Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears as Trump Economy Continues to Soar

Wrong. I'll give anybody credit deserving of it. But when you have a guy who's administration didn't allow oil exploration in the US on public lands, virtually kicked out the oil drillers in the Gulf, shut down coal mines, closed electric companies, you have an anti-energy President.

No, you can't name me anything DumBama did for businesses because everything he did was to harm them. Again, the lower fuel prices were because of fracking. That's it in a nutshell. DumBama had absolutely nothing to do with it.

Just a pile of cow dung. With your hatred? I doubt every single post you made about Obama.

Okay let me ask you the same questions I’ve been asking for a long time but Trump lickers keeps avoiding it.

What are Obama’s policies that harm businesses?

Again. I keep repeating this. If you really an honest person. Look at the economy in 2015 and 2016. Do you honestly believe that the economy is this good without 2015 and 2016 investments?

Oh, without a doubt I hate Obama. I never hated a former President more in my life than him. If he fell down a stairway and broke his neck, I couldn't' be happier.

I don't know if you have a selective reading problem, or a serious comprehension problem. So one more time:

The economy picked up in 2015 thanks to the reduction in fuel prices which DumBama had nothing to do with. Quit giving him credit for something he had no control over.

Again just another pile of cow dung. I can say the same with Trump but I will not lower myself to your level of hurting someone.

You keep blabbering about Obama’s policies hurt business. I asked you a question.
You avoided or trying to deflect. Please answer my question.

I'll start on a personal note.

Our company is a same day service where business changes on a dime. It requires us to have rapid and reliable communications as we are on the road driving not able to pull over trucks and big rigs.

This was not a problem before DumBama. We had what was called Nextel two way radios for that purpose. After the Obama administration created regulations that stopped us from communicating, Nextel went out of business, and there hasn't been a reliable service since then to take it's place.

My employer had to buy all new phones equip with bluetooth and buy us all ear pieces for communications. They were nearly impossible to deal with and often times when we had to communicate with other drivers, the ear pieces made that impossible. That could only be done by manually picking up the phone.

It drove my employer crazy because instead of the radio, drivers had to use the bluetooth cell phone service; another expense for my employer, to call shop. In spite of how busy our phones already were to begin with, now the phone was ringing off the hook between customers and drivers.

The fine for a driver caught using a cell phone for first offense is $2,100. If caught communicating with the company, their first time fine is $10,000; all for using a Fn phone or two-way radio.

Now I don't have the time to illustrate each and every business killing policy of that freak, so you can read this instead:

Concerns of energy costs of businesses.

President Obama Keeps His Promise: Electricity Rates Will Skyrocket Because of Carbon Rules

Ridiculous tax increases on America's top job producers, small business.

Obama’s Big Tax Increases on Small Business - AEI

Let me fix my wedgie.

Do me a favor Ray. Please stop posting your personal notes because I don’t believe you anyway. It’s just a waste of my time. You are only doing that to justify your dishonesty.
But let me entertain you.

I am far far more advanced than you or anybody here about cellphone and communication but I will not waste any more of my time than needed.

Nextel is one of the earliest cellphone technology. I also used Nextel because I didn’t have a choice but when new technology came up I scrapped the whole Nextel cellphone program.
Nextel is only good for truck drivers if you are alone in your cabin or construction workers. It’s impossible to use inside the offices,hospitals, labs, groceries etc etc etc. It’s just very irritating to use and people around you.

Sprint took over Nextel. Sprint scrapped Nextel technology. That has NOTHING to do with Obama. NOTHING.
Sprint is a profitable company.
So your post about Nextel is totally disgustingly dishonest.

The rest of your link is totally totally just a pile of cow dung.
So if Obama is that bad..... the way you portrayed it.
Why is the unemployment so low in 2015 and beyond. The economy did not or will not miraculously recover overnight. That is just impossible without the investment of 2014.

If you have invest a truck for delivery today September 2019. You have to compete with the market that exist out there. How long do you think before you will see your profit kicks in? October 2019? A pile of cow dung.

