Jodi Arias Penalty

According to HLN, JA is currently having her hair and makeup done for her upcoming interviews tonight.

What a crock of sh!t this is! Is the media so hungry to put something on the airwaves, that they'll honor the request of a convicted M1 prisoner that is a known liar just to have something to put on the air? Do they really consider lies to be newsworthy? I shouldn't be shocked, right?

I love this emotie (not directed at anyone..just love it, lol)

where's JJ now??? LOLOLOL
According to HLN, JA is currently having her hair and makeup done for her upcoming interviews tonight.

What a crock of sh!t this is! Is the media so hungry to put something on the airwaves, that they'll honor the request of a convicted M1 prisoner that is a known liar just to have something to put on the air? Do they really consider lies to be newsworthy? I shouldn't be shocked, right?

Is she ging to be on HLN?

I'm really amazed the jail allows it....Makes the skeptic in me wonder if they get some sort of "compensation"?

FTR she doesn't request....according to the Sherriff's dept...THEY, the media request, and must be approved first thru the SherriffDept, then Arias is approached (b sherriff deputies ) and can agree or decline
According to HLN, JA is currently having her hair and makeup done for her upcoming interviews tonight.

What a crock of sh!t this is! Is the media so hungry to put something on the airwaves, that they'll honor the request of a convicted M1 prisoner that is a known liar just to have something to put on the air? Do they really consider lies to be newsworthy? I shouldn't be shocked, right?

Can you imagine being her attorney, after you spent the end of the day asking for mercy for her? The jurors are deliberating, the judge should have never allowed this at this point. People are losing their minds over HLN and media, and this is plain wrong. That a convicted killer is permitted a media blitz, before sentencing is complete. I wonder if this will screw up appeal opportunities, in blaming the media for her not receiving a fair trial. How can you argue that when you are out there giving interviews and tweeting left and right?
According to HLN, JA is currently having her hair and makeup done for her upcoming interviews tonight.

What a crock of sh!t this is! Is the media so hungry to put something on the airwaves, that they'll honor the request of a convicted M1 prisoner that is a known liar just to have something to put on the air? Do they really consider lies to be newsworthy? I shouldn't be shocked, right?

Is she ging to be on HLN?

I'm really amazed the jail allows it....Makes the skeptic in me wonder if they get some sort of "compensation"?

FTR she doesn't request....according to the Sherriff's dept...THEY, the media request, and must be approved first thru the SherriffDept, then Arias is approached (b sherriff deputies ) and can agree or decline

The request part I was referring to is her having her hair and makeup done. It was reported that she requested that be done before she goes on camera. The jail is allowing it.
According to HLN, JA is currently having her hair and makeup done for her upcoming interviews tonight.

What a crock of sh!t this is! Is the media so hungry to put something on the airwaves, that they'll honor the request of a convicted M1 prisoner that is a known liar just to have something to put on the air? Do they really consider lies to be newsworthy? I shouldn't be shocked, right?

Aye are you serious?? Please tell me she is not going to sit there and continue to lie about Travis again. Argh!!! Where are they airing this interview.
According to HLN, JA is currently having her hair and makeup done for her upcoming interviews tonight.

What a crock of sh!t this is! Is the media so hungry to put something on the airwaves, that they'll honor the request of a convicted M1 prisoner that is a known liar just to have something to put on the air? Do they really consider lies to be newsworthy? I shouldn't be shocked, right?

Is she ging to be on HLN?

I'm really amazed the jail allows it....Makes the skeptic in me wonder if they get some sort of "compensation"?

FTR she doesn't request....according to the Sherriff's dept...THEY, the media request, and must be approved first thru the SherriffDept, then Arias is approached (b sherriff deputies ) and can agree or decline

The request part I was referring to is her having her hair and makeup done. It was reported that she requested that be done before she goes on camera. The jail is allowing it.

I blame all this crap on reality TV. And with that, I'm going to eat and get a small bit of work done.
Have a good night all.
According to HLN, JA is currently having her hair and makeup done for her upcoming interviews tonight.

What a crock of sh!t this is! Is the media so hungry to put something on the airwaves, that they'll honor the request of a convicted M1 prisoner that is a known liar just to have something to put on the air? Do they really consider lies to be newsworthy? I shouldn't be shocked, right?

Is she ging to be on HLN?

I'm really amazed the jail allows it....Makes the skeptic in me wonder if they get some sort of "compensation"?

FTR she doesn't request....according to the Sherriff's dept...THEY, the media request, and must be approved first thru the SherriffDept, then Arias is approached (b sherriff deputies ) and can agree or decline

The request part I was referring to is her having her hair and makeup done. It was reported that she requested that be done before she goes on camera. The jail is allowing it.

ok, gotcha! Not sure why that is allowed...again I wonder about "kickbacks"
According to HLN, JA is currently having her hair and makeup done for her upcoming interviews tonight.

