Jimmy The Jerk


Senior Member
Jun 25, 2004
I got into a bit of an argument with a contractor today in regards to Jimmy Carter and him being honored by the Navy (who named a new submarine after him).

I said the Peanut Man is a rat bastard for various reasons, and proceded to write a short description of his sins on my blog. Said contractor says I'm not explaining enough why Carter was so bad...

I like this contractor, he's a good guy. Nevertheless, he's out of his gosh darn mind if he thinks Carter wasn't worse than Clinton or Pappy Bush...

I know y'all folks on the board (like Merlin 1047 and RWA) have written some pretty damning stuff on Mr. Malaise in the past. Anyone feel like adding to my attempt to save this contractor from lunacy by adding your case against Carter in my comments section or doing it here on this thread?

the blog is...


let's save this guy's sanity because me and about 10 other folks in the planning/production office think he is out of his mind...
NATO AIR said:
I got into a bit of an argument with a contractor today in regards to Jimmy Carter and him being honored by the Navy (who named a new submarine after him).

I said the Peanut Man is a rat bastard for various reasons, and proceded to write a short description of his sins on my blog. Said contractor says I'm not explaining enough why Carter was so bad...

I like this contractor, he's a good guy. Nevertheless, he's out of his gosh darn mind if he thinks Carter wasn't worse than Clinton or Pappy Bush...

I know y'all folks on the board (like Merlin 1047 and RWA) have written some pretty damning stuff on Mr. Malaise in the past. Anyone feel like adding to my attempt to save this contractor from lunacy by adding your case against Carter in my comments section or doing it here on this thread?

the blog is...


let's save this guy's sanity because me and about 10 other folks in the planning/production office think he is out of his mind...

you know i would back you up in a second, and i believe all you say to be correct. but i just don't know enough facts about Carter to give an objective analysis. I am only 24, so i have no recollection about carter's admin.

if i were to look up information on him and his presidency, i am guessing most of what i would find are biased opinions and half-truths, and i don't know any different to be able to contradict it.

However, if you are posting it, I assume it to be true, and back you 100% that way.
fuzzykitten99 said:
you know i would back you up in a second, and i believe all you say to be correct. but i just don't know enough facts about Carter to give an objective analysis. I am only 24, so i have no recollection about carter's admin.

if i were to look up information on him and his presidency, i am guessing most of what i would find are biased opinions and half-truths, and i don't know any different to be able to contradict it.

However, if you are posting it, I assume it to be true, and back you 100% that way.
Only 24????
NATO is only like 22 or 23.
NATO AIR said:
I got into a bit of an argument with a contractor today in regards to Jimmy Carter and him being honored by the Navy (who named a new submarine after him).

I said the Peanut Man is a rat bastard for various reasons, and proceded to write a short description of his sins on my blog. Said contractor says I'm not explaining enough why Carter was so bad...

I like this contractor, he's a good guy. Nevertheless, he's out of his gosh darn mind if he thinks Carter wasn't worse than Clinton or Pappy Bush...

I know y'all folks on the board (like Merlin 1047 and RWA) have written some pretty damning stuff on Mr. Malaise in the past. Anyone feel like adding to my attempt to save this contractor from lunacy by adding your case against Carter in my comments section or doing it here on this thread?

the blog is...


let's save this guy's sanity because me and about 10 other folks in the planning/production office think he is out of his mind...

I can certainly see why the contractors like Jimmy...He joined the Trilateral commission in 1976...It was established by Rockerfeller in 1973...it is a Shawdow government which supports and puts Presidential candidates into office...who support International banking goals and supports big business interests...he joins a crowd who includes prominent past and present government officials from both parties...Both President Bush Sr. and Jr,Bill Clinton,Colin Powell,Condi Rice to name a few!
Only 24????
NATO is only like 22 or 23.

Hehe, 22!

no one day Merlin1047 posted one of the most beautifully written pieces about a politician, and he just dismembered what if anything was left of Carter's legacy for me, and I fact checked him too at the time, and 99.9% of it was true.

The peanut man continues to adversely affect us 20-somethings, as well as everybody else.
NATO AIR said:
Hehe, 22!

no one day Merlin1047 posted one of the most beautifully written pieces about a politician, and he just dismembered what if anything was left of Carter's legacy for me, and I fact checked him too at the time, and 99.9% of it was true.

