Jews trying to get Americans killed - as usual

In other words "Jerusalem is not in Palestine." You certainly have trouble typing the word Israel don't you. What happens, does you pc freeze or something like that when you type it?

Show me where any of Jerusalem is in Israel.

Show were since 1948 any part of Jerusalem was in the nation of Palestine, and while yiu are at it show were the UN rescinded the resolution making Jerusalem INTERNATIONAL and belonging to no nation.


Part of the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine, which the Jews of Mandatory Palestine accepted and the Arabs of Mandatory Palestine and neighboring states rejected, was that Jerusalem would be a corpus separatum, meaning that the United Nations would assume responsibility for the city and it would not be a part of either the proposed Arab or Jewish states.

Israel argued that the partition plan regarding Jerusalem was "null and void" due to the UN's "active relinquishing of responsibility in a critical hour" when the UN did not act to protect the city.[43][44][45]

The Arabs, who had been against Jerusalem's internationalization all along, felt similarly.[3][46][47]

The appointment of Dov Joseph as the "Military Governor of the Occupied Area of Jerusalem" on 2 August closed the door on the possibility of Jerusalem being Internationalized.[48]

No, it is a Facebook page that claims to list American citizens in high U.S. Government positions that are also citizens of Israel. Most Americans do not approve, I can tell you.

Since you are not a citizen of America (unless you happen to be one of the Iranian gang posting now), how would you know what Americans would approve of when it comes to people in the government. Do you think Americans want Muslims like you holding any position in our government, especially when they see how your brethren don't even have a problem murdering their own en masse? I am willing to bet that if Haniya and gang were living in the U.S. and went to the Israeli embassies and consulates, they would find that most of the American Jews do not hold citizenship also in Israel. Now when the Armenians here were voting for a new president, the lines were around the corner in Burbank and Los Angeles. And let us not forget how happy the Iraqis living here traveled hundreds of miles to a polling place to vote for the candidates of their choice running in Iraq.

"Since you are not a citizen of America (unless you happen to be one of the Iranian gang posting now), how would you know what Americans would approve of when it comes to people in the government."

Of course I am an American citizen. What gave you the idea I wasn't.

I am basing statement regarding Americans not happy with dual citizenship on a recent Rasmussen Poll where only 34% of Americans approved of dual citizenship, 54% were against and 12% undecided.

"Rasmussen Poll: 54 Percent Reject Dual Citizenship"

"A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 54% of voters don’t think potential U.S. citizens should be allowed to maintain dual citizenship. Another 12% are undecided."

Rasmussen Poll: 54 Percent Reject Dual Citizenship |
No, it is a Facebook page that claims to list American citizens in high U.S. Government positions that are also citizens of Israel. Most Americans do not approve, I can tell you.

Since you are not a citizen of America (unless you happen to be one of the Iranian gang posting now), how would you know what Americans would approve of when it comes to people in the government. Do you think Americans want Muslims like you holding any position in our government, especially when they see how your brethren don't even have a problem murdering their own en masse? I am willing to bet that if Haniya and gang were living in the U.S. and went to the Israeli embassies and consulates, they would find that most of the American Jews do not hold citizenship also in Israel. Now when the Armenians here were voting for a new president, the lines were around the corner in Burbank and Los Angeles. And let us not forget how happy the Iraqis living here traveled hundreds of miles to a polling place to vote for the candidates of their choice running in Iraq.

"Since you are not a citizen of America (unless you happen to be one of the Iranian gang posting now), how would you know what Americans would approve of when it comes to people in the government."

Of course I am an American citizen. What gave you the idea I wasn't.

I am basing statement regarding Americans not happy with dual citizenship on a recent Rasmussen Poll where only 34% of Americans approved of dual citizenship, 54% were against and 12% undecided.

"Rasmussen Poll: 54 Percent Reject Dual Citizenship"

"A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 54% of voters don’t think potential U.S. citizens should be allowed to maintain dual citizenship. Another 12% are undecided."

Rasmussen Poll: 54 Percent Reject Dual Citizenship |
So? It would be natural for citizens of any country to dislike somebody having a second nationality. I'm surprised it's not higher.

But why did you only post a list of dual nationality Jews, in true Nazi fashion?
So? It would be natural for citizens of any country to dislike somebody having a second nationality. I'm surprised it's not higher.

