Jobless claims at a 49 year low...

What percent of Federal payroll taxes come from employer?

  • Employers DON"T pay payroll taxes they just keep profits

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Employers pay less than employees do

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Employers match employees payroll tax of 6.2%

    Votes: 6 75.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I'd vote for them if I thought they would be any different. There just are not many to choose from, and it is the same old song, once they get to Washington their eyes light up and they start going through tax money like it is crack cocaine. If I honestly thought someone would watch the bank, I'd vote for them in a heartbeat.
Are you for Free Healthcare for All?
Nothings free. I’m for socialized medicine and a private market for things that aren’t necessary or for people who want better.

You know how the VA sucks but service people use it until they one day get better insurance? Something like that. Won’t be as good as your private stuff but it’s better than nothing

Why are you for socialized medicine? Since you know nothing is for free? And if it is not as good why would we want it? You seem logical. I don't follow your line of thinking.
I’ve been unemployed. And I know people who’ve gotten sick and didn’t have healthcare. I wish everyone could have the basics. They won’t let anyone die. But anything extra is gonna cost you. So I would get supplemental healthcare through my company. In other words better than the VA. We already have a system like this. My brother is a vp. He has Cadillac healthcare. You know who used to have that? My dad when he worked at ford. So did all the big three employees. This is another way the middle class is getting poorer. Healthcare is breaking a lot of us.

We spend more now and get less. We could do it right spend the same and cover everyone. At least from dying.

NO actually your labor unions doing this caused the problem!
"Take grass cutting. As defined by the current United Auto Worker contract negotiated with the "Big Five" (GM, Ford, Chrysler, and top parts makers Delphi and Visteon), an auto "production worker" is a job description that covers anything from mowing grass to cleaning the toilets.
In the real world, these jobs would be outsourced to $8 an hour, no-benefit wage earners,
but on Planet Big Five, these jobs get the same wages as any auto line-worker:
an average $26 an hour ($60,000 a year) plus benefits that bring the company's
total cost per worker to a staggering $65 an hour."
what is the average hourly wage of a UAW auto worker?

SO... based on corporate taxes of 35% Ford moved offshore...Mexico. Guess what happened to American Jobs?
One thing you people that bash Trump, corporations, etc. are truly ignorant of is how taxes affect the economy.
A simple thing like lowering the corporate taxes from 35% to 21% meant there is 14% more available to do things with versus at 35%.
Because these "evil" big companies could move offshore so as not to be taxed at 35% (which was the 3rd highest in the world) they moved the jobs also!

Now please understand something so simple as lowering from 35 to 21 meant 14% more money.
Well guess what these companies can now do? Hire people, build plants. And the US Federal taxes will GAIN and here is why!
Look at this chart...
How much tax revenue comes from corporate taxes...9% right? So compared to payroll taxes 34%... right?
Simple question... do you know how much the employer has to pay for YOUR Medicare/SS payroll tax? I bet you don't know they pay 6.2%... the same as you!
So... NOW how much MORE revenue will the government take in if there are more people working with more employers paying payroll taxes?
It will be and is a FACT... MORE than double what the government will lose in Corporate income taxes. Don't believe me?
Here are the numbers!

As of Aug 2018 161,776,000 compared to Aug 2017 of 153,471,000 or 8,305,000 more people working and paying income and payroll taxes.

In Oct 2017 Average hourly wage was $22.18 United States Average Hourly Wages | 1964-2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar
So in August 2018 at average of 40 hours times $22.18 equals $887.20. A total of $7.4 billion a week more in payroll than in 2017.
Employer and employee PAYROLL TAXES paid per week in Aug 2018 =12.4% or on $887.20 $110.01 per employee
means nearly $1 billion MORE per week in payroll taxes or $52 billion more in a year.

Do you comprehend this? The Federal govt by have just 8.3 million MORE people working will gain $52 billion just in payroll taxes!

This is is FAR FAR more than what the government will lose in corporate income taxes and in fact the government might even make more in corporate taxes
because NOW the nearly $3 trillion off shore because of the 35% tax now being reduced will be brought back.
All told, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) reported, some $305.6 billion returned to the U.S. from overseas accounts.
That's a $1.2 trillion annual rate, and far more than the $35 billion one year before.
The BEA's analysts explain why this happened: "The large magnitudes (of inward capital flows) ... reflect the repatriation of accumulated earnings by foreign affiliates of U.S. multinational enterprises and their parent companies in the United States in response to the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act."
Thanks To Tax Cuts, Companies' Overseas Profits Flooding Back To U.S.

So what are these companies doing with this money??? Building plants, hiring people!

But again this is way too complicated for people who take the easy and lazy way out which I hope you aren't!

View attachment 217842
We merely need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.
How long do you get compensated for being unemployed?

I’m not going to lie I’m mad republicans want to give you less time not more. But I’m not for giving indefinite time either. Are you? That’s insane. No one will ever go for it. The ones who would don’t vote. Too lazy
Nothings free. I’m for socialized medicine and a private market for things that aren’t necessary or for people who want better.

You know how the VA sucks but service people use it until they one day get better insurance? Something like that. Won’t be as good as your private stuff but it’s better than nothing

Why are you for socialized medicine? Since you know nothing is for free? And if it is not as good why would we want it? You seem logical. I don't follow your line of thinking.
I’ve been unemployed. And I know people who’ve gotten sick and didn’t have healthcare. I wish everyone could have the basics. They won’t let anyone die. But anything extra is gonna cost you. So I would get supplemental healthcare through my company. In other words better than the VA. We already have a system like this. My brother is a vp. He has Cadillac healthcare. You know who used to have that? My dad when he worked at ford. So did all the big three employees. This is another way the middle class is getting poorer. Healthcare is breaking a lot of us.

We spend more now and get less. We could do it right spend the same and cover everyone. At least from dying.

NO actually your labor unions doing this caused the problem!
"Take grass cutting. As defined by the current United Auto Worker contract negotiated with the "Big Five" (GM, Ford, Chrysler, and top parts makers Delphi and Visteon), an auto "production worker" is a job description that covers anything from mowing grass to cleaning the toilets.
In the real world, these jobs would be outsourced to $8 an hour, no-benefit wage earners,
but on Planet Big Five, these jobs get the same wages as any auto line-worker:
an average $26 an hour ($60,000 a year) plus benefits that bring the company's
total cost per worker to a staggering $65 an hour."
what is the average hourly wage of a UAW auto worker?

SO... based on corporate taxes of 35% Ford moved offshore...Mexico. Guess what happened to American Jobs?
One thing you people that bash Trump, corporations, etc. are truly ignorant of is how taxes affect the economy.
A simple thing like lowering the corporate taxes from 35% to 21% meant there is 14% more available to do things with versus at 35%.
Because these "evil" big companies could move offshore so as not to be taxed at 35% (which was the 3rd highest in the world) they moved the jobs also!

Now please understand something so simple as lowering from 35 to 21 meant 14% more money.
Well guess what these companies can now do? Hire people, build plants. And the US Federal taxes will GAIN and here is why!
Look at this chart...
How much tax revenue comes from corporate taxes...9% right? So compared to payroll taxes 34%... right?
Simple question... do you know how much the employer has to pay for YOUR Medicare/SS payroll tax? I bet you don't know they pay 6.2%... the same as you!
So... NOW how much MORE revenue will the government take in if there are more people working with more employers paying payroll taxes?
It will be and is a FACT... MORE than double what the government will lose in Corporate income taxes. Don't believe me?
Here are the numbers!

