Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears as Trump Economy Continues to Soar

What is his disagreement, precisely?

Or is this something you got from Breitbart?

Be specific, please.
that there's anything wrong with the economy.

Link, please.
I just posted it.
Funny. Show me precisely where Powell says there's nothing wrong with the economy.

Back up your words. Let's go. Show me.
post #147, here let me repost it here.

QUOTE="jc456, post: 23070708, member: 46512"]
the right wing is literally, incredible but want to be taken seriously anyway.
I've thought about visiting the hardcore Trumpster websites to see how they discuss economics, but I don't think I want to see it.

I see enough of it here, and that's disturbing enough.
Fed chairman says you’re an idiot
Fed's Powell signals a possible rate cut, even as he dismisses recession fears - CNN

"Washington (CNN Business)Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell on Friday repeated his pledge to do whatever it takes to keep the US economy growing and waved off fears of an imminent recession despite "significant risks" from uncertainty around trade.

"We are not forecasting or expecting a recession," said Powell during a discussion with Chairman of the Swiss National Bank, Thomas Jordan, in Zurich."
So in your mind, that means he's saying there's nothing wrong.

Yet they're dropping rates. Yet he pointed out that the lack of inflation and the trade mess. If we're not actually IN a recession, there's nothing wrong.

Okay. You're just too ignorant for this. I'll trust my 20 years in the industry, you trust Breitbart & Hannity.
that there's anything wrong with the economy.

Link, please.
I just posted it.
Funny. Show me precisely where Powell says there's nothing wrong with the economy.

Back up your words. Let's go. Show me.
post #147, here let me repost it here.

QUOTE="jc456, post: 23070708, member: 46512"]
the right wing is literally, incredible but want to be taken seriously anyway.
I've thought about visiting the hardcore Trumpster websites to see how they discuss economics, but I don't think I want to see it.

I see enough of it here, and that's disturbing enough.
Fed chairman says you’re an idiot
Fed's Powell signals a possible rate cut, even as he dismisses recession fears - CNN

"Washington (CNN Business)Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell on Friday repeated his pledge to do whatever it takes to keep the US economy growing and waved off fears of an imminent recession despite "significant risks" from uncertainty around trade.

"We are not forecasting or expecting a recession," said Powell during a discussion with Chairman of the Swiss National Bank, Thomas Jordan, in Zurich."
So in your mind, that means he's saying there's nothing wrong.

Yet they're dropping rates. Yet he pointed out that the lack of inflation and the trade mess. If we're not actually IN a recession, there's nothing wrong.

Okay. You're just too ignorant for this. I'll trust my 20 years in the industry, you trust Breitbart & Hannity.
dropping rates is what is done in de-inflation times. And is what is done in a strong economy.
the right wing is literally, incredible but want to be taken seriously anyway.
I've thought about visiting the hardcore Trumpster websites to see how they discuss economics, but I don't think I want to see it.

I see enough of it here, and that's disturbing enough.
Fed chairman says you’re an idiot
tRump's hand picked fed chairman that he now twits about so negatively? Does anyone care what he thinks?
Watch what they actually DO. They've already cut 25bps, and markets are screaming for 50pbs more.
If by "Great" you mean an ignorant socialist Kenyan piece of shit then I agree. Trump has put America back to work and fixed what Obama broke. Lowest unemployment in 50 years!
Go back to Fantasyland,

The Great Obama passed Obamacare, stopped a Depression and killed bin Laden

Trump uses a Sharpie

Ocare is worthelss, didnt stop a depression but did get obl.

the right wing is even more worthless for having nothing but repeal instead of better solutions at lower cost.

and, all that Debt went to end the Recession not merely help the Richest get Richer.

I don't want any of the govts solutions. D or R.

not even our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror?

Those are disasters.

When you're at the bottom, the only way you can go is up. When you're at the top, the only way to go is down. Trump is fighting the downward resistance. It's a hell of a lot easier to create jobs when you're at the bottom than at the top.

That's besides the fact it's less the amount of jobs than the quality of jobs. Low paying jobs doesn't have a dramatic effect on our economy as we all seen during the DumBama administration. Today, business and consumer confidence hasn't been this high in many years. Small business confidence also broke a new record. Under Trump, we hit a new high in median family income.
Terri4Trump said that Trump is the greatest jobs president ever.
At 59,000 fewer jobs per month?

Youre talking about consumer confidence, but its biggest drop since 2012.
What do you expect when the trade war deepens?

And it's still at it's highest level in over 10 years. That's besides the fact that much like the stock market, it's a knee jerk reaction which is always temporary.

Our only real trade war is with China who's economy is going in the toilet right now. If it were an easy fight, it would have been done long ago. But only Trump is willing to stick his reputation on the block to solve a long standing problem with our trade. The others didn't have the balls to do it.