But why did you only post a list of dual nationality Jews, in true Nazi fashion?

because he's posting from VDARE.... a white nationalist site.

someone should tell him they don't like him either.
Since you are not a citizen of America (unless you happen to be one of the Iranian gang posting now), how would you know what Americans would approve of when it comes to people in the government. Do you think Americans want Muslims like you holding any position in our government, especially when they see how your brethren don't even have a problem murdering their own en masse? I am willing to bet that if Haniya and gang were living in the U.S. and went to the Israeli embassies and consulates, they would find that most of the American Jews do not hold citizenship also in Israel. Now when the Armenians here were voting for a new president, the lines were around the corner in Burbank and Los Angeles. And let us not forget how happy the Iraqis living here traveled hundreds of miles to a polling place to vote for the candidates of their choice running in Iraq.

"Since you are not a citizen of America (unless you happen to be one of the Iranian gang posting now), how would you know what Americans would approve of when it comes to people in the government."

Of course I am an American citizen. What gave you the idea I wasn't.

I am basing statement regarding Americans not happy with dual citizenship on a recent Rasmussen Poll where only 34% of Americans approved of dual citizenship, 54% were against and 12% undecided.

"Rasmussen Poll: 54 Percent Reject Dual Citizenship"

"A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 54% of voters don’t think potential U.S. citizens should be allowed to maintain dual citizenship. Another 12% are undecided."

Rasmussen Poll: 54 Percent Reject Dual Citizenship |
So? It would be natural for citizens of any country to dislike somebody having a second nationality. I'm surprised it's not higher.

But why did you only post a list of dual nationality Jews, in true Nazi fashion?

Say, Roudy if the one from the Boiler Room has taken its turn and claiming it is an American citizen, it must be one of the Iranian gang. God only knows from where the rest of the Boiler Room gang is located. Probably a lot of them are in Great Brain. Meanwhile, Roudy, a lot of people who have at least one Irish grandparent are now applying for citizenship with Ireland also (Italian-Americans say they are doing it too. In fact, when I used to read the Bronx Message Board, the Irish-Americans and Italian-American posters were telling the others how to go about it. Even my husband was kidding around a couple of weeks ago saying maybe he should apply for dual citizenship with Canada since his great great uncle was the first French speaking prime minister of Canada. Do you think that anyone here in America really cares what these Irish-Americans or Italian-Americans are doing with regard to dual citizenship. It is only the Islmofascists like Haniya and the rest of the Boiler Room who are constantly bringing up this Israeli dual citizenship baloney. One thing we know -- our Intelligence Agencies are not picking up Jews with dual citizenship, but Muslims living here who were planning to commit an atrocity upon American citizens.
WEll LIPS, I'd say it reeks of anti-Israeli sentiment.

It is possible, ya know, to object to much about the state of Israel and not hate Jews one bit.

Not that I am speaking on behalf of Indo, but I am simply this responding to the content of this particular post.

Personally I think as long Israel exists then Jerusalem ought to be an Israeli city.

But here I have one POV that probably will piss you off.

I completely and totally reject the notion of duel citizenship for anybody anywhere anytime.

The Zivotofsky's need to get off the pot and declare their allegiance to either the USA or Israel.

You reject duel citizenship for " anybody anytime ". LOL Tell that to Muslims who are coming over here. . Another hypocrite exposed.

Many, if not most, Muslim countries do not permit dual citizenship, so once naturalized as a citizen of the United States, the Muslim would lose his other citizenship. Plus the naturalization oath for U.S. citizenship states in part:

"I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen..."

Should a Muslim somehow be from a Muslim country that allows dual citizenship he could/would lose his U.S. citizenship if he acted on it, i.e. voted, joined the Army etc.

Just as a note:

"Section 401 (e) of the 1940 Nationality Act provides that a U.S.
citizen, whether by birth or naturalization, "shall lose his [U.S.]
nationality in a political election in a foreign state."

Read more at - Dual citizenship has allowed Israeli citizens to run the highest offices of government in the United States of America

However, the courts have allowed dual citizenship if the other citizenship is Israeli,
based on the Beys Afroyim Supreme Court case of 1967.

I am referring to THIS Country denying dual citizenship to Anybody including Muslims who IMMIGRATE here
And his own world maps.


2. The Armistice Demarcation Line is not to be construed in any sense as a political or territorial boundary,...

The Avalon Project : Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement, February 24, 1949

So, if that is not a political or territorial boundary, where is Israel?

All of the yellow above by treaty and ownership.

While the line is only an armistice demarcation line,[9] in practice it is used to differentiate between those areas which are administered as part of Israel, and the areas outside it, which are administered by the Israeli military or the Palestinian Authority.[10][11] The extended municipality of Jerusalem constitutes one exception to this: although the parts occupied by Jordan until 1967 fall outside the Green Line,

Too bad the Palestinian doesn't know how to read; Everybody except him considers W. Jerusalem part of Israel :D

His map doesn't show Jerusalem to be in " palestine" either :cuckoo:

No, it is a Facebook page that claims to list American citizens in high U.S. Government positions that are also citizens of Israel. Most Americans do not approve, I can tell you.
"You" provided a list of Jews in true Nazi fashion. "You" can tell jackshit.

