JFK - 58 years and still hiding

hey gipper check your pm,there is a video on the role of Israel they had in the assassination you need to take a look at,i was not even aware of some of the facts in that video. want to discuss the facts with you of that video free from the trolls from langley that have penetrated this site.
You win a box of Quisp.
Braaalian,Allens grandsand soupnazi and langley shill mushroom and rightwiger constantly prove what stupid fucks they are in their ramblings that oswald was the lone assassin the fact that even the house select committee on assassinations siad the warren commission was wrong concluding that there was a second shooter involved that it was organized crime that did it,they had to do so when the lies of the warren commision came apart and everyone knew there was mnore than one shooter so instead of having a serious investigation into it and looking into the evidence of CIA involvement,they cretaed a NEW paty the mob and said the mod bid it,these stupid fucks ignore that even Blakey who HEADED the HSCA assassinations wrote a book on it that there was a second shooter concluding the mob did it,they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Amazon product ASIN 0812909291
Maintaining that John Kennedy was assassinated in a conspiracy to end investigation of organized crime, Blakey and Billings explore the men and motives that led to the president's murder
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No proof there was a dozen witnesses to the Tibbit killing. It was impossible for Oswald to even be at the site of the killing, unless he was also an Olympic sprinter. The one or two witnesses gave descriptions of TWO shooters and none fit Oswald. The gun Oswald was carrying was never fired and the caliber that killed Tibbet was different from Oswalds gun.
Yes there is proof of over a dozen witnesses you idiot thewir testimony is ON RECORD.

It was not a different caliber and yes it was fired. So far every post from you has been disproven by evidence/ He was capale of shooting Kennedy and Connally and walking to the second fllor bfreak room which he did, His rifle was capable of firing as he did, ALL proven by evidence where as you have no evidence and only lies you pulled from your ass

You are just making crap up as you go
Gipper Braaalian,Allens grandsand soupnazi and langley shill mushroom and rightwiger constantly prove what stupid fucks they are in their ramblings that oswald was the lone assassin the fact that even the house select committee on assassinations siad the warren commission was wrong concluding that there was a second shooter involved that it was organized crime that did it,they had to do so when the lies of the warren commision came apart and everyone knew there was mnore than one shooter so instead of having a serious investigation into it and looking into the evidence of CIA involvement,they cretaed a NEW paty the mob and said the mod bid it,these stupid fucks ignore that even Blakey who HEADED the HSCA assassinations wrote a book on it that there was a second shooter concluding the mob did it,they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Amazon product ASIN 0812909291
As predicted.

LARAM loses the argument and has to stomp and scream like a petulant child
Actually, there were 3 shooters. The right head shot came from the storm drain. 70 + witnesses and whistleblowers have been whacked so far, including the sewer shooter.

Jump to 3:48

There was only one it was Oswald.

No one has been whackee and some lone nobody claiming to be an insider proves nothing to the contrary

Prouty is a liar long and long since proven wrong.
trollboys mushroom,soupnazi and braalian all get their asses handed on a platter to them after you checkmated them. you also forget to mention as well all the doctors said the shot came from the front which debunks their lies they keep posting that oswald did it.:lmao:
ALL of the doctors said no such thing.

Gipper has been defeated as always he checkmated no one.
Like you he ignores facts and evidence and only makes bullshit claims which he can never back up with evidence,
Prouty is a liar long and long since proven wrong.

What, you mean like when Scientology hired him after the great Elron came under attack for falsifying his military record, and he made statements saying it was true?

Like Elron had indeed been injured in combat, commanded squadrons in all 5 theaters, was almost blinded in combat, and was also an intelligence agent? It is interesting that the church hired Prouty as a "Military Expert", and he stated after his "investigation" that all of that was true, that indeed Elron was a spy, and the Navy and government was involved in a conspiracy to discredit him.

Davis explained, “Anyone who saw ‘J.F.K.’ remembers a scene on the Mall where Kevin Costner’s character goes and meets with a man named Mr. X, who’s played by Donald Sutherland.” In the film, Mr. X is an embittered intelligence agent who explains that the Kennedy assassination was actually a coup staged by the military-industrial complex. In real life, Davis said, Mr. X was Colonel Leroy Fletcher Prouty, who had worked in the Office of Special Operations. (Oliver Stone, who directed “J.F.K.,” says that Mr. X was a composite character, based in part on Prouty.) In the eighties, Prouty worked as a consultant for Scientology.

