Jodi Arias Penalty

The jury found her guilty of premeditated murder. It was "off" to call it a "mistake". They believed she planned it, and not that is was a spur of the moment crime of passion.

Right so being a Hair Farmer, Recycler, Prison Glee Club President, Talented Artist, other Plans for My Future and Not Being Able to Go to My Sister's Wedding is junk compared to the planning, time, effort that psycho took from beginning to end of butchering Travis.

Stick a needle in her.
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Jodi made it about Jodi...she said just enough to keep her own story cracking. She said she wanted death and she does not. She talked about pain that she is caused her mother, yet she caused pain up to the minute by not allowing her own mother or her siblings testify for her.

Jodi made it about herself, showing some pictures of herself and other people that were in her life. She showed no remorse and her biggest attempt cry and hold herself together was when she talked about others not being able to have her in their life anymore.

I didnt expect her to even get up there, but this was jodis last stand. It was her last chance to promote her art and show off the Tshirt that she hopes to sell millions of. If that does sell millions, I would be interested to see how much really goes to the real victims of domestic violence. Jodi said that 100% of the profits would go to the cause....well I wonder how much overhead she will consider before the rest is considered profit...LOL.

The one charity she said she was sending money to, wanted no association with her. It was a slight of hand that she didn't mention specifics of where the money went to or was going to.

I was biting my tongue off not to JECTION! on that. She even showed the Fraud shirt.

The jury found her guilty of premeditated murder. It was "off" to call it a "mistake". They believed she planned it, and not that is was a spur of the moment crime of passion.

Right so being a Hair Farmer, Recycler, Prison Glee Club President, Talented Artist, other Plans for My Future and Not Being Able to Go to My Sister's Wedding is junk compared to the planning, time, effort that psycho took from beginning to end of butchering Travis.

Stick a needle in her.

I'll be okay with LWOP, as you know. She was in charge until the end, though.
New Jodi T-Shirt...

The jury found her guilty of premeditated murder. It was "off" to call it a "mistake". They believed she planned it, and not that is was a spur of the moment crime of passion.

Right so being a Hair Farmer, Recycler, Prison Glee Club President, Talented Artist, other Plans for My Future and Not Being Able to Go to My Sister's Wedding is junk compared to the planning, time, effort that psycho took from beginning to end of butchering Travis.

Stick a needle in her.

I'll be okay with LWOP, as you know. She was in charge until the end, though.

I know. Let the chameleon take over the prison, I don't care as long as she's locked up forever.

However, I hadn't thought they would go so far as dp the whole trial until they deliberated and then I became convinced they could and very well might go to dp.

And I still lean that way - the evidence hasn't changed.
I like how she tossed in, you may not believe I am victim of domestic violence, and everyone has an opinion.
Jodi made it about Jodi...she said just enough to keep her own story cracking. She said she wanted death and she does not. She talked about pain that she is caused her mother, yet she caused pain up to the minute by not allowing her own mother or her siblings testify for her.

Jodi made it about herself, showing some pictures of herself and other people that were in her life. She showed no remorse and her biggest attempt cry and hold herself together was when she talked about others not being able to have her in their life anymore.

I didnt expect her to even get up there, but this was jodis last stand. It was her last chance to promote her art and show off the Tshirt that she hopes to sell millions of. If that does sell millions, I would be interested to see how much really goes to the real victims of domestic violence. Jodi said that 100% of the profits would go to the cause....well I wonder how much overhead she will consider before the rest is considered profit...LOL.

The one charity she said she was sending money to, wanted no association with her. It was a slight of hand that she didn't mention specifics of where the money went to or was going to.

Great point. Charities are great, but what they consider "profit" and what others consider "profit" are two different things. Their overhead is not considered profit...its the cost of doing "business" so to speak.

Yeah, it was a slight of hand...basically she has no charity as of yet to donate the "profits" to. Im sure that the jurors caught that. I mean why go thru all the trouble of making a shirt and selling it without even saying the specific charity it would go to...which victims of domestic violence?
gtg bye T, bye 25 and whoever else is on.

See you Test...see you TW. TW says 4 days...I say sooner...tomorrow or Thursday at the latest. I think the jury has their mind made up.

I think shes gonna get DP. But even if she gets LWOP, she is gone forever essentially and justice was ultimately served.
Okay so I am admitting that i have been stalking you guys for two days just reading your posts and I just had to create a profile to let you guys know I miss you all. :(
But I wanted to say hi to you all. :)
:clap2: To Jodia Arias for making it all the way through her statement without busting into laughter!!!!! :cuckoo: :eusa_liar:

For a minute there I thought she was on a JOB INTERVIEW! :bsflag:

I bet they come back from the lunch hour with their verdict! Enough of this BS & wasted time, IMHO!

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