Jodi Arias Penalty

Thank you to our men and women that have given their lives for our freedom, our freedom to do and say what we want, our freedom to come to places like this and opinionate without persecution. Thank you for protecting the thing that makes us Americans, our voices. Thank you to our fathers, brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles, relatives and friends who put their lives on the line and have lost them for the sake of our freedom, the good, the free, the proud and the brave.

I carry my DAR card with great pride and humility in semblance of all those who have served and died so that I may speak my mind.

Today is the day we honor those that have lost their lives for all we hold dear.

God bless all of those, their family and friends that have made the ultimate sacrifice to protect our way of life.

We remember you this Memorial Day, every Memorial Day and every day in between.

God bless America. The home of the free, the brave, the proud.
Thank you to our men and women that have given their lives for our freedom, our freedom to do and say what we want, our freedom to come to places like this and opinionate without persecution. Thank you for protecting the thing that makes us Americans, our voices. Thank you to our fathers, brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles, relatives and friends who put their lives on the line and have lost them for the sake of our freedom, the good, the free, the proud and the brave.

I carry my DAR card with great pride and humility in semblance of all those who have served and died so that I may speak my mind.

Today is the day we honor those that have lost their lives for all we hold dear.

God bless all of those, their family and friends that have made the ultimate sacrifice to protect our way of life.

We remember you this Memorial Day, every Memorial Day and every day in between.

God bless America. The home of the free, the brave, the proud.

Why in God's name would you honor the fallen in a Jodi Arias thread? That is just messed up
Thank you to our men and women that have given their lives for our freedom, our freedom to do and say what we want, our freedom to come to places like this and opinionate without persecution. Thank you for protecting the thing that makes us Americans, our voices. Thank you to our fathers, brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles, relatives and friends who put their lives on the line and have lost them for the sake of our freedom, the good, the free, the proud and the brave.

I carry my DAR card with great pride and humility in semblance of all those who have served and died so that I may speak my mind.

Today is the day we honor those that have lost their lives for all we hold dear.

God bless all of those, their family and friends that have made the ultimate sacrifice to protect our way of life.

We remember you this Memorial Day, every Memorial Day and every day in between.

God bless America. The home of the free, the brave, the proud.

Why in God's name would you honor the fallen in a Jodi Arias thread? That is just messed up

A) It's Memorial Day
B) Did I miss a Memorial Day thread? Didn't see it.
C) I have friends here who would care about such things as Memorial Day and recognizing it so we CAN talk about things like Jodi
D) Why the f do you care?
E) Because I can - See post above.
F) It's book/bath/bed time see ya whenever you want troll again
G) Happy Memorial Day.
Thank you to our men and women that have given their lives for our freedom, our freedom to do and say what we want, our freedom to come to places like this and opinionate without persecution. Thank you for protecting the thing that makes us Americans, our voices. Thank you to our fathers, brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles, relatives and friends who put their lives on the line and have lost them for the sake of our freedom, the good, the free, the proud and the brave.

I carry my DAR card with great pride and humility in semblance of all those who have served and died so that I may speak my mind.

Today is the day we honor those that have lost their lives for all we hold dear.

God bless all of those, their family and friends that have made the ultimate sacrifice to protect our way of life.

We remember you this Memorial Day, every Memorial Day and every day in between.

God bless America. The home of the free, the brave, the proud.

Why in God's name would you honor the fallen in a Jodi Arias thread? That is just messed up

A) It's Memorial Day
B) Did I miss a Memorial Day thread? Didn't see it.
C) I have friends here who would care about such things as Memorial Day and recognizing it so we CAN talk about things like Jodi
D) Why the f do you care?
E) Because I can - See post above.
F) It's book/bath/bed time see ya whenever you want troll again
G) Happy Memorial Day.

It's Memorial Day, and you can make a thread in honor of the fallen. This thread is not all there is to USMB

Why do I care?

Because, I know many who have served and a few who have died. That is why I care
I would rep you for that post if it wasn't included in a thread with the name of the most hated woman in America
Why in God's name would you honor the fallen in a Jodi Arias thread? That is just messed up

A) It's Memorial Day
B) Did I miss a Memorial Day thread? Didn't see it.
C) I have friends here who would care about such things as Memorial Day and recognizing it so we CAN talk about things like Jodi
D) Why the f do you care?
E) Because I can - See post above.
F) It's book/bath/bed time see ya whenever you want troll again
G) Happy Memorial Day.

It's Memorial Day, and you can make a thread in honor of the fallen. This thread is not all there is to USMB

Why do I care?

Because, I know many who have served and a few who have died. That is why I care

Test, you can honor the fallen and still serving of our armed services in any thread you wish....As a veteran I appreciate it as any veteran would. This is the thread that people we know convene, so it is entirely appropriate.
Thank you for your service 25caliber. And I also must say I agree with pixiestix. Your comment that "this is the thread that people we know convene" seems a bit...standoffish, to be honest. Some go to the tavern and visit and some go to the coffeeshop...but I don't see many of you making an effort to get to know people that have been here for years and instead stick to your own section of the quad..kinda like high school. I thought I was being unfair thinking that, until you just said what you said.

So I presume this means only this thread is your new hangout and the rest of the board and denizens be damned? Just askin'. No offense intended. Just trying to understand.
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Thank you for your service 25caliber. And I also must say I agree with pixiestix. Your comment that "this is the thread that people we know convene" seems a bit...standoffish, to be honest. Some go to the tavern and visit and some go to the coffeeshop...but I don't see many of you making an effort to get to know people that have been here for years and instead stick to your own section of the quad..kinda like high school. I thought I was being unfair thinking that, until you just said what you said.

So I presume this means only this thread is your new hangout and the rest of the board and denizens be damned? Just askin'. No offense intended. Just trying to understand.
HUH?! You coming in here is like high school...The lady was wishing Happy Memorial Day...lord! You have to have a separate thread for that? No thanks. Its none of your business if I go to another thread or not...grow up...I dont know you and I may not want to know you.
Thank you for your service 25caliber. And I also must say I agree with pixiestix. Your comment that "this is the thread that people we know convene" seems a bit...standoffish, to be honest. Some go to the tavern and visit and some go to the coffeeshop...but I don't see many of you making an effort to get to know people that have been here for years and instead stick to your own section of the quad..kinda like high school. I thought I was being unfair thinking that, until you just said what you said.

So I presume this means only this thread is your new hangout and the rest of the board and denizens be damned? Just askin'. No offense intended. Just trying to understand.

I think you are taking something personal that doesn't need to be personal. Most of us hang out in this thread obviously because we came to finish a discussion on a trial we had already begun. That doesn't mean others aren't welcome, it just means we at least know the people we have already established a previous friendship with are in here and this is the best place to communicate with them.
As for venturing out, when time permits I have ventured out a bit but mostly just stick in here because of limited time and this is what has been interesting to me.
There really is no rhyme or reason for what qualifies as a death penalty sentence and what kind of case gets this much attention IMO. How is it that JA qualifies for DP but this woman didn't get it? Angela Simpson Gets Life in Prison (Plus a Little Extra) for Savage Murder of Disabled Man - Phoenix - News - Valley Fever

OMG...This lady should just get the needle now. I wouldnt let her out in general population. How she didnt get the death penalty is beyond me...shes a serial killer....there are others according to her interview. I would put this lady to death before Jodi for sure.

Check another interview she denies killing anyone else, but I guess she was found mentally ill...thats the only difference I see in her or Jodi. But still mentally ill or not, she should not be around anyone. She even said she expected to die for the crime. I dont get it.
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