Jim Jordan: The left hates America, that's why they rely on "Experts" like Fauci instead of elected official who are accountable to the people

From your link, no mention of "bat viruses" or Wuhan.
"Lifting a funding pause" means FUNDING IT, Duh.
"Today, the National Institutes of Health announced that it is lifting a funding pause dating back to October 2014 on gain-of-function (GOF) experiments involving influenza, SARS, and MERS viruses."

Yes Trump stopped the funding AFTER he started it back up.
From your link, no mention of "bat viruses" or Wuhan.
"Lifting a funding pause" means FUNDING IT, Duh.
"Today, the National Institutes of Health announced that it is lifting a funding pause dating back to October 2014 on gain-of-function (GOF) experiments involving influenza, SARS, and MERS viruses."

From the link above....who was the POTUS in Dec of 2017?

December 19, 2017

NIH Lifts Funding Pause on Gain-of-Function Research​

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Yes Trump stopped the funding AFTER he started it back up.
Trump didn't start it back up, Fau-Chi did. When Trump found out about it, he stopped it.
Fau-Chi started the GOF research at Wuhan during the Obama admin.
Fau-Chi belongs in prison for killing 5m people.
The Covid 19 plandemic was a man made attack on We The People by our own government. That's the giant elephant in the room that’s being ignored and swept under the rug. It was NOT natural!

Nuremberg 2.0 can't come soon enough!!!
Trump didn't start it back up, Fau-Chi did. When Trump found out about it, he stopped it.
Fau-Chi started the GOF research at Wuhan during the Obama admin.
Fau-Chi belongs in prison for killing 5m people.

LOL, Obama enacted the pause, it had to be Trump that started it back up.

I guarantee it went like this.

Fauci: Mr President, Obama enacted a ban on important medical funding and I would like for you to overturn that ban.

Trump: Obama did that? Yes, overturned.
Yeah, your link shows Trump stopping it in 2020 after COVID hit.
Exactly. Fau-Chi's Covid pandemic started at the Wuhan Lab after funding by the NIH starting during the Obama admin.
Fau-Chi was warned not to do "gain-of-function" research, and he did it anyway, killing 5m people.
Exactly. Fau-Chi's Covid pandemic started at the Wuhan Lab after funding by the NIH starting during the Obama admin.
Fau-Chi was warned not to do "gain-of-function" research, and he did it anyway, killing 5m people.

So, why did the funding get restarted in 2017?
These zealots are ignoring our courts, our laws and our elections, and they're saying the LEFT hates America.

More ultra-MAGA projection.
From your link....who was the POTUS in Dec of 2017?

December 19, 2017

NIH Lifts Funding Pause on Gain-of-Function Research

Who was president after 2008 when the bat research started, duh? Trump ended it.

"EcoHealth Alliance has received NIH funding for this work since 2008, amounting to $5.96 million over 12 years, according to NIH data. That work has helped "develop predictive models of global 'hot spots' for the future emergence of bat viruses" and used its "large repository of bat biological samples to conduct targeted surveillance in these 'hot spots' for known and undiscovered bat pathogens," according to the group."
Who was president after 2008 when the bat research started, duh? Trump ended it.

"EcoHealth Alliance has received NIH funding for this work since 2008, amounting to $5.96 million over 12 years, according to NIH data. That work has helped "develop predictive models of global 'hot spots' for the future emergence of bat viruses" and used its "large repository of bat biological samples to conduct targeted surveillance in these 'hot spots' for known and undiscovered bat pathogens," according to the group."

So, based on all the links in this thread...

Bush started it in 2008. Obama paused it in 2014, Trump started it again in 2017 and Trump ended it in 2020.

And oddly enough the only person you blame is Obama.

Hmmmm.....I wonder why that is :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
LOL, Obama enacted the pause, it had to be Trump that started it back up.
I guarantee it went like this.
Fauci: Mr President, Obama enacted a ban on important medical funding and I would like for you to overturn that ban.
Trump: Obama did that? Yes, overturned.
Read my post #32.
1. Fau-Chi started the research under Obama, the bat research went on since 2008.
2. Trump ended it.
Read my post #32.
1. Fau-Chi started the research under Obama, the bat research went on for 12 years.
2. Trump ended it.

Obama was POTUS in 2008? Are you sure about that?
Why the FUCK was ANY gain of function research done AT ALL??????
So, why did the funding get restarted in 2017?
I agree. People like Fau-Chi have way too much control over their multi-$billion research budgets without adequate oversight. Trump never signed off on that Wuhan restart, when he became aware of it he stopped it.
"Since Fiscal Year 2014, that work has been awarded to EcoHealth Alliance's "Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence" project in particular, which is explicitly focused on China and done in partnership with the Wuhan Institute and others.

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