Jodi Arias Penalty

As a juror, what would YOU think if the last thing you heard was Travis' family plea. Came back for JoJo plea. Dismissed for delay. Off for weekend. Back Monday expecting JoJo family and JoJo people. Called in to be dismissed for the day. Back the next day. Delayed for 2 hours, told JoJo's one witness was "unavailable" by the judge, nothing else on anyone else. No mom, no sister no nothing (sitting right in front of you but not speaking), then Jo gets up to tell you life goals followed by head scratching close.

Really, if you consider instructions and media black out and that being their info. Where would you be?

Nice breakdown, test. :clap2:

The jury is very tired of the Jodi games...and we will all be hearing about it soon from the jury. If that jury wrote a book...Id buy it, just to see what their mindset was throughout the trial.
Off to watch the last period of the game (tied!(

Im a Red Wing fan, but it would be nice to see Boston go all the would be great for the city of Boston with all the other stuff going on. Sports are a great outlet for fans, and I have to think that the Bruins are giving it a little extra for the fans. Up 2-0 in the series...they are on their way.

I think that as a juror, nothing I heard today would mitigate my finding of the aggravating factor of especially cruel. I would reason out that the defense attorney pled for mercy and not the convicted murderer and that would speak volumes. I would recall that the only emotion the murderer showed was for all the things she would be missing and that she disregarded, or refused to acknowledge, all she has taken from her victim and his family and loved ones. As I applied the mitigators put forth by the defense team, I would come to the conclusion that they did not explain or condone the crime committed. But that's just me.
As a juror, what would YOU think if the last thing you heard was Travis' family plea. Came back for JoJo plea. Dismissed for delay. Off for weekend. Back Monday expecting JoJo family and JoJo people. Called in to be dismissed for the day. Back the next day. Delayed for 2 hours, told JoJo's one witness was "unavailable" by the judge, nothing else on anyone else. No mom, no sister no nothing (sitting right in front of you but not speaking), then Jo gets up to tell you life goals followed by head scratching close.

Really, if you consider instructions and media black out and that being their info. Where would you be?

Nice breakdown, test. :clap2:

The jury is very tired of the Jodi games...and we will all be hearing about it soon from the jury. If that jury wrote a book...Id buy it, just to see what their mindset was throughout the trial.

I would just wait for lifetime to make it into a movie. Maybe they would call it The 12 Angry Jurors. lol
TW, I heard the first of the interviews will be aired around 10PM AZ time, 1AM ET. I have the links if you want me to post them.
Yes, thank SF...that was helpful, and others were thinking it was income tax at first, but as TInk pointed out, that didn't make sense this early in the year.

She has apparently rectified/reported the income (according to her legal adviser) don't know when that happened though!....who alo said she receives AFDC, not "welfare"....but I don't really know the difference, and haven't bothered to research it.

I suspect that PW may have actually learned more than she wanted to know about JA when she got to court in person. Not the same gal she "knew and loved" probably! May have been torn

I also read that "chrisstark" which I think is a tweet handle? (I know someone posted some of his/her stuff at the other place) was plastering PW's home address and a google map of her house all over the hater sites.....that's just ugly and uncalled for, IMO
I read that ChrisStark is asctually a second account of Chris Hughes. Sneaky.
Yes, thank SF...that was helpful, and others were thinking it was income tax at first, but as TInk pointed out, that didn't make sense this early in the year.

She has apparently rectified/reported the income (according to her legal adviser) don't know when that happened though!....who alo said she receives AFDC, not "welfare"....but I don't really know the difference, and haven't bothered to research it.

I suspect that PW may have actually learned more than she wanted to know about JA when she got to court in person. Not the same gal she "knew and loved" probably! May have been torn

I also read that "chrisstark" which I think is a tweet handle? (I know someone posted some of his/her stuff at the other place) was plastering PW's home address and a google map of her house all over the hater sites.....that's just ugly and uncalled for, IMO
I read that ChrisStark is asctually a second account of Chris Hughes. Sneaky.

If that is true then I would say that it is just plain sick.
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I read that ChrisStark is asctually a second account of Chris Hughes. Sneaky.

Not sure, but I think Chris Stark is not Chris Hughes. I don't do twitter, but I think Chris Stark is ChrisStark123. I think he or she is not affiliated with the Hughes.

I think that as a juror, nothing I heard today would mitigate my finding of the aggravating factor of especially cruel. I would reason out that the defense attorney pled for mercy and not the convicted murderer and that would speak volumes. I would recall that the only emotion the murderer showed was for all the things she would be missing and that she disregarded, or refused to acknowledge, all she has taken from her victim and his family and loved ones. As I applied the mitigators put forth by the defense team, I would come to the conclusion that they did not explain or condone the crime committed. But that's just me.

I agree with you BUT I thought mitigators aren't supposed to explain the crime committed but instead say why the defendants life should be spared and still has value:confused:
Yes, thank SF...that was helpful, and others were thinking it was income tax at first, but as TInk pointed out, that didn't make sense this early in the year.

She has apparently rectified/reported the income (according to her legal adviser) don't know when that happened though!....who alo said she receives AFDC, not "welfare"....but I don't really know the difference, and haven't bothered to research it.

I suspect that PW may have actually learned more than she wanted to know about JA when she got to court in person. Not the same gal she "knew and loved" probably! May have been torn

I also read that "chrisstark" which I think is a tweet handle? (I know someone posted some of his/her stuff at the other place) was plastering PW's home address and a google map of her house all over the hater sites.....that's just ugly and uncalled for, IMO
I read that ChrisStark is asctually a second account of Chris Hughes. Sneaky.

If that is true then I would say that it is just plain sick.
Agree. I read it on that occupy hln thing I think. I'm not certain it's true but it could be
I am not sure if this is real. This was passed from others on twitter.
Troy Hayden ‏@troyhaydenfox10 2h

i want to know why #Jodiarias didn't apologize to Alexander family. why she lied to me about death. if she traces her art. Very short #fox10
Ok I watched the closings but I fell asleep for part of it. I feel like everyone phoned it in today. I'm taking my sister to airport in the AM so I have the day tomorrow before my cousin comes weds. I hope the verdict comes in tomorrow.
I'm just getting to the Darryl interview now. I still don't get why he didn't speak either...

Logic tells me that, if I was asked to decide the DP, the mitigation evidence would be just that...evidence to give me pause about imposing the most severe sentence we have...something to lessen my opinion of the severity I had already found to be true. In this case, the mitigation evidence would be given to me to mitigate the aggravating factor of excessive cruelty. For example, if someone commits M1 with proven excessive cruelty but that person presents a mitigating factor that he/she has an IQ of say 40, then I would weigh those two factors. How did the mitigator of having such a low IQ reflect on the M1 committed? I don't think I could vote for the DP in that instance, no matter how heinous the murder.

If the AZ court went through the trouble to present evidence and vote on the aggravating factor, then it only makes sense to me that the mitigating factors must revert back to the effect those have on the aggravating factors. I could be wrong, but that's how I would view it.
Hey all of you! Missed ya today. Had to work and just caught up a bit. I have to admit I am not surprised by what Jodi said today. Me,me,me...and still no I'm sorry.

Hey featherduster!...I see you have crossed

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