Jodi Arias Penalty

I think it's pretty insane that I asked for my account to be deleted at WAT and now I can't read there or watch live-streams. That's kind of an over reaction, no?
TW you should be able to read and watch as long as you don't try to log in. That's weird. You were able to watch on friday no?
TW you should be able to read and watch as long as you don't try to log in. That's weird. You were able to watch on friday no?

Yeah, but today it only had an outside link, unless it was the same for everyone?
TW you should be able to read and watch as long as you don't try to log in. That's weird. You were able to watch on friday no?

It wouldn't let me read, not that I wanted to. I went to the forum by mistake, through a bad search response. It said I couldn't read, etc because I was banned. I never tried to log in.
WAT doesn't seem to hire camera people anyway. They use other news crews feeds, so it's not a big loss.
I'll tell you what I absolutely can not stand when discussing any trials... I can not stand when things are asserted as fact when they are not. If its your belief then state that it is your belief or say I think. I can not stand trying to figure out what happened among all these fake facts.

This is a public service announcement.
No sheet rock on her that moved her, or water that moved the gun.

She should be FAR more sarcastic. She is being too nice about the hose defense.
I'll tell you what I absolutely can not stand when discussing any trials... I can not stand when things are asserted as fact when they are not. If its your belief then state that it is your belief or say I think. I can not stand trying to figure out what happened among all these fake facts.

This is a public service announcement.

Tink wrote:

"There seems to be a lot of assumptions out there depending on what side you are leaning towards."

Yeah....including you even know where he was when he was assaulted? Where was he when he got off the phone with 911, then where did the fight take place?....does that suggest he was continuing to follow or going back to his car?

He did not pursue the stand your ground law because he technically followed the person on foot...however, claiming self defense in Florida is a better option because you can defend yourself if you are in fear for your life of serious he is using the defense that actually happened and not trimming his story to be stand your ground....thats why.
Okay, see a lot of this crap doesn't make sense and there is so so much crap out there, I can't begin to weed through the truth and the bullshit.... waiting on trial.

What is this? Was there a 3rd person there? Was there a Ninja? Once some weird thing is in a "fact" article, I can't credit anything in it. Again, waiting on the trial.

That said, the DNA Report and Autopsy Report suggests that Trayvon Martin did not cause any of the injuries to Zimmerman. How did Zimmerman get his injuries? Who knows, but the DNA evidence and Autopsy report suggests Zimmerman did not get his injuries from the hands of Trayvon Martin.

Yeah Testa I really don't know I need to see the report myself but if he didn't have Z's dna on him that's weird. The only thing then would be if Z caused his own injuries but is that even possible in the time between the shot and people coming down there? I really am just waiting to see what comes out but I don't want to watch the hole trial. There seems to be a lot of assumptions out there depending on what side you are leaning towards.

So George Z punched himself in the nose too, huh? Then while he was at it and the cops are on the way he decided to slam the back of his head into the pavement just to make his story believable? And you are calling my comments BS? Last night you said you werent even following you are weeding thru the BS? You and TW have become very defensive with just a difference of opinion. If you dispute my assumptions then show some facts that combat it....dont generalize.

Im with Testa, was there a 3rd person, a ninja that caused the injuries? We are way off if we cant even agree on who caused the injuries to George....Hell even the neighbor who called 911 saw the two fighting. How convenient for MSNBC to edit that portion out and of course edit other portions in....its being made to be racial to inflame and intimidate a prospective jury.

GZ was not breaking any laws either by even following a suspicious person with the cops on the phone....he was told to stop following because if the person is suspicious, then it would be dangerous to follow someone...he wasnt breaking any laws. Maybe Trayvon should have asked why he was being followed before he just started throwing punches. GZ was on his way back to his car and was almost there....when he was told to stop following he went back to his was at that time that he was assaulted....before the shot went off, it was GZ who was the victim...he wasnt breaking any laws either and was assaulted.

If we're going to discuss Z, we have to do it without personal attacks on others opinions, etc. and do it on the evidence - it's the only way it will work because everyone has an opinion and it's a charged subject. So I think we should, but be respectful of others opinions and questions which means you're going to have to keep your Troy in your pants for the most part. Except the funny Troy, that one can pop out whenever.
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Tink wrote:

"There seems to be a lot of assumptions out there depending on what side you are leaning towards."

Yeah....including you even know where he was when he was assaulted? Where was he when he got off the phone with 911, then where did the fight take place?....does that suggest he was continuing to follow or going back to his car?

He did not pursue the stand your ground law because he technically followed the person on foot...however, claiming self defense in Florida is a better option because you can defend yourself if you are in fear for your life of serious he is using the defense that actually happened and not trimming his story to be stand your ground....thats why.

That's not why he didn't pursue stand your ground, he didn't because the judge would rule on that hearing, the judge is not pro-defense, I seriously doubt she would be the judge who would rule stand your ground without holding it over for trial and taking that kind of heat for that decision. M O'M knows all that and if he did that hearing, she ruled to go to trial, that casts the shadow of guilt, even though it's not "guilt", it looks like guilt for the jurors. So it was a smart move to avoid that and take a chance on the jury.
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I will be happy to discuss Z with anyone but Troy because he obviously is not able to not be aggressive and asserts things as facts that aren't. If you can tone it down and say when things are just what you think then we can discuss it Troy but as of right now you aren't doing that.

For right now can we stick to Seacat because this is interesting.
She's losing me now. Who brings up, in a counseling session, what gun is a good one kill yourself with?
Yeah Testa I really don't know I need to see the report myself but if he didn't have Z's dna on him that's weird. The only thing then would be if Z caused his own injuries but is that even possible in the time between the shot and people coming down there? I really am just waiting to see what comes out but I don't want to watch the hole trial. There seems to be a lot of assumptions out there depending on what side you are leaning towards.

So George Z punched himself in the nose too, huh. Then while he was at it and the cops are on the way he decided to slam the back of his head into the pavement just to make his story believable? And you are calling my comments BS? Last night you said you werent even following you are weeding thru the BS? You and TW have become very defensive with just a difference of opinion. If you dispute my assumptions then show some facts that combat it....dont generalize.

Your Troy is showing. Don't accuse me of becoming defensive because I disagree with you. You see how that can be turned around the same way. Go read the rest of the conversation then come back. Testa gave me a good report to read. And I did provide the autopsy report. Theres so much BS in this case like testa said better wait for trial. Apparently theres even a 3rd set of DNA wtf. It's all a mess.

You are the one accusing of "spouting BS"...I was only stating my opinion and what I have learned from the case so the meantime you went from knowing nothing about the case to judging assumptions...which one is it. You are accusing of assumptions and dont even know the case yet? How do you know they are assumptions.

I think its a pretty good assumption that GZ didnt cause his own injuries that are suggesting that because no dna was in TMs fingernails that he may have...very strange to me. Even the family isnt debating that trayvon and GZ had a fight that night.

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