"Most" Americans don't think highly of Palestinians or Islam.

"MOST" everybody else feels the same way, and moves are underway to reverse Islamic migration to the west. The first signs of trouble in the UK and the muslims demand round the clock armed protection. Now the police are refusing and just driving past a couple of times a day.
This Thread reeks of typical Anti-Jewish Islamic hatred, Freddi.

But I guess you already know that.

It reeks of Israeli theft of a Nation, everybody can see that except the Emperor's of Zion.
Since you are not a citizen of America (unless you happen to be one of the Iranian gang posting now), how would you know what Americans would approve of when it comes to people in the government. Do you think Americans want Muslims like you holding any position in our government, especially when they see how your brethren don't even have a problem murdering their own en masse? I am willing to bet that if Haniya and gang were living in the U.S. and went to the Israeli embassies and consulates, they would find that most of the American Jews do not hold citizenship also in Israel. Now when the Armenians here were voting for a new president, the lines were around the corner in Burbank and Los Angeles. And let us not forget how happy the Iraqis living here traveled hundreds of miles to a polling place to vote for the candidates of their choice running in Iraq.

"Since you are not a citizen of America (unless you happen to be one of the Iranian gang posting now), how would you know what Americans would approve of when it comes to people in the government."

Of course I am an American citizen. What gave you the idea I wasn't.

I am basing statement regarding Americans not happy with dual citizenship on a recent Rasmussen Poll where only 34% of Americans approved of dual citizenship, 54% were against and 12% undecided.

"Rasmussen Poll: 54 Percent Reject Dual Citizenship"

"A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 54% of voters don’t think potential U.S. citizens should be allowed to maintain dual citizenship. Another 12% are undecided."

Rasmussen Poll: 54 Percent Reject Dual Citizenship |
So? It would be natural for citizens of any country to dislike somebody having a second nationality. I'm surprised it's not higher.

But why did you only post a list of dual nationality Jews, in true Nazi fashion?

Because it is illegal for U.S. Government officials to be dual nationals, except for Israeli as the second citizenship. I posted the court case that decided that.
What legitimate nation has been stolen then, as no one but mind warped muslims can see any.

" palestine" which never existed ( And never will ) :D

Palestine was Palestine for over 2,000 years. Since 135 AD.

Palestina en el Imperio Romano

When the Muslims left the Saudi Peninsula and invaded those surrounding countries, they were busy forcing people to convert to Islam and killed many who refused. The descendents of those who were lucky to survive can't even practice their religious beliefs in peace now. Look at what happens to the Copts, Assyrians and Chaldeans even now in this modern world. However, the Boiler Room Gang doesn't care what happens to these people in the Middle East. It is more important for them to demonize Israel, a tiny, tiny piece of land compared to the huge Muslim Middle East and a place where the Arabs have it so much better than in the rest of the Middle East.

So, if that is not a political or territorial boundary, where is Israel?

All of the yellow above by treaty and ownership.

While the line is only an armistice demarcation line,[9] in practice it is used to differentiate between those areas which are administered as part of Israel, and the areas outside it, which are administered by the Israeli military or the Palestinian Authority.[10][11] The extended municipality of Jerusalem constitutes one exception to this: although the parts occupied by Jordan until 1967 fall outside the Green Line,

Too bad the Palestinian doesn't know how to read; Everybody except him considers W. Jerusalem part of Israel :D

His map doesn't show Jerusalem to be in " palestine" either :cuckoo:

This one does. Palestine's international boundaries are marked: +-+-+-+-+

Don't be confused by the solid lines and colors. Those are just from the failed partition plan.
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Tinmore loves to make up his own history.
And his own world maps.


2. The Armistice Demarcation Line is not to be construed in any sense as a political or territorial boundary,...

The Avalon Project : Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement, February 24, 1949

So, if that is not a political or territorial boundary, where is Israel?
Some people think it's in Florida. There's a big sign over the fireplace in a restaurant there that says: "We wandered in the desert for 40 years, then we found Boca Raton".
" palestine" which never existed ( And never will ) :D

Palestine was Palestine for over 2,000 years. Since 135 AD.

