissed with the scientific evidence that is readily available. Jews are Jews.

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