Jodi Arias Penalty

Thank you for your service 25caliber. And I also must say I agree with pixiestix. Your comment that "this is the thread that people we know convene" seems a bit...standoffish, to be honest. Some go to the tavern and visit and some go to the coffeeshop...but I don't see many of you making an effort to get to know people that have been here for years and instead stick to your own section of the quad..kinda like high school. I thought I was being unfair thinking that, until you just said what you said.

So I presume this means only this thread is your new hangout and the rest of the board and denizens be damned? Just askin'. No offense intended. Just trying to understand.

I can answer this, it has nothing to do with being standoffish or being in high school. Our common interest, for the moment, was this trial. We did something like 20k posts on hashing out the trial and now we're all a little burned out on it and it's dwindled down. I went to check out the other Z thread "texting", then another thread opens up on "should evidence be admitted", then another opens up on a little detail of the whole topic. For my part, that gives me ADD to flick back and forth from thread to thread for little pieces of the same topic. I hope I don't offend anyone by speaking for anyone here, but we've discussed this trial (AND sometimes off the trial topic) in the same place, under the same "all encompassing" heading for 6 months and the conversation moves and flows depending on what's currently going on and/or if someone backs the truck up and we all go back around to re-hash a point, then come back to whatever is the current thing going on. And generally, we all go all the way back to where we left off the last time to not miss any points anyone made and repeat the same hashing out. I don't know why, but it's worked for us this way, that's a long time to hash out opinions with people.

For my part - I am too stoopid and too busy to do the 5 Zimmerman threads and keep up with the points and same points on the other threads and keep my place with what's been said and what points have been made, it's easier for chat in one place called "TRIAL" and that's where you talk about the trial.

I don't know if any of us will do that trial too, but this thread will probably continue on and to be (mainly) about Jodi until she's sentenced and goes away.
That prison warden guy is freaky. He sounds like a prison warden guy.

Note to self: NEVER hack anyone up and go to prison.
There really is no rhyme or reason for what qualifies as a death penalty sentence and what kind of case gets this much attention IMO. How is it that JA qualifies for DP but this woman didn't get it? Angela Simpson Gets Life in Prison (Plus a Little Extra) for Savage Murder of Disabled Man - Phoenix - News - Valley Fever

OMG...This lady should just get the needle now. I wouldnt let her out in general population. How she didnt get the death penalty is beyond me...shes a serial killer....there are others according to her interview. I would put this lady to death before Jodi for sure.

Check another interview she denies killing anyone else, but I guess she was found mentally ill...thats the only difference I see in her or Jodi. But still mentally ill or not, she should not be around anyone. She even said she expected to die for the crime. I dont get it.

She pled guilty to 1st degree murder and just took the sentence. No hoopla.
Thank you for your service 25caliber. And I also must say I agree with pixiestix. Your comment that "this is the thread that people we know convene" seems a bit...standoffish, to be honest. Some go to the tavern and visit and some go to the coffeeshop...but I don't see many of you making an effort to get to know people that have been here for years and instead stick to your own section of the quad..kinda like high school. I thought I was being unfair thinking that, until you just said what you said.

So I presume this means only this thread is your new hangout and the rest of the board and denizens be damned? Just askin'. No offense intended. Just trying to understand.

I can answer this, it has nothing to do with being standoffish or being in high school. Our common interest, for the moment, was this trial. We did something like 20k posts on hashing out the trial and now we're all a little burned out on it and it's dwindled down. I went to check out the other Z thread "texting", then another thread opens up on "should evidence be admitted", then another opens up on a little detail of the whole topic. For my part, that gives me ADD to flick back and forth from thread to thread for little pieces of the same topic. I hope I don't offend anyone by speaking for anyone here, but we've discussed this trial (AND sometimes off the trial topic) in the same place, under the same "all encompassing" heading for 6 months and the conversation moves and flows depending on what's currently going on and/or if someone backs the truck up and we all go back around to re-hash a point, then come back to whatever is the current thing going on. And generally, we all go all the way back to where we left off the last time to not miss any points anyone made and repeat the same hashing out. I don't know why, but it's worked for us this way, that's a long time to hash out opinions with people.

For my part - I am too stoopid and too busy to do the 5 Zimmerman threads and keep up with the points and same points on the other threads and keep my place with what's been said and what points have been made, it's easier for chat in one place called "TRIAL" and that's where you talk about the trial.

I don't know if any of us will do that trial too, but this thread will probably continue on and to be (mainly) about Jodi until she's sentenced and goes away.

I agree that there are too many threads open for the Zimmerman trial. I don't know if some didn't realize that Zimmerman and Martin are the same trial. LOL
Thank you for your service 25caliber. And I also must say I agree with pixiestix. Your comment that "this is the thread that people we know convene" seems a bit...standoffish, to be honest. Some go to the tavern and visit and some go to the coffeeshop...but I don't see many of you making an effort to get to know people that have been here for years and instead stick to your own section of the quad..kinda like high school. I thought I was being unfair thinking that, until you just said what you said.

So I presume this means only this thread is your new hangout and the rest of the board and denizens be damned? Just askin'. No offense intended. Just trying to understand.
HUH?! You coming in here is like high school...The lady was wishing Happy Memorial Day...lord! You have to have a separate thread for that? No thanks. Its none of your business if I go to another thread or not...grow up...I dont know you and I may not want to know you.

Well alrighty then! I guess someone got his panties in a bunch and did indeed take it personal. Tink and Test at least had some courtesy to explain and read what I said instead of having a fucking cow.
No, you don't know me. Nor will you.

