Jodi Arias Penalty

Also, any new jury would need to accept the guilty verdict. Does anyone know if they also need to accept the finding of especially cruel? Or would that need to be relitigated?

They have to accept both

It would stricty be penalty phase, they would have to "assume" the rest, so would be juan open/jw open, juan witnesses / defense witnesses, rebuttal, juan close/jw close.

Same thing all over again.
From: Testarosa
"I thougt AZ says can impanel up to a 3rd jury."

(I hate not being able to quote just part of the

Anyway...a 3rd might be possible, but I dont think its normal. I didnt read anything on a 3rd jury being empaneled.
From: Testarosa
"I thougt AZ says can impanel up to a 3rd jury."

(I hate not being able to quote just part of the

Anyway...a 3rd might be possible, but I dont think its normal. I didnt read anything on a 3rd jury being empaneled.

I read that on a news feed quoting AZ law, so not double verified or anything. I would think if it is true, it'd be highly uncommon, what prosecutor would have that tenacity (Juan :).

AZ is weird on a few of their laws though so some of this has been out of the normal. Okay, a LOT of this has been out of the norm.
I just thought of the ultimate Nurmi hell....THE case new jodi show...might have to put nurmi on suicide watch...

"Now damnit, judge...I'm gonna ask you nicely one more time. Can I please drop this witch of a client and get back to my normal life?"
I just thought of the ultimate Nurmi hell....THE case new jodi show...might have to put nurmi on suicide watch...

"Now damnit, judge...I'm gonna ask you nicely one more time. Can I please drop this witch of a client and get back to my normal life?"

But then he goes back to representing sex offenders. Lose/lose, as far as I can tell.
I was really astonished when the jury was claiming deadlock in under 2 hrs! Though I know it's much harder to actually vote for death, than it is to agree with the DP in principle.

I can't imagine how they would impanel another jury, in that area, (or many many areas!) that hasn't been exposed to the media blitz of this case!
I know Viv it was rather quick but they have already decided on other areas how many times can they go around and around with the same thing. And to think she didn't even present mitigation witness
I was really astonished when the jury was claiming deadlock in under 2 hrs! Though I know it's much harder to actually vote for death, than it is to agree with the DP in principle.

I can't imagine how they would impanel another jury, in that area, (or many many areas!) that hasn't been exposed to the media blitz of this case!

And the Alexander family will continue to wait for the last part of the justice Travis deserves :(
I wonder how long it would take to form a new jury.

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