Jobs promised, but not delivered................

Remember when Trump was saying that he was going to bring a whole bunch of jobs to the US by having FoxConn move one of their factories over here.

Well, I remember them saying it was going to be a big plant, then they said it would be a smaller one, then they said it would be a tech hub.

Only thing is........................FoxConn still hasn't built their factory, and they forced the town to buy up the land for their development, and now, the town has had their credit rating downgraded because of it.

Still feel like you are "winning"? The people at Mount Pleasant where the factory was supposed to be built sure don't.

Town residents claim Trump’s FoxConn factory deal failed them
Foxconn | Mount Pleasant, WI - Official Website

How's this on trump exactly?

They cancelled construction because of the tariffs Trump imposed on China, and the "attacks" on Huawaa. All Chinese investment in the USA, including real estate purchases, business purchases, is being pulled. Soy bean contracts were cancelled. Real estate prices in New York and Los Angeles are already softening.
Remember when Trump was saying that he was going to bring a whole bunch of jobs to the US by having FoxConn move one of their factories over here.

Well, I remember them saying it was going to be a big plant, then they said it would be a smaller one, then they said it would be a tech hub.

Only thing is........................FoxConn still hasn't built their factory, and they forced the town to buy up the land for their development, and now, the town has had their credit rating downgraded because of it.

Still feel like you are "winning"? The people at Mount Pleasant where the factory was supposed to be built sure don't.

Town residents claim Trump’s FoxConn factory deal failed them

Kewl, so commies are blaming Trump for the company not living up to their commitments? I wonder how many times a day that happens. LMAO


Trump said that he negotiated a deal with them and that is why they were coming over here. But, sadly, it's still not a done deal, and they are way behind in where they said they would be in both construction and hiring. And yes, that was one of Trump's claimed "victories".

Once again, you can't hold Trump responsible for the actions of the company. If the company isn't living up to their commitment then the State has recourse in civil court.

Remember when Trump was saying that he was going to bring a whole bunch of jobs to the US by having FoxConn move one of their factories over here.

Well, I remember them saying it was going to be a big plant, then they said it would be a smaller one, then they said it would be a tech hub.

Only thing is........................FoxConn still hasn't built their factory, and they forced the town to buy up the land for their development, and now, the town has had their credit rating downgraded because of it.

Still feel like you are "winning"? The people at Mount Pleasant where the factory was supposed to be built sure don't.

Town residents claim Trump’s FoxConn factory deal failed them

Kewl, so commies are blaming Trump for the company not living up to their commitments? I wonder how many times a day that happens. LMAO


Trump said that he negotiated a deal with them and that is why they were coming over here. But, sadly, it's still not a done deal, and they are way behind in where they said they would be in both construction and hiring. And yes, that was one of Trump's claimed "victories".

Once again, you can't hold Trump responsible for the actions of the company. If the company isn't living up to their commitment then the State has recourse in civil court.


I wouldn't be holding Trump accountable if he hadn't crowed about what a great deal he had worked out with FoxConn. I knew the deal would never materialize, because FoxConn has a habit of doing this. However, lots of conservatives said that because Trump had negotiated it, it was a done deal and would be completed on time. But, we now see that it was a huge waste of time and effort as well as money.
6,000,000 new jobs, 600.000 manufacturing jobs.....promises not kept? Check out what Jeff Sessions gave Toyota to build cars in Alabama...he built their fucking plants for them....then voted against the GM bailout on orders from his Nip pals. When a huge company picks a site, they expect reciprocity...ask AOC about that concerning Amazon...she didn't even know what tax credits are.

AOC knew exactly what tax credits are. That's why she opposed billions of dollars in tax credits going to Amazon. The Foxconn deal was going to cost every man woman and child in Wisconnsin over $700 per person. Companies should be paying for their own damn infrastructure.

What is it with Republicans. When you bring 10, 20, or 30,000 jobs into one location, it costs a fortune to create the infrastructure, roads, and utility infrastructure to support the increase in traffic to and from the complex each day. For example, the Amazon complex would host 50,000 jobs and run 24/7. That means that each shift would approximately 12,500 people, so three times daily, 12,500 people would travel to that site, and 12,500 would leave that site, a total of 75,000 one way trips to or from that building each day. Whether by car, subway or bus, this would require addition subway lines, cars, and staff, additional roadways, widening of existing roadways, and redirecting mass transit lines with additional vehicles being added to handle the increased ridership to this location. Not to mention suppliers for the headquarters, shipping goods to and from the headquarters.