“We finally got so frustrated with this point of conflicting medical records that we took all of Mr. Hubbard’s records to Fletcher Prouty,” Davis told me. “He actually solved the conundrum for us.” According to Davis, Prouty explained to the church representatives that, because Hubbard had an “intelligence background,” his records were subjected to a process known as “sheep-dipping.” Davis explained that this was military parlance for “what gets done to a set of records for an intelligence officer. And, essentially, they create two sets.” He said, “Fletcher Prouty basically issued an affidavit saying L. Ron Hubbard’s records were sheep-dipped.” Prouty died in 2001.

So anybody taking the word of Colonel Prouty should not be taken seriously at all.
What, you mean like when Scientology hired him after the great Elron came under attack for falsifying his military record, and he made statements saying it was true?

Like Elron had indeed been injured in combat, commanded squadrons in all 5 theaters, was almost blinded in combat, and was also an intelligence agent? It is interesting that the church hired Prouty as a "Military Expert", and he stated after his "investigation" that all of that was true, that indeed Elron was a spy, and the Navy and government was involved in a conspiracy to discredit him.

So anybody taking the word of Colonel Prouty should not be taken seriously at all.
Prouty was a wackjob.

His book abbout Kennedy is full of massive fiction. He describes black boxes with red buttons installed in every hamlet and village in south vietnam which the villagers could use to summon US troops if the VC attacked the village. Something NO ONE has ever heard of or seen in vietnam.

He states unequivically that Chaing Kai Shek was at the Tehran conference. History shows no record of this but Prouty says otherwise because he claims to have been there. Apparently this was part of the conspiracy to kill Kennedy, years before Kennedy was even elected.

He claims to have been a black ops expert ( like the character X in the film JFK ) He was simply a cargo/passenger pilot in the military who never saw combat.

He is a loon and like any other idiot cited by Angelo/mike he is worthless as a witness.

Same titred crap as always angelo.

When will tyou post some evidencde rather than debunked fictional videos?
Oswald killed JFK and Officer Tippit but why was Oswald running around as a free man after abandoning his post in the military and renouncing his citizenship in the coldest part of the Cold War? The Warren commission was just a CYA exercise.
Oswald killed JFK and Officer Tippit but why was Oswald running around as a free man after abandoning his post in the military and renouncing his citizenship in the coldest part of the Cold War? The Warren commission was just a CYA exercise.
He did not abandon his post.

He was kicked out of the Marines.

He did not renounce anything.

You never read the Warren Commission and have no idea what it says.
Prouty was a wackjob.

Hell, look at his Wikipedia page. And rarely have I seen a page with such edit wars, or with so damned many "Citation needed" claims. In fact, for his entire military service, there is "citation needed" for every single claim other than his spending about 2 weeks at the South Pole. And it just goes on and on after that. Including more claims of his being a senior executive for Amtrak, and other things until he shows up as an editor for a conspiracy theory magazine.

He claims to have written for encyclopedias, written textbooks, and once again not a single reference to verify these claims. Hell, after being caught lying in a House Committee hearing, he then claimed he was lied to himself in order to hide the truth. Even the Church Commission (which was certainly antagonistic towards the intelligence services) outright rejected Colonel Prouty and the claims he made to them.

And he has made some whoppers. Like that the 1960 Francis Gary Powers U-2 incident was sabotaged on purpose so it would be shot down, by people who wanted to end all talks between Eisenhower and Khrushchev. And he was a speaker for Liberty Lobby, a racist conspiracy organization that endorsed such things as Holocaust Denial, supporting the KKK, and even the forced repatriation of all blacks in the US to Africa.

Oh, and was itself the plaintiffs of a landmark Supreme Court decision. Where in Anderson V. Liberty Lobby, LL filed a string of lawsuits without any merit as retribution for Jack Anderson printing articles critical on LL. The same lawsuit that set the precedent still used today for dismissing frivolous lawsuits.

So people are really telling us we should believe the ramblings of this guy, who openly supported, was a member of, and spoke for groups supporting nazis and the ejection of minorities from the country.

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