Didn't you know, trade wars are easy to win. You should try and keep up with the things your god tells you

I don't recall Trump ever say it was easy although he's had cooperation from other countries.

Watch the first video...

Trump: "Trade wars are good, and easy to win"

Link, please.
I just posted it.
Funny. Show me precisely where Powell says there's nothing wrong with the economy.

Back up your words. Let's go. Show me.
post #147, here let me repost it here.

QUOTE="jc456, post: 23070708, member: 46512"]
I've thought about visiting the hardcore Trumpster websites to see how they discuss economics, but I don't think I want to see it.

I see enough of it here, and that's disturbing enough.
Fed chairman says you’re an idiot
Fed's Powell signals a possible rate cut, even as he dismisses recession fears - CNN

"Washington (CNN Business)Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell on Friday repeated his pledge to do whatever it takes to keep the US economy growing and waved off fears of an imminent recession despite "significant risks" from uncertainty around trade.

"We are not forecasting or expecting a recession," said Powell during a discussion with Chairman of the Swiss National Bank, Thomas Jordan, in Zurich."
So in your mind, that means he's saying there's nothing wrong.

Yet they're dropping rates. Yet he pointed out that the lack of inflation and the trade mess. If we're not actually IN a recession, there's nothing wrong.

Okay. You're just too ignorant for this. I'll trust my 20 years in the industry, you trust Breitbart & Hannity.
dropping rates is what is done in de-inflation times. And is what is done in a strong economy.
or, to prop up the stock market in a weak economy.
What part of Trump is using the same procedures as Obama did?

Obama kept them for days.. Trump has kept them for months.

That's the difference.
Okay I got it. Trump keeps them to find out who they are. Seeing if they are criminals. Obama just let them go? Okay, got it.

That is not true. Why do you trump followers always lie to prove your point?

How the hell can you tell an illegal aliens has a criminal record?

Trump is only doing that as a deterrent to discourage them from coming to US border. But It’s not working they are still coming.
What part of Trump is using the same procedures as Obama did?

Obama kept them for days.. Trump has kept them for months.

That's the difference.
Okay I got it. Trump keeps them to find out who they are. Seeing if they are criminals. Obama just let them go? Okay, got it.

That is not true. Why do you trump followers always lie to prove your point?

How the hell can you tell an illegal aliens has a criminal record?

Trump is only doing that as a deterrent to discourage them from coming to US border. But It’s not working they are still coming.
It’s called vetting.
What part of Trump is using the same procedures as Obama did?

Obama kept them for days.. Trump has kept them for months.

That's the difference.
Okay I got it. Trump keeps them to find out who they are. Seeing if they are criminals. Obama just let them go? Okay, got it.

That is not true. Why do you trump followers always lie to prove your point?

How the hell can you tell an illegal aliens has a criminal record?

Trump is only doing that as a deterrent to discourage them from coming to US border. But It’s not working they are still coming.
It’s called vetting.
Ellis Island could process thousands every day so we don't have a problem on our southern border.
What part of Trump is using the same procedures as Obama did?

Obama kept them for days.. Trump has kept them for months.

That's the difference.
Okay I got it. Trump keeps them to find out who they are. Seeing if they are criminals. Obama just let them go? Okay, got it.

That is not true. Why do you trump followers always lie to prove your point?

How the hell can you tell an illegal aliens has a criminal record?

Trump is only doing that as a deterrent to discourage them from coming to US border. But It’s not working they are still coming.
You can find out if they are gang members. If they have criminal records, or if they have already been deported. Ole Joe, admits Obama just let them go. With his support.
Rick Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears as Trump Economy Continues to Soar
Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears

There were fewer people unemployed in America in August 2019 than there were in August 1975 when we were just shy of 69 million fewer people in the economy.

ME: Trump keeps winning and America is better for it every time. Who can deny that Trump is the greatest president ever. Only a fool would try

Trump said he would be the greatest jobs president ever, and he is. Sorry Lefties. Your socialist Kenyan baby-killing pig is nowhere near the man Trump is
Trump is falling short nearly a million jobs compared to Obama.

Trump Is Now Creating 59,000 Fewer Jobs A Month Than Obama
Hard to equate the Trump economy to that of the Great Obama

Obama gave Trump a solid economy. Trump is doing what he can to mess it up

There was no Obama economy. The big-eared commie didn't do one positive thing for our businesses that are the real people responsible for job creation.

Another dishonest post.

All you have to do is look at the unemployment in 2015 and 2016. Then spilled over in 2017. This is not Trump economy.,
Americans are not giving him the credits by looking at his popularity. With this economy he should be at minimum 60%.

