Jodi Arias Penalty

Hi FeatherDuster! It's me....HONEY! Good to see you here! I'm still there, but I'm liking it here! It is rather quiet over there the majority of the time! I still use the old "ignore" on CC if you know what I mean! Just don't have any patience for that one! Not sure about J&J, but he/she seems to not bother me. I think he/she came in with both guns blazing that left everyone in a tail spin! I'm liking this site, but when the walk-out happened, it was right at the first verdict time and I panicked! LOL at myself! More than likely after the Jodi Show, I may come over here permanently, because there are other forums here that have caught my eye! With that said....good to see you & lets hope for a DP or even a Life w/o parole verdict TODAY! Toodles!
Can you please leave the drama over there.

Hi Honey and ditto with Tink on the drama and bullshit.

Oh my about drama and bullshit!??
I don't HLN but apparently they just did an age progression on JoJo.


All I can say is...

Sounds like they're as bored as we are.

How'd she look? :cow:

I don't know, Tink told me offline, I don't have HLN, I'm sure they'll post up their expert age progression at some point.

That's scraping the bottom of the barrel worse than our re-re hashing. Well now what can we do?? Let's age her 25 years and see what she'd looks like!
I'm sure this jury will come to a decision today. I don't think they will hang. As others have said, they've put so much time and effort that I don't think they will leave it to others to finish their job. Even if it's not DP, when it comes time to sentence, the Judge will weigh the aggravator against the mitigation and I believe she will give LWOP. JMO

:iagree: and only hope they dont hang because then Jodi will do 16 interviews tonight.

And the hangers will get a full view of the real JoJo and go DOH! Shouldn't have hung!

It must be hard for them, not knowing what the REAL truth is about what REALLY happen and the TRUTH about Jodi herself. They did not believe her stories but how much doubt do they really have about her? I am sure they will really get to know Jodi after the trial is over.
:iagree: and only hope they dont hang because then Jodi will do 16 interviews tonight.

And the hangers will get a full view of the real JoJo and go DOH! Shouldn't have hung!

It must be hard for them, not knowing what the REAL truth is about what REALLY happen and the TRUTH about Jodi herself. They did not believe her stories but how much doubt do they really have about her? I am sure they will really get to know Jodi after the trial is over.

They're going to get a full frontal awakening on what they've been missing. Or maybe they're so burned out on it, they'll completely walk away and take a vacation. Of course unless vacationing in an African village with no electricity, JoJo will be everywhere unless she gets the dp solitary media black out.
So that I can get closure on this whole thing, from far far away in another distant land, what was this rick-schtick all about? I never once saw a poster named Rick.

Do you really want an explanation about this?

I wondered about it a little, too. Can you do an abbreviated explanation? Also, why was Troy/25 so horrible there and now is great here?

Hey...I can answer this I came in as Troy to talk trial...I am a trial geek, yet no one I really know cares about them...I do. I dont like lying and I dont like hypocrites...however, Troy pushed it too far and was inconsiderate of the rest of the posters...I really felt bad about that, because there are/were so many great people there that were really knowledgeable and involved in the trial.

I came back as 25caliber to put the other stuff behind me and hopefully get back to the trial. I think I did that...tried not to take up the forums time with petty childish stuff.

Anywho, I thought it was obvious that I was Troy...I thought everyone pretty much knew. I didnt deny it and I wasnt going to lie about it. I am who I

Anyway, its been great here. Cant wait for the next trial. The Zimmerman trial will bring out some great conversation...look forward to being a part of it. topic...just catching up for the day.

So the jury is still out, huh?
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WUT!!!?? Ha ha ha ha ha. I didn't know.

I like you better as 25.

Has someone started a Z thread?
And the hangers will get a full view of the real JoJo and go DOH! Shouldn't have hung!

It must be hard for them, not knowing what the REAL truth is about what REALLY happen and the TRUTH about Jodi herself. They did not believe her stories but how much doubt do they really have about her? I am sure they will really get to know Jodi after the trial is over.

They're going to get a full frontal awakening on what they've been missing. Or maybe they're so burned out on it, they'll completely walk away and take a vacation. Of course unless vacationing in an African village with no electricity, JoJo will be everywhere unless she gets the dp solitary media black out.

And they deserve a nice long vacation.
So I just saw the judge talking about the jury question from earlier. Someone said that Juan didnt look happy and I agree. When it was over Juan got up and seemed to look back at the family and looked like he was like..."sorry nothing I can do about it".

My guess? There are more than just 1 or 2 jurors against death for might be like 4-5 is my guess. I think they are deciding on LWOP, but on the other hand their might be 4-5 dead set on the death penalty for her.

Im stating the obvious here, but thats how Im seeing it.
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anyone think the jury queston are sealed because the courts do not want the possible new jury to know what the issues were this jury?(just in case) or is it just a DT tantrum?
Can you age project JoJo for us?

I don't HLN but apparently they just did an age progression on JoJo.


All I can say is...

Sounds like they're as bored as we are.

How'd she look? :cow:

I don't know, Tink told me offline, I don't have HLN, I'm sure they'll post up their expert age progression at some point.

That's scraping the bottom of the barrel worse than our re-re hashing. Well now what can we do?? Let's age her 25 years and see what she'd looks like!

She already has some gray hair so she would have a good salt and peper going for he. LMAO

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