As of Aug 2018 161,776,000 compared to Aug 2017 of 153,471,000 or 8,305,000 more people working and paying income and payroll taxes.

In Oct 2017 Average hourly wage was $22.18 United States Average Hourly Wages | 1964-2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar
So in August 2018 at average of 40 hours times $22.18 equals $887.20. A total of $7.4 billion a week more in payroll than in 2017.
Employer and employee PAYROLL TAXES paid per week in Aug 2018 =12.4% or on $887.20 $110.01 per employee
means nearly $1 billion MORE per week in payroll taxes or $52 billion more in a year.

Do you comprehend this? The Federal govt by have just 8.3 million MORE people working will gain $52 billion just in payroll taxes!

This is is FAR FAR more than what the government will lose in corporate income taxes and in fact the government might even make more in corporate taxes
because NOW the nearly $3 trillion off shore because of the 35% tax now being reduced will be brought back.
All told, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) reported, some $305.6 billion returned to the U.S. from overseas accounts.
That's a $1.2 trillion annual rate, and far more than the $35 billion one year before.
The BEA's analysts explain why this happened: "The large magnitudes (of inward capital flows) ... reflect the repatriation of accumulated earnings by foreign affiliates of U.S. multinational enterprises and their parent companies in the United States in response to the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act."
Thanks To Tax Cuts, Companies' Overseas Profits Flooding Back To U.S.

So what are these companies doing with this money??? Building plants, hiring people!

But again this is way too complicated for people who take the easy and lazy way out which I hope you aren't!

View attachment 217842
We merely need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.

Ah again the ignorance of the United States!

Do you know what the average 1 bed room apt rents for in New York City?
1 bed apartment rentals in Queens borough of NYC average about 750 square feet and cost $2,000 per month
One Bedroom Apartments in NYC: Compare the Latest 1 Bed Rentals in NYC
So a $15.00/hour minimum payment for 160 hours per month generates $2,400 gross income!

On the other hand what about a 1 bed room apartment in Gulfport MS?
1 bedroom rents for about $550/month
So again a $15.00/hr income would still provide a very comfortable monthly income!
Rent Cheap Apartments in Mississippi: from $505 – RENTCafé
DO YOU understand what the "standard of living" is between Queens NY and Gulfport MS means?

That's why one SIZE does NOT fit all i.e. a Federal $15.00 makes NO SENSE just as Universal health care makes NO sense because the USA is so big and so diverse!
Why in Los Angeles alone the school system has to accommodate 92 distinct languages!
Los Angeles Unified School District – LARAEC

So why should the state of NY with a standard of living Taking all expenses into account, the cost of living in New York City is at least 68.8% higher than the national average. If you live in the city center, however, it’s even worse. The cost of living in Manhattan is more than double the national average.1
What is the True Cost of Living in New York City? - SmartAsset
VERSUS cost of living in MS??
Based on a US average of 100. An amount below 100 means Mississippi is cheaper than the US average. A cost of living index above 100 means Mississippi, Mississippi is more expensive. Mississippi cost of living is 84.5!
Mississippi Cost of Living

So I hope you have been informed that simply minded raising the Federal minimum wage is NOT a valid idea because there are 50 states with 50 different costs of living!
Once again you need to do a little more scholarly work rather than spout something that can be easily with a few minutes repudiated!
But Medicare works.

So why couldn’t universal healthcare?

The cost to mail a letter costs the same no matter where I mail it in the USA.
Nothings free. I’m for socialized medicine and a private market for things that aren’t necessary or for people who want better.

You know how the VA sucks but service people use it until they one day get better insurance? Something like that. Won’t be as good as your private stuff but it’s better than nothing

Why are you for socialized medicine? Since you know nothing is for free? And if it is not as good why would we want it? You seem logical. I don't follow your line of thinking.
I’ve been unemployed. And I know people who’ve gotten sick and didn’t have healthcare. I wish everyone could have the basics. They won’t let anyone die. But anything extra is gonna cost you. So I would get supplemental healthcare through my company. In other words better than the VA. We already have a system like this. My brother is a vp. He has Cadillac healthcare. You know who used to have that? My dad when he worked at ford. So did all the big three employees. This is another way the middle class is getting poorer. Healthcare is breaking a lot of us.

We spend more now and get less. We could do it right spend the same and cover everyone. At least from dying.

NO actually your labor unions doing this caused the problem!
"Take grass cutting. As defined by the current United Auto Worker contract negotiated with the "Big Five" (GM, Ford, Chrysler, and top parts makers Delphi and Visteon), an auto "production worker" is a job description that covers anything from mowing grass to cleaning the toilets.
In the real world, these jobs would be outsourced to $8 an hour, no-benefit wage earners,
but on Planet Big Five, these jobs get the same wages as any auto line-worker:
an average $26 an hour ($60,000 a year) plus benefits that bring the company's
total cost per worker to a staggering $65 an hour."
what is the average hourly wage of a UAW auto worker?

SO... based on corporate taxes of 35% Ford moved offshore...Mexico. Guess what happened to American Jobs?
One thing you people that bash Trump, corporations, etc. are truly ignorant of is how taxes affect the economy.
A simple thing like lowering the corporate taxes from 35% to 21% meant there is 14% more available to do things with versus at 35%.
Because these "evil" big companies could move offshore so as not to be taxed at 35% (which was the 3rd highest in the world) they moved the jobs also!

Now please understand something so simple as lowering from 35 to 21 meant 14% more money.
Well guess what these companies can now do? Hire people, build plants. And the US Federal taxes will GAIN and here is why!
Look at this chart...
How much tax revenue comes from corporate taxes...9% right? So compared to payroll taxes 34%... right?
Simple question... do you know how much the employer has to pay for YOUR Medicare/SS payroll tax? I bet you don't know they pay 6.2%... the same as you!
So... NOW how much MORE revenue will the government take in if there are more people working with more employers paying payroll taxes?
It will be and is a FACT... MORE than double what the government will lose in Corporate income taxes. Don't believe me?
Here are the numbers!

As of Aug 2018 161,776,000 compared to Aug 2017 of 153,471,000 or 8,305,000 more people working and paying income and payroll taxes.

In Oct 2017 Average hourly wage was $22.18 United States Average Hourly Wages | 1964-2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar
So in August 2018 at average of 40 hours times $22.18 equals $887.20. A total of $7.4 billion a week more in payroll than in 2017.
Employer and employee PAYROLL TAXES paid per week in Aug 2018 =12.4% or on $887.20 $110.01 per employee
means nearly $1 billion MORE per week in payroll taxes or $52 billion more in a year.

Do you comprehend this? The Federal govt by have just 8.3 million MORE people working will gain $52 billion just in payroll taxes!

This is is FAR FAR more than what the government will lose in corporate income taxes and in fact the government might even make more in corporate taxes
because NOW the nearly $3 trillion off shore because of the 35% tax now being reduced will be brought back.
All told, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) reported, some $305.6 billion returned to the U.S. from overseas accounts.
That's a $1.2 trillion annual rate, and far more than the $35 billion one year before.
The BEA's analysts explain why this happened: "The large magnitudes (of inward capital flows) ... reflect the repatriation of accumulated earnings by foreign affiliates of U.S. multinational enterprises and their parent companies in the United States in response to the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act."
Thanks To Tax Cuts, Companies' Overseas Profits Flooding Back To U.S.

So what are these companies doing with this money??? Building plants, hiring people!

