Jihad in America...Is it new ???

Just lovely...

6. Muslim who wanted to murder 100,000 Americans cops plea
Ahmed Abassi, according to the New York Post, wanted to derail a New York-to-Toronto Amtrak train. He also discussed with another jihad terrorist “a plot to release bacteria in the air or water to kill up to 100,000 people.” He was also, according to Manhattan US Attorney Preet Bharara, plotting to “commit acts of terror and develop a network of terrorists here” in the U.S.

Abassi could have gotten 50 years in prison, but he “avoided terrorism charges by pleading guilty in Manhattan federal court to lying on his visa application and to immigration officials when asked why he flew to the United States in 2013.” Consequently, he could soon be a free man. What could possibly go wrong?
The Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the Bush and Obama White Houses and the GOP!!!

Listen to retired Gen. Jerry Boykin

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