Jodi Arias Penalty

I got to watch. And all I have to say that was the most ridiculous statement I have ever heard.
JoJo! How many times do I have to tell you, I can't read your lips if you've got them in JW's hair and that poor woman has the herpes by now.
At least she didn't say HE MADE ME DO IT. I was expecting that. The parents should have spoken about their baby, the siblings, their sister, etc. There was too much of "What I won't have and what I lost". Still, I thought she would be much worse.
I think the mitigation specialist was successful in curtailing where she went with the speech.
Really I thought it as worse than what I expected. Who was the man next to her mom if it isn't her dad?
At least she didn't say HE MADE ME DO IT. I was expecting that. The parents should have spoken about their baby, the siblings, their sister, etc. There was too much of "What I won't have and what I lost". Still, I thought she would be much worse.

Me too. But I think what happened is - you could see the trapped in her eyes when every juror said yes on that verdict, every next yes, she got what was happening. Up until that moment, she thought she had this licked and out manipulated and had talked her way out of it with them. She has had 2 weeks to write/rewrite what she was going to say to get out of dp. She will chamele (that's still not a word) to prison life and I almost pity the other inmates falling victim to her manipulations there.

Sorry, I don't buy her one little dinky iota bit.
There's that click/click click/click pen again always at the beginning - who is that? Judge Sherry?
Really I thought it as worse than what I expected. Who was the man next to her mom if it isn't her dad?

Tink, I thought she would bad mouth the prosecutor and blame other people. Still, it's interesting that she refers to"That dark day" as the day the verdict was read, instead of the day she took away Travis's life. It was sneaky too how she added in that her friend was threatened, so she couldn't testify and that Travis's grandmother was already gravely ill.

It's very very clear that this defense wanted no cross examination.
She started off on the right foot, but...They should have had the family do this other stuff.

She needed to stay on the apology, begging for forgiveness. Her self centered me me sociopath is showing through.

I know, the rest is I feel sorry for me and what I won't have. The family should have done the photos and the loss to THEM. Not HER losses.


Totally agree! That was on them not her. So her family may not be all that bad, but WHERE THE HELL WERE THEY? My mom would have got up on her podium bawling her head off. She's already a proven liar, that was out of place to do more me me me me me when the jurors had 18 days of it already. They should have taken the plea.

Don't get it.
She needed to stay on the apology, begging for forgiveness. Her self centered me me sociopath is showing through.

I know, the rest is I feel sorry for me and what I won't have. The family should have done the photos and the loss to THEM. Not HER losses.


Totally agree! That was on them not her. So her family may not be all that bad, but WHERE THE HELL WERE THEY? My mom would have got up on her podium bawling her head off. She's already a proven liar, that was out of place to do more me me me me me when the jurors had 18 days of it already. They should have taken the plea.

Don't get it.

Do you mean the plea that she brought up for M2?
Meaning they should have taken the plea on themselves as their duty/obligation/want to save their family member.
Jodi made it about Jodi...she said just enough to keep her own story cracking. She said she wanted death and she does not. She talked about pain that she is caused her mother, yet she caused pain up to the minute by not allowing her own mother or her siblings testify for her.

Jodi made it about herself, showing some pictures of herself and other people that were in her life. She showed no remorse and her biggest attempt cry and hold herself together was when she talked about others not being able to have her in their life anymore.

I didnt expect her to even get up there, but this was jodis last stand. It was her last chance to promote her art and show off the Tshirt that she hopes to sell millions of. If that does sell millions, I would be interested to see how much really goes to the real victims of domestic violence. Jodi said that 100% of the profits would go to the cause....well I wonder how much overhead she will consider before the rest is considered profit...LOL.
I know, the rest is I feel sorry for me and what I won't have. The family should have done the photos and the loss to THEM. Not HER losses.


Totally agree! That was on them not her. So her family may not be all that bad, but WHERE THE HELL WERE THEY? My mom would have got up on her podium bawling her head off. She's already a proven liar, that was out of place to do more me me me me me when the jurors had 18 days of it already. They should have taken the plea.

Don't get it.

Do you mean the plea that she brought up for M2?

No see right up above. I hit the enter button too fast. Out of control pinky. I mean the plea for her life should have been on the family.
The jury found her guilty of premeditated murder. It was "off" to call it a "mistake". They believed she planned it, and not that is was a spur of the moment crime of passion.
Jodi made it about Jodi...she said just enough to keep her own story cracking. She said she wanted death and she does not. She talked about pain that she is caused her mother, yet she caused pain up to the minute by not allowing her own mother or her siblings testify for her.

Jodi made it about herself, showing some pictures of herself and other people that were in her life. She showed no remorse and her biggest attempt cry and hold herself together was when she talked about others not being able to have her in their life anymore.

I didnt expect her to even get up there, but this was jodis last stand. It was her last chance to promote her art and show off the Tshirt that she hopes to sell millions of. If that does sell millions, I would be interested to see how much really goes to the real victims of domestic violence. Jodi said that 100% of the profits would go to the cause....well I wonder how much overhead she will consider before the rest is considered profit...LOL.

The one charity she said she was sending money to, wanted no association with her. It was a slight of hand that she didn't mention specifics of where the money went to or was going to.

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