I don't think I would ever invest in a delivery operation because it is cut throat. But as to Nextel. They discontinued service because delivery companies had to get rid of them thanks to the cell phone regulations under DumBama. If you don't believe me, look it up yourself. Or read this link and take note of the article date.

Interstate truck drivers face cellphone ban on Jan. 3

Yes, Sprint bought out Nextel and destroyed the service. It's what we have today, and last week, it became impossible to use. Sprint was nowhere near the perfection that Nextel was, and it's been nothing but problems since they bought the company. We even went to Verison for a year, and same problems. Nobody had a service like Nextel and based on my experience, I doubt there will ever be one.

You asked how businesses were affected, and I gave you a personal example, and I'm sure others can as well. And what investment in 2014 are you talking about?

Now, to your problem. You are a liberal, as such, your mind blocks out things you don't wish to see. Truth to a liberal is like a cross to Dracula. That's why when I post the truth, you pretend you never seen it. But again, for the fourth time: The economy improved in 2015 because of lower fuel prices. Now you probably won't see what I wrote because you didn't the last several times, but you will see this. So I suggest you get somebody to read this post, and let them explain it to you and try not to black out while it's being explained.
Wrong. I'll give anybody credit deserving of it. But when you have a guy who's administration didn't allow oil exploration in the US on public lands, virtually kicked out the oil drillers in the Gulf, shut down coal mines, closed electric companies, you have an anti-energy President.

No, you can't name me anything DumBama did for businesses because everything he did was to harm them. Again, the lower fuel prices were because of fracking. That's it in a nutshell. DumBama had absolutely nothing to do with it.

Just a pile of cow dung. With your hatred? I doubt every single post you made about Obama.

Okay let me ask you the same questions I’ve been asking for a long time but Trump lickers keeps avoiding it.

What are Obama’s policies that harm businesses?

Again. I keep repeating this. If you really an honest person. Look at the economy in 2015 and 2016. Do you honestly believe that the economy is this good without 2015 and 2016 investments?

Oh, without a doubt I hate Obama. I never hated a former President more in my life than him. If he fell down a stairway and broke his neck, I couldn't' be happier.

I don't know if you have a selective reading problem, or a serious comprehension problem. So one more time:

The economy picked up in 2015 thanks to the reduction in fuel prices which DumBama had nothing to do with. Quit giving him credit for something he had no control over.

Again just another pile of cow dung. I can say the same with Trump but I will not lower myself to your level of hurting someone.

You keep blabbering about Obama’s policies hurt business. I asked you a question.
You avoided or trying to deflect. Please answer my question.

I'll start on a personal note.

Our company is a same day service where business changes on a dime. It requires us to have rapid and reliable communications as we are on the road driving not able to pull over trucks and big rigs.

This was not a problem before DumBama. We had what was called Nextel two way radios for that purpose. After the Obama administration created regulations that stopped us from communicating, Nextel went out of business, and there hasn't been a reliable service since then to take it's place.

My employer had to buy all new phones equip with bluetooth and buy us all ear pieces for communications. They were nearly impossible to deal with and often times when we had to communicate with other drivers, the ear pieces made that impossible. That could only be done by manually picking up the phone.

It drove my employer crazy because instead of the radio, drivers had to use the bluetooth cell phone service; another expense for my employer, to call shop. In spite of how busy our phones already were to begin with, now the phone was ringing off the hook between customers and drivers.

The fine for a driver caught using a cell phone for first offense is $2,100. If caught communicating with the company, their first time fine is $10,000; all for using a Fn phone or two-way radio.

Now I don't have the time to illustrate each and every business killing policy of that freak, so you can read this instead:

Concerns of energy costs of businesses.

President Obama Keeps His Promise: Electricity Rates Will Skyrocket Because of Carbon Rules

Ridiculous tax increases on America's top job producers, small business.

Obama’s Big Tax Increases on Small Business - AEI

And if your link are accurate. The way you portrayed it. Then economy should be in recession in 2015 and beyond. Don’t you think?

No, what my links explain is how the economy improved in spite of Obama, not because of him. Again, DumBama was the most anti-business President of our lifetime. Nearly everything he did was a problem for businesses, not an asset.
Just a pile of cow dung. With your hatred? I doubt every single post you made about Obama.

