Jodi Arias Penalty

Oh I think she'll get a new trial too, down the roads, for several reasons....definitely want to read your thoughtson that..BBL
I think she will get a successful appeal even if they do vote death.

Really? Why? You think her verdict will be overturned on appeal? On what grounds? Wow!

About your previous comment first. I wasn't shocked at all about CA case so maybe my picker is right but I could have just had a lucky guess. I wasn't shocked by this one either. OJ I think I was surprised but didn't follow like I followed the other 2.

Appeals- Well first because statistically more are over turned or commuted than not. Second there is a chance by the time she runs out the DP could be gone totally. But lastly, I'm just not sure she had a fair trial but we'll see.

I really hope we don't get a new jury I want this to be over ugh.
I think she will get a successful appeal even if they do vote death.

Really? Why? You think her verdict will be overturned on appeal? On what grounds? Wow!

On the M1 appeal???


Why do you think that?

I clarified before. I don't think she'll get M1 overturned but she may get a new trial further down the road or just have her sentence commuted. Who knows. I also don't know all the laws and mistakes reasons people get appeals but statistically she has a better chance than not.
Testa what happened to your feet?

Some guy on here commented on my nail polish and it freaked me out a little.

Oh dear! Sorry but that made me crack up laughing! I would have removed the source of that comment too. I miss the pic, though.

[MENTION=43893]25Caliber[/MENTION] can "not touching that" [MENTION=43882]Tink[/MENTION]ers GIGANTIC KITTY but at least it not her actual kitty. lol

Pelicans... not much to say about pelicans.
If she gets LWOP that is probably less likely thought still possible, but if they come back DP ( which I am having doubts about at this point) mark my words this will be going on a long long time and there is a strong possibility that she will not ultimately be put to death.
I think she will get a successful appeal even if they do vote death.

Really? Why? You think her verdict will be overturned on appeal? On what grounds? Wow!

About your previous comment first. I wasn't shocked at all about CA case so maybe my picker is right but I could have just had a lucky guess. I wasn't shocked by this one either. OJ I think I was surprised but didn't follow like I followed the other 2.

Appeals- Well first because statistically more are over turned or commuted than not. Second there is a chance by the time she runs out the DP could be gone totally. But lastly, I'm just not sure she had a fair trial but we'll see.

I really hope we don't get a new jury I want this to be over ugh.

Why do you say she didn't have a fair trial?

I believe it was a fair trial. Jodi chose to repeatedly lie to everyone, and not just in court. She courted the media before, during, and after being convicted. She's brought all the media attention to this case; if she had not done interviews after being arrested, we wouldn't be here talking about this today. Chances are, none of us would have heard about the case.
I respectfully disagree, and hope you are wrong, that there would be grounds to overturn the M1 verdict. I think she has been given more than a fair trial and it seems, with all the sidebars and in chambers conferences, all parties involved have been extra careful to prevent reversible error. I SO hope you are wrong.


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Really? Why? You think her verdict will be overturned on appeal? On what grounds? Wow!

On the M1 appeal???


Why do you think that?

I clarified before. I don't think she'll get M1 overturned but she may get a new trial further down the road or just have her sentence commuted. Who knows. I also don't know all the laws and mistakes reasons people get appeals but statistically she has a better chance than not.

Sorry, I was painting a volcano, I don't think she'll get M1 overturned or new trial. I think they Hail Mary'ed to death (no pun intended) and no appellate judge would grant her a new trial. Commuting dp - sure that would happen and we're all wasting our time in the "real world" with dp. The only benefit of her actually getting dp is if she got it, she'd be solitary, no media until she won one of those appeals and was commuted, she has 20-25 YEARS to accomplish that, plenty of time to attend the Death Row University and get her lawyer degree.

