Jews trying to get Americans killed - as usual

I have. West Jerusalem is west of the green line which specifically does not define any territory. East Jerusalem is definitely inside Israeli occupied Palestinian territory.

In other words "Jerusalem is not in Palestine." You certainly have trouble typing the word Israel don't you. What happens, does you pc freeze or something like that when you type it?

Show me where any of Jerusalem is in Israel.

you're insane aren't you?
As I Jew I belong to this organisation , being anti Israel in their policies does not make one antisemitic

I lost 4 relatives in the shoa

Israel/Palestine 101 | Jewish Voice for Peace

peace would be lovely. and i'd be a loud voice in favor of it if they didn't keep firing missiles into Israel and if their every discussion didn't end with "Israel is not a legitimate nation".

you need someone on the other side who doesn't put their kids in front of their munitions so they can tell the press the bad jews are blowing up children.

and while i'm with you on most issues, can you really say someone whowon't acknowledge Israel's right to exist (while genuflecting to the dozen muslim nations) isn't an anti-Semite?
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according to whom?



Tinmore loves to make up his own history.
And his own world maps.


2. The Armistice Demarcation Line is not to be construed in any sense as a political or territorial boundary,...

The Avalon Project : Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement, February 24, 1949

So, if that is not a political or territorial boundary, where is Israel?
Tinmore loves to make up his own history.
And his own world maps.


2. The Armistice Demarcation Line is not to be construed in any sense as a political or territorial boundary,...

The Avalon Project : Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement, February 24, 1949

So, if that is not a political or territorial boundary, where is Israel?
Jerusalem is still part of Israel, Sorry.

And listed here as an official Israeli city, actually the most populated.
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Tinmore loves to make up his own history.
And his own world maps.


2. The Armistice Demarcation Line is not to be construed in any sense as a political or territorial boundary,...

The Avalon Project : Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement, February 24, 1949

So, if that is not a political or territorial boundary, where is Israel?

Those armistice agreements were signed BEFORE the agreements with Jordan and Egypt!
How many fuckn times does this have to be told to you Tinmore.

Israel Map - Israel Satellite Image - Physical - Political

This is a current map of Israel with the INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARIES CLEARLY MARKED.
I've already shown you the U.N treaties between Israel-Egypt and Israel-Jordan that clearly tell us about the INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNIZED BOUNDARIES!!!
The map you just posted is an old one.

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et al,

I guess it can be confusing.

√ Prime Minister's Office

3 Kaplans Street
Kiryat Ben Gurion
Jerusalem 91919
+972 2 6705555
Prime Ministers Office Jerusalem​

√ Presidentof the State of Israel

Hanassi Street
Kiryat Ben Gurion
Jerusalem 92188
+972 2 6707211
President Office Jerusalem​

√ Knesset, Israeli Parliament

3 Kaplans Street
Kiryat Ben Gurion
Jerusalem 91950
+972 2 6753333
Knesset Parliament of Israel​

Most Respectfully,
et al,

I guess it can be confusing.

√ Prime Minister's Office

3 Kaplans Street
Kiryat Ben Gurion
Jerusalem 91919
+972 2 6705555
Prime Ministers Office Jerusalem​

√ Presidentof the State of Israel

Hanassi Street
Kiryat Ben Gurion
Jerusalem 92188
+972 2 6707211
President Office Jerusalem​

√ Knesset, Israeli Parliament

3 Kaplans Street
Kiryat Ben Gurion
Jerusalem 91950
+972 2 6753333
Knesset Parliament of Israel​

Most Respectfully,
Yup ain't that funny. The center of the Israeli govt. Isn't even in Israel, according to Tinmore. These Pali supporters have serious issues dealing with reality.
WEll LIPS, I'd say it reeks of anti-Israeli sentiment.

It is possible, ya know, to object to much about the state of Israel and not hate Jews one bit.

Not that I am speaking on behalf of Indo, but I am simply this responding to the content of this particular post.

Personally I think as long Israel exists then Jerusalem ought to be an Israeli city.

But here I have one POV that probably will piss you off.

I completely and totally reject the notion of duel citizenship for anybody anywhere anytime.

The Zivotofsky's need to get off the pot and declare their allegiance to either the USA or Israel.

You reject duel citizenship for " anybody anytime ". LOL Tell that to Muslims who are coming over here. . Another hypocrite exposed.
WEll LIPS, I'd say it reeks of anti-Israeli sentiment.