The peanut man continues to adversely affect us 20-somethings, as well as everybody else.

I think you will appreciate this Nato:

Briefing Book Baloney

By George F. Will
Thursday, August 11, 2005; A23

A quarter of a century has passed since 44 states said "No, thanks" to Jimmy Carter's offer to serve a second term, yet he still evidently thinks his loss is explained not by foreign policy debacles, such as invading Iran with eight helicopters, and a misery index -- inflation plus unemployment -- of 22, almost triple today's index. Rather, he seems to think approximately this:

Ronald Reagan won because he won the only debate. He won it not because of Carter's debate performance ("I had a discussion with my daughter, Amy, the other day, before I came here, to ask her what the most important issue was. She said she thought nuclear weaponry . . .") but only because Reagan had Carter's briefing book. And Reagan had it because this columnist gave it to him.

That last accusation, for which there is no evidence, is, as he has been told, false. But he is a recidivist fibber.
Last Oct. 21, on National Public Radio, he said: "We found out later that one of Ronald Reagan's supporters inside the White House had stolen my briefing book, my top-secret briefing book that prepared me for the debate. And a very prominent news reporter was the one who took the briefing book to Ronald Reagan and helped drill him on the things that I might say if he said certain things." Asked who that reporter was, Carter replied, "It was George Will, and it was later known that he did that."

But one cannot know what isn't so, and "top secret" is a government classification inapplicable to campaign fodder. Still, Carter continues to retail -- and to embroider -- his fable. Recently in a Plains, Ga., church, he illustrated his aptitude for the virtue of forgiveness by saying that once, after columnist Will read a report of his telling his briefing book tale, Will wrote to him "asking for forgiveness."

Well. The only letter I ever wrote to Carter was in response to one he wrote to me on Oct. 29, 1993. His letter began: "For a number of years I have felt some resentment toward you because of the reports that you either knew about or actually used my personal briefing book in preparing Reagan for our campaign debates [sic]." He added:

"Because of this feeling, and despite my lifetime interest in baseball, I even refrained from reading your 'Men at Work.' Recently, in order to learn how to be a better Braves fan next year, I spent $1 in a used bookstore for the book, and really enjoyed it.

"Even if the news stories about the debate incident are true, I feel that we are even now.

"Best wishes,

"Jimmy Carter"

My Nov. 10 reply was untainted by any request for forgiveness:

"Dear President Carter:

"I am delighted that you have at long last overcome your repugnance and given yourself the pleasure of 'Men at Work.' I am distressed, as I suspect you naughtily knew I would be, to learn that this masterwork was found in a used bookstore. That is more evidence of the decline of Western civilization."

Then, to the point:

"Regarding your briefing book, I will tell you what I have told many others. When I got to David Stockman's house on the day he was preparing to play the role of you in the debate preparations, he had on his kitchen table what I gather was the briefing book. I do not know how he got it; more to the point, I do not know who thought having it would be helpful. Frankly, you deserved better. My cursory glance at it convinced me that it was a crashing bore and next to useless -- for you, or for anyone else."

Even though, as a columnist, my support for Reagan was well-known, my participation in his debate preparation was as inappropriate as it was superfluous -- after three decades of public advocacy, Reagan was ready . And speaking of the inappropriate:

The role of ex-president requires a grace and restraint notably absent from Carter. See, for example, his criticism of the United States when he is abroad, as in England two weeks ago. Having made such disappointing history as president, Carter as ex-president should at least refrain from disseminating a historical falsehood.

So strong, however, is the human impulse to believe comforting myths that Carter probably will continue to promulgate the fiction that I gave Reagan the utterly unimportant briefing book, thereby catalyzing the 1980 landslide. But to be fair: As a candidate, Carter promised only that as president he would never tell a lie, thereby leaving himself a loophole for his post-presidential career as a fabulist.

Now that's the peanut man! What a pathetic putz!

Thank you Kathianne!
NATO AIR said:

Now that's the peanut man! What a pathetic putz!

Thank you Kathianne!
You're quite welcome, figured you would enjoy it! Jerk was the correct adjective. :happy2:

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