Palestina en el Imperio Romano

When the Muslims left the Saudi Peninsula and invaded those surrounding countries, they were busy forcing people to convert to Islam and killed many who refused. The descendents of those who were lucky to survive can't even practice their religious beliefs in peace now. Look at what happens to the Copts, Assyrians and Chaldeans even now in this modern world. However, the Boiler Room Gang doesn't care what happens to these people in the Middle East. It is more important for them to demonize Israel, a tiny, tiny piece of land compared to the huge Muslim Middle East and a place where the Arabs have it so much better than in the rest of the Middle East.

Most of us just want justice for the Palestinians. Most of us neutrals, particularly us Christians, are very concerned about the treatment of Christians in Muslim majority societies. This does not prevent us from being concerned with the Christian and Muslim Palestinians.

When Constantine made Christianity the religion of the Empire people were forced to adopt Christianity by force.

Contrary to popular belief the citizens/subjects of the Roman Empire (Byzantine) were not very happy with Roman rule and converted to Islam without needing to be forced.

I realize you probably eschew academic peer reviewed historical works, but this dissertation (or thesis) from Yale is interesting. I've posted excerpts and the link is below if you want to learn something instead of repeating propaganda.

I find this very telling and surprising:

"There were clear fiscal incentives not to encourage the spread of Islam. As we have seen, Quran itself had laid down that the unbelievers should pay taxes, called jizya, which was originally a generic name for tribute of all sorts. By the period in the late eighth century when the Muslim fiscal system reached its maturity, it had been established that the dhimmis should pay a poll-tax. All landowners were now obliged to pay the kharaj or land tax but the dhimmis suffered under extra fiscal burdens."

Here is another excerpt:

"The nature of the early Muslim conquests in the Middle East made forcible conversion
almost impossible. The Muslim armies were comparatively small, between ten and twenty
thousand are possible estimates for the numbers in the armies which conquered Syria and Iraq, probably fewer in Egypt and Iran. To be sure, more Arab Muslims emigrated from Arabia to settle in the newly conquered areas but even so the Arab Muslims were a small minority, perhaps 10% of the population of Egypt and perhaps 20% of the most densely settled area, Iraq. In these circumstances, forcing unwilling people to convert was out of the question. According to the traditional accounts, much of the Arab conquests was achieved by treaty and we have texts of many of these agreement. Here, for example is the treaty that was made by the Caliph Umar with Sophronius, Patriarch of Jerusalem, probably 638:

“In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. This is the assurance of safety
(amān) which the servant of God Umar, the Commander of the Faithful, has given to the people of Jerusalem.. He has given them an assurance of safety for themselves, for their property, their churches, their crosses, the sick and healthy of the city and for all the rituals which belong to their religion. Their churches will not be inhabited by Muslims and will not be destroyed. Neither they, nor the land on which they stand, nor their cross, nor their property will be damaged. They will not be forcibly converted. No Jew will live with them in Jerusalem. The people of Jerusalem must pay the poll-tax like the people of other cities and must expel the Byzantines and the robbers. Those of the people of Jerusalem who want to leave with the Byzantines, take their property and................"
All of the yellow above by treaty and ownership.

While the line is only an armistice demarcation line,[9] in practice it is used to differentiate between those areas which are administered as part of Israel, and the areas outside it, which are administered by the Israeli military or the Palestinian Authority.[10][11] The extended municipality of Jerusalem constitutes one exception to this: although the parts occupied by Jordan until 1967 fall outside the Green Line,

Too bad the Palestinian doesn't know how to read; Everybody except him considers W. Jerusalem part of Israel :D

His map doesn't show Jerusalem to be in " palestine" either :cuckoo:

This one does. Palestine's international boundaries are marked: +-+-+-+-+

Don't be confused by the solid lines and colors. Those are just from the failed partition plan.

Thise are NOT PALESTINES BORDERS. The map shows proposed borders.
And if it is Palestines borders, than why can't you find a current map of Palestine that clearly marks the international boundaries, like I have dine with Israel??

Answer: because it doesn't exist
And his own world maps.


2. The Armistice Demarcation Line is not to be construed in any sense as a political or territorial boundary,...

The Avalon Project : Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement, February 24, 1949

So, if that is not a political or territorial boundary, where is Israel?
Some people think it's in Florida. There's a big sign over the fireplace in a restaurant there that says: "We wandered in the desert for 40 years, then we found Boca Raton".

Just to show you how little Tinmore knows, he is saying that the Armistice lines are still in effect, when they were signed wayyyy before Israels new agreements with Jordan and Egypt. These agreements were actually U.N written treaties that clearly tell us about Israels INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNIZED BORDERS WITH EGYPT (1979) and JORDAN (1994).

He keeps bringing up the armistice agreements as if they have any merit today.
And even after I prove him wrong, he still spews the same armistice bullshit.
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