If Obama did a bad a job as you portrayed all the time and the bad regulations that you keep blabbering bull crap.
Do you honestly believe that the economy miraculously turn around in January 20. 2017?
What part of Trump is using the same procedures as Obama did?

Obama kept them for days.. Trump has kept them for months.

That's the difference.
Okay I got it. Trump keeps them to find out who they are. Seeing if they are criminals. Obama just let them go? Okay, got it.

That is not true. Why do you trump followers always lie to prove your point?

How the hell can you tell an illegal aliens has a criminal record?

Trump is only doing that as a deterrent to discourage them from coming to US border. But It’s not working they are still coming.
It’s called vetting.

And it’s not working. Illegals are still pouring.
What part of Trump is using the same procedures as Obama did?

Obama kept them for days.. Trump has kept them for months.

That's the difference.
Okay I got it. Trump keeps them to find out who they are. Seeing if they are criminals. Obama just let them go? Okay, got it.

That is not true. Why do you trump followers always lie to prove your point?

How the hell can you tell an illegal aliens has a criminal record?

Trump is only doing that as a deterrent to discourage them from coming to US border. But It’s not working they are still coming.
You can find out if they are gang members. If they have criminal records, or if they have already been deported. Ole Joe, admits Obama just let them go. With his support.

Dude it doesn’t take long to find that out. But not months including toddlers.
Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears as Trump Economy Continues to Soar

so much for Mexicans stealing all the jobs.

Real economic growth fueled by tax cuts and less government regulation confuses the left.

Because it never works out that way.

Let's look at what the tax cuts did. Did they invest in new equipment and factories? Nope. They used that tax cut to buy back stocks.

We sure could. And we could provide room service, a wet bar and cable television. That's what will discourage more people from coming here????

We could crucify children at the Southern Border, and they'd still take a chance at coming here...

the problem is, many of Trump's followers would be happy to do that, after three years of him stirring up hate.

Then when some nut starts shooting Mexicans in a shopping mall, they all act like, "that wasn't us... that's not us at all"... like naughty children who ate too much candy.

The fact is Trump's GDP blows Obama's away Trump made Obama look like the amateur that he is.
Numbers don't lie son, you shouldn't either.

Oh God the irony, read it and weep libtard. Gross Domestic Product | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
What exactly do you think that proves? Obama hit 5% a couple of times, by your logic he wins.

This is where I ask you what specific Obama policies boosted GDP and you shit yourself.
The pictures that started this whole thing were during Obama's term. So yes, it was happening under Obama. So you gonna admit Obama sucked as you say Trump does?

I think it's a matter of bredth, not picture.

Obama locked up some unaccompanied minors for a few days until they found people to take them, because they didn't have a policy in place.

Trump is locking up whole families for months in inhumane conditions to specifically terrify people out of trying to get here.

I'm sorry you are so morally bankrupt you can't see the difference.

It doesn't bother trump at all. His kind have no conscious....
The pictures that started this whole thing were during Obama's term. So yes, it was happening under Obama. So you gonna admit Obama sucked as you say Trump does?

I think it's a matter of bredth, not picture.

Obama locked up some unaccompanied minors for a few days until they found people to take them, because they didn't have a policy in place.

Trump is locking up whole families for months in inhumane conditions to specifically terrify people out of trying to get here.

I'm sorry you are so morally bankrupt you can't see the difference.
What part of Trump is using the same procedures as Obama did?View attachment 277910

I bet they have tooth brushes....
Rick Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears as Trump Economy Continues to Soar
Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears

There were fewer people unemployed in America in August 2019 than there were in August 1975 when we were just shy of 69 million fewer people in the economy.

ME: Trump keeps winning and America is better for it every time. Who can deny that Trump is the greatest president ever. Only a fool would try
The jobs report sucked.
Because it never works out that way.

Let's look at what the tax cuts did. Did they invest in new equipment and factories? Nope. They used that tax cut to buy back stocks.

We could crucify children at the Southern Border, and they'd still take a chance at coming here...

the problem is, many of Trump's followers would be happy to do that, after three years of him stirring up hate.

Then when some nut starts shooting Mexicans in a shopping mall, they all act like, "that wasn't us... that's not us at all"... like naughty children who ate too much candy.

The fact is Trump's GDP blows Obama's away Trump made Obama look like the amateur that he is.
Numbers don't lie son, you shouldn't either.

Oh God the irony, read it and weep libtard. Gross Domestic Product | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
What exactly do you think that proves? Obama hit 5% a couple of times, by your logic he wins.

This is where I ask you what specific Obama policies boosted GDP and you shit yourself.

this is where nobody answers you because youre too f'n stupid to understand .

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