It is possible, ya know, to object to much about the state of Israel and not hate Jews one bit.

Not that I am speaking on behalf of Indo, but I am simply this responding to the content of this particular post.

Personally I think as long Israel exists then Jerusalem ought to be an Israeli city.

But here I have one POV that probably will piss you off.

I completely and totally reject the notion of duel citizenship for anybody anywhere anytime.

The Zivotofsky's need to get off the pot and declare their allegiance to either the USA or Israel.

The last I checked Jerusalem was in Palestine.

It looks like someone is trying to pull some shit.

Jerusalem was in " Palestine?" ( Which doesn't exist) Does that include all of Jerusalem or just E. Jerusalem . Just more proof they are not going to stop at the " 67 Borders" we hear so much about.

It's obvious that someone is trying to pull some Shit
You haven't been looking at a world map then.

I have. West Jerusalem is west of the green line which specifically does not define any territory. East Jerusalem is definitely inside Israeli occupied Palestinian territory.

Does not define territory? Lol again with this shit.
The land is in Israel proper, therefore it is Israeli Land.

You're whole 'Israel never acquired land' crap was something you made up, remember?

Where is Tel Aviv Tinmore, answer that.. Israel or Palestine?

You won't receive an answer from the Palestinian . Consider the source. :cuckoo:
WEll LIPS, I'd say it reeks of anti-Israeli sentiment.

It is possible, ya know, to object to much about the state of Israel and not hate Jews one bit.

Not that I am speaking on behalf of Indo, but I am simply this responding to the content of this particular post.

Personally I think as long Israel exists then Jerusalem ought to be an Israeli city.

But here I have one POV that probably will piss you off.

I completely and totally reject the notion of duel citizenship for anybody anywhere anytime.

The Zivotofsky's need to get off the pot and declare their allegiance to either the USA or Israel.

You reject duel citizenship for " anybody anytime ". LOL Tell that to Muslims who are coming over here. . Another hypocrite exposed.

Many, if not most, Muslim countries do not permit dual citizenship, so once naturalized as a citizen of the United States, the Muslim would lose his other citizenship. Plus the naturalization oath for U.S. citizenship states in part:

"I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen..."

Should a Muslim somehow be from a Muslim country that allows dual citizenship he could/would lose his U.S. citizenship if he acted on it, i.e. voted, joined the Army etc.

Just as a note:

"Section 401 (e) of the 1940 Nationality Act provides that a U.S.
citizen, whether by birth or naturalization, "shall lose his [U.S.]
nationality in a political election in a foreign state."

Read more at - Dual citizenship has allowed Israeli citizens to run the highest offices of government in the United States of America

However, the courts have allowed dual citizenship if the other citizenship is Israeli,
based on the Beys Afroyim Supreme Court case of 1967.
WEll LIPS, I'd say it reeks of anti-Israeli sentiment.

It is possible, ya know, to object to much about the state of Israel and not hate Jews one bit.

Not that I am speaking on behalf of Indo, but I am simply this responding to the content of this particular post.

Personally I think as long Israel exists then Jerusalem ought to be an Israeli city.

But here I have one POV that probably will piss you off.

I completely and totally reject the notion of duel citizenship for anybody anywhere anytime.

The Zivotofsky's need to get off the pot and declare their allegiance to either the USA or Israel.

You reject duel citizenship for " anybody anytime ". LOL Tell that to Muslims who are coming over here. . Another hypocrite exposed.

Many, if not most, Muslim countries do not permit dual citizenship, so once naturalized as a citizen of the United States, the Muslim would lose his other citizenship. Plus the naturalization oath for U.S. citizenship states in part:

"I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen..."

Should a Muslim somehow be from a Muslim country that allows dual citizenship he could/would lose his U.S. citizenship if he acted on it, i.e. voted, joined the Army etc.

Just as a note:

"Section 401 (e) of the 1940 Nationality Act provides that a U.S.
citizen, whether by birth or naturalization, "shall lose his [U.S.]
nationality in a political election in a foreign state."

Read more at - Dual citizenship has allowed Israeli citizens to run the highest offices of government in the United States of America

However, the courts have allowed dual citizenship if the other citizenship is Israeli,
based on the Beys Afroyim Supreme Court case of 1967.

There are many dual citizens here in America, and I am willing to bet that there are many groups of dual citizens who are greater in mumber than you will find Israelis. However, it appears that for some Muslims living there, they have a different pledge of allegiance. Hmm, I wonder if the Muslims in Great Britain have the same pledge of allegiance.