What a crock of sh!t this is! Is the media so hungry to put something on the airwaves, that they'll honor the request of a convicted M1 prisoner that is a known liar just to have something to put on the air? Do they really consider lies to be newsworthy? I shouldn't be shocked, right?

Aye are you serious?? Please tell me she is not going to sit there and continue to lie about Travis again. Argh!!! Where are they airing this interview.

Very serious! She's getting ready for it now. There's more than one network she'll be talking to tonight. Fox, NBC, I think I heard ABC in there as well. There were others, but I didn't pay much attention to it, since my youngins were talking. LOL
According to HLN, JA is currently having her hair and makeup done for her upcoming interviews tonight.

What a crock of sh!t this is! Is the media so hungry to put something on the airwaves, that they'll honor the request of a convicted M1 prisoner that is a known liar just to have something to put on the air? Do they really consider lies to be newsworthy? I shouldn't be shocked, right?

Aye are you serious?? Please tell me she is not going to sit there and continue to lie about Travis again. Argh!!! Where are they airing this interview.

Very serious! She's getting ready for it now. There's more than one network she'll be talking to tonight. Fox, NBC, I think I heard ABC in there as well. There were others, but I didn't pay much attention to it, since my youngins were talking. LOL

What is she going to do retract her last "I want death" statement and spew her I can do good and grew my hair crap
It is reported that Jodi will be giving multiple interviews in less than 2 hours to the media. The judge has lifted her ban.

If only the jury gets a verdict before then!

oh brother, so she got what she wanted and then some. I'll tell you, the life goals and privileges of convicted felons...

Missed the beginning of JW's closing, so I went back to listen and she lost me into The Fog on her first sentence "people are far better than their very worst deed".

People are better than their very worst deed

Totally agree with that. We look for the good in each other and ourselves and that is such a true statement.

Until you try to reconcile stab29times/shot/slitthroat with "worst deed" by normal people standards. You get the dp for that "worst deed". That's the worstest deeds of the very worstest deeds.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the 'excuse' game that Wilmott was also harping on. All I kept saying in my head was WTF when she was belting that line of crap out. The defense's closing was a total flop. Jodi may have done better than Wilmott, but she screwed up as well. I'm not surprised at Jodi's ME FEST, but Wilmott should have done much better, leaving Travis out of it.

The jury is done for today, and hopefully we'll hear a verdict from them after lunch tomorrow.

is coming after Jodi! She better get her

I totally agree with you. Tomorrow or Tuesday of they have a break for the weekend. Has Judge Sherry said the Friday schedule? I'll check the docket tomorrow when I'm on the computer.

They lunch. Go for cokes... But they've been thinking about this since Travis' family spoke last week. That's been hanging on them for days. Again sh!tty defense strategy.
As a juror, what would YOU think if the last thing you heard was Travis' family plea. Came back for JoJo plea. Dismissed for delay. Off for weekend. Back Monday expecting JoJo family and JoJo people. Called in to be dismissed for the day. Back the next day. Delayed for 2 hours, told JoJo's one witness was "unavailable" by the judge, nothing else on anyone else. No mom, no sister no nothing (sitting right in front of you but not speaking), then Jo gets up to tell you life goals followed by head scratching close.

Really, if you consider instructions and media black out and that being their info. Where would you be?
As a juror, what would YOU think if the last thing you heard was Travis' family plea. Came back for JoJo plea. Dismissed for delay. Off for weekend. Back Monday expecting JoJo family and JoJo people. Called in to be dismissed for the day. Back the next day. Delayed for 2 hours, told JoJo's one witness was "unavailable" by the judge, nothing else on anyone else. No mom, no sister no nothing (sitting right in front of you but not speaking), then Jo gets up to tell you life goals followed by head scratching close.

Really, if you consider instructions and media black out and that being their info. Where would you be?

I'm still waiting for my release papers from the looney bin after watching today's proceedings.
Aye are you serious?? Please tell me she is not going to sit there and continue to lie about Travis again. Argh!!! Where are they airing this interview.

Very serious! She's getting ready for it now. There's more than one network she'll be talking to tonight. Fox, NBC, I think I heard ABC in there as well. There were others, but I didn't pay much attention to it, since my youngins were talking. LOL

What is she going to do retract her last "I want death" statement and spew her I can do good and grew my hair crap

She already has that planned out. Same Jodi, different station, new schtick. Now this is predictable Jodi the Psycho.
Very serious! She's getting ready for it now. There's more than one network she'll be talking to tonight. Fox, NBC, I think I heard ABC in there as well. There were others, but I didn't pay much attention to it, since my youngins were talking. LOL

What is she going to do retract her last "I want death" statement and spew her I can do good and grew my hair crap

She already has that planned out. Same Jodi, different station, new schtick. Now this is predictable Jodi the Psycho.

Wasn't she banned from interviews?

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