Joan Rivers : Obama is gay, Michelle a Tranny

I think she'll get a severe scolding from the LGBT'ers. Like Senate Democrats, they don't want to be associated with Obama either.....

Joan Rivers' style is to be nasty to everyone.

Joan Rivers' Religion and Political Views | Hollowverse
Rivers says she doesn&#8217;t like to talk about politics, but she couldn&#8217;t hide her contempt for the presidential race in 2012. She called Obama and Romney both &#8220;idiots,&#8221; and said she thought the money and time spent campaigning was horrific:

How dare you spend two years campaigning. They should do what England does. Six weeks to find out what everyone thinks before they vote for them for Parliament. That makes sense. . . . I find the whole thing disgusting, both sides disgusting.6

But nonetheless, she went out and did her civic duty on election day.7 And even though she has stated she is a Republican, she said she voted for Obama because she thought the president would lower her taxes.8 She also retweeted the Human Rights Campaign&#8217;s celebratory post-election tweet in 2012.9

Rivers&#8217; campaign finance contributions, while leaning right, weren&#8217;t exclusively dedicated to Republicans. Of her $6,750 in donations, $500 was to a Democrat, $3,000 to Republicans, and $3,250 to a pro-Israeli political action committee.10 Like many Jews, she&#8217;s an outspoken supporter of the Israeli state and doesn&#8217;t approve of the president&#8217;s handling of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. She said,
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This is wonderful. It would never have happened a few years ago. Three years ago, no one would have said anything like this about the wildly popular presidunce obama. Insulting and disrespecting obama and his hulking wife is the highest form of patriotism.

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