And that makes me think, if I was a juror hanging on dp, the reality is, she will never be executed, so I'd do dp based on that alone. Of course, the jurors won't know until they're done the shenanigans that she's pulled the full story and get the full brunt of her self proclaimed self entitlement. They don't know keeping her out of the media and in solitary is her worst punishment. I don't believe anywhere in the instructions are there "book deals", "manipulating the general population", "endless media interviews", "continuation for her longevity (she doesn't smoke and her family lives a long time) in Travis' family's face", "granting a #sociofeedingoffattention" "tweeting from the gp and continuing to feed that large psycho ego" that lwop would grant her and death row would deny her, especially considering she would never see the needle. They only thing the jurors have to go on what they've been told - PTSD, DV, Borderline PD, while we are privy to much more information and JoJo in our face every chance she gets, that has led us to "borderline??" yeah not so much, under-diagnosis and that solitary/no voice would be hell on earth and appropriate punishment. Knowing what WE know and the reality of an actual execution possibility, dp makes sense for lwop'ers.

If I ever sit on a dp jury, I will take all those real realities into consideration ;-)
I don't think m1 will be overturned that's not what I'm saying. I think DP could be commuted to life. And it's possible she could get another trial but I don't think it would do her much good.

As for why I think it's not fair... I don't think it's fair when witnesses get intmidated from testifying, or when the lynch mob is doing all the things they are doing. Now I don't know enough about the law to say that it's enough for reversible error I'm just saying that statistically she has a greater chance of never actually getting the needle.

Now I do think she is guilty of m1 so don't misunderstand that. I personally am just not a proponent of the death penalty.
I agree, AICY. Arias is her own worst enemy because of her continual lying and attention-grabbing tactics. And it was she who made this case so sensational with the allegations of sexual deviance, pedophilia, and DV. It was her idea to go the route she did with her defense. She sat in jail and thought and thought about where she could go to defend herself against this brutal murder and she made up these sordid, made-for-tv, exploitative details to get herself more attention. I'm sure she thought everyone was stupid enough to believe the DV angle and she would walk free to continue getting her way.

I cannot imagine what grounds there would be to grant her another trial on the murder charge.
I agree, AICY. Arias is her own worst enemy because of her continual lying and attention-grabbing tactics. And it was she who made this case so sensational with the allegations of sexual deviance, pedophilia, and DV. It was her idea to go the route she did with her defense. She sat in jail and thought and thought about where she could go to defend herself against this brutal murder and she made up these sordid, made-for-tv, exploitative details to get herself more attention. I'm sure she thought everyone was stupid enough to believe the DV angle and she would walk free to continue getting her way.

I cannot imagine what grounds there would be to grant her another trial on the murder charge.

I don't see where she'd be granted another trial either. Her attorneys throwing a hissy and asking to be removed because they can't control her isn't grounds for a new trial.

I said it before and I'll say it again, it isn't the needle that will actually 'kill' her, it's solitary confinement for 23 hours a day. The only audience she'll have is herself. She will THRIVE in general population if given anything other than the DP.
Oh...I get what you're saying Tink. I agree the DP will probably be abolished in the US before Arias' appeals were exhausted, should she be sentenced to DP. In which case her sentence would be commuted to LWOP. Agree.

As for witnesses being intimidated and such, that's what happens when the media latches onto a trial and runs with every aspect of it. So, unless televised trials are stopped, the players in the trial will be subject to criticism or praise, mild or harsh. Also, Arias is quite responsible for her witnesses to be harassed because she has continued to do TV interviews and tweet, basically taunting the public to take a side. She has had far too much to say at this stage of the judicial process, IMO. People may be less angry at those supporting her if she had just been a bit less arrogant and famewhorish.

Thanks for the kitties! At some point tomorrow during VERDICT WATCH! I'll post my black kitty and my ducks! How did I ever not have ducks before? When you hold them they wrap their neck around your neck and they're so soft.

Hold the duck a l'Orange jokes, please! They are "LAYING" ducks! You can't eat something you name or your kid may end up with BPD.

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