But again this is way too complicated for people who take the easy and lazy way out which I hope you aren't!

View attachment 217842
We merely need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.
How long do you get compensated for being unemployed?

I’m not going to lie I’m mad republicans want to give you less time not more. But I’m not for giving indefinite time either. Are you? That’s insane. No one will ever go for it. The ones who would don’t vote. Too lazy
From a moral perspective, if we have to care how the Poor make their money, then we should have to care how the rich make their money.

The economic point, is that we should be using public policy to lower our tax burden through simplification of Government and public services. Means testing is more expensive than unemployment compensation; and, why should we care if the least motivated to work, don't; at the rock bottom cost that clears the cost of social services; a fourteen dollar an hour equivalent, in our case. As a social safety net, it solves simple poverty and ensures liquidity in our markets, puts an upward pressure on wages, and enables higher paid labor to pay more in taxes and create more in demand.

Our First World economy, requires it.
Why are you for socialized medicine? Since you know nothing is for free? And if it is not as good why would we want it? You seem logical. I don't follow your line of thinking.
I’ve been unemployed. And I know people who’ve gotten sick and didn’t have healthcare. I wish everyone could have the basics. They won’t let anyone die. But anything extra is gonna cost you. So I would get supplemental healthcare through my company. In other words better than the VA. We already have a system like this. My brother is a vp. He has Cadillac healthcare. You know who used to have that? My dad when he worked at ford. So did all the big three employees. This is another way the middle class is getting poorer. Healthcare is breaking a lot of us.

We spend more now and get less. We could do it right spend the same and cover everyone. At least from dying.

NO actually your labor unions doing this caused the problem!
"Take grass cutting. As defined by the current United Auto Worker contract negotiated with the "Big Five" (GM, Ford, Chrysler, and top parts makers Delphi and Visteon), an auto "production worker" is a job description that covers anything from mowing grass to cleaning the toilets.
In the real world, these jobs would be outsourced to $8 an hour, no-benefit wage earners,
but on Planet Big Five, these jobs get the same wages as any auto line-worker:
an average $26 an hour ($60,000 a year) plus benefits that bring the company's
total cost per worker to a staggering $65 an hour."
what is the average hourly wage of a UAW auto worker?

SO... based on corporate taxes of 35% Ford moved offshore...Mexico. Guess what happened to American Jobs?
One thing you people that bash Trump, corporations, etc. are truly ignorant of is how taxes affect the economy.
A simple thing like lowering the corporate taxes from 35% to 21% meant there is 14% more available to do things with versus at 35%.
Because these "evil" big companies could move offshore so as not to be taxed at 35% (which was the 3rd highest in the world) they moved the jobs also!

Now please understand something so simple as lowering from 35 to 21 meant 14% more money.
Well guess what these companies can now do? Hire people, build plants. And the US Federal taxes will GAIN and here is why!
Look at this chart...
How much tax revenue comes from corporate taxes...9% right? So compared to payroll taxes 34%... right?
Simple question... do you know how much the employer has to pay for YOUR Medicare/SS payroll tax? I bet you don't know they pay 6.2%... the same as you!
So... NOW how much MORE revenue will the government take in if there are more people working with more employers paying payroll taxes?
It will be and is a FACT... MORE than double what the government will lose in Corporate income taxes. Don't believe me?
Here are the numbers!

As of Aug 2018 161,776,000 compared to Aug 2017 of 153,471,000 or 8,305,000 more people working and paying income and payroll taxes.

In Oct 2017 Average hourly wage was $22.18 United States Average Hourly Wages | 1964-2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar
So in August 2018 at average of 40 hours times $22.18 equals $887.20. A total of $7.4 billion a week more in payroll than in 2017.
Employer and employee PAYROLL TAXES paid per week in Aug 2018 =12.4% or on $887.20 $110.01 per employee
means nearly $1 billion MORE per week in payroll taxes or $52 billion more in a year.

Do you comprehend this? The Federal govt by have just 8.3 million MORE people working will gain $52 billion just in payroll taxes!

This is is FAR FAR more than what the government will lose in corporate income taxes and in fact the government might even make more in corporate taxes
because NOW the nearly $3 trillion off shore because of the 35% tax now being reduced will be brought back.
All told, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) reported, some $305.6 billion returned to the U.S. from overseas accounts.
That's a $1.2 trillion annual rate, and far more than the $35 billion one year before.
The BEA's analysts explain why this happened: "The large magnitudes (of inward capital flows) ... reflect the repatriation of accumulated earnings by foreign affiliates of U.S. multinational enterprises and their parent companies in the United States in response to the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act."
Thanks To Tax Cuts, Companies' Overseas Profits Flooding Back To U.S.

So what are these companies doing with this money??? Building plants, hiring people!

But again this is way too complicated for people who take the easy and lazy way out which I hope you aren't!

View attachment 217842
We merely need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.

Ah again the ignorance of the United States!

Do you know what the average 1 bed room apt rents for in New York City?
1 bed apartment rentals in Queens borough of NYC average about 750 square feet and cost $2,000 per month
One Bedroom Apartments in NYC: Compare the Latest 1 Bed Rentals in NYC
So a $15.00/hour minimum payment for 160 hours per month generates $2,400 gross income!

On the other hand what about a 1 bed room apartment in Gulfport MS?
1 bedroom rents for about $550/month
So again a $15.00/hr income would still provide a very comfortable monthly income!
Rent Cheap Apartments in Mississippi: from $505 – RENTCafé
DO YOU understand what the "standard of living" is between Queens NY and Gulfport MS means?

That's why one SIZE does NOT fit all i.e. a Federal $15.00 makes NO SENSE just as Universal health care makes NO sense because the USA is so big and so diverse!
Why in Los Angeles alone the school system has to accommodate 92 distinct languages!
Los Angeles Unified School District – LARAEC

So why should the state of NY with a standard of living Taking all expenses into account, the cost of living in New York City is at least 68.8% higher than the national average. If you live in the city center, however, it’s even worse. The cost of living in Manhattan is more than double the national average.1
What is the True Cost of Living in New York City? - SmartAsset
VERSUS cost of living in MS??
Based on a US average of 100. An amount below 100 means Mississippi is cheaper than the US average. A cost of living index above 100 means Mississippi, Mississippi is more expensive. Mississippi cost of living is 84.5!
Mississippi Cost of Living

So I hope you have been informed that simply minded raising the Federal minimum wage is NOT a valid idea because there are 50 states with 50 different costs of living!
Once again you need to do a little more scholarly work rather than spout something that can be easily with a few minutes repudiated!
But Medicare works.

So why couldn’t universal healthcare?

The cost to mail a letter costs the same no matter where I mail it in the USA.

Medicare is going broke!
Don't believe me here are the Trustees of the Medicare program.
Medicare’s hospital trust fund is expected to run out of money in 2026, three years earlier than previously projected, the program’s trustees said in a new report published this afternoon.The more pessimistic outlook is largely due to reduced revenues from payroll and Social Security taxes and higher payments than expected to hospitals and private Medicare plans last year.
The solvency report is the first since the repeal of Obamacare’s Independent Payment Advisory Board earlier this year as part of a massive spending agreement in Congress. The panel of outside experts was designed to tame excessive Medicare spending growth, but costs never grew fast enough to trigger the controversial board and no members were ever appointed.