Okay let me ask you the same questions I’ve been asking for a long time but Trump lickers keeps avoiding it.

What are Obama’s policies that harm businesses?

Again. I keep repeating this. If you really an honest person. Look at the economy in 2015 and 2016. Do you honestly believe that the economy is this good without 2015 and 2016 investments?

Oh, without a doubt I hate Obama. I never hated a former President more in my life than him. If he fell down a stairway and broke his neck, I couldn't' be happier.

I don't know if you have a selective reading problem, or a serious comprehension problem. So one more time:

The economy picked up in 2015 thanks to the reduction in fuel prices which DumBama had nothing to do with. Quit giving him credit for something he had no control over.

Again just another pile of cow dung. I can say the same with Trump but I will not lower myself to your level of hurting someone.

You keep blabbering about Obama’s policies hurt business. I asked you a question.
You avoided or trying to deflect. Please answer my question.

I'll start on a personal note.

Our company is a same day service where business changes on a dime. It requires us to have rapid and reliable communications as we are on the road driving not able to pull over trucks and big rigs.

This was not a problem before DumBama. We had what was called Nextel two way radios for that purpose. After the Obama administration created regulations that stopped us from communicating, Nextel went out of business, and there hasn't been a reliable service since then to take it's place.

My employer had to buy all new phones equip with bluetooth and buy us all ear pieces for communications. They were nearly impossible to deal with and often times when we had to communicate with other drivers, the ear pieces made that impossible. That could only be done by manually picking up the phone.

It drove my employer crazy because instead of the radio, drivers had to use the bluetooth cell phone service; another expense for my employer, to call shop. In spite of how busy our phones already were to begin with, now the phone was ringing off the hook between customers and drivers.

The fine for a driver caught using a cell phone for first offense is $2,100. If caught communicating with the company, their first time fine is $10,000; all for using a Fn phone or two-way radio.

Now I don't have the time to illustrate each and every business killing policy of that freak, so you can read this instead:

Concerns of energy costs of businesses.

President Obama Keeps His Promise: Electricity Rates Will Skyrocket Because of Carbon Rules

Ridiculous tax increases on America's top job producers, small business.

Obama’s Big Tax Increases on Small Business - AEI

Let me fix my wedgie.

Do me a favor Ray. Please stop posting your personal notes because I don’t believe you anyway. It’s just a waste of my time. You are only doing that to justify your dishonesty.
But let me entertain you.

I am far far more advanced than you or anybody here about cellphone and communication but I will not waste any more of my time than needed.

Nextel is one of the earliest cellphone technology. I also used Nextel because I didn’t have a choice but when new technology came up I scrapped the whole Nextel cellphone program.
Nextel is only good for truck drivers if you are alone in your cabin or construction workers. It’s impossible to use inside the offices,hospitals, labs, groceries etc etc etc. It’s just very irritating to use and people around you.

Sprint took over Nextel. Sprint scrapped Nextel technology. That has NOTHING to do with Obama. NOTHING.
Sprint is a profitable company.
So your post about Nextel is totally disgustingly dishonest.

The rest of your link is totally totally just a pile of cow dung.
So if Obama is that bad..... the way you portrayed it.
Why is the unemployment so low in 2015 and beyond. The economy did not or will not miraculously recover overnight. That is just impossible without the investment of 2014.

If you have invest a truck for delivery today September 2019. You have to compete with the market that exist out there. How long do you think before you will see your profit kicks in? October 2019? A pile of cow dung.

I don't think I would ever invest in a delivery operation because it is cut throat. But as to Nextel. They discontinued service because delivery companies had to get rid of them thanks to the cell phone regulations under DumBama. If you don't believe me, look it up yourself. Or read this link and take note of the article date.

Interstate truck drivers face cellphone ban on Jan. 3

Yes, Sprint bought out Nextel and destroyed the service. It's what we have today, and last week, it became impossible to use. Sprint was nowhere near the perfection that Nextel was, and it's been nothing but problems since they bought the company. We even went to Verison for a year, and same problems. Nobody had a service like Nextel and based on my experience, I doubt there will ever be one.

