Jihadists put a dagger in liberal hearts?

Obviously Obama's strategy is working and ISIS is losing ground and personnel in their Caliphate. Suicide attacks are difficult to stop especially on soft targets.

But thank Obama they don't have Ebola to spread around and bring to 'Merica!
Say what you want about the French but they were immediately on top of the situation and they retaliated. We lost an Ambassador and three other people including two former Navy Seals to the same jihadists at Benghazi and no drama Obama watched the episode while eating pizza and never lifted a finger to help them while they were fighting for their lives.

Let's not forget about Bush disappearing for 1/2 the day after the attack of 9/ 11.Major wimps will say because they need to protect him....WIMP....
The French are impressive with how they are handling this.

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