Jodi Arias Penalty

Man! AZ is a weird state when it comes to media access for sure! Someone please post if you find out where the interviews will air!

I got that same message "that I had to spread my reps around" before I could rep someone again! I think Gracie may have mentioned that already, but I forgot in my haste to agree with TW, lol

I think they all sucked today, including JM, he was off his usual "game" ...I think JW was better in 2nd round, but she didn't have to try to hard to better the 1st round!

I predict a verdict Thursday the latest, maybe even tomorrow.....don't think the jury really cared what either side had to say today as far as closing, rehash on both sides. They wanted to hear Jodi and then they were done, IMO

I also think JM's remarks about PWomack were out of line again. I read his actual response to the mistrial motion today and the charges he was referring to were with PW and the defendant , back when they were teens, caught growing pot (drug use).....he totally misled the public (us) with his remarks yesterday!!....Apparently she also does NOT have a lengthly record as has been implied nor the long list of possible offenses that have been thrown out there.....the "possible charges" he referred to about the pics was about income/taxes/welfare...really reaching and blown out of proportion!

I think it was SFe that first posted about the welfare (sorry if I am mistaken there)
It is reported that Jodi will be giving multiple interviews in less than 2 hours to the media. The judge has lifted her ban.

If only the jury gets a verdict before then!

oh brother, so she got what she wanted and then some. I'll tell you, the life goals and privileges of convicted felons...

Missed the beginning of JW's closing, so I went back to listen and she lost me into The Fog on her first sentence "people are far better than their very worst deed".

People are better than their very worst deed

Totally agree with that. We look for the good in each other and ourselves and that is such a true statement.

Until you try to reconcile stab29times/shot/slitthroat with "worst deed" by normal people standards. You get the dp for that "worst deed". That's the worstest deeds of the very worstest deeds.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the 'excuse' game that Wilmott was also harping on. All I kept saying in my head was WTF when she was belting that line of crap out. The defense's closing was a total flop. Jodi may have done better than Wilmott, but she screwed up as well. I'm not surprised at Jodi's ME FEST, but Wilmott should have done much better, leaving Travis out of it.

The jury is done for today, and hopefully we'll hear a verdict from them after lunch tomorrow.

is coming after Jodi! She better get her
Yes, Viv. I posted that PW was obligated to notify authorities when she received however much money she received for the photos and videos. TW thought that could be a sizable sum, IDK. But the fact remains if she did not declare that extra income and continued to collect her welfare checks then she was breaking the law and cheating whatever state she's collecting welfare from. Just relaying what I heard.
Yes, thank SF...that was helpful, and others were thinking it was income tax at first, but as TInk pointed out, that didn't make sense this early in the year.

She has apparently rectified/reported the income (according to her legal adviser) don't know when that happened though!....who alo said she receives AFDC, not "welfare"....but I don't really know the difference, and haven't bothered to research it.

I suspect that PW may have actually learned more than she wanted to know about JA when she got to court in person. Not the same gal she "knew and loved" probably! May have been torn

I also read that "chrisstark" which I think is a tweet handle? (I know someone posted some of his/her stuff at the other place) was plastering PW's home address and a google map of her house all over the hater sites.....that's just ugly and uncalled for, IMO
So Dwane Cates on HLN thinks Arias took responsibility and that's going to save her life. Typical defense atty.

As for her upcoming interviews...I can only guess which ones she'll choose, but NG isn't getting one. LOLOLOL! Interesting how Arias was presented with dozens of networks who want to interview her and she picked and chose which ones she will do and which ones she won't. In control still. Personally, I will take great satisfaction when that control is finally ripped from her.

And so The Blame Game & Clicky Consonant Tour begins. Lovely.
The absolute assault by social media, in this case , has really been shameful IMO, ditto the online mobs....WTF is wrong with people??

The HLN crowd is the leader of the pack(s), IMO, so "DR"Drew can take his recent flipflop of "don't all gang up on JA the mentally ill" and stuff it wear the sun don't shine....he was way out front in lynch mob and "reporting" unsubstantiated stuff!
I am watching my beloved Bruins while typing (sorry NY fans , lol)...but will flip channels to see JA...cant resist!
Yes, Viv. I posted that PW was obligated to notify authorities when she received however much money she received for the photos and videos. TW thought that could be a sizable sum, IDK. But the fact remains if she did not declare that extra income and continued to collect her welfare checks then she was breaking the law and cheating whatever state she's collecting welfare from. Just relaying what I heard.

If I recall correctly, it was upwards of $200k for the photos of Caylee Anthony. I'm not sure she could fetch that amount on Nancy Grace, but I would guess it is, at the least, in the thousands versus hundreds of dollars. Sometimes these shows say they won't pay for interviews, so they get around it by saying that they pay for images. I read about the ethical dilemma of this practice on Poytner a few years back.
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I agree Viv. That IS threatening! Patty has every right to come testify on Arias' behalf. Putting out her home address is beyond the pale and should be prosecutable, IMO. But also IMO, it is not intimidating a witness to cross examine her on her past criminal history (if there is one) and/or her failure to comply with welfare laws. I do believe that lying regarding either shows her abiity to lie, and that her current drug use signifies a demeanor change that may influence her testimony so I have no problem with that. I don't know the particulars of her financial situation either, but posting her address or threatening her daughter, whatever that was, is completely wrong.
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The absolute assault by social media, in this case , has really been shameful IMO, ditto the online mobs....WTF is wrong with people??