You asked how businesses were affected, and I gave you a personal example, and I'm sure others can as well. And what investment in 2014 are you talking about?

Now, to your problem. You are a liberal, as such, your mind blocks out things you don't wish to see. Truth to a liberal is like a cross to Dracula. That's why when I post the truth, you pretend you never seen it. But again, for the fourth time: The economy improved in 2015 because of lower fuel prices. Now you probably won't see what I wrote because you didn't the last several times, but you will see this. So I suggest you get somebody to read this post, and let them explain it to you and try not to black out while it's being explained.

I gave you an example about investments because profits does not come in overnight or next week. That’s a fact. The same with Trump when he took over. That’s a fact. Not because of fucking Trump.

Nextel will not survive in the current market of communication. That’s a fact. You are an old guy try to hang on to old technology. It’s impossible for people like me to use. It’s only good for truck drivers like you alone in your cabin. That has NOTHING to do with Obama.

You are shooting your own foot. If I use your excuses or blame Obama about cellphone business ...... Look how good is the current cellphone technology and business. Cellphone carriers and manufacturers are booming. It’s awesome. Good job Obama. That is why I keep saying it’s Obama’s economy.

Mind block? It’s you who is applying mind block of Obama’s contributions to booming economy. With your hatred it makes you blind and deaf. And what truth you posted?
Just a pile of cow dung. With your hatred? I doubt every single post you made about Obama.

Okay let me ask you the same questions I’ve been asking for a long time but Trump lickers keeps avoiding it.

What are Obama’s policies that harm businesses?

Again. I keep repeating this. If you really an honest person. Look at the economy in 2015 and 2016. Do you honestly believe that the economy is this good without 2015 and 2016 investments?

Oh, without a doubt I hate Obama. I never hated a former President more in my life than him. If he fell down a stairway and broke his neck, I couldn't' be happier.

I don't know if you have a selective reading problem, or a serious comprehension problem. So one more time:

The economy picked up in 2015 thanks to the reduction in fuel prices which DumBama had nothing to do with. Quit giving him credit for something he had no control over.

Again just another pile of cow dung. I can say the same with Trump but I will not lower myself to your level of hurting someone.

You keep blabbering about Obama’s policies hurt business. I asked you a question.
You avoided or trying to deflect. Please answer my question.

I'll start on a personal note.

Our company is a same day service where business changes on a dime. It requires us to have rapid and reliable communications as we are on the road driving not able to pull over trucks and big rigs.

This was not a problem before DumBama. We had what was called Nextel two way radios for that purpose. After the Obama administration created regulations that stopped us from communicating, Nextel went out of business, and there hasn't been a reliable service since then to take it's place.

My employer had to buy all new phones equip with bluetooth and buy us all ear pieces for communications. They were nearly impossible to deal with and often times when we had to communicate with other drivers, the ear pieces made that impossible. That could only be done by manually picking up the phone.

It drove my employer crazy because instead of the radio, drivers had to use the bluetooth cell phone service; another expense for my employer, to call shop. In spite of how busy our phones already were to begin with, now the phone was ringing off the hook between customers and drivers.

The fine for a driver caught using a cell phone for first offense is $2,100. If caught communicating with the company, their first time fine is $10,000; all for using a Fn phone or two-way radio.

Now I don't have the time to illustrate each and every business killing policy of that freak, so you can read this instead:

Concerns of energy costs of businesses.

President Obama Keeps His Promise: Electricity Rates Will Skyrocket Because of Carbon Rules

Ridiculous tax increases on America's top job producers, small business.

Obama’s Big Tax Increases on Small Business - AEI

And if your link are accurate. The way you portrayed it. Then economy should be in recession in 2015 and beyond. Don’t you think?

No, what my links explain is how the economy improved in spite of Obama, not because of him. Again, DumBama was the most anti-business President of our lifetime. Nearly everything he did was a problem for businesses, not an asset.

With your hatred I don’t believe anything you say about Obama.

