Jodi Arias Penalty

Arias is such a lying media hound, I cannot imagine any news person taking her seriously. If they didn't know they were being played then I wouldn't have any respect for them. Their producers got in line to take advantage of the outrageousness and put the task to the anchors to sit there and try to get a scoop. Who wouldn't go into an interview solicited by a psycho bitch with their tongue in cheek? C'mon. This wasn't a serious news was an Arias infomercial. I don't judge professionalism based on this train wreck/setup.

Some people here seem to be exhibiting the same traits as jodi when it comes to killing.

Kill her, kill her, I hear over and over.

Are most people like Jodi?
I don't know which CBS you are talking about, but I can't imagine Scott Pelley doing this interview. If he, or any of the high profile anchors, like Brian Williams, drew the short stick to do this, none of them would be tossing softball questions. It would have been an aggressive interview, more so than any we have seen thus far. Why does she, in any way, deserve to be handled with kid gloves? She's a convicted felon, of a brutal first degree murder, not some president of a church ladies' club. Scheduling multiple interviews directly after a verdict, demanding make-up and camera positions sans the stripes, like some B movie starlet, practically demands ridicule.

In a perfect world, everyone would have ignored her.
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Some people here seem to be exhibiting the same traits as jodi when it comes to killing.

Kill her, kill her, I hear over and over.

Are most people like Jodi?

Well I don't know about everyone else, but I'm exactly like her. I just did this same thing last week as a matter of fact.

I hope you're not referring to "some people here" on this thread because, if so, you've missed some crucial comments in the discussion.

Some people here seem to be exhibiting the same traits as jodi when it comes to killing.

Kill her, kill her, I hear over and over.

Are most people like Jodi?

"Some people"="most people". Statistical error.

Some people here seem to be exhibiting the same traits as jodi when it comes to killing.

Kill her, kill her, I hear over and over.

Are most people like Jodi?

Well I don't know about everyone else, but I'm exactly like her. I just did this same thing last week as a matter of fact.

Well then you didn't take enough time to plan it.
So, I think today is the 5th? anniversary of the murder of Travis Alexander. It would be the perfect time to apologize to the Alexander family on Twitter.
So, I think today is the 5th? anniversary of the murder of Travis Alexander. It would be the perfect time to apologize to the Alexander family on Twitter.

With Jodi, you never know what will happen. If I were to guess, I'd say she'll more than likely use any opportunity to gloat about what she's done to Travis while attempting to make it look like an apology (in her mind).
So, I think today is the 5th? anniversary of the murder of Travis Alexander. It would be the perfect time to apologize to the Alexander family on Twitter.

With Jodi, you never know what will happen. If I were to guess, I'd say she'll more than likely use any opportunity to gloat about what she's done to Travis while attempting to make it look like an apology (in her mind).

I think she will ignore it. It's not really important. That "Dark day", as she put it, was when the guilty verdict was read. She never said she regretted killing him. She regretted not handling the aftermath differently and/or getting caught.
@Jodiannarias 911: whats your emergency.. Jodi Arias: Ah, I'm stuck in the doggy door again

Did she ever correct Juan about it?

well she did call him and refer to him as "Juan" on the stand. That was a dig, more than likely to appear equal and try to get one on him in general.

I've noticed how her name is in AZ and that is probably the only way she will hear her name for a long time. As detailed/correct/mincing/word for word as she is, having your name "mispronounced" must be something several times a day.

I thought she called him Juan in an interview not on the stand but I could be mistaken. I remember her saying she didn't pronounce it that way but news flash its a Hispanic last name that she got from her Hispanic father, she's the one mispronouncing it lol.

What do you mean her name is in AZ I read that sentence a few times but I just am not getting it lol

She called him Juan on the stand, not directly to him, I think JW was up.
@Jodiannarias 911: whats your emergency.. Jodi Arias: Ah, I'm stuck in the doggy door again


@Jodiannarias 911: whats your emergency.. Jodi Arias: I'm a murder suspect and, gosh, I have no make-up!

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