Jimmy Carter has lost his mind too.

Probably had financial issues and made the pact with the devil.
I was disappointed when I was the Dali Lama come out and criticize the president for trying to stop Human trafficking. I really respect that man for being able to not fall for bullshit propaganda.

OTH, both of these men have close associations with either the CFR and Tri-lateral commission elites and are heavily influence by the types of information they receive.

King makers as it were.

I guess the world is just supposed to live with evil.
He is drunk on the Russian Kool Aid also.

It makes perfect sense. The US is conducting a war on Russia.

PressTV-US has no response to Russia’s growing influence: Pentagon

The United States has yet to develop a comprehensive response to Russia’s growing influence abroad, a Pentagon study shows, warning that Moscow has already outpaced Washington in mastering “hybrid-warfare” strategy.

The report, produced by scholars from the military and academia, was prepared for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, a body of top Pentagon officials who advise the president.

The study, which was first seen by Politico, said Russia was perfecting its so-called “grey zone” operations—political and military measures that stop short of direct, all-out war but carry dramatic foreign policy and geopolitical impacts.
I wonder what Jimmy has to say about leftist's TV, Hollywood, "news", web, and Democrat preference for illegals? How would these compare to "Russian influence" on elections? No kidding, there's absolutely no comparison. But that doesn't stop Jimmy.

Surprisingly, it has become traditional for our former POTUS and first ladies to criticize Trump. That's the result of four things, no shit, which are a society of lessor class, envy, TDS, and I suspect Trump's threat on the establishment.
Probably had financial issues and made the pact with the devil.
Did Jimmy Carter ever have a mind? Back in the 1970's when he said that all the Oil was going to run out by the 1980's everyone thought he lost it then. I dont think he ever had one.
Trump supporters are sounding more and more like the mother watching her kid in a parade "Look at my little man. He's the only one in step!!"

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