So I keep repeating. If Obama is that bad the way you portrayed it or the way you lie..... Then we should be in recession January 20, 2017. Don’t you think? But it’s not. .... That is why I keep telling you investments does not come in the next day.
Rick Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears as Trump Economy Continues to Soar
Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears

There were fewer people unemployed in America in August 2019 than there were in August 1975 when we were just shy of 69 million fewer people in the economy.

ME: Trump keeps winning and America is better for it every time. Who can deny that Trump is the greatest president ever. Only a fool would try
Lol fewer jobs are being added in the Trump economy than Obama’s. Obama presided over the longest stretch of job growth and for most years added more than 100,000 jobs per month.
I asked you if the link is inaccurate.

You posted something different. So you are lying.

As Paul Harvey would say, I gave you the "Rest Of The Story".


Making stupid comments such as you do negates any response. Grow up.
Oh, without a doubt I hate Obama. I never hated a former President more in my life than him. If he fell down a stairway and broke his neck, I couldn't' be happier.

I don't know if you have a selective reading problem, or a serious comprehension problem. So one more time:

The economy picked up in 2015 thanks to the reduction in fuel prices which DumBama had nothing to do with. Quit giving him credit for something he had no control over.

Again just another pile of cow dung. I can say the same with Trump but I will not lower myself to your level of hurting someone.

You keep blabbering about Obama’s policies hurt business. I asked you a question.
You avoided or trying to deflect. Please answer my question.

I'll start on a personal note.

Our company is a same day service where business changes on a dime. It requires us to have rapid and reliable communications as we are on the road driving not able to pull over trucks and big rigs.

This was not a problem before DumBama. We had what was called Nextel two way radios for that purpose. After the Obama administration created regulations that stopped us from communicating, Nextel went out of business, and there hasn't been a reliable service since then to take it's place.

My employer had to buy all new phones equip with bluetooth and buy us all ear pieces for communications. They were nearly impossible to deal with and often times when we had to communicate with other drivers, the ear pieces made that impossible. That could only be done by manually picking up the phone.

It drove my employer crazy because instead of the radio, drivers had to use the bluetooth cell phone service; another expense for my employer, to call shop. In spite of how busy our phones already were to begin with, now the phone was ringing off the hook between customers and drivers.

The fine for a driver caught using a cell phone for first offense is $2,100. If caught communicating with the company, their first time fine is $10,000; all for using a Fn phone or two-way radio.

Now I don't have the time to illustrate each and every business killing policy of that freak, so you can read this instead:

Concerns of energy costs of businesses.

President Obama Keeps His Promise: Electricity Rates Will Skyrocket Because of Carbon Rules

Ridiculous tax increases on America's top job producers, small business.

Obama’s Big Tax Increases on Small Business - AEI

Let me fix my wedgie.

Do me a favor Ray. Please stop posting your personal notes because I don’t believe you anyway. It’s just a waste of my time. You are only doing that to justify your dishonesty.
But let me entertain you.

I am far far more advanced than you or anybody here about cellphone and communication but I will not waste any more of my time than needed.

Nextel is one of the earliest cellphone technology. I also used Nextel because I didn’t have a choice but when new technology came up I scrapped the whole Nextel cellphone program.
Nextel is only good for truck drivers if you are alone in your cabin or construction workers. It’s impossible to use inside the offices,hospitals, labs, groceries etc etc etc. It’s just very irritating to use and people around you.

Sprint took over Nextel. Sprint scrapped Nextel technology. That has NOTHING to do with Obama. NOTHING.
Sprint is a profitable company.
So your post about Nextel is totally disgustingly dishonest.

The rest of your link is totally totally just a pile of cow dung.
So if Obama is that bad..... the way you portrayed it.
Why is the unemployment so low in 2015 and beyond. The economy did not or will not miraculously recover overnight. That is just impossible without the investment of 2014.

If you have invest a truck for delivery today September 2019. You have to compete with the market that exist out there. How long do you think before you will see your profit kicks in? October 2019? A pile of cow dung.

I don't think I would ever invest in a delivery operation because it is cut throat. But as to Nextel. They discontinued service because delivery companies had to get rid of them thanks to the cell phone regulations under DumBama. If you don't believe me, look it up yourself. Or read this link and take note of the article date.

