Jodi Arias Penalty

This has been a fun group. I appreciate you all.

However, I think it's time for me to step back. Real life calls and Jodi really needs no more of my attention.

Carry on and don't forget to rep one another.

Totally agree with you Testa. Morphing is an apt description. I too saw the shock during the verdict but I thought that was her fear of "What's going to happen to me?". I'm ready for her to say that the jury found her guilty because they didn't understand her defense; that it's their fault, their mistake, not a referendum on what she did. Sort of like...they know not what they do...because her circumstances are so different and special that they just cannot understand the depth and complexity of her superior personhood. I'll have to watch that clip again from the polling of the jury to catch her expressions.

Too true, if you have time, watch it, it's very telling. I don't think it's "what's going to happen to me" - that is a missing emotion for her, she's already made a full schedule of plans for her upcoming prison life... It's shock they "betrayed" her, everyone of them. When she said she felt betrayed by the jury in one of those interviews, she is completely telling the truth as it exists in her reality. It is betrayal on her face and hope/shock as each one says guilty down the line. She thought they were in her web and in her reality with her. That's not right, she doesn't calculate them to be in her web, it just is from her perspective, they were supposed to be a part of her reality and her absolvance from the murder, they were a key part of her reality, so it stunned her and she was "betrayed" when they weren't. Just like everyone else that doesn't play by and inside her reality. The reporter being a "hater", tsk tsk, not playing by the World According to Jodi's reality so must be a hater or a betrayer.

I think it all stems back to being "the chosen one" with entitlement. Maybe she had a bad childhood, maybe she was spoiled, or maybe she was born that way. Things are fine and dandy as long as she is the center of the universe. She didn't like it when her sister was born, didn't like it if boyfriends decided on someone else than her, didn't like it when the jury picked another truth and not hers. She lacks empathy, so she can't imagine what others might be feeling. Her hurt and pain is what she feels. She doesn't understand when others don't get it, because she is all that there is. There are no boundaries and there are no others. Does that make sense?

Absolutely makes sense.
Yes, TW, it makes as perfect sense as can be made out of non-sense.

And to think in last night's interview she said "I don't want cause any more pain", as she's plastered all over the TV all night long spewing her crap where Travis' family and friends can't even get away from her. If she really wants to just carry on and live her life then why the hell doesn't she just STFU and do it???
This has been a fun group. I appreciate you all.

However, I think it's time for me to step back. Real life calls and Jodi really needs no more of my attention.

Carry on and don't forget to rep one another.


Thanks for all the laughs Doc.
This has been a fun group. I appreciate you all.

However, I think it's time for me to step back. Real life calls and Jodi really needs no more of my attention.

Carry on and don't forget to rep one another.


NO! Why are you leaving? Don't go! We need your humor to keep US sane!
Yes, TW, it makes as perfect sense as can be made out of non-sense.

And to think in last night's interview she said "I don't want cause any more pain", as she's plastered all over the TV all night long spewing her crap where Travis' family and friends can't even get away from her. If she really wants to just carry on and live her life then why the hell doesn't she just STFU and do it???

This is probably, in a strange way, the happiest time of her life. She never had so much attention.
QUOTE=SantaFeWay;7271796]Yes, TW, it makes as perfect sense as can be made out of non-sense.

And to think in last night's interview she said "I don't want cause any more pain", as she's plastered all over the TV all night long spewing her crap where Travis' family and friends can't even get away from her. If she really wants to just carry on and live her life then why the hell doesn't she just STFU and do it???[/QUOTE]

The question Ryan asked her on the GMA interview was perfect "why do you keep talking?"


This has been a fun group. I appreciate you all.

However, I think it's time for me to step back. Real life calls and Jodi really needs no more of my attention.

Carry on and don't forget to rep one another.


I will definitely miss you. Are you stopping [correction: stomping] back for the verdict?
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This has been a fun group. I appreciate you all.

However, I think it's time for me to step back. Real life calls and Jodi really needs no more of my attention.

Carry on and don't forget to rep one another.


NO! You have to wait until after the sentence!!
Hey everybody!. Please don't leave drsteve. We all love your input and humor. Even if I don't chat I like to read yalls posts.
This has been a fun group. I appreciate you all.

However, I think it's time for me to step back. Real life calls and Jodi really needs no more of my attention.

Carry on and don't forget to rep one another.


What? Wait! Nnnooooo! Before you leave us can we get a stomping hippo? :(

No? That's it you drop the good bye bomb and leave. :whip: bad Doc.
Beth Karas ·We will get a one-hour notice once a verdict is reached so families can get to the courthouse. There will be no court on Friday and Monday, should there be no verdict this week.

Today or Tuesday...

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