Jodi Arias Penalty

Totally agree, Testa. If M1 has an automatic LWOP, then let her be sentenced. I don't want to see her anymore and I'm sure the Alexander family doesn't want to either. She's had 3 lifetimes full of attention. Time to shut her down and leave her to the other inmates now.
While I agree with you guys the thing is the Alexanders have said they want to try again for the DP and one of them has even said she wants to be there when they inject her.
While I agree with you guys the thing is the Alexanders have said they want to try again for the DP and one of them has even said she wants to be there when they inject her.

Sorry Tink super sorry.... Source?
While I agree with you guys the thing is the Alexanders have said they want to try again for the DP and one of them has even said she wants to be there when they inject her.

Maybe they will change their minds once the sting fades from not getting an unanimous verdict in the penalty phase. I hope so because I think it will be a futile exercise to empanel another jury and dredge up all the evidence again. Hopefully they will be comforted knowing Arias will never get out of jail and that not being on death row will actually cause her to get less notoriety than if she was on it. They should go forward with the wrongful death suit, though. They will win and also prevent her from profiting in the future from anything she does.
While I agree with you guys the thing is the Alexanders have said they want to try again for the DP and one of them has even said she wants to be there when they inject her.

Sorry Tink super sorry.... Source?

A few of the family friends have done interviews saying this so I guess it's not a great source but that's what I heard. I did see an interview early on straight from Tenisha's mouth saying she wanted to watch her when they killed her.

The sad thing is I doubt it will bring them the peace they think it will, it won't bring their brother back.
Based on the statistic from that article earlier where they said 7 out of 24 2nd impaneled juries got to DP that's less than a 3.5 % chance..
You are "state your facts" like me and I hadn't heard anything from the family. So I was wondering and sorry again, didnt mean to put you on the spot.
Based on the statistic from that article earlier where they said 7 out of 24 2nd impaneled juries got to DP that's less than a 3.5 % chance..

Stand corrected on whatever news thing I read on higher ratio.
You are "state your facts" like me and I hadn't heard anything from the family. So I was wondering and sorry again, didnt mean to put you on the spot.

No need to apologize I would have asked for proof too. Its been a while so I don't have the proof handy of where I heard it exactly.
This is going to sound super super mean, but I think it's kind of funny that she's from Yreka (East Bay, WA,NV is my own personal accent, which is zero accent, not one lick of an accent of any sort at all) with last name Arias, that she's used to zero accent on and for the most part she will have it pronounced with a Spanish accent for the rest of her life. I wonder if she corrects the correctional officers and deputies or it just sticks in her socio craw there waiting for an opportunity.
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Did she ever correct Juan about it?

well she did call him and refer to him as "Juan" on the stand. That was a dig, more than likely to appear equal and try to get one on him in general.

I've noticed how her name is in AZ and that is probably the only way she will hear her name for a long time. As detailed/correct/mincing/word for word as she is, having your name "mispronounced" must be something several times a day.
You guys will enjoy this. He looks like he's trying very hard not to laugh in her face Nightline 05/22: Jodi Arias Jury Can't Agree on Death Sentence Full Episode - Nightline - ABC News

Damn, are those reporters biased enough? That's disgusting. They're sneering and smirking, for crying out loud! Unbelievable.

Oh, wait...they're not serious journalists...right? That's what it is, just some sleazy news magazine, not serious journalism?

Well, that would explain it.
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Did she ever correct Juan about it?

well she did call him and refer to him as "Juan" on the stand. That was a dig, more than likely to appear equal and try to get one on him in general.

I've noticed how her name is in AZ and that is probably the only way she will hear her name for a long time. As detailed/correct/mincing/word for word as she is, having your name "mispronounced" must be something several times a day.

I thought she called him Juan in an interview not on the stand but I could be mistaken. I remember her saying she didn't pronounce it that way but news flash its a Hispanic last name that she got from her Hispanic father, she's the one mispronouncing it lol.

What do you mean her name is in AZ I read that sentence a few times but I just am not getting it lol
You guys will enjoy this. He looks like he's trying very hard not to laugh in her face Nightline 05/22: Jodi Arias Jury Can't Agree on Death Sentence Full Episode - Nightline - ABC News

Damn, are those reporters biased enough? That's disgusting. They're sneering and smirking, for crying out loud! Unbelievable.

Oh, wait...they're not serious journalists...right? That's what it is, just some sleazy news magazine, not serious journalism?

Well, that would explain it.
Believe it or not that's a reporter from ABC and it was on good morning America. When you find an unbiased television news network let me know because as far as I can tell one does not exist.
You guys will enjoy this. He looks like he's trying very hard not to laugh in her face Nightline 05/22: Jodi Arias Jury Can't Agree on Death Sentence Full Episode - Nightline - ABC News

Damn, are those reporters biased enough? That's disgusting. They're sneering and smirking, for crying out loud! Unbelievable.

Oh, wait...they're not serious journalists...right? That's what it is, just some sleazy news magazine, not serious journalism?

Well, that would explain it.
Believe it or not that's a reporter from ABC and it was on good morning America. When you find an unbiased television news network let me know because as far as I can tell one does not exist.

You really think the CBS Evening News reporters and anchors act like that? They do not. They are professional. They do not smirk. They do not sneer. They may ask the "hard" questions, but they behave in a professional manner when they do it.

That guy from ABC...he was ridiculous. And the silly bitch who was anchoring was just as bad.
Damn, are those reporters biased enough? That's disgusting. They're sneering and smirking, for crying out loud! Unbelievable.

Oh, wait...they're not serious journalists...right? That's what it is, just some sleazy news magazine, not serious journalism?

Well, that would explain it.
Believe it or not that's a reporter from ABC and it was on good morning America. When you find an unbiased television news network let me know because as far as I can tell one does not exist.

You really think the CBS Evening News reporters and anchors act like that? They do not. They are professional. They do not smirk. They do not sneer. They may ask the "hard" questions, but they behave in a professional manner when they do it.

That guy from ABC...he was ridiculous. And the silly bitch who was anchoring was just as bad.
Oh I do think he was ridiculous, I am the one that pointed out it looked like he was about to bust out laughing. So maybe in an interview some reporters don't show the emotion like that, but you are kidding yourself if you don't think all news reports are biased in some way or another.
Believe it or not that's a reporter from ABC and it was on good morning America. When you find an unbiased television news network let me know because as far as I can tell one does not exist.

You really think the CBS Evening News reporters and anchors act like that? They do not. They are professional. They do not smirk. They do not sneer. They may ask the "hard" questions, but they behave in a professional manner when they do it.

That guy from ABC...he was ridiculous. And the silly bitch who was anchoring was just as bad.
Oh I do think he was ridiculous, I am the one that pointed out it looked like he was about to bust out laughing. So maybe in an interview some reporters don't show the emotion like that, but you are kidding yourself if you don't think all news reports are biased in some way or another.

Of course, they have their own personal bias. They just need to keep it out of their reporting.

Read: "Bias" by Bernard Goldberg.

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