Jodi Arias Penalty

Can you age project JoJo for us?


Wow good use of a knife steel in the pick.
On the issue of hung jury - sorry to jump around - the conviction and finding of aggravation would stand, it would be up to Juan whether to press for a new jury. If he did press for a new jury, the new jury would sit through an abbreviated summary trial as the prosc/defense presents the facts of the case, if that ends hung she would be sentenced to life in prison and Judge Sherry would decide if it would be lwp after 25 years or lwop. If Juan decides to not press another penalty phase, it goes to Judge Sherry for lwp or lwop.
Ill bet Jodi looked bloodier than that on the day of the murder....creepy.

I dont know if its been said yet, but I wonder what time the other roommate (Enrique I think) came home that day. Does anyone know this? I would be curious to know what time he came home that day...Like did he just miss her and get home like between 6-630? What if he would have come home while she was cleaning up....ewww creepy!
Gosh, is everyone going to follow Zimmerman? I'm hoping I can see a livestream of Andrea Sneiderman (sp?). That woman is so snotty! I find it fascinating how they can put her on trial. And if I'm too OT on this, please let me know.

I think she's charged with M1. I have to look into it. Her lover, Hemy Neumann, was found guilty of M1 and the prosecution needed her to testify for him. Then BOOM, as soon as that trial was over they charged HER, too. It reminds me of the Manson effect theory...that someone can influence someone else to commit murder and then be charged with M1 even though the influencer never actually did anything physically to the victim. Or, apparently, provided any aid or assistance to the actual murderer. Now that's fascinating to me. Anyone up on that case?
I have been thinking, We all like trials and different trials peek our interest. Why don't we just start a Trial thread then we all can talk about the trials as a whole.
Gosh, is everyone going to follow Zimmerman? I'm hoping I can see a livestream of Andrea Sneiderman (sp?). That woman is so snotty! I find it fascinating how they can put her on trial. And if I'm too OT on this, please let me know.

I think she's charged with M1. I have to look into it. Her lover, Hemy Neumann, was found guilty of M1 and the prosecution needed her to testify for him. Then BOOM, as soon as that trial was over they charged HER, too. It reminds me of the Manson effect theory...that someone can influence someone else to commit murder and then be charged with M1 even though the influencer never actually did anything physically to the victim. Or, apparently, provided any aid or assistance to the actual murderer. Now that's fascinating to me. Anyone up on that case?

Z starts June 9th and prediction is 4 to 6 weeks. Sneiderman (sp? Back) is sometime in July. We can double down.
Gosh, is everyone going to follow Zimmerman? I'm hoping I can see a livestream of Andrea Sneiderman (sp?). That woman is so snotty! I find it fascinating how they can put her on trial. And if I'm too OT on this, please let me know.

I think she's charged with M1. I have to look into it. Her lover, Hemy Neumann, was found guilty of M1 and the prosecution needed her to testify for him. Then BOOM, as soon as that trial was over they charged HER, too. It reminds me of the Manson effect theory...that someone can influence someone else to commit murder and then be charged with M1 even though the influencer never actually did anything physically to the victim. Or, apparently, provided any aid or assistance to the actual murderer. Now that's fascinating to me. Anyone up on that case?

That trial will be interesting too...kind of similar to this one...her stories about what happened changed.
Gosh, is everyone going to follow Zimmerman? I'm hoping I can see a livestream of Andrea Sneiderman (sp?). That woman is so snotty! I find it fascinating how they can put her on trial. And if I'm too OT on this, please let me know.

I think she's charged with M1. I have to look into it. Her lover, Hemy Neumann, was found guilty of M1 and the prosecution needed her to testify for him. Then BOOM, as soon as that trial was over they charged HER, too. It reminds me of the Manson effect theory...that someone can influence someone else to commit murder and then be charged with M1 even though the influencer never actually did anything physically to the victim. Or, apparently, provided any aid or assistance to the actual murderer. Now that's fascinating to me. Anyone up on that case?

Didnt hear about this one till recently, might read up on it. when does that trial start?

What about changing it to Trial Talk? or even this room then we don't have to keep changing threads.

Take a vote.

If we do it all the same we have to do something like re Z: blah blah re:S blah blah with links and stuff or I'm going to get all confused and think Andrea hired someone to shoot a guy for his skittles.
Feather: I think the Sneiderman trial starts in mid-July as testa said.

Zimmerman: I'll do it if you guys do it. LOL Let's start now since there were motions today, I think. Should we move over to the other thread to give our thoughts?

Right from the start, let me say that I feel the jury should be able to consider all the evidence available. I do not think stuff should be hidden or deemed "too prejudical". At least not as many times as it is.

There's a little arrowed thingy at the underneath the Post Quick Reply/Go Advanced buttons that points towards George zimmerman trial. Is it time to move there? Or should we wait the next few days until this case is over???
Feather: I think the Sneiderman trial starts in mid-July as testa said.

Zimmerman: I'll do it if you guys do it. LOL Let's start now since there were motions today, I think. Should we move over to the other thread to give our thoughts?

Right from the start, let me say that I feel the jury should be able to consider all the evidence available. I do not think stuff should be hidden or deemed "too prejudical". At least not as many times as it is.

There's a little arrowed thingy at the underneath the Post Quick Reply/Go Advanced buttons that points towards George zimmerman trial. Is it time to move there? Or should we wait the next few days until this case is over???

The defense released new pics yesterday. If we're going to do it we should use the lull to do it because the thing is getting underway.... This is the first day I've seen DH in two weeks.
Feather: I think the Sneiderman trial starts in mid-July as testa said.

Zimmerman: I'll do it if you guys do it. LOL Let's start now since there were motions today, I think. Should we move over to the other thread to give our thoughts?

Right from the start, let me say that I feel the jury should be able to consider all the evidence available. I do not think stuff should be hidden or deemed "too prejudical". At least not as many times as it is.

There's a little arrowed thingy at the underneath the Post Quick Reply/Go Advanced buttons that points towards George zimmerman trial. Is it time to move there? Or should we wait the next few days until this case is over???
arrow thingy what what? I need to go to computer.

What about changing it to Trial Talk? or even this room then we don't have to keep changing threads.

Take a vote.

If we do it all the same we have to do something like re Z: blah blah re:S blah blah with links and stuff or I'm going to get all confused and think Andrea hired someone to shoot a guy for his skittles.

:lol: Let's do Zimmerman 1st and get that over, then move to Sneiderman. They probably won't overlap.

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