Jihadi John, jihadi dead!

ISIS only admitted it now. He bought the farm awhile ago. Jihadi Sid has taken his place. Both Brits by the way. You know. That asshole government that's pissed at Trump saying they had issues in Brits with radical Islam.

Meanwhile both beheading stars are British.

Good riddance to bad rubbish but another will step in his place

His name's Jihadi Sid and you will not believe how British Intelligence F'd up this one and five more of his buddies. Check it out.

And what really gets me is these assholes in the British Parliament have the balls to condemn Trump for telling the truth that they've got a true radical jihadist issue in Britain.

Revealed: How at least FIVE more British Islamic extremists with links to Jihadi Sid have slipped out of the UK in the past 20 months despite being on bail or subject to travel bans

  • 'New Jihadi John' Siddartha Dhar one of six extremists to escape from UK
  • All managed to flee out of the country while on bail or on a travel ban
  • Dhar, 32, managed to leave Britain just 24 hours after facing terror charge
  • Revelation comes as police told to consult prosecutors in terror cases
Crackdown on bail for terror suspects after Jihadi Sid fled Britain
Everyone's least favorite ISIS killer got what was coming to him. Too bad he didn't suffer more

ISIS Confirms Death of 'Jihadi John' in U.S. Airstrike

He will suffer in the afterlife when he discovers that his seventy-two virgins are pimple face Star Trek Males with the voice of Urkle and he is their virgin... That being written thank God he is dead...
Actually, I understand that the seventy two virgins was a mistake. It's actually a seven foot two persian.

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