Social Security faces depletion in 2034, the program's trustees also said today. That's identical to last year's projection.
Medicare to go broke three years earlier than expected, trustees say
Why are you for socialized medicine? Since you know nothing is for free? And if it is not as good why would we want it? You seem logical. I don't follow your line of thinking.
I’ve been unemployed. And I know people who’ve gotten sick and didn’t have healthcare. I wish everyone could have the basics. They won’t let anyone die. But anything extra is gonna cost you. So I would get supplemental healthcare through my company. In other words better than the VA. We already have a system like this. My brother is a vp. He has Cadillac healthcare. You know who used to have that? My dad when he worked at ford. So did all the big three employees. This is another way the middle class is getting poorer. Healthcare is breaking a lot of us.

We spend more now and get less. We could do it right spend the same and cover everyone. At least from dying.

NO actually your labor unions doing this caused the problem!
"Take grass cutting. As defined by the current United Auto Worker contract negotiated with the "Big Five" (GM, Ford, Chrysler, and top parts makers Delphi and Visteon), an auto "production worker" is a job description that covers anything from mowing grass to cleaning the toilets.
In the real world, these jobs would be outsourced to $8 an hour, no-benefit wage earners,
but on Planet Big Five, these jobs get the same wages as any auto line-worker:
an average $26 an hour ($60,000 a year) plus benefits that bring the company's
total cost per worker to a staggering $65 an hour."
what is the average hourly wage of a UAW auto worker?

SO... based on corporate taxes of 35% Ford moved offshore...Mexico. Guess what happened to American Jobs?
One thing you people that bash Trump, corporations, etc. are truly ignorant of is how taxes affect the economy.
A simple thing like lowering the corporate taxes from 35% to 21% meant there is 14% more available to do things with versus at 35%.
Because these "evil" big companies could move offshore so as not to be taxed at 35% (which was the 3rd highest in the world) they moved the jobs also!

Now please understand something so simple as lowering from 35 to 21 meant 14% more money.
Well guess what these companies can now do? Hire people, build plants. And the US Federal taxes will GAIN and here is why!
Look at this chart...
How much tax revenue comes from corporate taxes...9% right? So compared to payroll taxes 34%... right?
Simple question... do you know how much the employer has to pay for YOUR Medicare/SS payroll tax? I bet you don't know they pay 6.2%... the same as you!
So... NOW how much MORE revenue will the government take in if there are more people working with more employers paying payroll taxes?
It will be and is a FACT... MORE than double what the government will lose in Corporate income taxes. Don't believe me?
Here are the numbers!

As of Aug 2018 161,776,000 compared to Aug 2017 of 153,471,000 or 8,305,000 more people working and paying income and payroll taxes.

In Oct 2017 Average hourly wage was $22.18 United States Average Hourly Wages | 1964-2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar
So in August 2018 at average of 40 hours times $22.18 equals $887.20. A total of $7.4 billion a week more in payroll than in 2017.
Employer and employee PAYROLL TAXES paid per week in Aug 2018 =12.4% or on $887.20 $110.01 per employee
means nearly $1 billion MORE per week in payroll taxes or $52 billion more in a year.

Do you comprehend this? The Federal govt by have just 8.3 million MORE people working will gain $52 billion just in payroll taxes!

This is is FAR FAR more than what the government will lose in corporate income taxes and in fact the government might even make more in corporate taxes
because NOW the nearly $3 trillion off shore because of the 35% tax now being reduced will be brought back.
All told, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) reported, some $305.6 billion returned to the U.S. from overseas accounts.
That's a $1.2 trillion annual rate, and far more than the $35 billion one year before.
The BEA's analysts explain why this happened: "The large magnitudes (of inward capital flows) ... reflect the repatriation of accumulated earnings by foreign affiliates of U.S. multinational enterprises and their parent companies in the United States in response to the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act."
Thanks To Tax Cuts, Companies' Overseas Profits Flooding Back To U.S.

So what are these companies doing with this money??? Building plants, hiring people!

But again this is way too complicated for people who take the easy and lazy way out which I hope you aren't!

View attachment 217842
We merely need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.

Ah again the ignorance of the United States!

Do you know what the average 1 bed room apt rents for in New York City?
1 bed apartment rentals in Queens borough of NYC average about 750 square feet and cost $2,000 per month
One Bedroom Apartments in NYC: Compare the Latest 1 Bed Rentals in NYC
So a $15.00/hour minimum payment for 160 hours per month generates $2,400 gross income!

On the other hand what about a 1 bed room apartment in Gulfport MS?
1 bedroom rents for about $550/month
So again a $15.00/hr income would still provide a very comfortable monthly income!
Rent Cheap Apartments in Mississippi: from $505 – RENTCafé
DO YOU understand what the "standard of living" is between Queens NY and Gulfport MS means?

That's why one SIZE does NOT fit all i.e. a Federal $15.00 makes NO SENSE just as Universal health care makes NO sense because the USA is so big and so diverse!
Why in Los Angeles alone the school system has to accommodate 92 distinct languages!
Los Angeles Unified School District – LARAEC

So why should the state of NY with a standard of living Taking all expenses into account, the cost of living in New York City is at least 68.8% higher than the national average. If you live in the city center, however, it’s even worse. The cost of living in Manhattan is more than double the national average.1
What is the True Cost of Living in New York City? - SmartAsset
VERSUS cost of living in MS??
Based on a US average of 100. An amount below 100 means Mississippi is cheaper than the US average. A cost of living index above 100 means Mississippi, Mississippi is more expensive. Mississippi cost of living is 84.5!
Mississippi Cost of Living

So I hope you have been informed that simply minded raising the Federal minimum wage is NOT a valid idea because there are 50 states with 50 different costs of living!
Once again you need to do a little more scholarly work rather than spout something that can be easily with a few minutes repudiated!
But Medicare works.

So why couldn’t universal healthcare?

The cost to mail a letter costs the same no matter where I mail it in the USA.

And the POST OFFICE runs a deficit EVERY YEAR.
AGAIN why don't you check the FACTS before making dumb ass comments?
The Postal Service lost some $2.7 billion last year.
Fact Check: Is The Post Office Losing Money By Delivering Packages For Amazon?

See you keep asking dumb questions and all you have to do is a little key strokes to get your answer!
I’ve been unemployed. And I know people who’ve gotten sick and didn’t have healthcare. I wish everyone could have the basics. They won’t let anyone die. But anything extra is gonna cost you. So I would get supplemental healthcare through my company. In other words better than the VA. We already have a system like this. My brother is a vp. He has Cadillac healthcare. You know who used to have that? My dad when he worked at ford. So did all the big three employees. This is another way the middle class is getting poorer. Healthcare is breaking a lot of us.

We spend more now and get less. We could do it right spend the same and cover everyone. At least from dying.

NO actually your labor unions doing this caused the problem!
"Take grass cutting. As defined by the current United Auto Worker contract negotiated with the "Big Five" (GM, Ford, Chrysler, and top parts makers Delphi and Visteon), an auto "production worker" is a job description that covers anything from mowing grass to cleaning the toilets.
In the real world, these jobs would be outsourced to $8 an hour, no-benefit wage earners,
but on Planet Big Five, these jobs get the same wages as any auto line-worker:
an average $26 an hour ($60,000 a year) plus benefits that bring the company's
total cost per worker to a staggering $65 an hour."
what is the average hourly wage of a UAW auto worker?