Electrical services to the area would have to be increased to accommodate the additional 12.500 workers using power, water, and internet hubs in the area. It will take years before the city recovers enough in taxes to break even on all of the tax breaks they're giving Amazon. In the meantime, housing prices rise, and the people whose tax dollars were used to build Amazon, are priced out of the neighbourhood they grew up in.
Remember when Trump was saying that he was going to bring a whole bunch of jobs to the US by having FoxConn move one of their factories over here.

Well, I remember them saying it was going to be a big plant, then they said it would be a smaller one, then they said it would be a tech hub.

Only thing is........................FoxConn still hasn't built their factory, and they forced the town to buy up the land for their development, and now, the town has had their credit rating downgraded because of it.

Still feel like you are "winning"? The people at Mount Pleasant where the factory was supposed to be built sure don't.

Town residents claim Trump’s FoxConn factory deal failed them

Kewl, so commies are blaming Trump for the company not living up to their commitments? I wonder how many times a day that happens. LMAO


Trump said that he negotiated a deal with them and that is why they were coming over here. But, sadly, it's still not a done deal, and they are way behind in where they said they would be in both construction and hiring. And yes, that was one of Trump's claimed "victories".

Once again, you can't hold Trump responsible for the actions of the company. If the company isn't living up to their commitment then the State has recourse in civil court..

There is no provision in this "great deal" for penalties if Foxconn fails to perform. Foxconn gets millions of dollars up front from the feds, and from the State of Wisconsin, to assist in building their plant, but they don't have to return any of the tax money they were given if they don't build the plant or deliver the jobs. So no, the state has no recourse at all.

Furthermore, if Trump had done his homework and his due diligence before entering into negotiations with Foxconn, he would have learned that Foxconn has a long history of promising massive investment and jobs, in return for big tax breaks, and then pulling out of the deal, and cutting way back on the jobs which were promised, but keeping the tax money given.

Trump doesn't do homework, or study up on the other side, he just goes with his instincts when he walks in the room. The "Great Negotiator" get snookered again, and the taxpayers in Wisconnsin get stuck paying for it.
Jobs don't get delivered ... you have to actually get out and find one.

Remember when Trump was saying that he was going to bring a whole bunch of jobs to the US by having FoxConn move one of their factories over here.

Well, I remember them saying it was going to be a big plant, then they said it would be a smaller one, then they said it would be a tech hub.

Only thing is........................FoxConn still hasn't built their factory, and they forced the town to buy up the land for their development, and now, the town has had their credit rating downgraded because of it.

Still feel like you are "winning"? The people at Mount Pleasant where the factory was supposed to be built sure don't.

Town residents claim Trump’s FoxConn factory deal failed them

Trump the latest liar of the white house with the long list of outright liars going back to the last five previous administrations.

i smell a merger soon.

Trump's “Incredible” Foxconn Deal Turns Out To Be Another Massive ConJob

FoxConn is famous for this, they always make massive promises and almost never follow through.

You know, when Trump and his minions started to crow about how great the FoxConn deal was going to be, I started to look into what this companies past behavior has been like, and you're right, after I saw how many times they had backed out of deals before, I kinda figured the same thing was gonna happen here.

Sad part about it is, lots of houses were sold and leveled to make room for the building complex, and now it looks like it's not gonna be built. And, not only that, but the local city government has had their credit rating downgraded because of this fiasco.

So then, you need to put a blind eye on it and measure---------->across the country, is it better than, or worse than, it was! The answer is simple, the unemployment rate shows this!

We are a country, not a state. If he delivered MORE THAN, then he is doing well. If he delivered LESS THAN, he failed.

More people have opportunity, that is the most important thing. We can always cherry pick for failures, just as we can also cherry pick for success. It is the over all that matters.

While he could lose the election, Trump has delivered economically. Anyone who disputes that is not living reality, and wants to much free everything!
Remember when Trump was saying that he was going to bring a whole bunch of jobs to the US by having FoxConn move one of their factories over here.

Well, I remember them saying it was going to be a big plant, then they said it would be a smaller one, then they said it would be a tech hub.

Only thing is........................FoxConn still hasn't built their factory, and they forced the town to buy up the land for their development, and now, the town has had their credit rating downgraded because of it.

Still feel like you are "winning"? The people at Mount Pleasant where the factory was supposed to be built sure don't.

Town residents claim Trump’s FoxConn factory deal failed them

Kewl, so commies are blaming Trump for the company not living up to their commitments? I wonder how many times a day that happens. LMAO


Trump said that he negotiated a deal with them and that is why they were coming over here. But, sadly, it's still not a done deal, and they are way behind in where they said they would be in both construction and hiring. And yes, that was one of Trump's claimed "victories".