Islam is my life... Jihad is my spirit... I will die to establish Islam." — from the Muslim Student Association pledge of allegiance.
U.S. Supreme Court to review Jerusalem birthplace law | Reuters

In 2003, Ari and Naomi Zivotofsky, the parents of U.S. citizen Menachem Zivotofsky, who was born in Jerusalem in 2002, filed a lawsuit seeking to enforce the law. They would like their son's passport to say he was born in Israel.

Basically, this daft bastard is trying to force America to see Jerusalem as part of Israel in official documents.
This, should it get through, will put Americans directly into the firing line.
What you have to ask is, what is this idiot doing in America?
He lives with you but is making a move that will kill your people.
Personally, I'd kick the bastard out.

Earth to nutso, earth to nutso.

Jerusalem is Israel's capital city.
WEll LIPS, I'd say it reeks of anti-Israeli sentiment.

It is possible, ya know, to object to much about the state of Israel and not hate Jews one bit.

Not that I am speaking on behalf of Indo, but I am simply this responding to the content of this particular post.

Personally I think as long Israel exists then Jerusalem ought to be an Israeli city.

But here I have one POV that probably will piss you off.

I completely and totally reject the notion of duel citizenship for anybody anywhere anytime.

The Zivotofsky's need to get off the pot and declare their allegiance to either the USA or Israel.

You reject duel citizenship for " anybody anytime ". LOL Tell that to Muslims who are coming over here. . Another hypocrite exposed.

Many, if not most, Muslim countries do not permit dual citizenship, so once naturalized as a citizen of the United States, the Muslim would lose his other citizenship. Plus the naturalization oath for U.S. citizenship states in part:

"I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen..."

Should a Muslim somehow be from a Muslim country that allows dual citizenship he could/would lose his U.S. citizenship if he acted on it, i.e. voted, joined the Army etc.

Just as a note:

"Section 401 (e) of the 1940 Nationality Act provides that a U.S.
citizen, whether by birth or naturalization, "shall lose his [U.S.]
nationality in a political election in a foreign state."

Read more at - Dual citizenship has allowed Israeli citizens to run the highest offices of government in the United States of America

However, the courts have allowed dual citizenship if the other citizenship is Israeli,
based on the Beys Afroyim Supreme Court case of 1967.
Does anybody gives a rat's ass what Muslim countries do or don't? I would say that doing exactly the opposite of what Muslim countries do is usually a pretty good indication you're on the civilized side.

Again, not an ounce of truth in anything this false propagandist says, as dual citizenship (and even triple citizenship) is totally allowed in the US. How incredibly ignorant can a person be?

Dual Nationality

The concept of dual nationality means that a person is a national of two countries at the same time. Each country has its own nationality laws based on its own policy. Persons may have dual nationality by automatic operation of different laws rather than by choice. For example, a child born in a foreign country to U.S. national parents may be both a U.S. national and a national of the country of birth.

A U.S. national may acquire foreign nationality by marriage, or a person naturalized as a U.S. national may not lose the nationality of the country of birth. U.S. law does not mention dual nationality or require a person to choose one nationality or another. Also, a person who is automatically granted another nationality does not risk losing U.S. nationality.
U.S. Supreme Court to review Jerusalem birthplace law | Reuters

In 2003, Ari and Naomi Zivotofsky, the parents of U.S. citizen Menachem Zivotofsky, who was born in Jerusalem in 2002, filed a lawsuit seeking to enforce the law. They would like their son's passport to say he was born in Israel.

Basically, this daft bastard is trying to force America to see Jerusalem as part of Israel in official documents.
This, should it get through, will put Americans directly into the firing line.
What you have to ask is, what is this idiot doing in America?
He lives with you but is making a move that will kill your people.
Personally, I'd kick the bastard out.

Earth to nutso, earth to nutso.

Jerusalem is Israel's capital city.
U.S. Supreme Court to review Jerusalem birthplace law | Reuters

Basically, this daft bastard is trying to force America to see Jerusalem as part of Israel in official documents.
This, should it get through, will put Americans directly into the firing line.
What you have to ask is, what is this idiot doing in America?
He lives with you but is making a move that will kill your people.
Personally, I'd kick the bastard out.

Earth to nutso, earth to nutso.

Jerusalem is Israel's capital city.

US passports do not indicate city of birth for the foreign born. Only the country. Hope this helps.

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