SO... based on corporate taxes of 35% Ford moved offshore...Mexico. Guess what happened to American Jobs?
One thing you people that bash Trump, corporations, etc. are truly ignorant of is how taxes affect the economy.
A simple thing like lowering the corporate taxes from 35% to 21% meant there is 14% more available to do things with versus at 35%.
Because these "evil" big companies could move offshore so as not to be taxed at 35% (which was the 3rd highest in the world) they moved the jobs also!

Now please understand something so simple as lowering from 35 to 21 meant 14% more money.
Well guess what these companies can now do? Hire people, build plants. And the US Federal taxes will GAIN and here is why!
Look at this chart...
How much tax revenue comes from corporate taxes...9% right? So compared to payroll taxes 34%... right?
Simple question... do you know how much the employer has to pay for YOUR Medicare/SS payroll tax? I bet you don't know they pay 6.2%... the same as you!
So... NOW how much MORE revenue will the government take in if there are more people working with more employers paying payroll taxes?
It will be and is a FACT... MORE than double what the government will lose in Corporate income taxes. Don't believe me?
Here are the numbers!

As of Aug 2018 161,776,000 compared to Aug 2017 of 153,471,000 or 8,305,000 more people working and paying income and payroll taxes.

In Oct 2017 Average hourly wage was $22.18 United States Average Hourly Wages | 1964-2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar
So in August 2018 at average of 40 hours times $22.18 equals $887.20. A total of $7.4 billion a week more in payroll than in 2017.
Employer and employee PAYROLL TAXES paid per week in Aug 2018 =12.4% or on $887.20 $110.01 per employee
means nearly $1 billion MORE per week in payroll taxes or $52 billion more in a year.

Do you comprehend this? The Federal govt by have just 8.3 million MORE people working will gain $52 billion just in payroll taxes!

This is is FAR FAR more than what the government will lose in corporate income taxes and in fact the government might even make more in corporate taxes
because NOW the nearly $3 trillion off shore because of the 35% tax now being reduced will be brought back.
All told, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) reported, some $305.6 billion returned to the U.S. from overseas accounts.
That's a $1.2 trillion annual rate, and far more than the $35 billion one year before.
The BEA's analysts explain why this happened: "The large magnitudes (of inward capital flows) ... reflect the repatriation of accumulated earnings by foreign affiliates of U.S. multinational enterprises and their parent companies in the United States in response to the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act."
Thanks To Tax Cuts, Companies' Overseas Profits Flooding Back To U.S.

So what are these companies doing with this money??? Building plants, hiring people!

But again this is way too complicated for people who take the easy and lazy way out which I hope you aren't!

View attachment 217842
We merely need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.

Ah again the ignorance of the United States!

Do you know what the average 1 bed room apt rents for in New York City?
1 bed apartment rentals in Queens borough of NYC average about 750 square feet and cost $2,000 per month
One Bedroom Apartments in NYC: Compare the Latest 1 Bed Rentals in NYC
So a $15.00/hour minimum payment for 160 hours per month generates $2,400 gross income!

On the other hand what about a 1 bed room apartment in Gulfport MS?
1 bedroom rents for about $550/month
So again a $15.00/hr income would still provide a very comfortable monthly income!
Rent Cheap Apartments in Mississippi: from $505 – RENTCafé
DO YOU understand what the "standard of living" is between Queens NY and Gulfport MS means?

That's why one SIZE does NOT fit all i.e. a Federal $15.00 makes NO SENSE just as Universal health care makes NO sense because the USA is so big and so diverse!
Why in Los Angeles alone the school system has to accommodate 92 distinct languages!
Los Angeles Unified School District – LARAEC

So why should the state of NY with a standard of living Taking all expenses into account, the cost of living in New York City is at least 68.8% higher than the national average. If you live in the city center, however, it’s even worse. The cost of living in Manhattan is more than double the national average.1
What is the True Cost of Living in New York City? - SmartAsset
VERSUS cost of living in MS??
Based on a US average of 100. An amount below 100 means Mississippi is cheaper than the US average. A cost of living index above 100 means Mississippi, Mississippi is more expensive. Mississippi cost of living is 84.5!
Mississippi Cost of Living

So I hope you have been informed that simply minded raising the Federal minimum wage is NOT a valid idea because there are 50 states with 50 different costs of living!
Once again you need to do a little more scholarly work rather than spout something that can be easily with a few minutes repudiated!
But Medicare works.

So why couldn’t universal healthcare?

The cost to mail a letter costs the same no matter where I mail it in the USA.

Medicare is going broke!
Don't believe me here are the Trustees of the Medicare program.
Medicare’s hospital trust fund is expected to run out of money in 2026, three years earlier than previously projected, the program’s trustees said in a new report published this afternoon.The more pessimistic outlook is largely due to reduced revenues from payroll and Social Security taxes and higher payments than expected to hospitals and private Medicare plans last year.
The solvency report is the first since the repeal of Obamacare’s Independent Payment Advisory Board earlier this year as part of a massive spending agreement in Congress. The panel of outside experts was designed to tame excessive Medicare spending growth, but costs never grew fast enough to trigger the controversial board and no members were ever appointed.

Social Security faces depletion in 2034, the program's trustees also said today. That's identical to last year's projection.
Medicare to go broke three years earlier than expected, trustees say
Of course it’s going broke. So is the aca. That’s because republicans don’t like these programs. You can’t deny it. If they wanted to they could do so much better and for less. Lobbyists
I’ve been unemployed. And I know people who’ve gotten sick and didn’t have healthcare. I wish everyone could have the basics. They won’t let anyone die. But anything extra is gonna cost you. So I would get supplemental healthcare through my company. In other words better than the VA. We already have a system like this. My brother is a vp. He has Cadillac healthcare. You know who used to have that? My dad when he worked at ford. So did all the big three employees. This is another way the middle class is getting poorer. Healthcare is breaking a lot of us.

We spend more now and get less. We could do it right spend the same and cover everyone. At least from dying.

NO actually your labor unions doing this caused the problem!
"Take grass cutting. As defined by the current United Auto Worker contract negotiated with the "Big Five" (GM, Ford, Chrysler, and top parts makers Delphi and Visteon), an auto "production worker" is a job description that covers anything from mowing grass to cleaning the toilets.
In the real world, these jobs would be outsourced to $8 an hour, no-benefit wage earners,
but on Planet Big Five, these jobs get the same wages as any auto line-worker:
an average $26 an hour ($60,000 a year) plus benefits that bring the company's
total cost per worker to a staggering $65 an hour."
what is the average hourly wage of a UAW auto worker?

SO... based on corporate taxes of 35% Ford moved offshore...Mexico. Guess what happened to American Jobs?
One thing you people that bash Trump, corporations, etc. are truly ignorant of is how taxes affect the economy.
A simple thing like lowering the corporate taxes from 35% to 21% meant there is 14% more available to do things with versus at 35%.
Because these "evil" big companies could move offshore so as not to be taxed at 35% (which was the 3rd highest in the world) they moved the jobs also!

Now please understand something so simple as lowering from 35 to 21 meant 14% more money.
Well guess what these companies can now do? Hire people, build plants. And the US Federal taxes will GAIN and here is why!
Look at this chart...
How much tax revenue comes from corporate taxes...9% right? So compared to payroll taxes 34%... right?
Simple question... do you know how much the employer has to pay for YOUR Medicare/SS payroll tax? I bet you don't know they pay 6.2%... the same as you!
So... NOW how much MORE revenue will the government take in if there are more people working with more employers paying payroll taxes?
It will be and is a FACT... MORE than double what the government will lose in Corporate income taxes. Don't believe me?
Here are the numbers!