Once again, you can't hold Trump responsible for the actions of the company. If the company isn't living up to their commitment then the State has recourse in civil court.


I wouldn't be holding Trump accountable if he hadn't crowed about what a great deal he had worked out with FoxConn. I knew the deal would never materialize, because FoxConn has a habit of doing this. However, lots of conservatives said that because Trump had negotiated it, it was a done deal and would be completed on time. But, we now see that it was a huge waste of time and effort as well as money.

Really, where have they done it before?

Remember when Trump was saying that he was going to bring a whole bunch of jobs to the US by having FoxConn move one of their factories over here.

Well, I remember them saying it was going to be a big plant, then they said it would be a smaller one, then they said it would be a tech hub.

Only thing is........................FoxConn still hasn't built their factory, and they forced the town to buy up the land for their development, and now, the town has had their credit rating downgraded because of it.

Still feel like you are "winning"? The people at Mount Pleasant where the factory was supposed to be built sure don't.

Town residents claim Trump’s FoxConn factory deal failed them

Kewl, so commies are blaming Trump for the company not living up to their commitments? I wonder how many times a day that happens. LMAO


Trump said that he negotiated a deal with them and that is why they were coming over here. But, sadly, it's still not a done deal, and they are way behind in where they said they would be in both construction and hiring. And yes, that was one of Trump's claimed "victories".

Once again, you can't hold Trump responsible for the actions of the company. If the company isn't living up to their commitment then the State has recourse in civil court..

There is no provision in this "great deal" for penalties if Foxconn fails to perform. Foxconn gets millions of dollars up front from the feds, and from the State of Wisconsin, to assist in building their plant, but they don't have to return any of the tax money they were given if they don't build the plant or deliver the jobs. So no, the state has no recourse at all.

Furthermore, if Trump had done his homework and his due diligence before entering into negotiations with Foxconn, he would have learned that Foxconn has a long history of promising massive investment and jobs, in return for big tax breaks, and then pulling out of the deal, and cutting way back on the jobs which were promised, but keeping the tax money given.

Trump doesn't do homework, or study up on the other side, he just goes with his instincts when he walks in the room. The "Great Negotiator" get snookered again, and the taxpayers in Wisconnsin get stuck paying for it.

Child, tax breaks aren't given up front, they're spread over a number of years after production begins. If there's no land purchase, building in place and production, there's nothing to give a break on.

Remember when Trump was saying that he was going to bring a whole bunch of jobs to the US by having FoxConn move one of their factories over here.

Well, I remember them saying it was going to be a big plant, then they said it would be a smaller one, then they said it would be a tech hub.

Only thing is........................FoxConn still hasn't built their factory, and they forced the town to buy up the land for their development, and now, the town has had their credit rating downgraded because of it.

Still feel like you are "winning"? The people at Mount Pleasant where the factory was supposed to be built sure don't.

Town residents claim Trump’s FoxConn factory deal failed them

Kewl, so commies are blaming Trump for the company not living up to their commitments? I wonder how many times a day that happens. LMAO


Trump said that he negotiated a deal with them and that is why they were coming over here. But, sadly, it's still not a done deal, and they are way behind in where they said they would be in both construction and hiring. And yes, that was one of Trump's claimed "victories".

Once again, you can't hold Trump responsible for the actions of the company. If the company isn't living up to their commitment then the State has recourse in civil court.


I wouldn't be holding Trump accountable if he hadn't crowed about what a great deal he had worked out with FoxConn. I knew the deal would never materialize, because FoxConn has a habit of doing this. However, lots of conservatives said that because Trump had negotiated it, it was a done deal and would be completed on time. But, we now see that it was a huge waste of time and effort as well as money.

Really, where have they done it before?


The first link is from right after the deal was signed.

Foxconn’s history of broken promises casts a shadow on Wisconsin news

The $4B Broken Promise: Foxconn admits it cannot afford to manufacture LCD screens in Wisconsin | The Milwaukee Independent

Foxconn didn't get the whole $9 billion up front, but they got enough that taxpayers get a royal screwing and nothing in return.
6,000,000 new jobs, 600.000 manufacturing jobs.....promises not kept? Check out what Jeff Sessions gave Toyota to build cars in Alabama...he built their fucking plants for them....then voted against the GM bailout on orders from his Nip pals. When a huge company picks a site, they expect reciprocity...ask AOC about that concerning Amazon...she didn't even know what tax credits are.

