Jews trying to get Americans killed - as usual

Israel oppresses Christians & muslims equally if Palestinian.
Actually Israel doesn't oppress any if its 1.8 million Muslim and Christian citizens who have the same exact rights as other citizens do.
You mean the Arab / Muslim invaders were trying to hold on to land they had invaded and stolen. What a goofball! Ha ha ha.
Have you noticed Monty's persistence in insisting that Christians and Muslims are in the same boat... a roundabout way of attempting to Divide and Conquer... to get some larger percentage of Christians to take side with the Muslims?

My guess is, 9-11 and the London Tube Bombings pretty much squelched any chance of that ever materializing in our lifetimes, to any appreciable and decisive extent...

Attempt at 'Divide and Conquer' noted... and rejected.
Yeah ain't it funny. According to MOHOMOD Latici, it's Muslims AND Christians that are fighting the evil Jooooos. Just refresh my memory was it the evil Joooos that kidnapped a school filled with 300 Christian girls in Nigeria for the crime of being Christian and wanting an education, or was it Muslim animals. I heard they forcibly converted them to Islam and already sold some of them as slaves, because that what Islam allows Mooooslems to do. Just wondering.....

The US government denounces, attacks, and kills, Muslim terrorists. However, the right wing extremists all will blindly embrace the actions of Israel regardless of what they do and call anyone who doesn't go along with it a Jew-hater. Using terrorists who claim to be Muslim as the benchmark for acceptable behavior that should be endorsed by the USA is a ridiculously low standard. It is my opinion that America is better than that. We should denounce all race based oppression and oppression in general. We have to cling to the idea that all are created equal regardless their skin tone or religion.
Terrorists who "claim" to be Muslims? Come on Boozeman, that was pretty lame, even for someone known to be a LAMO.
P F Tinmore, et al,

You're mixing up the rights.

But then, the Arab did not have sovereign rights to the territory either.

But the people in non self governing territories do have specific inalienable rights.

You are incorrect.

You were previously talking about the Mandatory not having sovereign territorial rights, and I indicated that neither did the Arab Palestinian.

Everyone on the planet has inalienable rights, including the Jewish People. It is not unique to the Arab Palestinian; they are not special. Universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations and embodied in the International Covenants on Human Rights, is just as much a part of the rights the Jewish People have as the Arab. Bearing in mind that nothing in this United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples may be used to deny any peoples their right to self-determination, exercised in conformity with international law.

But in having the rights, the Arab League cannot amass an Army of an external nature, and attempt to take by force that which could not be achieved through diplomacy, or peaceful means. The Palestinians have never been conferred some special authorization to use force.

Most Respectfully,

You were previously talking about the Mandatory not having sovereign territorial rights, and I indicated that neither did the Arab Palestinian.

This is where you are incorrect.

Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, nonselfgoverning or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

The Avalon Project : Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The political status of a territory is irrelevant to the rights of the people.
Anybody got any file-footage of Egyptian Muslims giving Egyptian Coptic Christians a hard time?

Oh... wait... that's right... YouTube and the Internet are choked with such examples.

And that's just ONE Muslim country.

Next slide, please.

And it is not Palestine.
It's a regional neighbor-country of like-minded people.

Palestinian Muslims suck-up to Palestinian Christians because they're all in the same boat, and it makes for good PR.

Palestinian Christians who foolishly return the favor delude themselves that such comraderie will continue if the Muslims ever got the upper hand by some miracle.

Rather like German Christians collaborating with the Nazis before they started building concentration camps.

Putting their heads in the crocodile's mouth and tempting fate.
I think it is fair to point out that all religious traditions have their share of unbalanced bigots, who treat other faiths and non-faiths as "the enemy".

It is of course quite quite insane to assume that such prejudice extends to cover all adherents to that faith. Or non-faith.

I realise that is hard to deal with if you want to present a very simple model of the world.
Why is it that the right wing find complexity so hard?
Birds fly.
A penguin is a bird.
Penguins therefore fly.

Religious people fight.
They are religious people.
They therefore fight.


No. It still doesn't work for me.
Have you noticed Monty's persistence in insisting that Christians and Muslims are in the same boat... a roundabout way of attempting to Divide and Conquer... to get some larger percentage of Christians to take side with the Muslims?