Interstate truck drivers face cellphone ban on Jan. 3

Yes, Sprint bought out Nextel and destroyed the service. It's what we have today, and last week, it became impossible to use. Sprint was nowhere near the perfection that Nextel was, and it's been nothing but problems since they bought the company. We even went to Verison for a year, and same problems. Nobody had a service like Nextel and based on my experience, I doubt there will ever be one.

You asked how businesses were affected, and I gave you a personal example, and I'm sure others can as well. And what investment in 2014 are you talking about?

Now, to your problem. You are a liberal, as such, your mind blocks out things you don't wish to see. Truth to a liberal is like a cross to Dracula. That's why when I post the truth, you pretend you never seen it. But again, for the fourth time: The economy improved in 2015 because of lower fuel prices. Now you probably won't see what I wrote because you didn't the last several times, but you will see this. So I suggest you get somebody to read this post, and let them explain it to you and try not to black out while it's being explained.

I gave you an example about investments because profits does not come in overnight or next week. That’s a fact. The same with Trump when he took over. That’s a fact. Not because of fucking Trump.

Nextel will not survive in the current market of communication. That’s a fact. You are an old guy try to hang on to old technology. It’s impossible for people like me to use. It’s only good for truck drivers like you alone in your cabin. That has NOTHING to do with Obama.

You are shooting your own foot. If I use your excuses or blame Obama about cellphone business ...... Look how good is the current cellphone technology and business. Cellphone carriers and manufacturers are booming. It’s awesome. Good job Obama. That is why I keep saying it’s Obama’s economy.

Mind block? It’s you who is applying mind block of Obama’s contributions to booming economy. With your hatred it makes you blind and deaf. And what truth you posted?

Obama's contributions to the economy, yet you cannot site one.

Yes, Obama has everything to do with Nextel because after the new regulations began, that's when Nextel got out of business. How can you ignore cause and effect? Are you saying it was coincidence that Nextel went out of business after the new regulations kicked in; it was just dumb luck? Without those regulations, Nextel would still be in bushiness today because trucking is a huge industry. Just because it didn't meet your needs doesn't mean it didn't meet others. As for standard cell phone usage, DumBama had nothing to do with that either. It was all market driven and still is.

Now if you're talking about GM investments and not Obama's investment into the economy, GM does not control the economy; just one small sector.
You're kidding, right? He saved the auto industry, that's hundreds of thousands of jobs, he bailed out the banks (which I hate, but things would have been worse if he hadn't), he first supported and them renominated bernanke, and so on. You kids seem to forget the shape things were in when he took over. A republican administration handed him an economic disaster, markets in a free fall, hemorrhaging jobs, failing financial institutions, the worst situation since the great depression in the 1930s.

No, failed former President Barack Hussein Obama did NOT save GM and Chrysler. Obama saved the AUTO UNIONS.

Had President Obama NOT bailed out the auto unions as he did, how many fewer new cars do you believe would have been sold in the United States?

There is so much wrong with that I don't know where to start.

So tell us.

Had President Obama NOT bailed out the auto unions as he did, how many fewer new cars do you believe would have been sold in the United States?

Come on Progressive, tell us! No guts, no glory!

Had President Obama.not bailed out the American auto industry most of those cars you're so proud of would have been European or Asian. And Ford couldn't have stood alone. Without the other two of the "big three" the supply chain wouldn't have been there.


Had GM and Chrysler gone through the usual bankruptcy process, GM would either have been bought for a discounted price or, more likely, it would have been sold off into several companies. Several brands splitting off into separate companies. That would have meant new, fresh, management replacing the failed old management who are still in charge.

GM would have continued producing cars as maybe three different companies. Neither more or fewer cars being produced.

Chrysler is now an Italian owned company so they are not part of any "BIG THREE".

As you know, failed former President Barack Hussein Obama rescued the auto unions, nothing else.
You're kidding, right? He saved the auto industry, that's hundreds of thousands of jobs, he bailed out the banks (which I hate, but things would have been worse if he hadn't), he first supported and them renominated bernanke, and so on. You kids seem to forget the shape things were in when he took over. A republican administration handed him an economic disaster, markets in a free fall, hemorrhaging jobs, failing financial institutions, the worst situation since the great depression in the 1930s.