AOC knew exactly what tax credits are. .

She did NOT know what tax credits are...she thought the amount sought would be a check written to Amazon...She's a bartender pretending to know things she doesn't and will probably never know....she's an idiot. As to the city facilities used by Amazon, of course the infrastructure and added utilities cost would be excessive at first. But then in year two, three, four....they'd be a push. Year 5 the city starts to see black ink in tax revenue and on into the future, Amazon is not only a cash cow but other companies would ride their coattails into the high tax haven of scum-sucking New Yawk democommies. AOC will lose her seat over chasing off all those jobs and probably be a Times Square hooker by 2022.
They cancelled construction because of the tariffs Trump imposed on China, and the "attacks" on Huawaa. All Chinese investment in the USA, including real estate purchases, business purchases, is being pulled. Soy bean contracts were cancelled. Real estate prices in New York and Los Angeles are already softening.

Hey dumbass......they are a TAIWAN company, not China.
Trump's doing his best but many companies are hesitant to make such moves while the tariff wars are going on.

And the blame for coal miners still being out of work goes to the liberal Dems who fight against loosening the pollution laws. If the Dems would call it quits on that, the coal miners would get their jobs back.
Kewl, so commies are blaming Trump for the company not living up to their commitments? I wonder how many times a day that happens. LMAO


Trump said that he negotiated a deal with them and that is why they were coming over here. But, sadly, it's still not a done deal, and they are way behind in where they said they would be in both construction and hiring. And yes, that was one of Trump's claimed "victories".

Once again, you can't hold Trump responsible for the actions of the company. If the company isn't living up to their commitment then the State has recourse in civil court.


I wouldn't be holding Trump accountable if he hadn't crowed about what a great deal he had worked out with FoxConn. I knew the deal would never materialize, because FoxConn has a habit of doing this. However, lots of conservatives said that because Trump had negotiated it, it was a done deal and would be completed on time. But, we now see that it was a huge waste of time and effort as well as money.

Really, where have they done it before?


The first link is from right after the deal was signed.

Foxconn’s history of broken promises casts a shadow on Wisconsin news

The $4B Broken Promise: Foxconn admits it cannot afford to manufacture LCD screens in Wisconsin | The Milwaukee Independent

Foxconn didn't get the whole $9 billion up front, but they got enough that taxpayers get a royal screwing and nothing in return.

According to your second link Foxcon hasn't gotten any tax breaks to this point because they failed to meet the hiring criteria. There was nothing that said they got a penny up front. So far there are 176 Foxcon employees paying WI taxes.

Trump's doing his best but many companies are hesitant to make such moves while the tariff wars are going on.

And the blame for coal miners still being out of work goes to the liberal Dems who fight against loosening the pollution laws. If the Dems would call it quits on that, the coal miners would get their jobs back.

Coal mining is all but dead. You keep beating that horse. It's dead. Been dead for a couple of decades. Until the companies start investing in alternative uses of coal (not burning it to make electricity) then those mines will stay closed. Only a few have converted to alternative methods and kept their employees working. The others just grabbed the retirement funds and ran along with their bonuses for shutting the joint down. It's not a Dem thing, it's a Capitalist thing which doesn't know a party one way or the other.

I support the tariffs but I don't support Trump. He doesn't go far enough. We need to reward the companies that are in the US in the form of tax breaks, reward the companies that return to the US in the form of tax breaks and then tax the crap out of all the rest that bailed in the last 30 years. If they don't want their lunches eaten, they can return to the US where they belong in the first place. No games by blaming China. It's not China. It's the Corporate Leaders who are actually living in the US enjoying the benefits and security while reaping the income from overseas businesses. I believe that they should either move their companies back to the US while they enjoy living in the US or get the boot out of the US where they lose the advantage and security that we enjoy as Americans.
Remember when Trump was saying that he was going to bring a whole bunch of jobs to the US by having FoxConn move one of their factories over here.

Well, I remember them saying it was going to be a big plant, then they said it would be a smaller one, then they said it would be a tech hub.

Only thing is........................FoxConn still hasn't built their factory, and they forced the town to buy up the land for their development, and now, the town has had their credit rating downgraded because of it.

Still feel like you are "winning"? The people at Mount Pleasant where the factory was supposed to be built sure don't.

Town residents claim Trump’s FoxConn factory deal failed them

You are aware that this thread is a failure right? No one cares when were at full employment, the only way you can get people to work now is get rid of welfare.

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