My guess is, 9-11 and the London Tube Bombings pretty much squelched any chance of that ever materializing in our lifetimes, to any appreciable and decisive extent...

Attempt at 'Divide and Conquer' noted... and rejected.
Yeah ain't it funny. According to MOHOMOD Latici, it's Muslims AND Christians that are fighting the evil Jooooos. Just refresh my memory was it the evil Joooos that kidnapped a school filled with 300 Christian girls in Nigeria for the crime of being Christian and wanting an education, or was it Muslim animals. I heard they forcibly converted them to Islam and already sold some of them as slaves, because that what Islam allows Mooooslems to do. Just wondering.....

The US government denounces, attacks, and kills, Muslim terrorists. However, the right wing extremists all will blindly embrace the actions of Israel regardless of what they do and call anyone who doesn't go along with it a Jew-hater. Using terrorists who claim to be Muslim as the benchmark for acceptable behavior that should be endorsed by the USA is a ridiculously low standard. It is my opinion that America is better than that. We should denounce all race based oppression and oppression in general. We have to cling to the idea that all are created equal regardless their skin tone or religion.

Terrorists who "claim" to be Muslims? Come on Boozeman, that was pretty lame, even for someone known to be a LAMO.

There are all kinds of examples of crazy people using the Christian bible as an excuse to do perverted and evil things. Just because terrorists claim to be killing in the name of a particular religion it isn't an indictment if that particular religion. However, if your ultimate goal is to say something negative about Muslims and you are using the terrorists as an excuse to do that, then you will likely continue to do that regardless of any facts or logical reasoning. If a person chooses to be ignorant, then as the bible says, we must let them be ignorant.
That is a very good point.

You have the same thing with the IDF / Mossad / Shin Bet / Fox News claiming to do all sorts of nasty stuff in the name of Judaism.

It don't mean Judaism is to blame. But if they can make the uneducated believe that, they can point and cry: "Anti semite" feeding in further excuses to "do nasty stuff in the name of Judaism."

Anyone half way aware, knows its that freakish political movement of Zionism, up to its armpits in crime.
Yeah ain't it funny. According to MOHOMOD Latici, it's Muslims AND Christians that are fighting the evil Jooooos. Just refresh my memory was it the evil Joooos that kidnapped a school filled with 300 Christian girls in Nigeria for the crime of being Christian and wanting an education, or was it Muslim animals. I heard they forcibly converted them to Islam and already sold some of them as slaves, because that what Islam allows Mooooslems to do. Just wondering.....

The US government denounces, attacks, and kills, Muslim terrorists. However, the right wing extremists all will blindly embrace the actions of Israel regardless of what they do and call anyone who doesn't go along with it a Jew-hater. Using terrorists who claim to be Muslim as the benchmark for acceptable behavior that should be endorsed by the USA is a ridiculously low standard. It is my opinion that America is better than that. We should denounce all race based oppression and oppression in general. We have to cling to the idea that all are created equal regardless their skin tone or religion.

Terrorists who "claim" to be Muslims? Come on Boozeman, that was pretty lame, even for someone known to be a LAMO.

There are all kinds of examples of crazy people using the Christian bible as an excuse to do perverted and evil things. Just because terrorists claim to be killing in the name of a particular religion it isn't an indictment if that particular religion. However, if your ultimate goal is to say something negative about Muslims and you are using the terrorists as an excuse to do that, then you will likely continue to do that regardless of any facts or logical reasoning. If a person chooses to be ignorant, then as the bible says, we must let them be ignorant.
The terrorist ARE devout religious Muslims, practicing what they believe to be true Islam. There is no dispute about that.
That is a very good point.

You have the same thing with the IDF / Mossad / Shin Bet / Fox News claiming to do all sorts of nasty stuff in the name of Judaism.

It don't mean Judaism is to blame. But if they can make the uneducated believe that, they can point and cry: "Anti semite" feeding in further excuses to "do nasty stuff in the name of Judaism."

