Jodi Arias Penalty

Look at it this way. If Arias gets LWOP, she is going to disappear faster. The media is going to lose interest. She is going to age in prison. She won't be the pretty young thang. She will be a distant memory. She will pull some of her stunts in prison, with some women who are genuine hard asses, and she will be put in her place. Remember, there she can't pull her manipulation, tricks and lies, cause a problem, and walk away. She is stuck there.

If she gets the DP, there will be lingering interest in her and she'll get the attention from the media that she craves.

Who will care about the crazy person who killed her boyfriend, in a few years?
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Look at it this way. If Arias gets LWOP, she is going to disappear faster. The media is going to lose interest. She is going to age in prison. She won't be the pretty young thang. She will be a distant memory. She will pull some of her stunts in prison, with some women who are genuine hard asses, and she will be put in her place. Remember, there she can't pull her manipulation, tricks and lies, cause a problem, and walk away. She is stuck there.

If she gets the DP, there will be lingering interest in her and she'll get the attention from the media that she craves.

All the reports say in jail she is soft spoken, keeps to herself. And is generally well liked.
WAIT! There are alternates! Beth Karas just said that, if all the jurors are joining in the debate, then they can hang. BUT, if someone just steadfastly refuses to discuss options, then that juror(s) can be replaced by an alternate(s).

Sooooo.....there's still a possibility with this jury, depending on the split. If there are only 1 or 2 who just will not budge or discuss, they may be replaced.

I'm going to assume that HLN is wrong on that, like they are on so many things! A Juror has to be found unfit to continue serving by the judge. Unless they were exhibiting some totally bizarre behavior, removing a juror for refusing to change their mind would not fly! (and the judge would be crucified, IMO)
Look at it this way. If Arias gets LWOP, she is going to disappear faster. The media is going to lose interest. She is going to age in prison. She won't be the pretty young thang. She will be a distant memory. She will pull some of her stunts in prison, with some women who are genuine hard asses, and she will be put in her place. Remember, there she can't pull her manipulation, tricks and lies, cause a problem, and walk away. She is stuck there.

If she gets the DP, there will be lingering interest in her and she'll get the attention from the media that she craves.

All the reports say in jail she is soft spoken, keeps to herself. And is generally well liked.

She also got into an altercation with a cell mate. She is going to piss someone off.
I wonder how big the split is

All it takes is 1, right? Hopefully, if it is just 1 person, he or she can look at the circumstances from a different view. If he or she "pulled-a-Jodi" (I need to TM that.) in the jury selection on being able to sentence someone to death, then I seriously doubt his or her mind will change.
The gas can <s>stalking</s>, errrr research was hilarious Tink!

Yes research lets call it that. hahahah (were you trying to do this <strike> stalking</strike>

crap that didn't work either lol
It's hard to vote to kill someone, especially if you think the person is crazy! I imagine it's more than one...I don't think the jury gives up in under 2 hrs for 1 hold out....I think the split is large and both sides pretty adamant
Look at it this way. If Arias gets LWOP, she is going to disappear faster. The media is going to lose interest. She is going to age in prison. She won't be the pretty young thang. She will be a distant memory. She will pull some of her stunts in prison, with some women who are genuine hard asses, and she will be put in her place. Remember, there she can't pull her manipulation, tricks and lies, cause a problem, and walk away. She is stuck there.

If she gets the DP, there will be lingering interest in her and she'll get the attention from the media that she craves.

All the reports say in jail she is soft spoken, keeps to herself. And is generally well liked.

She also got into an altercation with a cell mate. She is going to piss someone off.

True. I think they all get in some scuffles who knows. I'm just commenting on the reports I've seen.
I wonder how big the split is

All it takes is 1, right? Hopefully, if it is just 1 person, he or she can look at the circumstances from a different view. If he or she "pulled-a-Jodi" (I need to TM that.) in the jury selection on being able to sentence someone to death, then I seriously doubt his or her mind will change.

Maybe, but I think if it were just one they wouldn't have come back so soon and said they were stuck.
I really don't see how those instructions helped or changed anything but I hope I'm wrong.
Yes, I think it would take something serious to remove a juror and replace with an alternate.

I think a hung jury would be worse than LWOP. TW is right. If she's given LWOP, then she pretty much disappears and that's what most people want...for her to just go away. A hung jury would probably mean a new penalty phase down the road and this whole ugly saga will just keep going and going. It really is enough already.

My DH is shocked right now. He felt since the jury found unanimously for both M1-premed and the especially cruel aggravating factor, then they would surely agree this warrants the DP. He didn't see the whole trial, just snippets and my biased commentary. But we were both floored when both OJ and Tot Mom (LOL) were acqutted so just goes to show how much we know.
Off for a bit, will check back later!

I started playing around with CP to find my way around better, after chatting with some fun and helpful peeps at the tavern last nite...but I think I broke something...../klutzRme!

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