No, failed former President Barack Hussein Obama did NOT save GM and Chrysler. Obama saved the AUTO UNIONS.

Had President Obama NOT bailed out the auto unions as he did, how many fewer new cars do you believe would have been sold in the United States?

There is so much wrong with that I don't know where to start.

So tell us.

Had President Obama NOT bailed out the auto unions as he did, how many fewer new cars do you believe would have been sold in the United States?

Come on Progressive, tell us! No guts, no glory!

Had President Obama.not bailed out the American auto industry most of those cars you're so proud of would have been European or Asian. And Ford couldn't have stood alone. Without the other two of the "big three" the supply chain wouldn't have been there.


Had GM and Chrysler gone through the usual bankruptcy process, GM would either have been bought for a discounted price or, more likely, it would have been sold off into several companies. Several brands splitting off into separate companies. That would have meant new, fresh, management replacing the failed old management who are still in charge.

GM would have continued producing cars as maybe three different companies. Neither more or fewer cars being produced.

Chrysler is now an Italian owned company so they are not part of any "BIG THREE".

As you know, failed former President Barack Hussein Obama rescued the auto unions, nothing else.
Unlikely. What probably would have happened would be asset stripping and liquidation without government assistance.
Okay I got it. Trump keeps them to find out who they are. Seeing if they are criminals. Obama just let them go? Okay, got it.

Most of these folks aren't criminals. There's no reason to hold them except... racism.

Guy, this is something we will be apologizing to future generations for. Kind of like the Germans are still apologizing for WWII.
Fed chairman says you’re an idiot
tRump's hand picked fed chairman that he now twits about so negatively? Does anyone care what he thinks?
Watch what they actually DO. They've already cut 25bps, and markets are screaming for 50pbs more.
Which we really should save for a later date.
Yeah, that would have been nice. I'm sure the Fed would have liked to be sitting at, at least, 4.0% on the funds rate, but this "soaring" economy needs help.

Hopefully 50bps will be enough. A good deal with China would be better.
If we were at 4.0 we'd have somewhere to go, more bullets in the gun. The rate should have been increasing for the last few years of the Obama administration as well as the first part of tRump's.
Yeah, the Fed was really maniacal there, especially under Yellen, signaling it was going to keep raising, but it couldn't.

So now it has limited firepower to deal with our softening "soaring" economy.
Okay I got it. Trump keeps them to find out who they are. Seeing if they are criminals. Obama just let them go? Okay, got it.

Most of these folks aren't criminals. There's no reason to hold them except... racism.

Guy, this is something we will be apologizing to future generations for. Kind of like the Germans are still apologizing for WWII.
As usual tards play the race card after losing an argument.

So what would you do if a group of people broke into your house?
Okay I got it. Trump keeps them to find out who they are. Seeing if they are criminals. Obama just let them go? Okay, got it.

Most of these folks aren't criminals. There's no reason to hold them except... racism.

Guy, this is something we will be apologizing to future generations for. Kind of like the Germans are still apologizing for WWII.
You have no idea who is a criminal or isn't.
Okay I got it. Trump keeps them to find out who they are. Seeing if they are criminals. Obama just let them go? Okay, got it.

Most of these folks aren't criminals. There's no reason to hold them except... racism.

Guy, this is something we will be apologizing to future generations for. Kind of like the Germans are still apologizing for WWII.
As usual tards play the race card after losing an argument.

So what would you do if a group of people broke into your house?
They don't care if they are criminals. They want them here to vote for them. The funny part is over 50% of them support Trump.
Okay I got it. Trump keeps them to find out who they are. Seeing if they are criminals. Obama just let them go? Okay, got it.

Most of these folks aren't criminals. There's no reason to hold them except... racism.

Guy, this is something we will be apologizing to future generations for. Kind of like the Germans are still apologizing for WWII.

You are comparing a world war to not letting people just drift into our country at will? We don't owe anybody an apology. This country is not a dumping ground for the worlds vagrants. If anything, they should be apologizing to us for the billions we need to spend on them.

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