As of Aug 2018 161,776,000 compared to Aug 2017 of 153,471,000 or 8,305,000 more people working and paying income and payroll taxes.

In Oct 2017 Average hourly wage was $22.18 United States Average Hourly Wages | 1964-2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar
So in August 2018 at average of 40 hours times $22.18 equals $887.20. A total of $7.4 billion a week more in payroll than in 2017.
Employer and employee PAYROLL TAXES paid per week in Aug 2018 =12.4% or on $887.20 $110.01 per employee
means nearly $1 billion MORE per week in payroll taxes or $52 billion more in a year.

Do you comprehend this? The Federal govt by have just 8.3 million MORE people working will gain $52 billion just in payroll taxes!

This is is FAR FAR more than what the government will lose in corporate income taxes and in fact the government might even make more in corporate taxes
because NOW the nearly $3 trillion off shore because of the 35% tax now being reduced will be brought back.
All told, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) reported, some $305.6 billion returned to the U.S. from overseas accounts.
That's a $1.2 trillion annual rate, and far more than the $35 billion one year before.
The BEA's analysts explain why this happened: "The large magnitudes (of inward capital flows) ... reflect the repatriation of accumulated earnings by foreign affiliates of U.S. multinational enterprises and their parent companies in the United States in response to the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act."
Thanks To Tax Cuts, Companies' Overseas Profits Flooding Back To U.S.

So what are these companies doing with this money??? Building plants, hiring people!

But again this is way too complicated for people who take the easy and lazy way out which I hope you aren't!

View attachment 217842
We merely need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.

Ah again the ignorance of the United States!

Do you know what the average 1 bed room apt rents for in New York City?
1 bed apartment rentals in Queens borough of NYC average about 750 square feet and cost $2,000 per month
One Bedroom Apartments in NYC: Compare the Latest 1 Bed Rentals in NYC
So a $15.00/hour minimum payment for 160 hours per month generates $2,400 gross income!

On the other hand what about a 1 bed room apartment in Gulfport MS?
1 bedroom rents for about $550/month
So again a $15.00/hr income would still provide a very comfortable monthly income!
Rent Cheap Apartments in Mississippi: from $505 – RENTCafé
DO YOU understand what the "standard of living" is between Queens NY and Gulfport MS means?

That's why one SIZE does NOT fit all i.e. a Federal $15.00 makes NO SENSE just as Universal health care makes NO sense because the USA is so big and so diverse!
Why in Los Angeles alone the school system has to accommodate 92 distinct languages!
Los Angeles Unified School District – LARAEC

So why should the state of NY with a standard of living Taking all expenses into account, the cost of living in New York City is at least 68.8% higher than the national average. If you live in the city center, however, it’s even worse. The cost of living in Manhattan is more than double the national average.1
What is the True Cost of Living in New York City? - SmartAsset
VERSUS cost of living in MS??
Based on a US average of 100. An amount below 100 means Mississippi is cheaper than the US average. A cost of living index above 100 means Mississippi, Mississippi is more expensive. Mississippi cost of living is 84.5!
Mississippi Cost of Living

So I hope you have been informed that simply minded raising the Federal minimum wage is NOT a valid idea because there are 50 states with 50 different costs of living!
Once again you need to do a little more scholarly work rather than spout something that can be easily with a few minutes repudiated!
But Medicare works.

So why couldn’t universal healthcare?

The cost to mail a letter costs the same no matter where I mail it in the USA.

And the POST OFFICE runs a deficit EVERY YEAR.
AGAIN why don't you check the FACTS before making dumb ass comments?
The Postal Service lost some $2.7 billion last year.
Fact Check: Is The Post Office Losing Money By Delivering Packages For Amazon?

See you keep asking dumb questions and all you have to do is a little key strokes to get your answer!
It’s not meant to be profitable to send a letter to Alaska for 50 cents or whatever it is today
i thought that had more to do with the funding requirement by the right wing, for the postal service.
Jobless claims fall again to reach new 49-year low of 201,000

Initial jobless claims, a rough proxy for layoffs, fell by 3,000 to 201,000 in the seven days ended Sept. 15. That’s below the 208,000 MarketWatch forecast and marks the lowest level since Nov. 12, 1969.

Jobless claims fall again to reach new 49-year low of 201,000

Now other than showing the economy, jobs, etc are better than they have been in a long time guess what else is happening????
Payroll tax revenues increase.
And I'll share more after poll results are shown.
View attachment 217495

Good to see the trend from the last 6 years continuing! That is good news indeed.
Too bad tax revenue is down 9,725,000,000 for the FY since the tax cuts kicked in. In a time of economic boom we really should be increasing revenue, not decreasing it.

Sent from my iPhone using

Yep...this is horrible, it totally sucks that the government has less money and the people have more of THEIR money. Run with that....PLEASE!

Yes it does suck that the government has less money yet is spending more money, thus putting more burden on the next generations.

Well, it sucks to anyone that is not a partisan hack who cares only about their party.

Sent from my iPhone using

The Kenyan spent like a horny drunk sailor at a whorehouse full of Playboy models for nearly a decade.
Tell us EXACTLY how you have been affected by the deficit seems like all I hear are stories of prosperity. Am I making this up?
And so does Trump. For the first time in U.S. history, federal spending has exceeded $4 trillion.

With a Republican president ... a Republican-led House .... and a Republican Senate.

So bitch about Obama to your fellow hypocritical rightards.
Jobless claims fall again to reach new 49-year low of 201,000

Initial jobless claims, a rough proxy for layoffs, fell by 3,000 to 201,000 in the seven days ended Sept. 15. That’s below the 208,000 MarketWatch forecast and marks the lowest level since Nov. 12, 1969.

Jobless claims fall again to reach new 49-year low of 201,000

Now other than showing the economy, jobs, etc are better than they have been in a long time guess what else is happening????
Payroll tax revenues increase.
And I'll share more after poll results are shown.
View attachment 217495

Good to see the trend from the last 6 years continuing! That is good news indeed.
Too bad tax revenue is down 9,725,000,000 for the FY since the tax cuts kicked in. In a time of economic boom we really should be increasing revenue, not decreasing it.

Sent from my iPhone using

Yep...this is horrible, it totally sucks that the government has less money and the people have more of THEIR money. Run with that....PLEASE!

Yes it does suck that the government has less money yet is spending more money, thus putting more burden on the next generations.

Well, it sucks to anyone that is not a partisan hack who cares only about their party.

Sent from my iPhone using

The Kenyan spent like a horny drunk sailor at a whorehouse full of Playboy models for nearly a decade.
Tell us EXACTLY how you have been affected by the deficit seems like all I hear are stories of prosperity. Am I making this up?
And so does Trump. For the first time in U.S. history, federal spending has exceeded $4 trillion.

With a Republican president ... a Republican-led House .... and a Republican Senate.

So bitch about Obama to your fellow hypocritical rightards.

Have to pay off the quantitative easing interest from Obama, what you thought that 85 billion a month was free?

Good to see the trend from the last 6 years continuing! That is good news indeed.
Too bad tax revenue is down 9,725,000,000 for the FY since the tax cuts kicked in. In a time of economic boom we really should be increasing revenue, not decreasing it.

Sent from my iPhone using

Yep...this is horrible, it totally sucks that the government has less money and the people have more of THEIR money. Run with that....PLEASE!

Yes it does suck that the government has less money yet is spending more money, thus putting more burden on the next generations.