Now I will leave you to your thread.
I think they should put bamboo splinters under her finger nails every day.:evil:

Thank you for your service 25caliber. And I also must say I agree with pixiestix. Your comment that "this is the thread that people we know convene" seems a bit...standoffish, to be honest. Some go to the tavern and visit and some go to the coffeeshop...but I don't see many of you making an effort to get to know people that have been here for years and instead stick to your own section of the quad..kinda like high school. I thought I was being unfair thinking that, until you just said what you said.

So I presume this means only this thread is your new hangout and the rest of the board and denizens be damned? Just askin'. No offense intended. Just trying to understand.
HUH?! You coming in here is like high school...The lady was wishing Happy Memorial Day...lord! You have to have a separate thread for that? No thanks. Its none of your business if I go to another thread or not...grow up...I dont know you and I may not want to know you.

Well alrighty then! I guess someone got his panties in a bunch and did indeed take it personal. Tink and Test at least had some courtesy to explain and read what I said instead of having a fucking cow.
No, you don't know me. Nor will you.

Now I will leave you to your thread.

Youre the one having a cow...entering a thread of mostly strangers accusing them of high school tactics...usually that means your high school experience wasnt that pleasant...shocker! Do you feel better now that youve added your two cents?...I do!
Thank you for your service 25caliber. And I also must say I agree with pixiestix. Your comment that "this is the thread that people we know convene" seems a bit...standoffish, to be honest. Some go to the tavern and visit and some go to the coffeeshop...but I don't see many of you making an effort to get to know people that have been here for years and instead stick to your own section of the quad..kinda like high school. I thought I was being unfair thinking that, until you just said what you said.

So I presume this means only this thread is your new hangout and the rest of the board and denizens be damned? Just askin'. No offense intended. Just trying to understand.

I can answer this, it has nothing to do with being standoffish or being in high school. Our common interest, for the moment, was this trial. We did something like 20k posts on hashing out the trial and now we're all a little burned out on it and it's dwindled down. I went to check out the other Z thread "texting", then another thread opens up on "should evidence be admitted", then another opens up on a little detail of the whole topic. For my part, that gives me ADD to flick back and forth from thread to thread for little pieces of the same topic. I hope I don't offend anyone by speaking for anyone here, but we've discussed this trial (AND sometimes off the trial topic) in the same place, under the same "all encompassing" heading for 6 months and the conversation moves and flows depending on what's currently going on and/or if someone backs the truck up and we all go back around to re-hash a point, then come back to whatever is the current thing going on. And generally, we all go all the way back to where we left off the last time to not miss any points anyone made and repeat the same hashing out. I don't know why, but it's worked for us this way, that's a long time to hash out opinions with people.

For my part - I am too stoopid and too busy to do the 5 Zimmerman threads and keep up with the points and same points on the other threads and keep my place with what's been said and what points have been made, it's easier for me to chat in one place called "TRIAL" and that's where you talk about the trial.

I don't know if any of us will do that trial too, but this thread will probably continue on and to be (mainly) about Jodi until she's sentenced and goes away.

I agree that there are too many threads open for the Zimmerman trial. I don't know if some didn't realize that Zimmerman and Martin are the same trial. LOL

Laughing out loud on your signature file Aye, love it.

Yes, you are strangers. That is your choice.

Strangers than what? lol There have been quite a few oldsters coming to this thread to talk trial and I've been over to the Tavern for zombies and cocktails and to the tornado thread.

This is just dumb.
There really is no rhyme or reason for what qualifies as a death penalty sentence and what kind of case gets this much attention IMO. How is it that JA qualifies for DP but this woman didn't get it? Angela Simpson Gets Life in Prison (Plus a Little Extra) for Savage Murder of Disabled Man - Phoenix - News - Valley Fever

OMG...This lady should just get the needle now. I wouldnt let her out in general population. How she didnt get the death penalty is beyond me...shes a serial killer....there are others according to her interview. I would put this lady to death before Jodi for sure.

Check another interview she denies killing anyone else, but I guess she was found mentally ill...thats the only difference I see in her or Jodi. But still mentally ill or not, she should not be around anyone. She even said she expected to die for the crime. I dont get it.

Well didn't JA get diagnosed with mental illness too by Demarte?
Ok. Maybe it is dumb. Just put my thoughts out there. Take it as you will. No offense was intended.
There really is no rhyme or reason for what qualifies as a death penalty sentence and what kind of case gets this much attention IMO. How is it that JA qualifies for DP but this woman didn't get it? Angela Simpson Gets Life in Prison (Plus a Little Extra) for Savage Murder of Disabled Man - Phoenix - News - Valley Fever

OMG...This lady should just get the needle now. I wouldnt let her out in general population. How she didnt get the death penalty is beyond me...shes a serial killer....there are others according to her interview. I would put this lady to death before Jodi for sure.

Check another interview she denies killing anyone else, but I guess she was found mentally ill...thats the only difference I see in her or Jodi. But still mentally ill or not, she should not be around anyone. She even said she expected to die for the crime. I dont get it.

Well didn't JA get diagnosed with mental illness too by Demarte?

Shhhhhhh!! Don't say that loudly, she's busy looking for the next schtick for the re-trial.

Oh right! Didn't I tell you before? I don't have PTSD or DV, I'm mentally ill so you can't give me the needle.
Ok. Maybe it is dumb. Just put my thoughts out there. Take it as you will. No offense was intended.

I say it's dumb because we're just chatting. No ulterior motives. I go to the other threads when I have time, but I come straight here to see if there's something new, this is just what I'm doing right now - the stupid Jodi Arias trial that will never ever end.

And none taken, there's been far worse slamming, cussing, meltdowns and tantrums on here than you could ever dish out.

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