Jill Stein: A QUALIFIED president doesn't have a history of backroom deals

It's a CONSPIRACEE!!!! Hillary is the only one ready to be president. HillaryClinton.com for policy if you remember what that is...
Hillary voters will vote for Hillary. What she did and does seems not to be of any importance.

There's a reason for that. To date, and not for lack of trying, Mrs. Clinton's opponents have engaged in nothing but hijinks to smear the woman's reputation, yet not one of the accusations of her wrongdoing have been well founded. Not one. The things she's said/done that were "out of line," she's owed and apologized for. The pièce de résistance: Benghazi which led to "email-gate," and even the non-partisan FBI investigation into the matter revealed that thought there was actus rea, there was no mens rea.

It's no surprise that "Benghazi" (the hearings) was political if one had been paying attention to how committee Chair Trey Gowdy dragged out the investigation so that it will continue into the 2016 election year -- making it last longer than the 9/11 or Hurricane Katrina response investigations -- or how a series of hearings planned for this year haven't happened and instead the committee focused on attacking Clinton, or how they pushed to interview a longtime Clinton friend about his emails to her and then didn't want to release the transcript, and on and on.​

Gowdy's committee's overwhelming focus was not on what happened in Benghazi, it was on making Hillary Clinton look bad. They never were even very subtle about it, but it's nice to have Kevin McCarthy on the record admitting what the so-called Benghazi investigation was really all about.

So, in light of the 20+ years of witch hunts, no, nobody with half a brain gives a damn about the character smearing efforts of partisans.
I respected Ms Stein and still do, but lost a lot when she came out for prosecuting those who ask...

Why does one Earth polar circle, the Antarctic, have 9 times the ice of the other??

Seriously Jill, you cannot even answer that...
Hillary voters will vote for Hillary. What she did and does seems not to be of any importance.

There's a reason for that. To date, and not for lack of trying, Mrs. Clinton's opponents have engaged in nothing but hijinks to smear the woman's reputation, yet not one of the accusations of her wrongdoing have been well founded. Not one. The things she's said/done that were "out of line," she's owed and apologized for. The pièce de résistance: Benghazi which led to "email-gate," and even the non-partisan FBI investigation into the matter revealed that thought there was actus rea, there was no mens rea.

It's no surprise that "Benghazi" (the hearings) was political if one had been paying attention to how committee Chair Trey Gowdy dragged out the investigation so that it will continue into the 2016 election year -- making it last longer than the 9/11 or Hurricane Katrina response investigations -- or how a series of hearings planned for this year haven't happened and instead the committee focused on attacking Clinton, or how they pushed to interview a longtime Clinton friend about his emails to her and then didn't want to release the transcript, and on and on.​

Gowdy's committee's overwhelming focus was not on what happened in Benghazi, it was on making Hillary Clinton look bad. They never were even very subtle about it, but it's nice to have Kevin McCarthy on the record admitting what the so-called Benghazi investigation was really all about.

So, in light of the 20+ years of witch hunts, no, nobody with half a brain gives a damn about the character smearing efforts of partisans.

Banghazi is obvious. They were annoying witnesses. With respect to the resulting penalty, it also doesn´t really matter in the face of the whole dimensions of the Libya crime.
There is PLENTY to be concerned about when it comes to shady Hillary Clinton.
In 2012, I was arrested and chained to a metal chair for 8 hours for the crime of trying to attend a Presidential debate while running for President.

I'll be back at the debates this year -- whether they invite me or not -- to take a stand against this rigged political system. Will you stand with me?


Pledge to Demand Open Debates :thup: :thup: :thup:
Quite simply, he's the better, less compromised alternative

The lesser of two evils.

I'm voting for a quality human being who has achieved throughout life, who has an excellent resume with relevant experience, is in top health, and does what he says he will once elected.

I'm voting for Gary Johnson, not "against the lesser of two evils."
Quite simply, he's the better, less compromised alternative

The lesser of two evils.

I'm voting for a quality human being who has achieved throughout life, who has an excellent resume with relevant experience, is in top health, and does what he says he will once elected.

I'm voting for Gary Johnson, not "against the lesser of two evils."
More haters...

I hate responsible marijuana users!!!!!!

They are SMARTER than me, more successful than me, and they enjoy marijuana and it doesn't harm them or anyone else and I just HATE HATE HATE HATE that...

says the illiterate Trump supporter from behind the white sheet

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