Anyone half way aware, knows its that freakish political movement of Zionism, up to its armpits in crime.
What are you squealing now? Comparing what Jews are doing in the name of their religion to what Muslims are doing? Ha ha ha.
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What are you squealing now? Comparing what Jews are doing in the name of their religion to what Muslims are doing? Ha ha ha.
I wonder which old-face as new-sock-puppet are we dealing with now?

Oh well... the behaviors and mannerisms will give us the answer soon enough.

Ah, the eternal wish that all anti-Zionists were just one person with a legion of names.

Well, let me know your guesses, and I promised to tell you you are wrong, everytime. :)
As if anyone is going to take your word for it.
keep it civil and pertinate to the op.
That is a very good point.

You have the same thing with the IDF / Mossad / Shin Bet / Fox News claiming to do all sorts of nasty stuff in the name of Judaism.

It don't mean Judaism is to blame. But if they can make the uneducated believe that, they can point and cry: "Anti semite" feeding in further excuses to "do nasty stuff in the name of Judaism."

Anyone half way aware, knows its that freakish political movement of Zionism, up to its armpits in crime.

What the fuck kind if drivel is this post?? Up to its armpit in crime??

You don't even know what Zionism is.
many Palestinian Arabs, Christian or Muslim, have Jewish blood. Meaning the original Jews were converted to Christianity and then later to Islam. Meanwhile, many converted Jews who have no Jewish blood at all , are allowed Israeli citizenship upon arrival.

And?????? Are you under the erroneous impression that Judaism is a 'race'????
many Palestinian Arabs, Christian or Muslim, have Jewish blood. Meaning the original Jews were converted to Christianity and then later to Islam. Meanwhile, many converted Jews who have no Jewish blood at all , are allowed Israeli citizenship upon arrival.

And?????? Are you under the erroneous impression that Judaism is a 'race'????

I sure don't.
Yeah ain't it funny. According to MOHOMOD Latici, it's Muslims AND Christians that are fighting the evil Jooooos. Just refresh my memory was it the evil Joooos that kidnapped a school filled with 300 Christian girls in Nigeria for the crime of being Christian and wanting an education, or was it Muslim animals. I heard they forcibly converted them to Islam and already sold some of them as slaves, because that what Islam allows Mooooslems to do. Just wondering.....

The US government denounces, attacks, and kills, Muslim terrorists. However, the right wing extremists all will blindly embrace the actions of Israel regardless of what they do and call anyone who doesn't go along with it a Jew-hater. Using terrorists who claim to be Muslim as the benchmark for acceptable behavior that should be endorsed by the USA is a ridiculously low standard. It is my opinion that America is better than that. We should denounce all race based oppression and oppression in general. We have to cling to the idea that all are created equal regardless their skin tone or religion.

Terrorists who "claim" to be Muslims? Come on Boozeman, that was pretty lame, even for someone known to be a LAMO.

There are all kinds of examples of crazy people using the Christian bible as an excuse to do perverted and evil things. Just because terrorists claim to be killing in the name of a particular religion it isn't an indictment if that particular religion. However, if your ultimate goal is to say something negative about Muslims and you are using the terrorists as an excuse to do that, then you will likely continue to do that regardless of any facts or logical reasoning. If a person chooses to be ignorant, then as the bible says, we must let them be ignorant.

Jews trying to get... 05-13-2014 06:43 PM MHunterB .

Jews trying to get... 05-08-2014 12:58 PM MHunterB

Jews trying to get... 05-04-2014 10:22 PM MHunterB .

Jews trying to get... 04-30-2014 12:55 AM MHunterB .

Jews trying to get... 04-27-2014 02:30 PM MHunterB .

Jews trying to get... 04-24-2014 04:03 PM MHunterB

It must suck to be a stumped troll who isn't capable of debate in the forum.
That is a very good point.

You have the same thing with the IDF / Mossad / Shin Bet / Fox News claiming to do all sorts of nasty stuff in the name of Judaism.

It don't mean Judaism is to blame. But if they can make the uneducated believe that, they can point and cry: "Anti semite" feeding in further excuses to "do nasty stuff in the name of Judaism."

Anyone half way aware, knows its that freakish political movement of Zionism, up to its armpits in crime.

What the fuck kind if drivel is this post?? Up to its armpit in crime??

You don't even know what Zionism is.

Which bit didn't you understand Toasty?

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