Well, it sucks to anyone that is not a partisan hack who cares only about their party.

Sent from my iPhone using

The Kenyan spent like a horny drunk sailor at a whorehouse full of Playboy models for nearly a decade.
Tell us EXACTLY how you have been affected by the deficit seems like all I hear are stories of prosperity. Am I making this up?
And so does Trump. For the first time in U.S. history, federal spending has exceeded $4 trillion.

With a Republican president ... a Republican-led House .... and a Republican Senate.

So bitch about Obama to your fellow hypocritical rightards.

Have to pay off the quantitative easing interest from Obama, what you thought that 85 billion a month was free?

What interest? Rates were at, or near, zero.
Good to see the trend from the last 6 years continuing! That is good news indeed.
Too bad tax revenue is down 9,725,000,000 for the FY since the tax cuts kicked in. In a time of economic boom we really should be increasing revenue, not decreasing it.

Sent from my iPhone using

Yep...this is horrible, it totally sucks that the government has less money and the people have more of THEIR money. Run with that....PLEASE!

Yes it does suck that the government has less money yet is spending more money, thus putting more burden on the next generations.

Well, it sucks to anyone that is not a partisan hack who cares only about their party.

Sent from my iPhone using

The Kenyan spent like a horny drunk sailor at a whorehouse full of Playboy models for nearly a decade.
Tell us EXACTLY how you have been affected by the deficit seems like all I hear are stories of prosperity. Am I making this up?
And so does Trump. For the first time in U.S. history, federal spending has exceeded $4 trillion.

With a Republican president ... a Republican-led House .... and a Republican Senate.

So bitch about Obama to your fellow hypocritical rightards.

Have to pay off the quantitative easing interest from Obama, what you thought that 85 billion a month was free?

Higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand; we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.
Yep...this is horrible, it totally sucks that the government has less money and the people have more of THEIR money. Run with that....PLEASE!

Yes it does suck that the government has less money yet is spending more money, thus putting more burden on the next generations.

Well, it sucks to anyone that is not a partisan hack who cares only about their party.

Sent from my iPhone using

The Kenyan spent like a horny drunk sailor at a whorehouse full of Playboy models for nearly a decade.
Tell us EXACTLY how you have been affected by the deficit seems like all I hear are stories of prosperity. Am I making this up?
And so does Trump. For the first time in U.S. history, federal spending has exceeded $4 trillion.

With a Republican president ... a Republican-led House .... and a Republican Senate.

So bitch about Obama to your fellow hypocritical rightards.

Have to pay off the quantitative easing interest from Obama, what you thought that 85 billion a month was free?

Higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand; we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.

Great plan, take away all incentive to better one's self
Yes it does suck that the government has less money yet is spending more money, thus putting more burden on the next generations.

Well, it sucks to anyone that is not a partisan hack who cares only about their party.

Sent from my iPhone using

The Kenyan spent like a horny drunk sailor at a whorehouse full of Playboy models for nearly a decade.
Tell us EXACTLY how you have been affected by the deficit seems like all I hear are stories of prosperity. Am I making this up?
And so does Trump. For the first time in U.S. history, federal spending has exceeded $4 trillion.

With a Republican president ... a Republican-led House .... and a Republican Senate.

So bitch about Obama to your fellow hypocritical rightards.

Have to pay off the quantitative easing interest from Obama, what you thought that 85 billion a month was free?

Higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand; we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.

Great plan, take away all incentive to better one's self
we have a First World economy not a Third World economy;

manna from the public sector for Original Sinners who are not moral enough,

for a God.
Why are you for socialized medicine? Since you know nothing is for free? And if it is not as good why would we want it? You seem logical. I don't follow your line of thinking.
I’ve been unemployed. And I know people who’ve gotten sick and didn’t have healthcare. I wish everyone could have the basics. They won’t let anyone die. But anything extra is gonna cost you. So I would get supplemental healthcare through my company. In other words better than the VA. We already have a system like this. My brother is a vp. He has Cadillac healthcare. You know who used to have that? My dad when he worked at ford. So did all the big three employees. This is another way the middle class is getting poorer. Healthcare is breaking a lot of us.

We spend more now and get less. We could do it right spend the same and cover everyone. At least from dying.

NO actually your labor unions doing this caused the problem!
"Take grass cutting. As defined by the current United Auto Worker contract negotiated with the "Big Five" (GM, Ford, Chrysler, and top parts makers Delphi and Visteon), an auto "production worker" is a job description that covers anything from mowing grass to cleaning the toilets.
In the real world, these jobs would be outsourced to $8 an hour, no-benefit wage earners,
but on Planet Big Five, these jobs get the same wages as any auto line-worker:
an average $26 an hour ($60,000 a year) plus benefits that bring the company's
total cost per worker to a staggering $65 an hour."
what is the average hourly wage of a UAW auto worker?

SO... based on corporate taxes of 35% Ford moved offshore...Mexico. Guess what happened to American Jobs?
One thing you people that bash Trump, corporations, etc. are truly ignorant of is how taxes affect the economy.
A simple thing like lowering the corporate taxes from 35% to 21% meant there is 14% more available to do things with versus at 35%.
Because these "evil" big companies could move offshore so as not to be taxed at 35% (which was the 3rd highest in the world) they moved the jobs also!

Now please understand something so simple as lowering from 35 to 21 meant 14% more money.
Well guess what these companies can now do? Hire people, build plants. And the US Federal taxes will GAIN and here is why!
Look at this chart...
How much tax revenue comes from corporate taxes...9% right? So compared to payroll taxes 34%... right?
Simple question... do you know how much the employer has to pay for YOUR Medicare/SS payroll tax? I bet you don't know they pay 6.2%... the same as you!
So... NOW how much MORE revenue will the government take in if there are more people working with more employers paying payroll taxes?
It will be and is a FACT... MORE than double what the government will lose in Corporate income taxes. Don't believe me?
Here are the numbers!

As of Aug 2018 161,776,000 compared to Aug 2017 of 153,471,000 or 8,305,000 more people working and paying income and payroll taxes.

In Oct 2017 Average hourly wage was $22.18 United States Average Hourly Wages | 1964-2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar
So in August 2018 at average of 40 hours times $22.18 equals $887.20. A total of $7.4 billion a week more in payroll than in 2017.
Employer and employee PAYROLL TAXES paid per week in Aug 2018 =12.4% or on $887.20 $110.01 per employee
means nearly $1 billion MORE per week in payroll taxes or $52 billion more in a year.

Do you comprehend this? The Federal govt by have just 8.3 million MORE people working will gain $52 billion just in payroll taxes!

This is is FAR FAR more than what the government will lose in corporate income taxes and in fact the government might even make more in corporate taxes
because NOW the nearly $3 trillion off shore because of the 35% tax now being reduced will be brought back.
All told, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) reported, some $305.6 billion returned to the U.S. from overseas accounts.
That's a $1.2 trillion annual rate, and far more than the $35 billion one year before.
The BEA's analysts explain why this happened: "The large magnitudes (of inward capital flows) ... reflect the repatriation of accumulated earnings by foreign affiliates of U.S. multinational enterprises and their parent companies in the United States in response to the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act."
Thanks To Tax Cuts, Companies' Overseas Profits Flooding Back To U.S.

So what are these companies doing with this money??? Building plants, hiring people!

But again this is way too complicated for people who take the easy and lazy way out which I hope you aren't!

View attachment 217842
We merely need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.
How long do you get compensated for being unemployed?