The HLN crowd is the leader of the pack(s), IMO, so "DR"Drew can take his recent flipflop of "don't all gang up on JA the mentally ill" and stuff it wear the sun don't shine....he was way out front in lynch mob and "reporting" unsubstantiated stuff!

He is the King of Projection. Everything that he warns or chastises viewers of has something to do with his own experience and behavior. Case in point, his insane response to the "threat" of Arias committing suicide. Think about all the celebrity rehabbers who died or committed suicide.
Yes, TW. That's why I think it's a valid point for cross examination and not something blown out of proportion to demonize PW. JMO
Right...SF...her actual past or present would be fair game! My objection was to JM deliberately implying it was something other than the reality in open court! I understand lawyers , on both sides do that, but the judge should not have allowed it, IMO.

It's skeevy, TW!.....the whole channel is, apparently! I hadn't watch any of them before this trial..and seriously makes me yell at the TV the few times I have!
Yes, TW. That's why I think it's a valid point for cross examination and not something blown out of proportion to demonize PW. JMO

She showed up to court. She was willing to give a depo, so she didn't have so much fear to deter her from that. Clearly, both she and the defense did not want certain character flaws to be revealed on cross. It would harm Womack and not help Arias.

I feel for her and think that threats and giving her address out is outrageous. I'm just not convinced that that was the true explanation for her not testifying. It may be a part of it, but not the sole reason.
Right...SF...her actual past or present would be fair game! My objection was to JM deliberately implying it was something other than the reality in open court! I understand lawyers , on both sides do that, but the judge should not have allowed it, IMO.

It's skeevy, TW!.....the whole channel is, apparently! I hadn't watch any of them before this trial..and seriously makes me yell at the TV the few times I have!

I'm not sure what was said that wasn't reality. Didn't she have an arrest for DUI or was that false?
After watching this trial, I grew to admire the Alexander family for showing great restraint during the most trying times. But today a new respect for them came from their ability to sit through their brother's killer's statement and that of her attorney with the utmost class. It was a testament to their brother and would have made their deceased relatives, Travis, Grandmother, parents, very proud, I believe. I have no connection whatsoever to this family and I had a visceral negative reaction to the continuance of lies and claims by the murderer and Willmott during today's proceedings. I cannot imagine what Travis' family was feeling. Whatever they felt inside, they conducted themselves so admirably that I just wanted to mention it here.
Right...SF...her actual past or present would be fair game! My objection was to JM deliberately implying it was something other than the reality in open court! I understand lawyers , on both sides do that, but the judge should not have allowed it, IMO.

It's skeevy, TW!.....the whole channel is, apparently! I hadn't watch any of them before this trial..and seriously makes me yell at the TV the few times I have!

I'm not sure what was said that wasn't reality. Didn't she have an arrest for DUI or was that false?
Paarently so....In JM"s actual written response he referred to the charges related to PW growing pot as a teenager (and smoking pot with JA).....NOTHING, NADA or any current or pending charges....totally opposite of what he implied in court...totally wrong, IMO.

I have read a litany of supposed "charges"....child neglect, drugs, drinking, I forget what else....and the only one in his official reply to the court was the one I noted above!
Aid to Families with Dependent Children
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) was a federal assistance program in effect from 1935 to 1996 created by the Social Security Act and administered by the United States Department of Health and Human Services that provided financial assistance to children whose families had low or no income.[1]

This program grew from a minor part of the social security system to a significant system of welfare administered by the states with federal funding. However, it was criticized for offering incentives for women to have children, and for providing disincentives for women to join the workforce. In 1996, AFDC was replaced by the more restrictive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program.
JM didn't refer to a "DUI" anyway....he talked about drug problems and a "prosecution problem for lack of a better term in open court
Aid to Families with Dependent Children
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) was a federal assistance program in effect from 1935 to 1996 created by the Social Security Act and administered by the United States Department of Health and Human Services that provided financial assistance to children whose families had low or no income.[1]

This program grew from a minor part of the social security system to a significant system of welfare administered by the states with federal funding. However, it was criticized for offering incentives for women to have children, and for providing disincentives for women to join the workforce. In 1996, AFDC was replaced by the more restrictive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program.

sure sounds like welfare to me! Maybe that lawyer has an issue with the word, lol
Right...SF...her actual past or present would be fair game! My objection was to JM deliberately implying it was something other than the reality in open court! I understand lawyers , on both sides do that, but the judge should not have allowed it, IMO.

It's skeevy, TW!.....the whole channel is, apparently! I hadn't watch any of them before this trial..and seriously makes me yell at the TV the few times I have!

I'm not sure what was said that wasn't reality. Didn't she have an arrest for DUI or was that false?
Paarently so....In JM"s actual written response he referred to the charges related to PW growing pot as a teenager (and smoking pot with JA).....NOTHING, NADA or any current or pending charges....totally opposite of what he implied in court...totally wrong, IMO.

I have read a litany of supposed "charges"....child neglect, drugs, drinking, I forget what else....and the only one in his official reply to the court was the one I noted above!

Maybe it was the only one brought up because it related to an endeavor with Arias. He probably would have asked her if she was still a drug user. If it is true, and I have seen no verifiable proof that she was a heroine user, that could have really destroyed her life. Now it is only innuendo. Not reporting the income to the state would have made her appear like she was gaming the system, even if she did so inadvertently.

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