Jimmy Carter: The Russians Didn't Alter The Election

So now you view Jimmy Carter as a credible source to support your white supremacist agenda? Hilarious!


I read the OP's article. Carter gave his opinion which is infinitely more credible than 99% of what today's politicians say.
Say what you will about Jimmy Carter but he's right on the money when he says the Russians didn't alter the election. The Russian Collusion claims by the left is a distraction to cover for their true collusion with Russia in the Uranium One Deal.

Jimmy Carter Unleashed: Russians Didn't Alter Election, Obama Didn't Deliver, We Didn't Vote For Hillary

And what does Jimmy Carter know that we don't know? Probably nothing.

Also, this isn't about Russia altering the election, this is about Russia INTERFERING IN THE ELECTION with the knowledge of Trump.
It's about whether Trump colluded with Russians to influence voters' minds. There is no doubt that fake news and conspiracy theories influenced the outcome of the election in Trump's favor. Voting machines may not have been hacked - but voters' minds certainly were.
Jimmy Carter was the only respectable President at that charade the other night with those NEOCON DEVILS. As I said before, they had Slick Willie wheel Bush 41 (the disgusting bloated oaf) off the stage because having Barry Hussaine do it would be racist in that many Blacks get jobs carting elderly Whites around, although they often end up stealing, raping or killing them!
Say what you will about Jimmy Carter but he's right on the money when he says the Russians didn't alter the election. The Russian Collusion claims by the left is a distraction to cover for their true collusion with Russia in the Uranium One Deal.

Jimmy Carter Unleashed: Russians Didn't Alter Election, Obama Didn't Deliver, We Didn't Vote For Hillary
Your dumbass will mindlessly cling to anyone that makes Trump look less like a sack of garbage. We already know your dumbass discredits ANYTHING else Carter says otherwise. You just conveniently cherry pick this shit like the pussy you are and expect us all not to notice.
Jimmy Carter was the only respectable President at that charade the other night with those NEOCON DEVILS. As I said before, they had Slick Willie wheel Bush 41 (the disgusting bloated oaf) off the stage because having Barry Hussaine do it would be racist in that many Blacks get jobs carting elderly Whites around, although they often end up stealing, raping or killing them!
Your mindless cultist devotion to that 70 year old child only makes you look pathetic you know that right? We both know this is literally the first positive thing you have ever said about Carter. You’re like a fucking 5 year old by cherry picking this crap in the name of Trump. Of course you’re also known as white trash bigoted Neanderthal on this forum so I’m really not surprised.
We both know this is literally the first positive thing you have ever said about Carter.

Check the archives you retarded punk. I never said negative things about Jimmy "I'll Never Lie To You" Carter!
It's about whether Trump colluded with Russians to influence voters' minds. There is no doubt that fake news and conspiracy theories influenced the outcome of the election in Trump's favor. Voting machines may not have been hacked - but voters' minds certainly were.

Dear Lakhota
1. for the inhouse scandals where Clinton and that camp politically conspired to cheat Sanders, that wasn't Russia's fault that was Clinton and Democrats for (a) doing that to each other and (b) providing reckless opportunities to get hacked to that degree

2 for the Comey and controversy over whether to pursue investigations or charges against Clinton, and whether to wait until after the election to make any announcements publicly
(a) Clinton already showed and proved and admitted mistakes that count as NEGLIGENCE so this is already a breach of public duty and procedures. "intent" or "criminal intent" was not necessary to establish NEGLIGENCE occurred, only if criminal charges are pursued
(b) Clinton's karma from mishandling the Benghazi incident
seems to have come back to bite her. She escaped being hanged politically over that, but then this email server incident triggered that pressure on Comey to come out with something. If he didn't, other FBI staff were ready to announce it, so that put him on the spot to do it instead of others leaking it.

Either way, Clinton did this to herself by either negligently or deliberately doing things that set her up to fail.

Trump also gets reckless and can do negligent things (such as breaches of security by having family members sit at meetings that are for classified purposes and Presidential office only)

it depends if people forgive Trump more than Clinton.
people forgave Bush and Obama and let them get away
with highly contested orders and decisions.

I don't think they are as forgiving of Clinton and Trump.
Both of them have enough rope to hang themselves.
they ddin't need help from Russia
...and yet here you are questioning Carter’s integrity. You’re so full of shit. We both know it.

I know you are retarded. Do you know you are retarded?

So the question is, where did you attend high school and did you graduate?
Opinion | Jimmy Carter Lusts for a Trump Posting

Did the Russians purloin the election from Hillary?"

Rosie and I have a difference of opinion on that,” he said

She looked over archly. “They obviously did,” she said.

He said: “I don’t think there’s any evidence that what the Russians did changed enough votes, or any votes.”

Rosalynn pressed, “The drip-drip-drip about Hillary.”

“We voted for Sanders.”

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