I’m not going to lie I’m mad republicans want to give you less time not more. But I’m not for giving indefinite time either. Are you? That’s insane. No one will ever go for it. The ones who would don’t vote. Too lazy
From a moral perspective, if we have to care how the Poor make their money, then we should have to care how the rich make their money.

The economic point, is that we should be using public policy to lower our tax burden through simplification of Government and public services. Means testing is more expensive than unemployment compensation; and, why should we care if the least motivated to work, don't; at the rock bottom cost that clears the cost of social services; a fourteen dollar an hour equivalent, in our case. As a social safety net, it solves simple poverty and ensures liquidity in our markets, puts an upward pressure on wages, and enables higher paid labor to pay more in taxes and create more in demand.

Our First World economy, requires it.

Daniel has a moron perspective not a moral one.
The Kenyan spent like a horny drunk sailor at a whorehouse full of Playboy models for nearly a decade.
Tell us EXACTLY how you have been affected by the deficit seems like all I hear are stories of prosperity. Am I making this up?
And so does Trump. For the first time in U.S. history, federal spending has exceeded $4 trillion.

With a Republican president ... a Republican-led House .... and a Republican Senate.

So bitch about Obama to your fellow hypocritical rightards.

Have to pay off the quantitative easing interest from Obama, what you thought that 85 billion a month was free?

Higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand; we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.

Great plan, take away all incentive to better one's self
we have a First World economy not a Third World economy;

manna from the public sector for Original Sinners who are not moral enough,

for a God.

Yes, we have a First World economy, which means there is a job for everyone that wants one.

Here is a little holy scripture for you...For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat.
I’ve been unemployed. And I know people who’ve gotten sick and didn’t have healthcare. I wish everyone could have the basics. They won’t let anyone die. But anything extra is gonna cost you. So I would get supplemental healthcare through my company. In other words better than the VA. We already have a system like this. My brother is a vp. He has Cadillac healthcare. You know who used to have that? My dad when he worked at ford. So did all the big three employees. This is another way the middle class is getting poorer. Healthcare is breaking a lot of us.

We spend more now and get less. We could do it right spend the same and cover everyone. At least from dying.

NO actually your labor unions doing this caused the problem!
"Take grass cutting. As defined by the current United Auto Worker contract negotiated with the "Big Five" (GM, Ford, Chrysler, and top parts makers Delphi and Visteon), an auto "production worker" is a job description that covers anything from mowing grass to cleaning the toilets.
In the real world, these jobs would be outsourced to $8 an hour, no-benefit wage earners,
but on Planet Big Five, these jobs get the same wages as any auto line-worker:
an average $26 an hour ($60,000 a year) plus benefits that bring the company's
total cost per worker to a staggering $65 an hour."
what is the average hourly wage of a UAW auto worker?

SO... based on corporate taxes of 35% Ford moved offshore...Mexico. Guess what happened to American Jobs?
One thing you people that bash Trump, corporations, etc. are truly ignorant of is how taxes affect the economy.
A simple thing like lowering the corporate taxes from 35% to 21% meant there is 14% more available to do things with versus at 35%.
Because these "evil" big companies could move offshore so as not to be taxed at 35% (which was the 3rd highest in the world) they moved the jobs also!

Now please understand something so simple as lowering from 35 to 21 meant 14% more money.
Well guess what these companies can now do? Hire people, build plants. And the US Federal taxes will GAIN and here is why!
Look at this chart...
How much tax revenue comes from corporate taxes...9% right? So compared to payroll taxes 34%... right?
Simple question... do you know how much the employer has to pay for YOUR Medicare/SS payroll tax? I bet you don't know they pay 6.2%... the same as you!
So... NOW how much MORE revenue will the government take in if there are more people working with more employers paying payroll taxes?
It will be and is a FACT... MORE than double what the government will lose in Corporate income taxes. Don't believe me?
Here are the numbers!

As of Aug 2018 161,776,000 compared to Aug 2017 of 153,471,000 or 8,305,000 more people working and paying income and payroll taxes.

In Oct 2017 Average hourly wage was $22.18 United States Average Hourly Wages | 1964-2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar
So in August 2018 at average of 40 hours times $22.18 equals $887.20. A total of $7.4 billion a week more in payroll than in 2017.
Employer and employee PAYROLL TAXES paid per week in Aug 2018 =12.4% or on $887.20 $110.01 per employee
means nearly $1 billion MORE per week in payroll taxes or $52 billion more in a year.

Do you comprehend this? The Federal govt by have just 8.3 million MORE people working will gain $52 billion just in payroll taxes!

This is is FAR FAR more than what the government will lose in corporate income taxes and in fact the government might even make more in corporate taxes
because NOW the nearly $3 trillion off shore because of the 35% tax now being reduced will be brought back.
All told, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) reported, some $305.6 billion returned to the U.S. from overseas accounts.
That's a $1.2 trillion annual rate, and far more than the $35 billion one year before.
The BEA's analysts explain why this happened: "The large magnitudes (of inward capital flows) ... reflect the repatriation of accumulated earnings by foreign affiliates of U.S. multinational enterprises and their parent companies in the United States in response to the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act."
Thanks To Tax Cuts, Companies' Overseas Profits Flooding Back To U.S.

So what are these companies doing with this money??? Building plants, hiring people!

But again this is way too complicated for people who take the easy and lazy way out which I hope you aren't!

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We merely need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.
How long do you get compensated for being unemployed?

I’m not going to lie I’m mad republicans want to give you less time not more. But I’m not for giving indefinite time either. Are you? That’s insane. No one will ever go for it. The ones who would don’t vote. Too lazy
From a moral perspective, if we have to care how the Poor make their money, then we should have to care how the rich make their money.

The economic point, is that we should be using public policy to lower our tax burden through simplification of Government and public services. Means testing is more expensive than unemployment compensation; and, why should we care if the least motivated to work, don't; at the rock bottom cost that clears the cost of social services; a fourteen dollar an hour equivalent, in our case. As a social safety net, it solves simple poverty and ensures liquidity in our markets, puts an upward pressure on wages, and enables higher paid labor to pay more in taxes and create more in demand.

Our First World economy, requires it.

Daniel has a moron perspective not a moral one.
i gainsay Your contention; so, there.
And so does Trump. For the first time in U.S. history, federal spending has exceeded $4 trillion.

With a Republican president ... a Republican-led House .... and a Republican Senate.

So bitch about Obama to your fellow hypocritical rightards.

Have to pay off the quantitative easing interest from Obama, what you thought that 85 billion a month was free?

Higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand; we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.

Great plan, take away all incentive to better one's self
we have a First World economy not a Third World economy;

manna from the public sector for Original Sinners who are not moral enough,

for a God.

Yes, we have a First World economy, which means there is a job for everyone that wants one.

Here is a little holy scripture for you...For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat.

I am beginning to like the Gator.
And so does Trump. For the first time in U.S. history, federal spending has exceeded $4 trillion.

With a Republican president ... a Republican-led House .... and a Republican Senate.

So bitch about Obama to your fellow hypocritical rightards.

Have to pay off the quantitative easing interest from Obama, what you thought that 85 billion a month was free?

Higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand; we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.

Great plan, take away all incentive to better one's self
we have a First World economy not a Third World economy;

manna from the public sector for Original Sinners who are not moral enough,

for a God.

Yes, we have a First World economy, which means there is a job for everyone that wants one.

Here is a little holy scripture for you...For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat.
We have a First Amendment, original sinners.

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